[X]Focus on the Party: The youth's education in the immortal sciences is the nation's highest priority. (No change)
[X]Construction Labor: Through the use of already existing infrastructure, a considerable amount of construction can be done more quickly and cheaply with a labor pool that no longer needs to be recruited from villages. Such a labor pool can also be useful for massive projects to be accomplished and would preserve non-criminal personnel for less risky labor. (30 Resources per turn, Additional Infrastructure dice, Manpower Shortage Reduced)
Construction labor will alleviate the manpower shortage and give us more Infra dice? That's worth way more than an additional +30, and beyond that it's probably slightly more moral than throwing them into the underground meatgrinder for a bit more cash.
Also, it would allow us to create
sharashkas for imprisoned engineers optimised for productivity.
(Can we declare nuclear physics a pseudoscience, arrest all the nuclear physicists, and use them to build The Bomb ahead of shedule? Along with RBMK reactors?)
You know what? I think the suboptimal gameplay effects of Focus on Education are intentional, it's not supposed to be politically expedient or useful to semi-secularize the Pioneers it's supposed to be a moral choice. Are you willing to go against the Party to make a better future for the Union's youth even decades after you're dust, or will you bow to the office politics of the moment?
On another hand, shifting focus to education is bad because:
a) Sergo is more vulnerable next turn when Stalin calls him up to ask why there's no steel.
b) It would force those seeking better education to be indoctrinated with whatever soviet propagandists want.
If Komsomol stays a purely ideological institution, it would have less reach than Komsomol that provides education alongside indoctrination (And would be more liable to be dissolved should it be decided to be unnecessary).
Not to mention battles for budget between Komsomol and actual schools...