Can we agree, we lock four infra dice on roads? And we hold it there until it's painful and some other situation gets absolutely desperate?
No more talk of dams or sewers or water or heating. There's always some critical thing that isn't roads that we just need to do and the end result is we can't commit to roads. No more pet projects.
No more distractions. No more half-measures.
What I'd like to do going into the Eleventh Five Year Plan is a two-step plan:
1) Minimize our autodice expenditure on things that aren't roads (we'd be fortunate to get road autodice options). Last Plan we got a big autodice Housing option, several interlocking 1-2 autodie rail options, and dam autodice. I think we need to cut the rail options on grounds of "fuckit, good enough," keep the housing autodice to a low level but still ticking away, and stop building dams on the grounds that we've already built just about every viable dam close to where people live and are now basically proposing to build aluminum smelters in outer Siberia just because that's the only place left to put dams and we have no other way to use the power those dams would hypothetically generate if we built them. We've got just about every dam the OTL USSR ever built and then some, and we
don't have every road the OTL USSR ever built, so it's time to switch gears.
2) With autodice minimized, we should have plenty of Infrastructure dice.
Then we can afford to trickle dice into one or two side projects a turn, while still spending a great flow of dice (4, 5, 6, 7, I don't know exactly) on roads every turn.
I think that by following this two-step plan we are more likely to actually get more done on the roads. The key here is to minimize autodice expenditure on anything that isn't a road.
Yes it means we'll have to spend more Chemical/Heavy Industry dice on power plants,
yes that may come at a cost in terms of steel prices or lots of other things. But that's what we have to do.