Attempting to Fulfill the Plan MNKh Edition

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Doing pretty well overall. Those steel mills are keeping us up with MFGP well. And I continue to be surprised we're meeting the consoom target.
Well, keep in mind last turn we were ahead of the moving target on Consumer goods, so we've got to keep the pressure up there.

Though I hope that a car plant completing this turn and hopefully another next turn, plus things like Luxury Goods and secondary Agri products will keep us going strong there.
China, what the heck r u starting a war. Though I guess there hasn't been a Korean war and Vietnam is united if under a western friendly government. How this rolls out IDK, it is possible for the Vietnamese to flip communist like OTL but idk enough about the current republic or situation to guess, but it will be bloody.

Give or take 3.2% annual direct heavy industrial growth, with other sectors growing a a good bit faster.
can a kind soul with more economic know how tell me if 3.2% annual growth for HI good or not? I know in general we are in a better place than OTL but 3.2 is kinda low (though I will say HI hasn't really been a big priority from what I've read.)
Looks very good actually! (though it erroneously lists 8 HI dice instead of 6). Gets more dice active than I thought possible.

I don't think the next stage of Stalingrad is critically urgent so I wouldn't stress about dropping something to do it this turn. Not doing de-leading is unfortunate, but I'm OK with delaying it a turn so that we can finish plastics and pesticides finally.

EDIT: Speaking of Stalingrad, I'm impressed our Aluminum import costs are so low despite our decent-sized deficit and "Very High Prices".

EDIT2: seriously how do you make a plan that good within 7 minutes of the post going up?
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My WIP plan:
[] Plan Trains and Transistors (Preliminary)
-[]1720/1730 Resources (10 Reserve), 35 Dice Rolled
Infrastructure (5/5 Dice, 330 R)
-[]Passenger Rail Network(Western SU), 2 Dice (150 R)
-[]Construction of the Paved Road Network(Stage 5), 1 Dice (60 R)
-[]Telecommunications Infrastructure(Stage 4), 2 Dice (120 R)
Heavy Industry (6/8 Dice, 440 R)
-[]Kolomna Locomotive Works Modernization, 2 Dice (120 R)
-[]Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Combine Expansion, 1 Dice (100 R)
-[]Development of the ZIL Automotive Plant, 1 Dice (80 R)
-[]Bus Plants(Riga), 2 Dice (140 R)
Rocketry (3/3 Dice, 200 R)
-[]Ballistic Capsule Program, 1 Dice
-[]Development of the Stalingrad Plant(Stage 3), 2 Dice (200 R)
Light and Chemical Industry (10/8 Dice, 505 R)
-[]Petrochemical Pipelines(Stage 4), 1 Dice (50 R)
-[]Volga-Ural Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 2), 2 Dice (60 R)
-[]Pre-Caspian Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 2), 1 Dice (30 R)
-[]Samara Refinery Complex(Stage 2), 1 Dice (40 R)
-[]Gasoline Standardization, 2 Dice (140 R)
-[]Plastic Production(Stage 4), 1 Dice (55 R)
-[]Pesticide Production Plants(Stage 4/5), 2 Dice (130 R)
Agriculture (4/5 Dice, 145 R)
-[]GOST Standardization, 2 Dice (40 R)
-[]Housing Expansions, 1 Dice (45 R)
-[]Development of Additional Fruits, 1 Dice (60 R)
Services (2/0 Dice, 100 R)
-[]Film Studio Formation (Stage 3), 1 Dice (60 R)
-[]Professional Service Development, 1 Dice (40 R)
Bureaucracy (5/5 Dice, 0 R)
-[] Decisively Strike at Wages, 1 Dice
-[]Advocate Cross CMEA Standardization, 1 Dice
-[]Weigh in on CMEA Trade Negotiations, 1 Dice
-[]Defend Space Prioritization, 1 Dice
-[]Uphold the Red Book, 1 Dice

It has a very strong push for the Stalingrad plant because the military cutbacks mean they're not doing much for Integrated Circuit production, so we need to pick up the slack if we don't want to fall behind. Right now, ICs are only useful for mass/volume constrained applications, which is primarily rocketry. Thus, pushing hard for that and for continued rollout of the phone lines.

I also push quite a bit for trains, particularly in modernizing the current locomotive factory so that it produces electric trains.

This plan only uses 4/5 free dice, and does not have the resources to use the last.
edit: Yeah, 2x rocket plant is too expensive. Here's a plan with only 1x, it's a lot more reasonable.

[] Plan Trains and Transistors
-[]1725/1730 Resources (5 Reserve), 37 Dice Rolled
Infrastructure (5/5 Dice, 330 R)
-[]Secondary City Metro Lines(Stage 5), 1 Dice (75 R)
-[]Passenger Rail Network(Western SU), 1 Dice (75 R)
-[]Construction of the Paved Road Network(Stage 5), 1 Dice (60 R)
-[]Telecommunications Infrastructure(Stage 4), 2 Dice (120 R)
Heavy Industry (6/8 Dice, 440 R)
-[]Kolomna Locomotive Works Modernization, 2 Dice (120 R)
-[]Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Combine Expansion, 1 Dice (100 R)
-[]Development of the ZIL Automotive Plant, 1 Dice (80 R)
-[]Bus Plants(Riga), 2 Dice (140 R)
Rocketry (3/3 Dice, 100 R)
-[]Communications Satellite Testing, 1 Dice
-[]Ballistic Capsule Program, 1 Dice
-[]Development of the Stalingrad Plant(Stage 3), 1 Dice (100 R)
Light and Chemical Industry (11/8 Dice, 570 R)
-[]Petrochemical Pipelines(Stage 4), 1 Dice (50 R)
-[]Volga-Ural Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 2), 2 Dice (60 R)
-[]Pre-Caspian Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 2), 1 Dice (30 R)
-[]Samara Refinery Complex(Stage 2), 1 Dice (40 R)
-[]Gasoline Standardization, 2 Dice (140 R)
-[]Plastic Production(Stage 4), 1 Dice (55 R)
-[]Pesticide Production Plants(Stage 4/5), 3 Dice (195 R)
Agriculture (5/5 Dice, 185 R)
-[]Peoples Dietary Initiatives, 1 Dice (40 R)
-[]GOST Standardization, 2 Dice (40 R)
-[]Housing Expansions, 1 Dice (45 R)
-[]Development of Additional Fruits, 1 Dice (60 R)
Services (2/0 Dice, 100 R)
-[]Film Studio Formation (Stage 3), 1 Dice (60 R)
-[]Professional Service Development, 1 Dice (40 R)
Bureaucracy (5/5 Dice, 0 R)
-[] Decisively Strike at Wages, 1 Dice
-[]Advocate Cross CMEA Standardization, 1 Dice
-[]Weigh in on CMEA Trade Negotiations, 1 Dice
-[]Defend Space Prioritization, 1 Dice
-[]Uphold the Red Book, 1 Dice

edit: 2 rail -> 1 rail 1 metro. Rail gets better with the train factories, so might as well do metros now.
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[ ] Plan The People March Ever Forward
Infrastructure, 5 Dice +1 Free
-[ ] Secondary City Metro Lines(Stage 5), 2 dice (150 Resources)
-[ ] Passenger Rail Network(Western SU), 1 die (75 Resources)
-[ ] Construction of the Paved Road Network(Stage 4), 1 die (60 Resources)
-[ ] Telecommunications Infrastructure(Stage 4), 2 dice (120 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 8 Dice
-[ ] Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Combine Expansion, 1 die (100 Resources)
-[ ] New Automotive Plants(Zaporozhye), 2 dice (150 Resources)
-[ ] Development of the ZIL Automotive Plant, 1 die (80 Resources)
-[ ] Bus Plant(Riga), 2 dice (140 Resources)
Rocketry, 3 Dice
-[ ] Ballistic Capsule Program, 1 die
-[ ] Luna Propulsive Landing, 1 die
-[ ] Communications Satellite Testing, 1 die
Light and Chemical Industry, 8 Dice +3 Free
-[ ] Volga-Ural Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 2), 2 dice (60 Resources)
-[ ] Pre-Caspian Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 2), 1 die (30 Resources)
-[ ] Samara Refinery Complex(Stage 2), 1 die (40 Resources)
-[ ] Plastic Production(Stage 4), 1 die (55 Resources)
-[ ] Pesticide Production Plants(Stage 4/5), 3 dice (195 Resources)
-[ ] Luxury Goods Initiatives(Stage 3), 1 die (40 Resources)
-[ ] Petrochemical Pipelines(Stage 4), 2 dice (100 Resources)
Agriculture, 5 Dice
-[ ] Secondary Agricultural Production, 2 dice (120 Resources)
-[ ] Housing Expansions, 1 die (45 Resources)
-[ ] GOST Standardization, 2 dice (40 Resources)
Services, 0 Dice + 1 Free
-[ ] Professional Service Development, 1 die (40 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 5 Dice
-[ ] Advocate Cross CMEA Standardization, 1 die
-[ ] Weigh in on CMEA Trade Negotiations, 1 die
-[ ] Uphold the Red Book, 1 die
-[ ] Assist Investigations, 1 die
-[ ] Determine Coalitional Alignments, 1 die
China, what the heck r u starting a war. Though I guess there hasn't been a Korean war and Vietnam is united if under a western friendly government. How this rolls out IDK, it is possible for the Vietnamese to flip communist like OTL but idk enough about the current republic or situation to guess, but it will be bloody.
Vietnam is communist - the CPV are in control as the legitimate government of the French Dominion of Vietnam. Vietnam just hates China enough to stick with the Western Imperialists.
Looks very good actually! (though it erroneously lists 8 HI dice instead of 6). Gets more dice active than I thought possible.
I prefer to list the max dice possible than the amount used since it helps me plan.
EDIT2: seriously how do you make a plan that good within 7 minutes of the post going up?
I don't. I basically start writing out Plan Drafts for next turn the moment we get the rolls for the previous one, then do a few quick edits when the actual turn comes around.
China, what the heck r u starting a war.
Taking lessons from Putin, if the Causus Beli is any indication.
Vietnam is communist - the CPV are in control as the legitimate government of the French Dominion of Vietnam. Vietnam just hates China enough to stick with the Western Imperialists.
More like the continuation of pre-Communist international domination policies under the new Party.
Can we do District Gas Heating Stage 2? It says we need another gas project but I think that's a holdover from last turn since Oil Cracking Plants gave us 1 gas project.
[] Plan Drill Baby Drill
-[]1705/1730 R (25 Reserve), 39 dice rolled
Infrastructure, 5 Dice (335 R)
-[]Secondary City Metro Lines(Stage 5), 1 Die (75 R)
-[]Construction of the Paved Road Network(Stage 5), 1 Die (60 R)
-[]Augmented Earthmoving, 1 Die (80R)
-[]Telecommunications Infrastructure(Stage 4), 2 Dice (120 R)
Heavy Industry, 8 Dice (590 R)
-[]Novocherkassk Locomotive Plant, 3 Dice (240R)
-[]Kolomna Locomotive Works Modernization, 2 Dice (120R)
-[]Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Combine Expansion, 1 Die (100R)
-[]Development of the ZIL Automotive Plant, 1 Die (80R)
-[]Bus Plants(Riga), 1 Die (70R)
Rocketry, 3+1 Dice (100 R)
-[]Luna Propulsive Landing, 1 Die
-[]Communications Satellite Testing, 1 Die
-[]Ballistic Capsule Program, 1 Die
-[]Development of the Stalingrad Plant(Stage 3), 1 Die (100R)
Light and Chemical Industry, 8+3 Dice (475 R)
-[]Petrochemical Pipelines(Stage 4), 3 Dice (150R)
-[]Volga-Ural Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 2), 2 Dice (60R)
-[]Pre-Caspian Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 2), 1 Die (30R)
-[]Samara Refinery Complex(Stage 2), 1 Die (40R)
-[]District Gas Heating(Stage 2 of 3), 1 Die (60R)
-[]Plastic Production(Stage 4), 1 Die (55R)
-[]Luxury Goods Initiatives(Stage 3), 2 Dice (80R)
Agriculture, 5 Dice (165 R)
-[]Peoples Dietary Initiatives, 2 Dice (80R)
-[]GOST Standardization, 2 Dice (40R)
-[]Housing Expansions, 1 Die (45R)
Services, 0+1 Dice (40 R)
-[]Professional Service Development, 1 Die (40R)
Bureaucracy, 5 Dice
-[]Advocate Cross CMEA Standardization
-[]Defend Space Prioritization
-[]Uphold the Red Book
-[]Assist Investigations
-[]Determine Coalitional Alignments

This plan focuses on a few main things. We finish up a lot of stuff that is only a die or two away from completion to increase resource income, we put in enough dice to have a good chance of finishing both locomotive factories (for cheaper rail projects in the future), we do a bunch of petrochemical stuff to increase trade incomes and let us finish Gas District Heating, and we do Augmented Earthmoving and put one die on Stalingrad Plant (Stage 3), as those should both save us a lot of money in the future, so we should start now. Starting those now is a good idea, both because it means we will get their benefits sooner and because, with our reserve running out this turn, we will probably not have enough money to use all of our dice in the future, so people may be hesitant to start those projects at the expense of cheaper ones.
I fear that the Chinese invasion of northern Vietnam will destroy the détente between the Western and Socialist powers, harm the image of Socialist bloc, and potentially escalate into a wider war. This was an unneeded escalation.
Can we do District Gas Heating Stage 2? It says we need another gas project but I think that's a holdover from last turn since Oil Cracking Plants gave us 1 gas project.
Oil Cracking Plants' gas project is covering for the Stage 1 District Gas Heating we already did. We need more gas projects for 2.

Which we'll get once the Stage 2 oil projects are done, then we can do the rest of gas heating.
Got an updated Plan Draft here.

[ ] Plan Death to Rolls Royce
Infrastructure, 5 Dice
-[ ] Secondary City Metro Lines(Stage 5), 1 die (75 Resources)
-[ ] Passenger Rail Network(Western SU), 1 die (75 Resources)
-[ ] Construction of the Paved Road Network(Stage 5), 1 die (60 Resources)
-[ ] Telecommunications Infrastructure(Stage 4), 2 dice (120 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 6/8 Dice
-[ ] Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Combine Expansion, 1 die (100 Resources)
-[ ] New Automotive Plants(Zaporozhye), 2 dice (150 Resources)
-[ ] Development of the ZIL Automotive Plant, 1 die (80 Resources)
-[ ] Bus Plant(Riga), 2 dice (140 Resources)
Rocketry, 3 Dice + 1 Free
-[ ] Luna Propulsive Landing, 1 die
-[ ] Communications Satellite Testing, 1 die
-[ ] Ballistic Capsule Program, 1 die
-[ ] Development of the Stalingrad Plant(Stage 3), 1 die (100 Resources)
Light and Chemical Industry, 8 Dice +3 Free
-[ ] Petrochemical Pipelines(Stage 4), 1 die (50 Resources)
-[ ] Volga-Ural Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 2), 2 dice (60 Resources)
-[ ] Pre-Caspian Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 2), 1 die (30 Resources)
-[ ] Samara Refinery Complex(Stage 2), 1 die (40 Resources)
-[ ] Gasoline Standardization, 2 dice (140 Resources)
-[ ] Plastic Production(Stage 4), 1 die (55 Resources)
-[ ] Pesticide Production Plants(Stage 4/5), 3 dice (195 Resources)
Agriculture, 5 Dice
-[ ] Peoples Dietary Initiatives, 1 die (40 Resources)
-[ ] GOST Standardization, 2 dice (40 Resources)
-[ ] Housing Expansions, 1 die (45 Resources)
-[ ] Development of Additional Fruits, 1 die (60 Resources)
Services, 0 Dice + 1 Free
-[ ] Professional Service Development, 1 die (40 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 5 Dice
-[ ] Decisively Strike at Wages, 1 die
-[ ] Weigh in on CMEA Trade Negotiations, 1 die
-[ ] Defend Space Prioritization, 1 die
-[ ] Determine Coalitional Alignments, 2 dice

Resources Available: 1730
Resources Used: 1695
Resources Remaining: 35

Realized that if I took a die off Metros in favor of steadily pushing it out over 2 turns instead of trying to finish it in 1, I can put both the die and the Resources on Stalingrad Rockets. Then I took a die from Pipes and a die from Luxury Goods to get De-Leading.

I'm still considering whether or not to go for a full press of 5 reforms, or if I should keep at least 1 die on Coalitional Alignments.

Oh yeah, and I picked a name for my Plan because the more we get the Soviet Car Plants up, the more our exports wreck the British domestic car industry.
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Another excellent post; the options are as interesting as the results, and there's lots of tasty things to pick here.

Petrochemical Pipelines
This is I think more interesting than it suggests. Yes it helps us get money, but oiling up China may massively boost their development... for better or for worse.

Defend Space Prioritization
If we don't take these two, why are we even playing?
It might be worth renovating Moscow for +1 Free dice in the long run. Maybe not now, but in the long run.

That was fast. Right. I want that Augmented Earthmoving.

And a new decade beckons. In 1950 we also had direct access to 25% GNP, that gave us a "base" resource of 1780. Now we've got a base of 2450. Little under a 40% increase. Not that huge growth I guess?
40% in ten years isn't that bad. Could be better but it's not bad.
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[] Decisively Strike at Wages: Wage structures have undergone more intensive scrutiny now that the currently high wages have led to steady and massive reductions in the pool of unemployed workers. As the demographics of the overall workforce have indicated concerning things, thanks to Bureau reports, the luminaries of the Supreme Soviet have advocated for a policy centered around a continued temporary fixation of the lowest wage brackets for the reserve to reduce systemic parasitism. This would effectively halve the wages for reservists not working, along with continuing the anti-inflationary freeze on the labor payments to reservists. As it has been judged in the ministry that it is far better to have more reservists than actual social parasites, such legislation needs to be rephrased and eliminated before too many bright ideas can spread. (1 Dice, Rolled) (Supreme Soviet Reform)
I personally think this is very important because like Voz points out i wouldn't trust the Supreme Soviet with any parts of the economy if i could they always manage to pick the worst options and never listen to all the people in the body that actually have economic educations telling them it is a terrible idea
I personally think this is very important because like Voz points out i wouldn't trust the Supreme Soviet with any parts of the economy if i could they always manage to pick the worst options and never listen to all the people in the body that actually have economic educations telling them it is a terrible idea
They must are die
Personally I want the Moscow renovation (and ideally the Leningrad renovation) started in the next turn or two so that we can be sure to have at least the most crucial parts done prior to the 50th Anniversary of the Revolution celebrations in 1967 and potentially the Summer Olympics in 1968. It would make a nice capstone to our progress, especially while there are still people left who can remember life under the Tsar. Might even be a project our film/TV studios would be pursuing in the lead-up, collecting the stories of Soviet citizens who lived through the past few decades of turmoil. Heck, we might even still be able to find a few people who remember the revolution of 1905 at this point, though not many who would have been old enough to understand what was going on around them.
Shout out to the investment fund for really coming through on aluminum. We probably don't need to build more aluminum mines directly to finish the rocket plant as the current facilities are expanding on their own to cover demand. Should probably build it so we can drive prices down enough for it to start to enter the private sector in greater amounts but for now relying on the investment fund means we only deal with that -20rpt for this turn
Shout out to the investment fund for really coming through on aluminum. We probably don't need to build more aluminum mines directly to finish the rocket plant as the current facilities are expanding on their own to cover demand. Should probably build it so we can drive prices down enough for it to start to enter the private sector in greater amounts but for now relying on the investment fund means we only deal with that -20rpt for this turn
Indeed, building up aluminum capacity is one department where the autonomous enterprises have been a HUGE boon! Perhaps not that huge since somehow the deficit is only costing us 20 resources despite the supposed massive cost so building new smelters is not an immediate priority. But we'll probably want to do it if we ever get slack in HI.

Personally I want the Moscow renovation (and ideally the Leningrad renovation) started in the next turn or two so that we can be sure to have at least the most crucial parts done prior to the 50th Anniversary of the Revolution celebrations in 1967 and potentially the Summer Olympics in 1968. It would make a nice capstone to our progress, especially while there are still people left who can remember life under the Tsar. Might even be a project our film/TV studios would be pursuing in the lead-up, collecting the stories of Soviet citizens who lived through the past few decades of turmoil. Heck, we might even still be able to find a few people who remember the revolution of 1905 at this point, though not many who would have been old enough to understand what was going on around them.
This is actually a hella good point. While the olympics might not be in the same cities as OTL, the 50th anniversary of the revolution sure is something we'd want to rennovate Moscow for. Won't look good if we're celebrating around the Tsar's old urban planning. Leningrad too, perhaps. It's around a 6-dice project so not too pricey. Leningrad 5. Even if we're tight this plan, knocking it out in the first few turns of next plan when we don't have housing eating up so many dice seems a good proposition!
Indeed, building up aluminum capacity is one department where the autonomous enterprises have been a HUGE boon! Perhaps not that huge since somehow the deficit is only costing us 20 resources despite the supposed massive cost so building new smelters is not an immediate priority. But we'll probably want to do it if we ever get slack in HI.

This is actually a hella good point. While the olympics might not be in the same cities as OTL, the 50th anniversary of the revolution sure is something we'd want to rennovate Moscow for. Won't look good if we're celebrating around the Tsar's old urban planning. Leningrad too, perhaps. It's around a 6-dice project so not too pricey. Leningrad 5. Even if we're tight this plan, knocking it out in the first few turns of next plan when we don't have housing eating up so many dice seems a good proposition!

The issue is that the renovations are going to be big projects, enough so that even if we fund them quickly they're still likely to take a good couple of years to actually finish. I vaguely recall "the end of this plan" being a good baseline for having the projects funded by if we want the construction itself to finish by 1967.
Non-Cannon Omake: Megamag and Mikonyan IV: The Changing of the Guard
On another note, @Blackstar have another omake. Yup, the wrooter is back!

TBH this one has troubled me for a while. First half went well but the second fought me tooth and nail. I'm not good with scenes that are supposed to be emotional. I'm not entirely happy with the finished product, wish I had given Malenkov more to say. But now that I've finally got a complete narrative I'm happy to finally declare it done.

Megamag and Mikonyan IV: The Changing of the Guard

Something was off, Magnitogorsk thought. The workers and railway men were nervous and muttered among each other with their head down. She didn't dare ask what about, Mikonyan had warned her what happened to those who asked too many questions under Stalin's reign. One thing she did ask about was why no order for steel production had come in this month. "Something's going on in the government. Moscow was in chaos when I was last there, maybe the MNKh was caught up in it.", a jumpy engineer had said.

That did explain things, but it was not reassuring to Magnitogorsk. Had Mikonyan got caught up in whatever was going on? That fox was strong and brave, but strength alone was no defense against the whimsies of the Bolshevik part. She tried to banish those worries by focusing on her work- with the reconstruction of Europe after its butchery at fascist hands continuing apace, the steel demand was pretty stable and a misplaced order was no excuse to slack. The climbs to the remaining ore deposits had grown long, and she busied herself focusing on the rocks and bushes.

Finally, one day a passenger train rolled into the freight depot, bearing the markings of the Union's highest offices. Mikonyan stepped out. His majestic fox-ears were straight as ever, but the uniform he wore seemed to have only grown in fanciness. A second man walked by Mikonyan's side, staring in awe at everything around including her. And as they approached, she realized it was that second man, not Mikonyan, who's uniform bore the emblem of the MNKh. Something major had shifted, indeed. But it could not be that Mikoyan had been driven out against his will, he held his head too high for that.

Holding back excitement she knelt down to meet the man who was practically her father, and his entourage. "Mikonyan! It's been a long time and there's been strange rumors going around. I am so glad you are OK! Umm, what's with the fancy clothes?"

The fox smiled. "The last months have been chaotic indeed. But I've weathered it, and even risen in station!" Mikonyan stopped, and put on a serious face. "Ah, but I am getting ahead of myself. Here's the really big news: Joseph Stalin is dead. A stroke got him two months ago."

"Well, I guess that's something for all of us to be happy about!" But before she could cheer, the full implications of the news hit Magnitogorsk and she froze. "He had so much power, and now he's gone. Who will be the general secretary now?" She gasped out.

"Him." The second man who now wore the MNKh uniform pointed a thumb at Mikonyan with a tired smirk.

Mikonyan's eye twitched, then he elaborated: "With Stalin dead there was inevitably going to be a power struggle. And I couldn't let some butchers with more party clout than sense ruin the union fighting over his place. So, I stepped up to the plate myself."

"Yes, you've done a good job of exploiting this crisis to gain power and change jobs. But I suppose I can't really complain about having someone much more level-headed than Stalin as the big boss." The second man said dryly.

"Hey, I've taken care of the MNKh for fifteen years. I know a thing or three about managing underlings." Mikonyan's smug smile faded as he turned to the man. "I hope for your sake you also know about it, since you wanted the ministry in exchange for backing me."

While Mikonyan crossed his arms, Magnitogorsk processed what he had just said. Her eyes widened. "Wait, so this guy is now in charge of the Soviet economy?" Her voice was slightly shaky.

"Ah right, about that." Mikonyan sighed. "Sorry you had to see that bickering. But yes, I had to leave that post for bolder pastures. Magnitogorsk, please meet Georgy Malenkov, the new head of the MNKh!" Magnitogorsk looked closely at the newcomer. His egglike head and his nervous attempt at a smile contrasted with the resolute seriousness her 'father' carried outside of their personal moments. At least he didn't look frightening. So why did Magnitogorsk feel worried? She muttered the name. Malenkov, Malenkov… Mikonyan had said it before, many years ago. Something about axes…

"You've heard something of me, I can tell. Well, I'll be square: Yes, I did do a lot of dirty work for Stalin." Magnitogorsk flinched and stared at the man. "But I tired of it. Being the hatchet man of a tyrant is very stressful work and I am very glad I finally have an excuse to take a different job." He seemed regretful, at least, even a little… relieved?

Mikonyan just rolled his eyes. "And once I'm done cleaning up the mess little Joe made of the government, it won't be possible for functionaries like you to casually sign people's death warrants even if you wanted it. Anyways," He walked closer to Magnitogorsk. "Please give Malenkov a chance. I know he's a stranger, but he is at least competent at organizing. He did manage to get an engineering degree, so for sure he knows his way around technical matters. And surprisingly, he does care about people's well-being a lot. Maybe a little too much. Point is, he's not dumb," Malenkov flinched at that. "And you can trust him to try treating you and the railroad workers well".

Behind him, the former hatchet man sighed and crossed his arms. "Well thank you for that endorsement, Anastas." Magnitogorsk found their banter slightly amusing, but that did not stop the tears welling in her eyes as she looked between the two.

"He… he looks OK I guess. B-but it's just that… You were always there for me when things were difficult. I can't imagine going years without you."

"It makes me sad too, Megamag. But please, try not to worry too much." A smile came over the fox's face again. "You faced hard challenges these past nine years and I am absolutely proud of how you have grown to face them. You can handle most work without me around, I know you can. And for the few things that are economic problems or just out of left field? Heh, well that's what Mal is for." He stepped back to elbow Malenkov, who blushed nervously. Magnitogorsk still sniffled, but a relieved smile began to form. He continued. "True, I won't be able to visit as part of work duties. But I'll still have some time off here and there. I will still visit you whenever I can, I promise! Until then, Malenkov will do his best, and you must continue to do yours. For the union, and for the freedom of all socialist people!"

"Thank you dad, thank you so much. For we serve the Soviet Union! Magnitogorsk pumped her fist, and while her voice still shook her enthusiasm was genuine.

"That's the spirit Megamag! Come on, let's have a hug!" Mikonyan spread his arms, and there was silence.

Malenkov looked up, then at the general secretary. "Umm, how do the logistics of that work exactly?" Everyone roared with laughter. Yes, Magnitogorsk thought, things would still turn out alright.

(A/N: I didn't have any japanifying beam'd version of Mal to work with, for want of an active imagination I just went with his real life physical build as jarring as that is next to foxy Mikoyan and little boy Stalin.)
I believe the Moratorium's over, so:

[X] Plan Death to Rolls Royce
Infrastructure, 5 Dice
-[X] Secondary City Metro Lines(Stage 5), 1 die (75 Resources)
-[X] Passenger Rail Network(Western SU), 1 die (75 Resources)
-[X] Construction of the Paved Road Network(Stage 5), 1 die (60 Resources)
-[X] Telecommunications Infrastructure(Stage 4), 2 dice (120 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 6/8 Dice
-[X] Novocherkassk Locomotive Plant, 1 die (80 Resources)
-[X] Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Combine Expansion, 1 die (100 Resources)
-[X] New Automotive Plants(Zaporozhye), 2 dice (150 Resources)
-[X] Development of the ZIL Automotive Plant, 1 die (80 Resources)
-[X] Bus Plant(Riga), 1 die (70 Resources)
Rocketry, 3 Dice + 1 Free
-[X] Luna Propulsive Landing, 1 die
-[X] Communications Satellite Testing, 1 die
-[X] Ballistic Capsule Program, 1 die
-[X] Development of the Stalingrad Plant(Stage 3), 1 die (100 Resources)
Light and Chemical Industry, 8 Dice +3 Free
-[X] Petrochemical Pipelines(Stage 4), 1 die (50 Resources)
-[X] Volga-Ural Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 2), 2 dice (60 Resources)
-[X] Pre-Caspian Petroleum Basin Exploitation(Stage 2), 1 die (30 Resources)
-[X] Samara Refinery Complex(Stage 2), 1 die (40 Resources)
-[X] Gasoline Standardization, 2 dice (140 Resources)
-[X] Plastic Production(Stage 4), 1 die (55 Resources)
-[X] Pesticide Production Plants(Stage 4/5), 3 dice (195 Resources)
Agriculture, 5 Dice
-[X] Peoples Dietary Initiatives, 1 die (40 Resources)
-[X] GOST Standardization, 2 dice (40 Resources)
-[X] Housing Expansions, 1 die (45 Resources)
-[X] Development of Additional Fruits, 1 die (60 Resources)
Services, 0 Dice + 1 Free
-[X] Professional Service Development, 1 die (40 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 5 Dice
-[X] Decisively Strike at Wages, 1 die
-[X] Weigh in on CMEA Trade Negotiations, 1 die
-[X] Defend Space Prioritization, 1 die
-[X] Uphold the Red Book, 1 die
-[X] Determine Coalitional Alignments, 1 die

Resources Available: 1730
Resources Used: 1705
Resources Remaining: 25

Dice Rolled: 37

Keeping 2 dice on Coalitional Alignments since the SupSov just had a big shakeup. I could see going down to 1 die though if one of the additional Reforms is Must Do This Turn time-sensitive.
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