[X]Plan Slow Your Roll, Koba 2.0
[X] Plan Disregard Kulaks, Acquire Labour
Free dice to allocate: 4 Dice.
Infrastructure 4 Dice
[]Buildup of Rail Stock(Coal): There is currently a considerable lack of proper rail rolling stock in the Union, with the current models of trains being mostly insufficient. However, an option that is not considered is the simple licensing of a western designed train. Obtaining a simple boiler system would provide a considerable capacity upgrade to current designs and be produced in local plants. Despite the German knowledge obtained, their steam designs are not exceptional, with the scientists still preferring imported Americian designs. (10 Resources per dice (0/200))
-3 Infrastructure Dice (30 Resources)
[]Buildup of the Riverine Fleet: With the new locks on the Dneiper river, it is time to build up a fleet of transport barges to allow bulk resources to flow more quickly through the union. The buildup of barges on all of the rivers in the Union would take a considerable amount of pressure off of the rail network, allowing it to be adequate for a bit longer. These barges and harbor systems would not be the fanciest but would provide a considerable capability improvement. (10 Resources per dice (80/120))
-1 Infrastructure Dice (10 Resources)
Heavy Industry 5 Dice
[]Locomotive Plants: A series of moderately sized locomotive plants is needed to construct additional rail stock and engine maintenance throughout the Union. These would allow for far more significant railway expansion and updates, with the possibility of using licensed Western models to bootstrap a considerable amount of progress on the domestic locomotive design. These plants could be committed to either steam or diesel trains, but the near-unanimous scientific opinion is that coal will do until a rework of the railway system is needed. (10 Resources per dice (77/100))
-1 Heavy Industry Dice (10 Resources)
[]Stalingrad Tractor Plant: There is a considerable need for a new tractor model along with a greater amount of tractor production for the union, with the current models performing poorly. This, however, does not have to mean importing the tractors wholesale. Through the multitude of German acquisitions, a considerable amount of improvements can be made on current tractor models. Instead, the up to date tractors can be copied over and implemented for Soviet uses. (20 Resources per dice (0/150))
-3 Heavy Industry Dice (60 Resources)
[]Khazak Phosphate Mine Expansion: These larger fertilizer prospects are critical for improving the Union's agricultural state and would save a considerable amount of resources on importing foreign fertilizer. Domestic production would ensure a steady supply of fertilizers to the farmers, allowing for far increased yields. However, there will need to be an education campaign to train the farmers on how exactly to farm with new tools. (10 Resources per dice (179/200))
-1 Heavy Industry Dice (10 Resources)
[]Magnitogorsk Planned City(Stage 1): A literal mountain of iron has been found in the Ural Mountains, and it would be the greatest shame if we failed to exploit it properly. This site will form the backbone of the Union's steel industry, and if the dreams of the planners are fulfilled, it will become the largest steel production plant in the world. The current priority is constructing the steel mill complexes and the housing associated with them to allow for optimal steel production. The first step of building the complex will be creating the underlying mining and logistical infrastructure and accommodation for the work teams. This should allow a massive complex to grow far more efficiently with fewer problems, but it is a far less glamorous first step. (20 Resources per dice (0/150))
-2 Free Dice (40 Resources)
Light and Chemical Industry 5 Dice
[]Baku Oil Extraction(Stage 2): The expansion of the oil fields will continue to be done with the production from Uralmash, guaranteeing a reliable internal baseline for equipment. With the pumping of a greater amount of oil, yet larger systems of refineries can be supplied. These new derricks will start to properly utilize the field and produce sufficient oil for steady-state utilization if cut off from exports. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (27/200))
-1 Light and Chemical Industry Dice (10 Resources)
[]Canning Plants: The construction of multiple new canning plants would allow the Union to preserve a far more significant portion of its food for the low cost of some steel. While these would not be glamorous or a massive industrial effort, they would improve military rations and ensure that every citizen can get a simple can of vegetables. Most would be constructed near farms and increase exported material value due to canned goods' preservation and perceived value. These canning plants will also allow a considerable improvement in food logistics, as they will enable the bulk shipments of quality food to remote regions. (10 Resources per dice (0/150))
-3 Light and Chemical Industry Dice (30 Resources)
[]Book Printing Plants: While the production of books is generally a matter of minutia, the current lack of cheap printed works has a considerable impact on education. The output of a few standardized mass printing plants will allow a far more significant amount of educational and recreational literature to be made for the workers, ensuring that they remain happy and well-read. (10 Resources per dice (0/40))
-1 Light and Chemical Industry Dice (10 Resources)
Agriculture 4 Dice
[]Education for the Farmers(Political): The lack of proper class knowledge and class consciousness of the peasant farmers has created large rifts in society and has created incorrect and misapplied political theory issues. Through large education programs to teach the peasants the proper way to think, class consciousness can be encouraged, allowing more of them to be enabled to become workers without the expensive task of educating them. While this would not be useful for yields, keeping the peasants informed of their tasks' importance would at least improve their morale. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/100))
-2 Agriculture Dice (10 Resources)
[]Enforced Breakup of large farms(Dekulakization): The peasants have for too long had too much power in regions creating a considerable number of problems. These, however, can be easily solved with the new breakup of farms into new sets of smaller landowners on single large lots. As long as communal equipment can be issued out, there will be no shortage of qualified farmers to replace the old guard. This will cost some additional labor, but the stability of the peasant class must be secured. With mechanization, these farms can be further consolidated to save manpower with new recently assigned peasants being given large tracts of land for improved production. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/50))
-2 Agriculture Dice (10 Resources)
Services 4 Dice
[]Creation of the State Hospital System(Stage 1): A new system of state hospitals and clinics will allow the Union to reach new goals in population growth and healthcare rapidly. These systems will be built in cities first but will ensure a consistent population growth through improvements in medicine. This initiative will help considerably in the containment of disease. Also, these will manage to reduce workplace lethality through prompt access to medical care marginally. (10 Resources per dice (43/100))
-1 Services Dice (10 Resources)
[]Expansion of Pioneer Programs: The party's youth sections are in great need of expansion to ensure that a steady stream of new students can join them. The number of new young party members can be greatly improved through the expansion in schools and facilities, giving them later experience for later life. These programs will also educate them on the finer points of sports and encourage them to pursue careers in the sciences to ensure a steady stream of new leaders. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/100))
-2 Services Dice (10 Resources)
[]Start Glorification of Overachieving Workers: Through a heavy focus on the workers that exceed their targets and their use as propaganda icons, production and morale of other workers should be improved. Through the glorification of these workers and the use of awards for labor, overall productivity should be steadily increased as this information disseminates. This movement should also focus on ramping up productivity across multiple enterprises to ensure that the plan's targets can more easily be met. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/50))
-1 Services Dice (5 Resources)
Bureaucracy 2 Dice
[]Additional State Funding: The plan needs an additional influx of cash to accomplish the initial objectives before the yet greater industry can be constructed. To achieve such gains in resources, it may be wise to dip into the state reserve of currency to ensure that a steady stream of new assets can flow into the Union and ensure that development can occur. Such action would be a risky option as the loss of these reserves can cause significant currency fluctuations, but it would be challenging to accelerate the plan considerably without them. (DC 50, immediate 200 Resources)
-2 Bureaucracy Dice
[]Integrate the ULAG under NKPS: Rather then the alternative utilization of massive quantities of labor under the system set up by the OGPU, it would be far more preferable to utilize the system for the fulfillment of the plan. By assigning a considerable amount of labor under the NKPS construction organization, they can be most optimally organized to ensure construction and productivity improvements. (-20 Party Support if completed, DC 40, Additional Resources per turn depending on Imprisoned Population, Options to manage Imprisoned Population)
-2 Free Dice
Total cost: 255 Resources