[X]Advocate for Accepting the Terms
It is a shame that there was a skirmish, a bigger one that it is because one of our ships panicked and started it instead of the French. But this also means that France is going to focus on Algeria even more now, meaning that it will become even easier for the rest of colonial empire to break free with the attention elsewhere.
Also, France knows we can defeat their Navy and can no longer have their Hawks dismiss it any more. Meaning they get taken out of power with less Hawkish leaders (unlikely) or they commit even more resources into the military slowing their growth even more. I am sure France will mobolize since it seems we are which would slow them even more. The US gets a big boost for helping de-escalate, our Hawks get a slap in the face that going in with big guns and itchy fingers do in fact piss off the very scared and militaristic nuclear power and have to deal with the fact the world nearly ended.
All in all, as long we don't blow the conference then this whole thing, while not good (almost ended the world, RIP Algeria, etc.) is not too bad either. Well, as long as there isn't another major crisis in the next few years atleast.