He's younger than Klim as others have noticed so he should lack some older prejudices. But Klim strikes me as STEMlord-esque, he'd much rather sit down with likeminded engineers to discuss infrastructure and other 'hard' science than spend time on wishy-washy things like social justice. Klimenko will fix his worst excesses, but I expect that we won't get options for progressive social reform outside of Numbers Go Up aims unless there's external pressure.
Vote Called since am getting to writing the politics bit:
[X]Plan Out With Gold, in With the €
-[X]Keep to Romanov's Line
-[X]Updates to Wage Policy
-[X]Accelerate Euro Adoption
-[X]Increase IP Acquisitions
-[X]Support Him
Rolls for Algeria Inbound since I couldn't do them anywhere else
So Algeria is a bit of a shitshow with both sides commiting fun gamer things. Nice, the war is going exactly the way our forpol wants. Good to see that CMEA is doing well, too.
What is the issue with current Partmaximum anyway? I understand it sets limits on what wages party members can have to no higher than a skilled technical expert, but what about it prevents the wages of said technical experts from being high in the first place? I hope this wage reform did not accidentally uncap maximum wages.
What is the issue with current Partmaximum anyway? I understand it sets limits on what wages party members can have to no higher than a skilled technical expert, but what about it prevents the wages of said technical experts from being high in the first place? I hope this wage reform did not accidentally uncap maximum wages.
Administrative personnel wages could range into 10x that of "unskilled" employees while technical personnel only 3 times. This effectively changes it so that technical personnel can also be paid up to ten times the wage of "unskilled" employees.
Turn 81 (January 1st, 1970 - January 1st, 1971): A Spark of the Third Industrial Revolution
Resources per Turn(RpY): Base 10000 -95 Rocketry -3920 Plan Commitments +160 Commitments Discount = 6145 with 0 in storage
Algerian War:
The Algerian war has gone dirty in rapid order as massacres by French forces have continued on their march deeper and deeper into the country. Executions of prisoners of war and a policy of deliberate starvation for regions that have been marched through is endemic for the conflict with strong food aid provided to the areas still undergoing fighting. Some Algerian units have resorted to strikes against occupation targets but those have been comparatively mild with the destruction of two airliners using portable AA leading to some diplomatic condemnations of the Algerian forces coming from the West. From the condemnation, the Americans have already opened their stockpiles for French purchase with several pieces of equipment likely to reach the front over the current year.
Equipment import routes have been rapidly organized and funded with railway construction increasing in scale and sophistication with tacit Libyan support. Arms have effectively been landing at large scale with the transfer of heavy equipment secondary to the needs of the rapidly growing Algerian army. Practically the entire stock of the RPG-18 along with production batches have been shipped off to the front line as the sheer density of French armor is excessive for the forces committed. By the end of the year, there will be a sufficient number of systems to ensure that every infantryman can be issued two but that will take time. Heavy equipment has also been transported along with arms and food to continue large-scale resistance with humanitarian aid sequestered from military supplies to improve penetration.
Any hopes of holding the front line at the Biskra depression have proved nonviable as Algerian forces have faltered from the sheer weight of French armor and advancements. Any defensive position has practically been overrun with an endless tide of conscripts and sufficient equipment. French reconnaissance patrols have been willing to continue advance movements despite light minefields and have relentlessly pushed to contact. Local ATGM's have managed to savage time and time again but there is a lack of ordinance and a severe lack of trained personnel to operate it. Algerian armored forces have been able to blunt attacks where present with the effective subdivision of platoons but that has still been insufficient at a front-line scale. Behind the main line of resistance, attacks have continued with organized commands made for the placement of anti-tank systems behind every ridge to minimize French freedom to move.
In a show of socialist brotherhood and the real possibility that Algeria is likely to lose the second war entirely a program of training new personnel has been initiated in Germany with socialist volunteers sent to resist colonialism. These volunteers have primarily come in the form of airmen but several tank crews have been sent wholesale with more modernized T52s to stiffen the line and prevent a further collapse of resistance and the breakout of French forces to Adrar. Attrition inflicted on French units has been sufficient to make commanders more cautious of offensives already as their armor is far more limited and qualitatively significantly worse with far less accurate anti-tank fires. Engaging at range has provided innumerable advantages as French armor lacks proper offensive tools, stabilization, and uses outdated ammunition-sighting concepts that more than double ranging time at any reasonable range.
The largest shortages have come up in fires as French aerial dominance outside of protected zones has led to the consistent loss of artillery pieces. The import of further heavy caliber guns and a massive number of 122mm howitzers has started to reduce the difference but more effective shells are needed. Cluster shells for either gun are still in development but significant additions of strike power have been delivered through modifying Mig-21s to carry four two hundred and fifty-kilogram containers for strike missions. Accuracy is poor with few results but the ability to significantly interdict supplies and induce casualties has proven invaluable. The air war itself is likely to be lost as the number of air-frames available or reasonably operated is insufficient to properly contest French strikes for anything but close in defensive purposes.
Free dice to allocate 4 Dice.
Infrastructure: (10) 3 Dice
[]Integration of Commuter Rail: The old program to revamp and unify commuter rail with subways is still viable despite massive changes in the ministry. Disruption from the sacking of the corrupt imbecile has been fairly mild. The program has effectively been modified to include Kiev, Minsk, Tashkent, and Kharkov ensuring a more even development spread. Further work will inherently center on ensuring that above-ground use in the high-speed rail zone is directly utilized by local transit grids, bringing stations together and forming large linkage lines to allow for traveling passengers to reach the most significant urban areas quickly and cheaply (140 Resources per dice 0/150)
[]Western Passenger Rail Expansion: Proposals for improving passenger rail access towards Sevastopol and several Northern cities were made in the original project, but were later dismissed. This program would be split into the construction of a loop originating from Leningrad and going to Moscow through a Volkhov-Cherpovets-Volgoda direction with a small diversion to Gorky. In the South, a route from Dneiprovetsk to Sevastopol can be made with the line itself continuing to Krasnodar to provide further interlinks. Both projects are far smaller-scale constructions than the system as is but will expand services and ensure that experience in the construction of new rail is maintained. (160 Resources per dice 0/150)
[]Central Asian High Capacity Roads: Outside of the Western republics and inhabited belt, roads have historically been entirely ignored by every administration. Instead of the expected lack of economic activity and lack of development though, through socialist ingenuity, the Central Asian workers have achieved significant economic gains. Building up a long-distance transportation network from effectively nothing will take a massive investment in funds and personnel, but few things can generate a greater return either politically or economically than moving people used to dirt roads to large paved ones. Continued development funding will still be necessary, but even finalizing arterial routes will significantly improve standards and low-level commerce. (120 Resources per Dice 205/450)
[]Far Eastern High Capacity Corridor: Extending the construction of a high-capacity road corridor out to the Far East has been proposed and now can finally come into being. As the population in the region is primarily located along a single corridor work can be done for effective regional interlinks in a single project. The road itself will be an expansion on past programs with a standard two lines on each side extended to Vladivostok. A diversion towards Komsomolsk will of course be constructed to ensure that this project represents the logical conclusion to the initial road program. (120 Resources per Dice 0/175)
[]Water Distribution Systems(Stage 7/10): Calls for bringing universal pressurized water to every significant concentration of the population have been delayed for much of a decade but they can finally be entirely developed. Work on the construction of enlarged distribution infrastructure along with small integrated water towers will form much of the supply system, with much of the funding going towards the laying of new pipes before significant road renovations. New materials are available for modern plumbing, bringing the areas into the 20th century and ensuring that backwardness can be stamped out on the infrastructural end. (150 Resources per Dice 31/300) (-21 CI1 Electricity)
[]Civilian Airports(Stage 3/5): Work on an enlarged system of airports has proven to be problematic as the immense promises of the HSR system have only applied West of the Urals. Building up more airports for remote destinations and areas outside the grid is immensely necessary to ensure the regularity of passenger flights and continue the general development of the Union. Many are willing to take the slow line across the entire nation to travel, but vacation days are limited. Business integration severely benefits from a developed air-transportation system allowing for faster meetings and significant improvements in organization. Mail delivery can also be sped up considerably as the air service is expanded, bringing far faster delivery times to every corner of the Union. (110 Resources per Dice 30/125)
[]Development of the Volga: As a first stage of improving the water levels of the Volga and stabilizing the depletion of the Caspian a new canal system linking the basin of the Kama to the Perchora can be undertaken. Pioneering work on nuclear charges is expected to be utilized for the clearing of select hard-points of terrain but much of the work is going to be conventional despite the climate. Improving water transfer will allow for the direct control of the water level of the Volga, helping to eliminate a significant scope of seasonal variation in the levels of the Volga. The canal may also help the development of the north, as a further accessible route towards the Arctic will be available for navigation. (120 Resources per Dice 0/75)
[]ESA: Improving ministry capacity has always been politically challenging, but with the incorporation of several of the latest machines a narrowing of personnel is possible. The full digitization of records remains impossible but several aspects can be improved. Calculating power will be made universally available through the procurement of a massive number of desktop units, automating significant amounts of labor. Further work towards improving the ministry will involve the purchase of almost ten thousand facsimile machines. These will primarily take over from the old system of sending letters, enabling every branch of the ministry to work more efficiently. (200 Resources per Dice 0/250) (Gain of Dice)
Heavy Industry (16) 10 Dice
[]Kursk Steel Mills(Stage 1/2): The massive magnetic anomaly under Kursk represents the prime center of Soviet steel production with massive reserves of ore and a location favorable to development both due to educated labor and due to a proximal source of high-quality coals. Work on the development of an even larger steel complex around the KMA will take funding and time, but it can be done. Several massive steel mills can be built in the area to start the decisive move towards increasing production and continuing the drive to triple-lap American steel production. The construction industry is not slowing nor are export industries and every ton of steel made is a ton that can contribute to Soviet infrastructure. (200 Resources per Dice 0/175) (-36 CI6 Electricity -10 Steel +3 Coal +2 General Labor +1 Educated Labor)
[]Mangyshlak Arc-Mills: Utilizing lower-grade quartzite deposits that are prevalent in the region along with an arc furnace final conversion of pig iron promises to ensure a stable supply of metal for the prolonged future. The deposits of what was previously considered secondary ore are massive and well beyond the scope of conventional ore. Further, to adequately utilize the massive development of local hydroelectric potential, the power must be directed toward economic uses. By centralizing the processing of low-grade ore the region can start a new mining revolution. Further, increasing quantities of scrap steel can be repurposed economically, bringing overall prices down. Utilization of local coals is further expected to make the price impact negligible, improving yields. (220 Resources per Dice 0/175) (-10 Steel +1 General Labor +2 Educated Labor) (High Profitability)
[]Donets Coal Basin Mechanization: Planned developments of the Donets basin have been modernized and rationalized to enable a massive increase in coal yields through the incorporation of specialized machinery. More trained personnel can be moved into the industry allowing for a general increase in development and allowing for the far more optimal exploitation of narrow deep seams. There isn't much more potential the basin itself can yield, but it can be made to serve to at least carry the Union over for a few years until cheaper coal is available. (175 Resources per Dice 0/125) (-17 CI2 Electricity -8 Coal -1 General Labor +1 Educated Labor)
[]Kuzbas Deposit Exploitation(Stage 4/5): The challenges of mining coal in narrower seams and at greater depths are ones that many of the personnel working on the current projects are familiar with. Previous experiences in the Donbas mines have gone both deeper and for narrower seams and current operations are considerably easier. The limitations of underground coal extraction are still significant as the labor demand is far higher than other methods. Production can still be significantly expanded with a healthy reserve but limits of economic extraction are still approaching. (120 Resources per Dice 8/200) (-48 CI6 Electricity -12 Coal +2 General Labor +1 Educated Labor)
[]Kansk-Achinsk Basin Exploitation(Stage 1/5): The solution to the Union's coal and energy issues is not some technical miracle or novel development. With any limitation in transportation, defeated coal production can be shifted towards deposits of easy surface utilization. The massive surface fields of lower-grade coals offer an almost order of magnitude improvement in labor efficiency for production. Haulage costs are expected to increase final prices by half of the value of coal despite the improvements, but technical efforts towards the dehydration and semi-coking of coal can be undertaken on-site using new techniques and local hydroelectric energy. (150 Resources per Dice 0/125) (-56 CI3 Electricity -12 Coal +2 General Labor +1 Educated Labor)
[]Atomash(Stage 1/3): The development of a dedicated center of reactor manufacturing has been theorized through much of the past plan with little concrete work done on development. Now that the nation has mobilized massive industrial and technical resources the project itself can be made into a reality. The plant itself is meant for the series assembly line production of VVER-1000 cores along with several facilities for the production of associated turbines and machinery. The project represents one of the largest economic investments and is going to be definitive for the economy of Rostov. Initial production lots will take at least two years to improve production to scale from completion with current plans calling for the capacity to produce four nuclear cores per year. (280 Resources per Dice 0/350) (-109 CI10 Electricity +2 Steel +1 Non-Ferrous +1 General Labor +2 Educated Labor)
[]Modernization of Tooling: The development of the Erbrus-M system has been prevalent for most new-generation machinery. The new Erbrus-1M unit is effectively a microcomputer derived from a single tray of an Erbrus-1 that was upgraded with integrated circuit cards. The system has proven itself adequate for military applications of high precision manufacturing but production must be rapidly increased to keep pace with the demand for tooling and modernization. Accompanying tooling systems are also set to be produced at scale providing a rapid improvement in capacity and increasing the depth of automation and precision for machining labor. (275 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-45 CI6 Electricity +1 Steel +1 Educated Labor) (Reduces Costs)
[]Semiconductor Fabrication: Improvements that have been made for larger-scale computing on the Erbrus-M units have greatly extended computing power with integrated circuits but efficient microcomputers remain in massive demand. There is a massive demand for smaller and more electrically efficient systems especially for calculator applications. A decisive move towards CMOS architecture over older style devices is going to be necessary with a plan calling for the construction of four dedicated facilities for production. The technical aspects of the program are primarily complete with fabrication expected to start by 1973 assuming consistent funding on a 75mm wafer and a previously unheard-of transistor density. (250 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-39 CI10 Electricity +2 Educated Labor) (Reduces Costs)
[]Volga Automotive Plant Modernization: New technologies promise to utterly revolutionize car manufacturing to a never-before-seen scale. A unified moving line with the semi-autonomous addition of components alone promises to greatly improve throughput with tooling continuously improved to keep costs as low as possible. Local labor is now sufficiently experienced for massive expansions allowing skilled workers to take the lead on new developments. Large-scale industrial robotics has already been pioneered in the West making current programs essential to close the gap. (240 Resources per Dice 0/200) (-74 CI3 Electricity +5 Steel +2 Educated Labor) (Very High Profitability)
[]Gorky Automotive Plant Modernization: With a specialization in the production of different models of cars and providing direct competition to VAZ, the modernization of the Gorky plant is also essential. Industrial automation is expected to significantly improve production with a new generation of cars already developed incorporating several major improvements. A strong increase in automotive manufacturing in Gorky is expected to help local employment, providing tens of thousands of high-paying jobs with new automated lines. (240 Resources per Dice 0/200) (-79 CI5 Electricity +5 Steel +2 Educated Labor) (Very High Profitability)
[]ZIL Automotive Plant Modernization: The luxury car mix of the Union has always been more of a light sports car than a true luxury car, but neither production nor demand has slackened. Massively expanding the factories around Moscow and introducing new industrial automation promises to greatly increase throughput and allow the adoption of new advanced construction techniques. The plant itself is technically smaller than either of the two major plants but the vehicles produced are expected to have far greater returns. (240 Resources per Dice 0/175) (-68 CI5 Electricity +3 Steel +2 Non-Ferrous +2 Educated Labor) (Very High Profitability)
Rocketry (3) 2 Dice
[]Cancel Project (5<Projects<10, -1 Dice) (95/115R/y Funding Cap)
-Light Launcher Program (-5 RpY)
-Mars Program (-10 RpY)
-Communication Satellites (-10 RpY)
-Atmospheric Data Satellite Program (-10 RpY)
-FGB-VA Crewed Exploration (-10 RpY)
-EVA Suit Programs (-10 RpY)
-2nd Gen Luna Program (-20 RpY)
-Outer Planets Program (-15 RpY)
-Galileo Program (-5 RpY)
[]Consolidate the Program: Getting rid of Glushko has failed to so far centralize the program in any real sense with Rodionov struggling to get the massive set of industries under control. Creating a formal bureaucratic-administrative structure for easy operation will be necessary to bring in the next decade of craft with future developments dependant on properly allocating limited funding. Pushing around the OKBs is going to be a mess, but the sooner it is done the sooner the problem can be resolved favorably. (1 Dice)
[]Nuclear Drives: The promise of a viable high-thrust nuclear drive for the launch of a payload into the outer system is practically astronomical. A two-stage moon mission in the American scheme could be conducted with our current rockets assuming a hydrogen stage, additionally, the massive requirements for velocity for exploring the outer system can neatly be solved. Some in the ministry caution against the usage of significant quantities of nuclear material for effectively disposable engines, but given the cost of all of the other hardware the actual fissiles are expected to be relatively cheap. Work will focus on the construction of a low-thrust rocket for a theoretical RLA-3 nuclear stage as a unified bus for the transit of satellites to the outer planets and mercury. (-10 RpY Expected) (1 Dice)
[]Inflatable Section Experiments: Launching an FGB-VA with the VA vehicle carrying an inflatable habitable section on its adaptor can prove the concept for future orbital work. The effective section itself will be a ballon designed to provide expansive living space for a theoretical crew with the conditions inside measured and monitored. If the test system works it can form a basis for the development of more advanced habitats, saving launch weight for a station program and enabling the construction of far larger experimental setups. Further, if the concept proves viable larger structures along the lines of centrifuges can be built to allow for more permanent orbital habitation in a decade. (-5 RpY Expected) (1 Dice)
[]Mars Sample Return: The Mars program has demonstrated that a lander can be launched and landed on the surface but further steps are needed to develop the techniques necessary for landing a larger craft. The RLA-3 has the throw weight necessary for providing a heavy enough lander and the capacity for a sample return but the technologies involved are still purely theoretical. A series of heavier landers with accompanying rovers can be developed to test landing systems. Assuming an ideal timeframe would allow a sample return before the end of the decade along with the development of hardware capable of a partially propulsive landing. (-10 RpY Expected) (1 Dice)
[]Revise the Outer Planets Program: Glushko was thinking of something for both the Galileo and Outer Planets Programs but it is indeterminate what it was or how to accomplish it. The stability of the universal payload bus has been demonstrated several times but there is a significant difference between a two-year flight and a ten-year one. New dedicated electronics with more advanced technologies and lower thermal requirements are going to be needed along with a far greater number of technologies. Moving the program to a new configuration with a new probe system may delay the first launches of Galileo but it will significantly improve the reliability of the more limited outer planets transfers. (? RpY Expected) (1 Dice)
[]Station Program: With the availability of the RLA-3 for the launch of very heavy payloads, nothing prevents the development and launch of a forty-ton habitable module to orbit. The module will then be crewed through a conventional launch of the FGB-VA bus along with the transfer of experiments and technologies aboard. The development of a whole new spacecraft will take some time, but starting work towards the sustained habitation of space can enable further projects in low earth orbit and truly long-duration experiments. Current limitations in electrical and thermal systems will be the major limit on the duration of these integrated stations, but if the next decade can replicate the gains of the last ten years those will be blown past. (-25 RpY Expected) (1 Dice)
[]Mercury Exploration Program: Current techniques and probes are sufficient for the flyby of mercury, with the main limitation falling towards the boost stage. Due to the problematic orbit of mercury, an intercept requires a massive degree of velocity to even attempt. Combining an RLA-3 along with a newly developed enlarged interplanetary stage is one proposal for such a mission allowing for an easy capability expansion without new technical developments. The stage will use the same engines and same tankage techniques if significantly scaled up for increased capability. Orbiting mercury is beyond any developed rocket, but a theoretical nuclear engine may be able to fix that. (-5 RpY Expected) (1 Dice)
Light Industry (6) 6 Dice
[]Air Conditioner Plants(Stage 5/8): The total modernization of Soviet housing for the next plan will not come without a strong push toward further investment. Climate control has significantly improved the perceived living standards of workers in the West and it can do the same here. Instead of apartments that get stuffy due to limited circulation a new universal standard with larger units can be adopted for the next generation of the housing program. Actual fourth-generation housing is not expected until the start of the next plan, but committing the preparatory work towards expanding production can more than ensure adequate development. (125 Resources per Dice 6/250) (-41 CI3 Electricity +1 Steel +2 Non-Ferrous +2 General Labor)
[]Modern Foods Production(Stage 3/3): Further efforts towards improving the production methodologies of new foods and increasing the market share of semi-durable goods can help to stimulate the economy. Many of the foods produced by the program are inherently far more stable than any that have come before, improving logistical supplies and providing a considerable return on investment. Distribution and the evaluation of new types of goods to be produced will take some time outside the establishment of factories, but there is almost no shortage of demand at the distributor level for stable goods. (100 Resources per Dice 1/175) (-28 CI3 Electricity +2 General Labor) (High Profitability)
[]Second Generation Furnishings: Standardized and mass-produced furniture is well and good, but people have consistently pushed for more variety. By bringing in a few hundred designers and creating standard catalogs and styles with some collaboration of the private sector the general furniture production system can be modernized. Standardized styles can be consolidated and brought in from the private sector, taking reliable products and bringing them into primary circulation. Production and demand increases are sure to follow as a broader subset of industries are brought into the market and properly utilized. (120 Resources per Dice 0/125) (-16 CI4 Electricity +4 General Labor) (High Profitability)
[]Home Supplies Production: The development of supplies for private home renovation and general modernization has become a significant sector of private production. Introducing the state into the market and significantly increasing the supply of basic tools, materials, and parts can serve to increase private sector specialization. This will take some funding to break new enterprises into the sector and provide a more competitive landscape, but that can be done without too many issues. (150 Resources per Dice 0/75) (-20 CI4 Electricity +3 General Labor) (High Profitability)
Chemical Industry (12) 11 Dice
[]Offshore Experiments: With the pioneering work done in the Caspian further programs can be started to properly utilize the offshore reserves available. The Baltic fields can begin evaluation for extraction with some of the more coastal installations done in partnership with Poland. Several further northern rig designs will be evaluated on the oceanic portion of the Timan-Pechora basin and the Kara Sea as both areas offer large virgin deposits. Technical work started on this plan is unlikely to offer significant returns quickly but starting developments is an investment in future energy independence. (180 Resources per Dice 0/100) (-20 CI5 Electricity -1 Petroleum Fuels +1 Educated Labor)
[]West Siberian Petroleum Fields(Stage 1/6): The West Siberian oil fields represent some of the largest reserves of petroleum available to the Union. The development of the region has started at a mild scale but with the strong increase in petroleum demand and the need for massive quantities of gas for power production applications, increases in extraction are necessary. Current programs call for the effective settlement of several areas in the north using highly paid technical workers from other petrochemical concerns. Most of the towns established will effectively only exist for the extraction of oil but the reserves are significant enough to more than compensate. (120 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-32 CI10 Electricity -8 Petroleum Fuels +2 General Labor +1 Educated Labor) (Very High Profitability)
[]Timan-Pechora Fields: Under Exploitation of the deposits across the north has been typical but now that petrochemical demand is rapidly rising both domestically and across CMEA radical measures must be taken. Taking advantage of the already settled nature of the region, intensive exploratory drilling can start to recover the remaining local oil reserves. Local fields have already been partially tapped but less optimal deposits can start extraction with follow-on technical work done to ensure a steady increase in the production of oil and condensates. (120 Resources per Dice 0/125) (-23 CI7 Electricity -5 Petroleum Fuels +2 General Labor +1 Educated Labor) (Very High Profitability)
[]Plastic Industries(Stage 1/5): The West has moved first towards the large-scale commercialization and production of novel polymers but the Union cannot remain behind. Plastics are universally useful for a massive number of industrial applications and there is no reason to slow their production. The construction of a new planned series of plants capable of converting sufficient amounts of petroleum products into polyethylene and polypropylene will be necessary to keep up with basic demand. By increasing plastics production the gas and heavier fractions of the oil extracted can be used far better, improving economic return and reducing wastage by offering a durable alternative for thousands of products. (200 Resources per Dice 0/175) (-54 CI7 Electricity +1 Petroleum Fuels -6 Petrochemicals +1 General Labor +2 Educated Labor) (Very High Profitability)
[]Lanthanide Refining Programs: The massive reserves of Lanthanide elements present across the Uzbek, Tajik, Kyrgyz, and Kazakh SSRs represent an undeveloped supply of critical resources. As electronics production along with several more technical systems increases in demand for local production methods pioneering refining techniques and mining techniques for the ores can be started. The deposits range from sedimentary ones containing metals to more conventional igneous ones, with each necessitating a novel approach. Refining complexes are set to be constructed at Zarafshan with water diverted from hydro projects allowing the isolation of tailings and the construction of a contained ecological zone. (180 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-20 CI4 Electricity +3 General Labor +1 Educated Labor)
[]Expanded Ammonia Plants: With new cultivars of dwarf wheat having a stronger fertilization response than older cultivars a general increase in the production of ammonia is necessary. Fertilizer intensity has only grown rapidly across the block and reducing the price of fertilizer is expected to be key for improving agricultural returns. If every small farmer can afford to use fertilizer and the education to use it well smaller scale production can more than overtake larger farms. Current programs will be focused on massive Haber reactors to secure domestic supplies with facilities constructed to take advantage of available natural gas reserves. (200 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-64 CI3 Electricity +1 Petroleum Fuels +1 General Labor +1 Educated Labor) (High Profitability)
[]Stabilization of Agrochemicals(Stage 1/2): Third-generation pesticides have made agriculture safer and cleaner than it has ever historically been. Precision destruction of insect hormonal systems allows for a near elimination of toxicity for farmers along with improved consumer safety. Improved targeting with highly specific auxin growth regulators promises to improve the precision of herbicidal agents along with several compounds specifically made to target broad-leaf weeds. Increasing production of both will be a significant process but it can be done and will be essential to ensure that the agricultural sector can move away from more dangerous and less effective compounds. (180 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-49 CI5 Electricity +1 General Labor +1 Educated Labor) (High Profitability)
[]Synthetic Rubber Plants(Stage 2/4): The demand for more rubber is massive and endemic across the whole economy. The recent spook with the Indonesian government turnover has left the rubber market struck with buy-ups and general increases in stockpiling, leaving prices rapidly spiraling up. Increasing production now will serve to provide a basis for many civilian industries and begin the direct breakaway from rubber import dependency while producing polymers more suited to the Union's climate. Synthetic production is not expected to overtake natural rubber unless massive funding is committed properly, but it needs to improve the quality of rubber and reduce the massive import dependency. (180 Resources per Dice 8/75) (-26 CI3 Electricity -5 Petrochemicals +1 Educated Labor) (High Profitability)
[]Engineering Plastics(Stage 3/3): Further work in high-hardness engineering plastics on top of German developments has a significant degree of promise. Using the more stable cross-polymer interactions of ketones the new compounds promise a notable improvement in both durability and chemical resistance. Large-scale production or universal applications are not expected due to the cost of even medium-scale production. Still, more specialty materials with unique material properties can significantly help defense and chemical industries. (180 Resources per Dice 19/100) (-42 CI4 Electricity -3 Petrochemicals +1 Educated Labor)
Agriculture (6) 4 Dice
[]Domestic Meat Programs(Stage 4/10): Increasing the density of chicken production while animal stocks are steadily increased for further efforts. Continued improvements in sourcing and efficiency of feeds along with the steady gains in weight per hen are expected to steadily improve the efficiency of the entire meat sector. Funding is still necessary to ensure that the average Soviet worker can eat chicken every day, but with every step of the program that approaches ever closer. Drives towards improved feeds for improving the rate of bird survival and more advanced veterinary sciences have already improved yields. By expanding the general industry and standardizing them, further gains can be made. (105 Resources per Dice 12/250) (-26 CI1 Electricity +2 General Labor) (High Profitability)
[]Farmers Markets: Access towards the mass sale of meat has always been questionable from small farms with meat production rendered excessively local. By establishing and helping to fund a series of local markets and encouraging grocers to stock local production significant gains can be made to the production of small farms. Dual-use agriculture is to an extent a fact of life with few small farms entirely specialized into a single crop or animal with farmers' markets allowing more varied craft produce to reach Soviet consumers. The funding of the program further promises to be cheap and encouraging local production can help with community involvement. (100 Resources per Dice 0/150)
[]Payments for Land Diversion: If control over planting is going to be delegated out to the farms, mechanisms to still produce desired outcomes can be implemented through the market system. Effectively paying farmers to keep a portion of fields fallow and rotated out while avoiding massive intensification of chemical products can provide some easy returns. This will cost the state money and be a further handout to the enterprises but at least land management outcomes can be improved. (140 Resources per Dice 0/125)
[]Seed Programs: Supplies of new varieties of crossbred dwarf wheat represent some of the best products of agricultural science available to the Union but further improvements can be made. Opening larger crossbreeding programs and attempting to make strains capable of a double planting cycle or with an even stronger fertilizer response is the priority. Better seeds have been responsible for massive gains in yields and likely represent some of the cheapest gains that can be made. Current cultivars are already spreading towards most agricultural producers with further improvements likely to be rapidly adopted. (150 Resources per Dice 0/150)
[]Irrigation Technique Evaluation: Several prospective techniques promise improvements over conventional surface irrigation but they have yet to be studied at a large scale. Partnering with several industrial enterprises and bringing in some expertise from foreign attempts at improving water efficiency can allow for the evaluation of several methods. Surface irrigation has always been notably inefficient and damaging to crops with improvements necessary to extend the utilization of limited water resources in arid regions. (120 Resources per Dice 0/150)
[]Water Management Programs: Officially admitting that water resources are limited and that no radical programs are coming to solve the problem is a monumental step. Limiting water itself is an open question and is almost certainly politically impossible but simple hardening and ensuring that catchment basins can be preserved can slow down the losses. An assessment of current irrigation works can be started to pioneer methods of reducing evaporation and increasing retention. Water savings are unlikely to reach even a fifth of required standards but buying more time for more effective measures is still worthwhile. (120 Resources per Dice 0/300)
Services (10) 3 Dice
[]Expanded Childcare(Stage 6/6): Continuous expansions in the childcare system are necessary to entirely spread it across the entire Union. The Western parts of the Union have reached a sufficient development of services but past the Urals, the services steadily become more questionable. With a final surge in funding a universal system that can handle the current birth rates can be constructed to provide enough capacity for another decade if current trends hold. Further efforts would be necessary but the effective expansion of services is a critical component to the satisfaction of families and significantly contributes to workforce participation. (80 Resources per Dice 36/325) (-10CI2 Electricity +2 General Labor) (Possible Increase in Workforce Participation)
[]Transportation Enterprises(Stage 3/5): Continuing the large-scale drive towards improving the transportation industry will be essential for continuing economic development. Previous programs have considerably improved transportation, reducing overall prices and stimulating the private sector. Increasing the scope of the program and integrating it with a general stores program can provide further improvements of transportation capacity all at the cost of founding some small enterprises. Continued truck imports are going to be needed to keep pace, but the funding exists to more than complete the program. (180 Resources per Dice 7/200) (+3 Petroleum Fuels +3 General Labor) (Stage 3 Max until Central Asian high capacity roads completed) (Very High Profitability)
[]Expanding Preparation Schools: Those going into university from a sub-optimal educational background or general tracks have only steadily expanded in recent years. With the pressure to improve education, the question of sufficient preparation for entrance exams is pertinent and essential for improving student achievement. Taking over partially from the private sector several programs in mathematics and sciences can be started to allow more motivated students to improve their educations and compensate for poor previous performance in placements. The majority of institutions will run on the weekends and during the summer, providing opportunities and reducing scheduling conflicts. (100 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-8 CI2 Electricity +2 Educated Labor)
[]Development of Population Services: The rural workers have considerably been under-served by developments in population services and that to an extent can be reversed. Funding for the location of minor legal offices and several more bureaucratic services can be provided to enable the coverage of small towns. Local transportation capability is still severely limited restricting the efficiency of both construction and coverage but it must be done to provide basic services. Transportation and telephone integration is expected to somewhat compensate for lower density but that has left the program expensive and arguably inefficient. (120 Resources per Dice 0/250) (-12 CI2 Electricity +3 Educated Labor)
[]Expansion of the Store System: Continued work on the distribution system has revealed several moderate weaknesses in reach towards smaller towns. They have generally remained the domain of smaller private grocers with some supply line inefficiencies and few opportunities for further logistical integration. Directly working with smaller grocers and creating supply-centric enterprises capable of providing them with standardized products can significantly improve outcomes and reduce prices. (100 Resources per Dice 0/125) (+2 General Labor) (High Profitability)
[]Town-Market Construction: Building up specialized stores for services towards the smallest towns represents a previously unconsidered logistical challenge. Local forms of production are still significant with the movement of goods limited by the lack of roads and density. Continued funding work can start towards increasing access to goods through subsidizing small retailers in a state-run model. Most will sell gasoline, diesel, and a few basic goods but that in itself will significantly improve commerce. Increased accessibility will allow money to be spent locally, boosting development. (115 Resources per Dice 0/125) (+2 General Labor) (High Profitability)
[]Localized Transport Services: The development of localized bus networks has been de-prioritized due to the state of roads but that can be more than fixed. Committing a massive quantity of funding towards establishing regional and local bus lines to enable low-density commuting is an essential priority. Effective transportation to and from most remote villages will be the priority along with some expansions in local transit. For smaller locations, just a single looping route will be established but for those approaching the size of a city, a fully interconnected system can be made. The actual buses will only cover the fares cost with some loss expected but economically stimulating effects will more than compensate. (140 Resources per Dice 0/200) (+2 Petroleum Fuels +2 General Labor)
Bureaucracy (8) 1 Dice (Supsov Selections marked by (Supreme Soviet))
Crackdown on Misallocation: Excessive allocation of resources to management positions has been consistent and a factor of life of the implementation of part maximum. While in direct wages an enterprise manager will not get paid that significantly, the series of favors and benefits is generally an order of magnitude more valuable for large enterprises. The total elimination of high-class flights and several expensive conferences is impractical and unrealistic but measures to limit business expenses on personal matters can be implemented. The proposals of how to do so are questionable as it is challenging to limit enterprise activities in a way that will not inhibit economic performance. (1 Dice) (Supreme Soviet)
Commission on the Criminal Code: The criminal code that was adopted in the 30s has been functional for decades but a new commission has been formed to evaluate perceived excesses. Several members of the Supreme Soviet have pushed for a more general re-evaluation than has been warranted with Romanov failing to fight it, instead letting it pass in the prevote. The current debate is less on replacing the laws if they were just and what should be fixed as at least that compromise has been forced by more conservative elements. Some changes are almost certainly expected but a full overturn is deeply unlikely. (1 Dice) (Supreme Soviet)
Dedicate Focus Towards a Project(Plastic Industries): (1 Dice) (+15 per Dice) (Balakirev) (Unrolled)
State Union Reform: In a move to push his interests Seymonov has asked that the ministry back radical changes to the state union system. Decentralizing its administration to the level of regional level industries and providing each regional industry council far more administrative capacity. The law further calls for defining what actions workers can take independent of production, with Seymonov effectively wanting to provide protections for contract strikes along with allowing them to be called locally. As such strikes can only be caused by a failure in management there are good odds of the provision itself passing if for nothing more than to eliminate redundant and inaccurate procedures. (1 Dice) (Favor from Seymonov)
Enforcement of Enterprise Balances: Enterprises operating in a temporarily negative balance for a quarter has been the general practice for a long time but few penalties have been applied for excessive debt. With the backing of the ministry, a new general financial reform has been proposed to enforce penalties and restructuring for enterprises that are too laden with debt. Furthermore, the act enforces penalties up to the replacement of the management and breakup for enterprises that have taken on excessive debt across a plan period while failing to either expand or modernize. (1 Dice) (Favor from Romanov)
[]Dedicate Focus Towards a Project(): (1 Bureau Dice for +5 per dice on a project, +15 in services) (Unrolled)
[]Expanded Education for Adults: Night-time education has educated millions of workers since the revolution, but it can go a step further. Opening labor reserve education programs to any that want to come and pushing it as a system of education and work training can yield massive returns. Training workers is a challenge for several enterprises due to poorly organized bureaucratic overhead, but that can be fixed. By allowing workers to go into specialized education, those who perform acceptably can be slotted into a job on contract. The system is not going to be widely used in all likelihood, but even something basic towards improving the number of skilled workers can go a long way. (1 Dice)
[]Scientific Exchange Programs: Formalizing large-scale study and student programs to analyze foreign farming practices can improve domestic experiences and transfer new techniques. Much of what is learned will be more of an academic curiosity than useful information, but any improvement that can be made is an improvement. Borrowing techniques aren't expected to walk over any toes, as even the capitalists have not trademarked any methodologies. Expertise transfer is not expected to remotely work during this plan, but it can help in the next plan. (1 Dice)
[]Tariff Compensation: Setting degrees of imports that occur under tariffs and providing a means of compensating farmers for exporting through foreign tariffs can buy some popularity and ensure deeper sector penetration. Some economies have consistently decided to hold off the proliferation of cheaper foods due to a protectionist drive, but that can be overcome without too many issues. Foreign capital for domestic production, even if it is inefficient, can achieve significant external political victories. Domestically ensuring that farmers have fewer issues with foreign markets can stabilize prices and ensure that disruptions are compensated for. (1 Dice)
[]Expand Student Recruitment: Students have been reliable and mostly not questionable in politics. They are young and believe that the world ahead of them is theirs to seize, but that does not make them inherently idiotic incompetent, or merely inexperienced. Allowing a further selection of positions centered around training for more senior ministry posts and formalizing some of the in-department succession can have good returns for practically little cost. The ministry needs a constant and consistent supply of trained personnel and there is little reason to restrict it. (1 Dice) (Options to trade dice bonus for dice next plan vote)
[]Reorganize a Department(Choose Department): Working to appoint new ministers is going to be essential to ensure that the ministry itself can function. The separation of the light industrial and chemical department has been long expected but new deputies must be confirmed. There are likely to be some political costs but replacing any open position is comparatively simpler than attempting larger re-organizations. (1 Dice)
Current Economic Prices(Domestic/CMEA/International): (How this will work is that every action above except for electricity modifies the internal price of the commodities below. They also vary on their own and are sorted into abstracted 1-100 ranges. Modifiers from the rest of your economy are displayed below with each category of goods. When you shift between 20-sized ranges, there can be significant modifiers to the general economy that come from changing prices of core commodities. CMEA prices determine the price in CMEA, though transportation of goods will be a problem with international prices representative of the West.) (New Plan Effects(Primarily from Western Relative Wage Growth): General Labor -5, Educated Labor -5)
Coal Price (55/40/61) Strong Import (41-60 No Effect)
+9 CPSC Power Plants
+2 Western Deposit Depletion
-1 Nuclear Power (1970-1974)
-0 Net Civilian Spending
Steel: (40/43/62) Weak Export (21-40 -20 RpD Infrastructure, Increased HI Growth)
+1 Construction Industry Expansions
+2 Net Civilian Spending
Non-Ferrous: (57/60/51) (41-60 No Effect)
-6 Hydroelectric Cascades(Until 1972)
+2 Net Civilian Spending
Petroleum Fuels: (23/34/38) (Sole Exporter/Modifying CMEA Prices) (21-40 Strong Increase in Economic Growth, Fuel Use, and Chemical Development)
+6 Net Civilian Spending
+2 Fields Depletion
-1 Field Modernization
Petrochemicals: (49/55/39) (41-60 No Effect)
+3 Net Civilian Spending
General Labor: (38/21/69) (31-40 Slight Increase to Exports)
+8 Net Civilian Spending
-16 New Graduates
-0 Rural Transfers
-1 Immigration
Educated Labor: (43/32/74) Moderate Imports (41-50 No Effects)
+4 Net Civilian Spending
-8 New Graduates
-1 Immigration
Electricity: 251 CI17
+656 Plan Programs
-240 CI20 Net Civilian Spending(Expected to Rapidly Increase)
Housing Construction Efforts: Expanding the pace of the housing program to ensure that the new generation can receive up-to-date housing along with improving the general state of housing is considered something of a priority. A full-scale decisive program is not required in that as an investment housing can be comparatively deprioritized compared to economic gains, but it can still be made better. Continued financial efforts will allow for the acceleration of construction to meet the demands of the rising population with a strong increase in per-family rooms along with a reduction in the age of construction. (-5 Infra Dice -480 RpY Modified by Steel Prices) (Reduction in Communal and Barracks Housing Forms to 8% of the adult non-student population by 1975) (Stage 5 Air Conditioning required by 1973)
Rail Electrification: Massive savings in the operation of electric locomotives have already shown themselves as grid stability has improved but the technology is still new and untested at scale. Focusing programs towards the electrification of cargo rails along the trans-siberian and working on ensuring that the primary corridors for bulk freight are electrified will provide the largest returns for the least investment. The current plan effectively calls for main cargo lines to the east to be electrified with a line from Moscow to Leningrad and Rostov joining the campaign to ease the transport of goods. (-1 Infra Dice 140 RpY) (Estimated 60 RpY Return)
Amur Cascade: The political sensitivity of the Amur River and its tributaries is immense. Development in the region is important for local power supplies and further industrial development. Daming the actual Amur is too much of an international political situation to ever allow, the rivers feeding into it however are almost entirely on our side of the border. Their damming will involve a degree of moderate relocations as small towns are consolidated through the small scale and will keep the costs down. Localization of a significant aluminum industry from secondary sources is expected to provide a good supply of material to local factories, and the stabilization of the river system is expected to provide a viable route for exports. (+25 Electricity -3 Non-Ferrous per Year until 1972)
Amu Darya and Syr Danya Hydroelectric Cascades: Politically contentious with the local people though pushed for hydrological stabilization by engineers and politicians at all levels, authorizing development is expected to significantly increase water accessibility and local energy generation. The program towards constructing new dams and enhancing the industrial development of the Central Asian republics is expected to fix water availability issues and provide a cheap basis for hydroelectricity that has been ignored by past administrations. Relocations will involve several sizable towns being moved to allow for the path of the dams and a minor cutback in the scale of the project. Despite that though, the developing water situation is only expected to worsen in the next few years, requiring redirection and ensuring that nature is finally directed towards humanist ends. (+60 Electricity -3 Non-Ferrous per Year until 1974)
Krasnoyarsk-Irkutsk Hydroelectric Zone: With lagging iron mining and the lack of development across the Union, building a new high-potential electrical and industrial zone to augment the general plan can be a major asset. The Bakchar deposit represents some of the largest reserves of iron ore available to the Union and its development will enable a further increase in conventional industry and steel production. The zone itself is mostly swampy and poorly inhabited, limiting the costs of relocating people and ensuring that development can proceed without issue. Some local aluminum plants in both Omsk and Irkutsk are expected to be founded, ensuring that power supplies are available and ensuring that the Union can keep up with the West in the production of Aluminum. (-3 Infra Dice -300 RpY Modified by Steel Prices) (+45 Electricity -1 Non-Ferrous per Year 1974-1979) (Three -10 Steel Steel mills available 1974)
Power Plant Construction(Nuclear VVER-500): With the finalization of the construction program for the initial VVER-500 cores over twenty reactors have been constructed or are in construction. These have steadily taken on the role of grid heating along with providing significant amounts of urban power, rapidly solving energy issues. Fuel production for the cores has been developed near sites of intensive uranium production allowing a constant influx of power. The modernization of more general heating systems along with the number of cores has each of the sites serving as an effective training area for the reactor operators of the future. (-1 HI Dice -300 RpY) (36 Electricity -1 Coal per Year until 1974)
Power Plant Construction(Nuclear Systems): Expanding the throughput of conventional cores to a massive point with supporting infrastructure prepared in advance for next-generation reactors will take a massive amount of funding. The primary program will focus on the development of twenty VVER-500 crores to replace old-style combined cycle heating and generate further power in remote areas to minimize coal haulage. Two new liquid metal-cooled fast reactors will be constructed along with a set of four experimental VVER-1000 cores. Further centralized facilities for the processing of nuclear fuel and the storage of waste will be developed to minimize the burden on current temporary systems of storage. (-2 HI Dice -640 RpY) (64 Electricity -2 Coal per Year 1975-1979) (Modified by Atommash, if built)
Power Plant Construction(CPSC): Coal represents one of the largest energy resources that are available to the Union and one that needs to be tapped at a large scale. Work towards implementing new techniques and new coal fields will be accompanied by improved logistics to procure increased quantities of coal in the West. The current programs will accompany an aggressive expansion of mining and the technical development of Siberia significantly increasing the scale of electricity programs. Current ideas for coal alone cannot provide the power demand for the Union but expanding capacity now will provide a stable basis for the future. (-3 HI Dice -860 RpY) (360 Electricity +9 Coal per Year)
Power Plant Construction(CCGT): Expanding work on the turbine program with a new series of plants taking advantage of improved techniques along with continued development of larger combined processes can yield significant improvements. The gas program that will accompany the development of new oil fields is expected to be massive and rather than wasting any of that gas it can instead be sent directly to more productive ends. The current initiative focuses on improving production as much as it focuses on expanding the program, ensuring that the next generation of turbines can optimally use the power available. (-1 HI and CI Dice -600 RpY) (175 Electricity per Year) (-20 of Petroleum Fuels in Projects over the Plan Still Required)
Healthcare Expansion: There is a moderate-scale problem in the medical sector that doctors' and nurses' wages have been stagnant and failing to keep up with the times. This has discouraged the graduation of new doctors and significantly weakened the competitiveness of the sector. In addition to massive programs for improving the production of equipment the first of a series of healthcare wage increases can be undertaken to improve conditions in the field. The program will also be accompanied by the hiring of several experts for teaching positions, transferring expertise from already successful testing and scanning programs along forming a basis for the utilization of new techniques. (-3 Services Dice -500 RpY) (Completes Urban Hospital Modernization, Medical Laboratory System, Rural Hospital Modernization, and Skilled Doctor Programs)
Education Expansion: Accompanying a massive expansion of the University system programs can be started towards directly improving education. Universities can continue to expand both social and materials science departments with an allocation of government funding. Further to ensure that students who are performing well in education stay in it an expanded system of stipends can be implemented. While almost certainly insufficient for luxurious living, life in communal housing and access to a reasonable quantity of food will be guaranteed along with ensuring that any educational materials are provided and modern. Several new experimental schools will also be established to test the implementation of a longer primary school curriculum and several alternative structures of education. (-4 Services Dice -400 RpY) (Completes Stage 9 Polytechnic, Stage 8 Sociological, Experimental Schools, Expanding University Stipends, and Student Living Improvements) (Cuts Workforce Expansion by ~1/6)
Administrative personnel wages could range into 10x that of "unskilled" employees while technical personnel only 3 times. This effectively changes it so that technical personnel can also be paid up to ten times the wage of "unskilled" employees.
OK that's a straight up fair improvement. I like it.
God we need steel I'm tempted to try building TWO steel mills this turn just to build up some buffer.
Both Romanov and Semyonov's favors seem pretty fair. And balakirev putting his die to good use.
ESA has a very small chance of completing on two dice, or a little over 50% on three. Dare we try to one-turn it?
EDIT: Seems Vasiliev is smart enough to give us some more sensible water management options while river reversal is still a SoonTM thing. Good. We can work with him.
Also we still have nuclear drives let's GOOO
EDIT 2: Slim pickings on bureucracy dice. Tariff Compensation remains a trap and Student Recruitment is better saved for after ESA is done so we'll have a better idea of where they'll actually fit after the restructuring. Adult Education and Scientific Exchange are fine but not urgent, and I'm not sure how urgent it is we reorganize Light Industry. Could go with a focus, but aside from Transportation Enterprises not sure anything's worth putting it on.
EDIT 2: Slim pickings on bureucracy dice. Tariff Compensation remains a trap and Student Recruitment is better saved for after ESA is done so we'll have a better idea of where they'll actually fit after the restructuring. Adult Education and Scientific Exchange are fine but not urgent, and I'm not sure how urgent it is we reorganize Light Industry. Could go with a focus, but aside from Transportation Enterprises not sure anything's worth putting it on.
I suppose the meme option would be to use all our infra dice on the ESA and then use that bureaucracy die to focus on ESA to try and do it in one turn. The more reasonable use of that bureaucracy die is probably to appoint a Deputy CI minister, considering we're doing a CI plan (as Vi'Talzin brought up).
Most of our ag options look pretty reasonable. I think that getting a start on water conservation now is probably a good idea.
[]Semiconductor Fabrication: Improvements that have been made for larger-scale computing on the Erbrus-M units have greatly extended computing power with integrated circuits but efficient microcomputers remain in massive demand. There is a massive demand for smaller and more electrically efficient systems especially for calculator applications. A decisive move towards CMOS architecture over older style devices is going to be necessary with a plan calling for the construction of four dedicated facilities for production. The technical aspects of the program are primarily complete with fabrication expected to start by 1973 assuming consistent funding on a 75mm wafer and a previously unheard-of transistor density. (250 Resources per Dice 0/150) (-39 CI10 Electricity +2 Educated Labor) (Reduces Costs)
I think trying to 1-turn ESA is reasonable, if a little pricy all at once.
It is our dice increase for this plan, and with only 5 turns per each of them now it's a 33% increase in the dice it gives us over the plan if we have them for 4 turns instead of 3.
Holy shit there's so many goodies in Heavy Industry I don't know what to prioritize. This turn we should do one or both steel mills, and put a bunch of dice into coal deposits since it's cheap and a buffer there will be useful. I'd like two dice on one of Semiconductors or Tooling Modernization (EDIT: Perhaps tooling, more directly applicable to the car factories if we start one next couple turns), the other along with starting Atomash may have to wait until next turn.
Transportation Enterprises now has very high profitability, might as well do that now.
Okay, so just quickly
DRAFT PLAN: HELP, where did the money go? Infra 3 Dice
[]Central Asian High Capacity Roads (1 Dice, 120 Resources)
[]Water Distribution Systems(Stage 7/10) (1 Dice, 150 Resources)
[]ESA (1 Dice, 200 resources)
6390 Resources used, 50 Retained. 38/41 dice used (ignoring Rockets and Bureau for now)
This isn't really a proposal so much as me testing out what we can play with moneywise on the back of a napkin. I tried to push for profitable/very profitable projects where I could, but I didn't check materials balance so who knows what I'm shorting us on. Also, it is very much the Wint candles tweet.
A lot of actions have gone up in RpD and down in progress needed. Mechanization ho! The steel mills are 175 progress and so have 95% chance of hitting canon omake range. Doing just one is pretty safe then. I'm inclined towards 3 dice on Kursk this turn (which will let us use the overflow), and 2 on Mangyshlak later for a more dice-efficient coin flip. As for coal Kuzbas has the cheapest RpD, but it's also the most labor intensive. Kansk is a good intermediate choice, but I do want to modernized Donets later this plan when it's more affordable.
EDIT: Kansk went from being +1 general labor to +2, same as Kuzbas despite the description suggesting it's less manpower intensive. What happen?
[]Plan the budget Free dice 0/4 dice 6185/6240 55 left Infra 600 R, 3/3 dice
-[]ESA 600 R, 3 dice
Heavy Industry 2.060 R 9/10 Dice
-[]Mangyshlak Arc-Mills 440 R, 2 dice
-[]Donets Coal Basin Mechanization 350 R, 2 dice
-[]Modernization of Tooling 550 R, 2 dice
-[]Gorky Automotive Plant Modernization 720 R, 3 dice
Rocketry 2/2 Dice
-[]Consolidate the Program
-[]Revise the Outer Planets Program
Light Industry 765 R 6/6 Dice
-[]Air Conditioner Plants(Stage 5/8) 375 R, 3 dice
-[]Second Generation Furnishings 240 R, 2 dice
-[]Home Supplies Production 150 R, 1 die
Chemical Industry 1.980 11/11 Dice
-[]Offshore Experiments 1 die 180 R
-[]West Siberian Petroleum Fields(Stage 1/6) 2 dice, 240 R
-[]Plastic Industries(Stage 1/5) 6 dice, 1200 R
-[]Synthetic Rubber Plants(Stage 2/4) 2 dice, 360 R
Agriculture 540 R 4/4 Dice
-[]Seed Programs 2 dice, 300 R
-[]Water Management Programs 2 dice, 240 R
Services 240 R 3/3 Dice
-[]Expanded Childcare(Stage 6/6) 3 dice, 240 R
Bureaucracy (8) 1/1 Dice (Supsov Selections marked by (Supreme Soviet))
-Crackdown on Misallocation
-Commission on the Criminal Code
-State Union Reform
-Enforcement of Enterprise Balances
-[]Expand Student Recruitment
-Dedicate Focus Towards a Project(Plastic Industries)
OK quickly threw together a starting plan that focuses on keeping prices down and focusing on raising budget
Infra: quickly do ESA it will be good to be done i can also see finishing CA roads but i thought might as well get the computers running because ASU rolled like shit and i want to prevent that happening again,
Heavy Industry: HI is a mix of everything doing some coal while trying to snatch a HP steel mill for more steel and number goes up. Meanwhile it also focuses on tooling for the increased price and reduced progress to projects and helping Gorky become profitable,
Rocketry: Rocketry is basically just fixing the mess Glushko left by consolidating it into a proper ministry (or at least trying) and figuring out what Glushko actually wanted with our outer probes program as he appearntly told nobody? (I am so glad we sacked him).
Light Industry: Get AC running to help with housing and if we are able to get ahead of the increased demand next plan (it will be there) while taking some HP projects.
Chemical Industry: this might be my controversial one as i put one dice on expermintal project but i see as required to keep finding new oil fields while only putting two dice on getting more oil. This is because we are down to 23 so i see we can get the hit and i would almost say it is risky to go under 20 as it would backlash hard when it goes over again. After that i spend 2 dice on rubber as i will in all my plans because i have wanted that project finished since Voz era and for the big one spending 6 dice on plastics as it is an amazing project where our deputy is even giving us a +15 extra to every dice which i don't see a reason not to abuse.
Agriculture: For agri i just went with fixing water as that is generally good and getting better seeds as that was critical to do early last plan so we might as well not fumble it this plan.
Services: at services i ran out of money so i put the rest on Childcare.
Bureaucracy: finally for bureaucracy I put it into student recruiment because why not sounds fun (most options looked to still be focused on agri and i need someone more into the subject to know what is the best option so i just went with the most fun one).
I think ESA and tooling modernization, followed by microprocessors, steel and plastics (to make use of Balakirev's focus) should be the first priorities as far as the very high cost projects go. Atomash and the cars are very cool but they can wait a year or two.
I agree, I think i would prefer at least one dice on Atomash to start the ball rolling, but it is so expensive that it chokes out basically everything else. Tool Forge and Semiconductors then are V.V.high priority and also ESA to start tapping more profitable services dice.
Steel is eternal priority number one- unless we're really confident that the benefit of getting tooling modernization and semiconductors out now will outweigh the cost (in resouces AND politics from importing steel) of not getting a mill up? IF we are confident in such a risk, @Hianny 's plan is workable with the tweak of swapping []Expand Student Recruitment (as per my previous argument about doing it after ESA is done) with reorganizing CI to get a deputy. I'd also rather swap Gorky with Semiconductors to get both cost reducing actions out at once, but that's not a totally hard line for me.
Agriculture: As far as I'm concerned the meat programs are kept in a box next to a hammer with the caption "break glass in case of insufficient agriculture profitability'. Water management and other improvements to sustainability first, if the civilian sector leaves us seriously behind our target in the next couple turns then we do some stages.
EDIT: Why is reforming the Criminal Code our job? We're the economists, not the legislative branch?
Klim is one of those "not like other girls" that was born in the wrong time period so while he lives in the 70's his heart belongs to the 40's way of oppressing minorities
It's the legislative branch doing it. Klimenko is still a political compromise, which means 2 of his bureaucracy dice are controlled by his conservative backers. In this case, leveraging political capital on behalf of the legislature for the criminal reform.
Comrades! We must cast a wide net if we are to achieve our goals. To that end I have prepared
Plan Just Annoy The Crap Out Of The QM
[]Integration of Commuter Rail 1 dice
[]Western Passenger Rail Expansion 1 dice
[]Central Asian High Capacity Roads 1 dice
[]Far Eastern High Capacity Corridor 1 dice
[]Water Distribution Systems(Stage 7/10) 1 dice
[]Civilian Airports(Stage 3/5) 1 dice
[]Development of the Volga 1 dice
[]Crackdown on Misallocation 1 dice
[]Commission on the Criminal Code 1 dice
[]Dedicate Focus Towards a Project(Plastic Industries) 1 dice
[]State Union Reform 1 dice
[]Enforcement of Enterprise Balances 1 dice
[]Reorganize a Department(Chemical Industry) 1 dice