Attempting to Fulfill the Plan MNKh Edition

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Attempting to Fulfill the Plan MNKh: A New Age Dawns
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The revolution has called for you to fulfill the series of 5-year plans in one of the most hostile work environments possible. The rewards are considerable, and there will be a constant series of trials along the way. But considerable progress can be made on the further industrialization of the Soviet Union.
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Introduction Post/Turn 0
The United States
The steady gains in development and industry, along with an ongoing recovery from the October Revolution, have led us to a new bright future for socialism. However, a problem has appeared due to the New Economic Policy's clear failure, as the gains in heavy industrial output have been consistently lacking. However, the party has high ambitions in industrial targets, which have led the Sovnarkom to re-enforce the control numbers with a new system of total planning. This is a new and exciting era, for now its time for industrialization to shift into high gear with high goals set and even higher ambitions for the good of the people and the party. The General Secretary of the Party has declared the nation's need to catch and exceed the West's industrial output. With your help as the new head of the Supreme Soviet of the National Economy (VSNKh), the future looks bright.

[] Valerian Kuybyshev (Historical): Born in Omsk in the years of the Russian Empire, he studied at the Omsk Military Cadet School. During this time, he joined with the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party, causing him to be promptly booted out of the Cadet School. He then proceeded to work through subversive activities for the Bolsheviks, followed by an exile to Siberia in 1912. During the Civil war, he rapidly rose through the party's ranks, becoming the chair of Samara's regional committee. From there, he was an elected member of the Profintern, which then selected him for the implementation of Gosplan.
  • Party Official (Starts as an honored member of the party +30 Party Support)
  • Well connected (+5 Party Support per turn, greater opportunities for working outside the system)
  • Well respected member of Profintern (+5 Party Support per turn)
  • Has never touched a factory or farm in his life (-10 to all dice per dice)
  • Incomplete Military education (+5 to military projects per dice)

[] Ivan Teodorovich: Born in Smolensk and educated at Moscow State University, he joined the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in 1905. He was then promptly exiled in Yakutia, from which he fled to Switzerland, where he made contacts with Lenin. Later in the same year, he went back into Russia and operated in Saint Petersburg. After this, he was arrested in 1909, later to be released with the February Revolution. In 1920 he joined the Commissariat for agriculture for two years and rose to the position of deputy in 1922. Here, instead of chairing the peasant's branch of the Comintern, he focused on getting an economically influential position to push his vision.
  • Internal Softliner on agriculture (Will push for light pressure on peasants, possibly going against the party)
  • An opponent of collectivization favoring land reform (Will not implement collectivization as a principle and will instead try to water it down at most)
  • Actually knows agriculture (+20 to agricultural projects per dice)
  • Can attempt to go against the party line (Willing to stand for his principles, for good and bad)
  • Old NEPman (Tarred with the stigma of NEP, -5 Party Support per turn)
  • Moscow State University Graduate (+5 to Non-agricultural projects per dice)

[] Sergo Ordzhonikidze: Born in Georgia and raised there, he completed school and was trained as an orderly. He joined the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party and distributed leaflets in 1903. He was arrested multiple times throughout the next years, at one point sharing a cell and commiserating with Stalin. They traveled together but split up when the two were arrested and exiled to Siberia. He had an interest in statistics during his time in exile to Siberia and mostly read on the economy. During the October revolution, he rapidly rose in rank to command Bolshevik forces throughout the Caucuses. He created the Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, and then it joined the Soviet Union. After this, he joined the control commission in 1926, and here instead of focusing on investigations, he focused on taking direct leadership.
  • Friends with Stalin (Can survive low party support, and has lower party support costs for choices)
  • Willing and able to directly argue against Stalin (At the cost of large amounts of party support can change the party line from the top)
  • Unwilling to persecute engineers and experts (Will try the best he can to protect the limited amount of irreplaceable personnel he has)
  • The previous head of the control commission (+5 to all rolls per dice)
  • Sickly (5% chance of death per turn due to health issues)
  • Energetic and willing to learn (Primary School only malus will be steadily removed at +2 per turn)
  • Primary School only (-10 to all rolls per dice)

[] Alexei Rykov: He first joined the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in 1898, and later followed the Bolshevik faction after the split in 1903. He then partook in multiple committees during the Russian Revolution of 1905 in Petrograd. In 1912 he was arrested and exiled to Siberia for revolutionary activity and returned during the February Revolution. During the revolution, he was appointed as the Commissar of Internal Affairs, promptly followed by appointment to the Chair of the Council of National Economy in 1918. He stayed in this post until 1924, where he instead became Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars and Chairman of the Sovnarkom of the RSFSR. Here, instead of staying in his position, he bowed out to lead the Supreme Soviet of the National Economy.
  • Not well-liked in the party (-20 Party Support)
  • Experienced old hand, presided over war communism (+5 to all rolls per dice, old connections)
  • Old NEPman (Tarred with the stigma of NEP, -5 Party Support per turn)
  • Moderate (In the moderate wing of the party, -5 Party Support per turn)
  • Competent Administrator (+5 to all rolls per dice)
  • University of Kazan (+5 to all rolls per dice)

[] Vladimir Bazarov: Born in Tula and the son of a doctor, he got a degree and enrolled in the faculty of natural sciences of Moscow University. He became involved in revolutionary politics in 1896 and was expelled from Moscow the following year. In 1901 however, he returned to Russia and served as a member of the Moscow Social Democratic committee. He was however promptly arrested and sent to Siberia for three years. When released in 1905 he wrote for the Bolshevik party press, during this time he also assisted with the translation of Capital into Russian. In 1911 he was arrested again and sent to Astrakhan where he started writing Pravda. After the revolution, he joined the State Planning Commission in 1922 where he worked for the next 5 years. Here, instead of sitting idle, he took initiative and took his place at the top of the Supreme Soviet of the National Economy.
  • Non-party line idealist (Will not follow the party line and is idealistic)
  • Statistical planner (Advocates for a straight statistical method of planning, +5 to rolls per dice)
  • Practical in targets and goals (Cannot set ambitious targets possibly causing political issues, +5 to rolls per dice)
  • Honest (Is terrible at lying and idealistic, a combination that is challenging to survive in a Stalinist regime)
  • A proponent of central planning (Original supporter of the concept and influential, can easily tap friendly intellectuals at minor cost)
  • Degree in Economics (+10 to rolls per dice)

This quest will work akin to a CK2 quest with each department of the planning board able to have a number of dice assigned to it with the dice being used for policy choices that can be implemented. The next vote for the quest will decide the relative level of prioritization (dice) that each department will receive. However, do note that not all options can be taken practically, and missed opportunities can cause significant detriments to success and party support.

There are two important numbers to keep track of: resources and party support. The former represents the economic and human capital that can be wielded by the Soviet Union that has been assigned to you for the goals of industrialization and development of agriculture. These can be increased overall through the production of your own materials and developing the Union more. Still, it is far more effective to get re-assignments of resources then it is to wait for the slow trickle down.

Party support, however, is your measure of support in the party and is adversely affected when you deviate from the party line. Some of the options for candidates running this scenario would get a steady amount of it per turn or lose a constant amount of it per turn, requiring action to maintain good standing in the party. If too much party support is lost in the process of fulfilling the targets of the plan, then the odds of seeing a show trial are increased exponentially. As the default, you have 50 party support at game start.

Do note that all options will be given with in-character logic and perspectives, and depending on who is chosen, that will color a lot of options. This will also run the effects of the five year plans entirely straight as was historical. There will be both failures and successes, and honestly fulfilling the first, second, or third plan will be a near-impossible endeavor.
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Turn 0.5 The GosPlan
Vote Called for Sergo Ordzhonikidze
Turn 0.5 The GosPlan

For honorable service in the Control Commission and the great assistance he has given to the new socialist economy's previous stages, Sergo Ordzhonikidze has been selected by the Sovnarkom to head the Supreme Soviet of the National Economy (VSNKh). With this new position, he will now have near-total responsibility for the Soviet Union's economic development. It will be the task of the VSNKh to manage the overall economic plan by selecting targets and pushing forward investments that enrich both the people and the party. There is also a good degree of latitude for setting policy that affects the economy, but deviating too much from the party line could cause significant personal safety issues.

As long as you can manage to maintain the party's support, you have a near-total authority to fix any personal problems of lower economic offices(You have the NKVD on call if you have the support). Such powers extend to the lowest level and allow you to root out wreckers and saboteurs in the labor force easily. However, do note that it may not always be the best decision to use the heavy-handed approach towards those that skirt their obligation to the Rodina, as qualified hands can be hard to replace. Scapegoats can also be easily made to ensure an improvement in Party support, but such actions can have a damaging effect on economic sectors that said employees work in.

The first target that must be set is the industrial priorities for the development of the nation to complete the first Five Year Plan. The party's highest priority and that of the Sovnarkom is the increase in heavy industry and production of core resources of the heavy industrial sector. All other sectors will also have production targets, but they will have a considerably smaller cost for failure than heavy industrial development. The national investment level will also be specified in the plan, as you have the Union behind you down to the lowliest of bednyaks. However, do note that resources going to the VSNKh are not going elsewhere, and too large a share could cause considerable problems for the nation.

First, a level of national commitment is needed:
[]15% of GNP: An actual cut in investment could be reasonably popular amongst the people as this would indicate a reduction in the tax needed in theory. In practice, this would allow the party to have more money for other tasks not involving economic buildup. (+20 Party support, 75 Resources per turn)
[]20% of GNP: The initial proposal for the resources committed to the VSNKh and involves only moderate rearrangements of money to accomplish policy. (100 Resources per turn)
[]25% of GNP(Historical): A moderate increase in tax and a more aggressive economic policy is adopted to free up resources for the nation's industrialization. (-5 Party Support, 125 Resources per turn)
[]30% of GNP: Tax increases and rearrangements of funds away from other projects are started to ensure resources can be freed up for accomplishing the investment plan. (-20 Party Support, 150 Resources per turn)
[]40% of GNP: Start of enforced hard-line tax increases and rearrangement of the government to ramp up industrialization speed as fast as the worker can bear. If results are not achieved, famine will soon follow. (-30 Party Support, 200 Resources per turn)

Then a target for the plan must be chosen as a high goal that is needed to be fulfilled at all costs (For the sake of simplicity, I am using the average of the Metal-Fuel-Power Group along with Capital Goods, Food, and Consumer Goods). The Metal-Fuel-Power Group directly determines the nation's base industrial productivity and is the most critical indicator for the party itself. Capital goods will directly affect the resources that the VSNKh can pull in, but take a considerable time to construct and need a large amount of expertise. Food is necessary for the Union to avoid a famine, but given that imports are an option, this is not a party-line necessity to stay in power. Consumer goods are similar and are also not highly prioritized with them just helping to raise living standards.

[]125% Increases in MFPG, 125% Increases in Capital Goods, 80% Increases in Consumer Goods, and a stabilization of the food situation: (-30 Party Support, Believed to be achievable, but low and unambitious)
[]150% Increases in MFPG, 140% Increases in Capital Goods, 100% Increases in Consumer Goods, and a stabilization of the food situation: (-15 party support, Theoretically achievable plan)
[]150% Increases in MFPG, 175% Increases in Capital Goods, 120% Increases in Consumer Goods, and a stabilization of the food situation: (Will cause moderate amounts of number fixing, focused on the development of future capacity)
[]175% Increases in MFPG, 150% Increases in Capital Goods, 120% Increases in Consumer Goods, and a stabilization of the food situation. (Historical): (+10 party support, will cause moderate amounts of number fixing, focused on heavy industrial goals)
[]200% Increases in MFPG, 175% Increases in Capital Goods, 150% Increases in Consumer Goods, and improvement of the food situation allowing for massive exports: (+20 party support, will cause massive amounts of number fixing)

After this vote, the turns proper will begin. Sorry for this much setup, but I figured that allowing the customization of the Gosplan would be optimal.
Status of Character and Nation

Image made by @Redshirt Army

State of the Plan and Economy:
Ministry Bonuses(Does not affect Bureaucracy):
MNKh Experience Bonus: +10 Bonus (+4 per Plan at Current Education Rate(Max at 10))
Economics Education: +10 (+3 per Plan at Current Education Rate(Max at 10))
Statistical Planning: +5 Bonus, Cannot Fabricate Numbers
Telecommunications Integration: +5 Bonus
Minister Effects:
Excellent Administrator (+10 to all non-Bureaucracy Dice)
Chemical Engineer (+10 to rolls in the Chemical Industry)
Decisive Politician (+10 to Bureaucracy Dice, Crit Range 1-3/99-100)

Supreme Soviet Updated 1976 (Listed by Delegates, Unity, and Degree of Support) (None<Poor<Decent<Acceptable<Good<Excellent)
Ashimov's Faction: Around 120 Acceptable, None
Zimyanin's Faction: Around 180 Good, Good
Vorotnikov's Faction: 500 Good, Good
Ryzhkov's Faction: Around 520 Acceptable, Good
Dzhussoev's Faction: Around 80 Decent, None
Gulyam's Faction: Around 130 Decent, Poor

Ashimov's Faction: Student radicals that have decided to ignore foundational principles of Marxism in favor of going rapidly and deeply into novel forms of anti-materialist left deviationism. Broadly advocating for measures for the proletarinaization of the Soviet system that practically amount to the degradation of planning authority, weakening of central authority, and a number of further reforms that will only serve to degrade institutions of worker power. The man genuinly beleives what he says will lead into communism through some magical means but practical and sensible left wing conservatives are unlikly to let anything aproaching his vision be implemented.

Zimyanin's Faction: Zimyanin aims to modernize the Stalinist process via abandoning everything the man said and focusing exclusivly on what he wrote alongside maintaining some Mikoyan era interpretations. More practically a Neo-Stalinist then a true stalinist that wants a return of absolute party rule, he has exhibited a significant willingness to utilize current institutions and advocates for a modernized and strengthened state more so then a radically different one. He has gone strongly against the importation of Western and Capitalist social standards, advocating for avoiding the degradation of workers culture through forign backed initatives. Zimyanin himself is not the most threatening figure alone but there is some danger in that the reasonableness of his message can pull apart the conventional conservative wing.

Vorotnikov's Faction: Conventional, conservative, and typical of a new generation of politicians left in the aftermath of Romanov's downfall and attempted seizure of power. He is a somewhat dividing figure in the party advocating for a confrontational line with the West while shifting the domestic focus more towards cybernetics over conventional planning aproaches. Socailly the man is practically a second Romanov, championining social causes more so for their usefullness then a commited genuine beleif that the old way is somehow better. He is still somewhat conservative in the sociatal sphere and shows not desire for further govermental reform, but the new constitution was partially authored by his had and Vorotnikov is too pridefull for it to be dethroned.

Ryzhkov's Faction: Somewhat respectable but capable of plotting in ways that cannot be ignored Ryzhkov will merilly produce a political line and then not remotly keep to it. He is arguably the most competent politician of the current goverment, managing to keep Vorotnikov and Zimyanin somewhat on side without significnat losses of supporters to the far right wings. Tepid and acceptable to all liberalziations of the party are somewhat disruptive but an avoidance of so much as modifying the economy outside trade integration has caused significant discontent in the right wings of the party. The general unacceptability of Dzhussoev and Gulyam is practically the largest factor for keeping his hold on power together as the second there is a capable right wing opposition the house of cards will collapse.

Dzhussoev's Faction: Practicing a conception of communism that takes more from capitalism then anything either materialist or socailist, Dzhussoev still continues to advocate for the cooperativization of the economy. In his eyes workers can excercise enough initative to operate industrial facilities capably and competently without the need for significant administrative overhead. The cybernetic mechanism is still market based for him, undermining the principles of socialist development through the direct advocacy for a less regulated and uncontrolled market, influenced by cooperatives that will behave in a fundamentally Capitalist nature. Dzhussoev is significantly more liberal socailly then any other faction, advocating for the ignorance and even embrace of what he consideres as harmless cultural changes.

Gulyam's Faction: The largest threat to the ministry in that what he offers coincides with exactly what the enterprises want while paring it down to the point of quasi-acceptability for the rest of the goverment. He is a threat and one that is continously working to undermine the management of the ministry through his actions. A temporary period of quiet is in itself unlikly to last as while things are stable now any instability will cause him to start advocating for radical economic reforms. As long as the economy does not reach a crisis point, or at least a crisis point that cannot be solved with conventional means Gulyam is unlikly to pose an existential threat, but the man must be watched.

State of the Tenth Five-Year Plan:
30% Increase in MFPG Production Value: At the Moving Target
20% Increase in Capital Goods Production Value: Ahead of the Moving Target
35% Increase in Consumer Goods Production Value: At the Moving Target
10% Increase in Agricultural Sector Production Value: Slightly Behind the Moving Target
60% Increase in Service Sector Production Value: Slightly Ahead of the Moving Target

MNKh Minister: Vladimir Fedorovich Balakirev(1973): Surviving the political consolidations in 1975 has brought Balakirev and the ministry a significant increase in power alongside several major gains in allies. The current political system is the best it has ever been to a politician with a primarily stateside base and there is little reason to change it further now that a new constitution is likely to be signed. With a career from the technologies sector if with a softer line compared to previous technocrats leaving the man not a technocrat in the old sense but with considerable sympathies. Politically the situation is mixed with the ministry being something of a wildcard between Vorotnikov and Ryzhkov.
  • Young (8 Bureaucracy Dice)
  • Decisive Politician: (+10 to Bureaucracy Dice, Crit Range 1-3/99-100)
  • Excellent Administrator (+10 to all non-Bureaucracy Dice)
  • Research Scientist
  • Chemical Engineer (+10 to rolls in the Chemical Industry)
Deputy: Lyudmila Andreevna Zemlyannikova: A woman who rose off the backs of the Moscow party and one with significant connections to local construction and development. Zemlyannikova is more of a politician then most ministers and is typically capable of handling party affairs while working on important tasks in infrastructure. Educationally she is a civil engineer without much note, providing at least some basis for further infrastructural development. Conservative and decisive she is practically the model of a woman in soviet politics, capable of ensuring that problems are rapidly fixed and that all around her do not find too much of the typical over-emotionalism.

Departments under the MNKh:

Department of Infrastructural Development

Anatoly Mikhailovich Zubov(1977): A conventional urbanizer that rose through a mixture of the Voznesensky and Klimenko campaigns to increase urbanized portions of Perm. The director of the council for urban renewal and partially in charge of localized funding for the development of a major city has provided the man with something of a political base. Otherwise, Zubov is a conventional mechanical engineer by education without notable exception, serving for four years in the directing role and another ten in lower roles centered around the design of structures. Politically his alignments trend more towards Vorotnikov, but he has also been willing to criticize the man leaving his exact position on the spectrum nearly impossible to localize.
  • Centrist
  • Urban Planner
  • Outspoken Urban Renovation Advocate
  • Ambitious
  • Mechanical Engineer
Deputy: Veniamin Sergeevich Sokolov(1977): First secretary of the Novosibirsk city committee and responsible for the development of several novel techniques, Sokolov would be a good associate for a more qualified deputy. A graduate scientist in physics with several publications, he is well suited to improving the technical development of the department. Due to the critical location of the city, local hydro projects have brought him to prominence especially as the development of the upper Ob has accelerated. He is likely to be capable with experience adapting local infrastructure to novel hydrological conditions and expanding available technical-resource developments in previously underutilized areas.

Department of Heavy Industry

Georgy Mikhailovich Denisov(1965): A reliable worker from the Kuzbas deposits who took charge of construction in remote areas, rising rapidly after an army career. He represents someone who is at least capable of following directions and a transportation engineer without strange conceptions of development or excessive production. His experience in the development of new coals will be critical to meeting the Union's power needs. Capable of stimulating production through direct involvement in several technical projects, Denisov is a capable department head and one that has revolutionized domestic industry. Expanded access to coal has been the only reason the economy has not ground to a halt and his guidance has ensured that the department remains stable and capable.
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Struggle for Energy
  • Conservative
  • Disciplinarian
  • Ministry Loyalist
Deputy: Grigor Sergeevich Karapetyan(1969): One of the technical pioneers of the Sevastopol plant's integrated process with further experience in the electronics industry, a further focus on modernization is almost certain to involve increased computerization. An electrical engineer rather than a directly applicable profession, a wealth of experience working with early NC machinery along with more refined systems with Elbrus units predisposes him well to a focus on general modernization. Partially responsible for higher end production that Denisov has not understood, Karapetyan has in effect headed most of the machine tooling program. This has brought him experience, but his isolation from core industrial sectors have made the man practically incompatible with becoming the formal head of the department.

Department of Light Industry

Ilya Pavlovich Shulyakov(1969): An industrial engineer who has taken charge of the consumer industry across South Moscow and is both boring and unexceptional. Shulyakov has delivered acceptable and consistent performance along with having a nonexistent history of labor abuses. Starting out as a politically influenced seat on the regional development committee of Moscow, recent politics have brought him a massive degree of independence with the removal of Abramov. With the separation of the ministries, the less important light industrial sector has been transferred over to Shulyakov formally rather than the informal split in the ministry. This has further allowed a larger pivot towards worker-focused policies, judging that through the industrial mobilization of the proletariat, the poorer republics can be rapidly developed.
  • Centrist
  • Moscow Party Base
  • Process Engineer
  • Excellent Organizer
  • Mass Production Focused
Deputy: Yuri Filippovich Solovyov(1969): Moving into the party thanks to a mixture of a wartime career and the Mikoyan reforms Solovyov has decisively taken charge of the development of infrastructure across the northern RSFSR. To this end, the road program has led to his promotion as it strongly enhanced consumer goods production. As one of the men spearheading the program along with its primary goal to develop consumer goods production, its success has pushed him further in the party. In his belief the primary role of the state is the direct support of the consumer goods sector, developing the infrastructure and funding necessary for success towards increasing production.

Department of Chemical Industry

Alexey Sergeevich Biryukov(1965): Head of chemical development that has come to prominence with the further expansion of the Saratov complex and the subsequent oil fields. He is conventional and focused on the struggle with increasing fuel and energy demands across several sectors with a graduate degree in chemical engineering. Incorrect in assumptions on the current high priority chemical projects, advocating chemicalization over the development of new oils. He is technically educated but this has not prevented him from making technical mistakes with his work siloed into the plastics program to prevent any damage to more important efforts.

  • Conservative
  • Petrochemical Focus
  • Chemical Engineer
  • Polymer Program Proponent
  • Good Organizer
Deputy: Zuleikha Gabibovna Seidmamedova(1971): Coming into the ministry after proving herself during the war through front-line aviation work, Seimamedova is a geological engineer who while unconventional, has worked to pioneer the extraction of several deposits. Writing several works on slant drilling and more comprehensive techniques she is a technical pioneer for new methods with more of an academic-enterprise background than a direct ministry one. Improved drilling and recovery is expected to be necessary for some of the newly found deposits and work is only expected to get harder as easier oil deposits are depleted.

Department of Agriculture

Igor Alexandrovich Skachkov(1969): An advocate for the massive intensification of agriculture through updated practices and increasing chemicalization, Skachkov is conventional and typical of much of the agronomy sector. A strong advocate for the intensification of agriculture to take advantage of limited water reserves alongside the expansion of water reserves he is charged with major development programs. Increased meat production has come as an aftereffect of focusing on value-added production as meat can be developed in regions with better water access instead of inherently tied to the soil. Continued agriculture programs will soon tame nature, bringing forward more capable chemicals and increasing water access to improve production.
  • Good Organizer
  • Conventional Agrochemist
  • Chemicalization Advocate
  • Strong Meat Program Supporter
  • Professor of Agronomy
  • Reformist
Deputy: Nikolai Fedorovich Vasiliev(1969): One of the core drivers of radical projects towards fixing severe water issues that are present and providing a degree of protection against floods. The driver of the Reversal of the Northern Rivers and one of the men responsible for the implementation of the plan to achieve it. Even if he will only see the tail end of development the program represents the current zenith of domestic agricultural and civil engineering. Vasilev believes that the key to agriculture is the direct management of the hydrosphere and its rationalization, with several successes to his name.

Department of Services

Lydia Vasilievna Sokhan(1968): Sokhan has outlasted both Voznesensky and Klimenko, with her promotion to the full ministerial post. One of the largest allies in the education program of the Eighth Plan and one that has not gone politically strange over the investigations, she is reliable and capable of making harsh decisions. This has effectively provided Sokhan with a recommendation for good work even if educationally not exactly qualified for the program as she is more focused on the provision of talent instead of its utilization. A movement in focus towards profit centric services has raised some mild protests but she is willing to implement the current change in focus.
  • Conservative
  • Decisive
  • Education Focused
  • Politically Unconnected
  • Sociologist
Deputy: Nikolay Fedorovich Tatarchuk(1968): Moving up from the agricultural program and to a wider extent the food program Tatarchuk has an unconventional basis for the post, but an adequate one given the problems of serving the countryside. Conventional approaches have worked adequately for centralized areas but movement into the countryside has persistently been limited both by political limitations and a lack of applicable experience. This development of the countryside has proved critical for the good of the Soviet people and continued funding programs are expected to be expected to implement the targets of the plan.

Government of the Soviet Union/Presidium of the Council of Ministers

Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet: Nikolai Ivanovich Ryzhkov(1974): Podgorny's client and one of the strongest proponents for state dominance over party organs alongside the development of a government that clarifies the Mikoyanist system. His career started from the Ural polytechnic institute, rapidly rising through the management of Uralmash followed by the city commission propelling him into a political career that was rapidly capitalized on with his own reformist attitudes appealing to Podgorny. Currently, he plans to prepare the Union for large-scale economic confrontation over direct confrontation with the capitalist powers, modernizing the economy and starting reforms to party structures.
  • State Basis of Power
  • Opponent of Party Orthodoxy
  • Systems Focused Politics
  • Capable Administrator
  • Demand Side Economics
  • Reformer

General Secretary: Vitaly Ivanovich Vorotnikov(1975): Building a career somewhat in the shadow of Romanov after getting into Leningrad politics after graduating as a Mechanical Engineer. Rapidly climbing through work managing military and technical production around Leningrad, he partially got into politics as a major coordinating force working with Romanov as a hedge against ministry betrayals. His arrival into power came with the current consolidation with an emergency plenum called to hold a vote to first remove Semyonov and then elect Vorotnikov as the new general secretary alongside several important allies. Currently he is focused on ensuring that the economy does not radically change while increasing the global strength of Soviet Influence.
  • Technocrat Successor
  • Mikoyanist System Proponent
  • Cybernetics Proponent
  • Political Hawk
  • Socially Conservative
  • Conservative

Minister of the National Economy: You

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Igor Vasilyevich Babkov(1964): A new appointment from the Uzbek SSR and a notable political figure pushing for a far greater engagement with the Middle East and northern Africa as the "fronts" of the anti-imperialist struggle. A radical change from the previous minister, if educated in a conventional political fashion for a diplomat and nowhere near as radical as Masherov would have liked. His current policy proposals are expected to focus on the construction of socialist states abroad and the preparation for general confrontation instead of an inherent focus on the rollback of American influence. Shifted out of one of the lower departments of the old MFA and an outspoken critic he nonetheless cannot be easily disregarded by any political alignment.
  • Hawkish
  • Ideologically Flexible
  • Internationalist
  • Moderately Interventionist
  • Militarization Advocate
  • Diplomat
Current Major Programs:
-Restructuring Soviet Commitments
-Implementing the Euro
-CMEA Disease Eradication Programs

Minister of Defense: Pyotr Alekseevich Belik(1969): With the retirement of Kosygin the retirement of Vatutin was almost expected as politics have moved on from the last generation of party members. Replacing the minister of defense has forced harsh compromises between Romanov and Semyonov leading to the appointment of an acceptable officer from the Western Forces. His command experience stemmed from an accelerated course in the academy and rapid promotion to commanding a reconstituted armored brigade fighting on the Minsk-Smolensk axis. During the counter-offensive he rapidly advanced to the leadership of a full tank army, taking charge in the 2nd Ukrainian front combined encirclement and destruction of Army Group South. From his wartime performance, a promotion to the command of forces in Germany was a logical next step, leading to sufficient experience in exercises for further promotion.
  • Technologies Proponent
  • Veterans of Lower Commands
  • Central Military District
  • Tank Commander
  • Conventional Warfare Centric
Current Major Programs:
-Construction of the Electronic Army
-Unification of Warsaw Pact Commands
-Establishment of Flexible Exercises

Minister of Finance: Ivan Yakovlevich Naumenko(1975): Moved into the Ministry as Finance as a compromise between Vorotnikov and Ryzhkov on the budgets of the economy. Technically one of the protages of Masherov if several steps removed Naumenko is a doctor of mathematical economics that has managed the Vitebsk regional office of Gosbank for several years before advancing into conventional party career. His economic line is primarily conventional with several papers on optimal direction of the economic system alongside the management of cybernetic effects in both directed and market systems. The Ministry is currently at its weakest point, so his influence is unlikely to be felt in the short term barring a major economic crisis.
  • Politically Neutral
  • Market Cyberneticist
  • Euro Proponent
  • Conservative Economist
  • Mathematical Economist
  • Academician
Current Major Programs:
-Rationalizing state budgets
-Starting moderate scale economic test cases
-Monitoring the rapid expansion of Gosbank

Minister of State Security(MGB): Lev Sergeyevich Tolokinnikov(1973): Moving a replacement from military intelligence has been an unconventional choice but one that works with the current increase in confrontation and one that provides distance from the previous actions of the military. Tolokinnikov is a conventional intelligence expert who has served well on the primary axis of confrontation with the West rather than the colonial front, reducing the chance of a further flare-up. His loss from direct intelligence work will be felt but he is expected to moderately increase confrontation and focus more on infiltration work over blatant military-diplomatic work.
  • Conservative
  • Head of Infiltration Programs
  • Block Preservation Focused
  • Ex-GRU
  • Exceptional Organizer
  • Anti-American
Current Major Programs:
-Starting South American Missions
-SEA internal defense and national stabilization
-Containment of French Imperialism

Minister of the Interior(MVD): Vladimir Grigoriavich Lomonosov(1975): Rising in a career that originally began with work in Moscow metallurgical plants but has steadily climbed to positions of greater importance. He took on responsibilities as part of the MVD in the post Mikoyan re-organization, heading a softening of internal policy while not compromising the essential elements of state policy. Conservative but ardently against expanding the repression, prioritizing the increase to security forces for the sake of peace and the reduction in criminality. Lomonosov is likely to be focused on further reforms against criminality and comprehensive work to strengthen the defense of the state against criminal elements.
  • Politically Neutral
  • Work Focused Obsessive
  • Anti-Criminal
  • Idealistic
  • Disciplinarian
  • Mechanical Engineer
Current Major Programs:
-Expanding Internal Policing Forces
-Expanding Court Throughput
-Reforming the Justice System
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Turn 1 (1928 2nd half): The Great Breakthrough
Vote called for Plan Long-Term.
Turn 1 (1928 2nd half): The Great Breakthrough
Resources per turn 125 with 250 currently in storage.

Moscow, 1928

The old capital of the tsars is cold even in what passes for summer here. You reflexively tighten the jacket and stiffen as the wind rustles the litter of the last day's rally in Red Square, and the stern face of Lenin gazes down at you from a poster on the Kremlin walls. You're a long way from Georgia and the endless rivalries of the Caucasus, but this is honestly better - small wonder you turned over the Transcaucasus Soviet Republic to the Union all those years ago.

A nod to the guard on duty - poor boy's thin and cold, saluting stiffly and trying not to shiver - and you pass into the Kremlin. The halls that once held splendor and nobility are now a place for the endless ranks of Party bureaucracy to mill about, some of them smelling of sweat and nervousness as you move towards the heart of the Kremlin. You nod again as a severe secretary looks once at you, and she seems to grimace before she waves you on in.

Your old friend - or perhaps you ought to say Party ally - turns to you as your footsteps are heard, and the crowded desk with its red pen and its notorious black marker seems to signal his preoccupation. Still, though, you were called here - and you aren't going to pretend to try to be cultured and polite at this point. You clear your throat as Ioseb nods at you, "Comrade Stalin-" Ridiculous name, but you suppose everyone took one, "You called?"

The eyes that unsettled you all those years ago in a Georgian prison cell seem to bore into you as Stalin nods, pockmarked cheeks hollowing as he fills his pipe and lights it up. "Yes. Sit, Sergo. We have much to talk about."

"Such as?" You point at one of the maps, "You know I'm not one for planning and education, and that seems to be what's going on."

Stalin smiles thinly at your reply, and his words are lazily reprimanding as smoke rolls out of his mouth. "Reliability is, at this point, the more important thing. You understand the priorities, Sergo. Better than most. You know the Party line, and you have been a reliable old Bolshevik."

Unlike Kamenev, unlike Zinoviev, unlike Trotsky, comes the unspoken addendum, and Stalin's next words are enough to make you drop your guard for a moment. "You will be in command of the Five Year Plan this year onwards. You will have full command authority for the Union's industrialization."
"What." As the word slips out of your mouth, Stalin laughs.

Free dice to allocate: 2 Dice
Infrastructure 3 Dice

[]Refurbishment of the Trans-Siberian Main Line:
Multiple sections of the great rail line have not been repaired enough and lack a considerable amount of infrastructure for the transit of older coal-powered trains. An extensive update is needed for the line to keep steady supplies going towards the far east for the development of far-flung small towns. While the refurbishment campaign will not change the poor state of infrastructure in the Siberian hinterland, it will allow the current system to be used far more efficiently. (25 Resources per dice (0/400))

[]Telegraph Networking: The current system of communication is entirely obsolete and incapable of sending messages across the width of the Union. A great effort to lay new lines and construct new communication depots all across the trans-Siberian vastness is needed to fix this lack of messaging. While such a measure will not affect the plan's completion, it will allow for greater coordination. (5 Resources per dice (0/40), allows direct command of personnel in Siberian sections)

[]Buildup of Rail Stock(Coal): The lack of rolling stock has been a critical issue for the Soviet Union people even before the party's formation. Now, it has come time to start working on a solution for the problem with a buildup of locomotives and new rail cars to allow the produced goods to reach their destinations quickly. These would be made in the old plants for locomotives and would be a decent budgetary option. (10 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Buildup of Rail Stock (Diesel): Diesel is a radical solution to the current lack of rail stock and lack of infrastructure to fuel trains along the long-range routes of the trans-Siberian. By upgrading trains to a new standard of speed and quality, the lack of coal infrastructure can be solved. There is, however, the small issue of needing to import and obtain these locomotives from the Germans. Due to previous new economic policies, the production of such machines failed to be developed. Thus, it would require domestic production to be rapidly developed to allow the Union to take advantage of such technology. (-5 Party Influence, 20 Resources per dice (0/800))

[]Dnieper River Systems: The electrification of the Ukrainian mining and industrial zone is a critical priority that is needed to improve the total productivity of existing plants there. The production of power along the river through a dam system would allow the state to tap the energy at minimal future cost and significantly improve the worker's plight. While not the most optimal form, these projects are glorious and can be held up as symbols of socialist progress to the average worker. As an added benefit, the excessive amount of available labor would allow these projects to be finished for comparatively little hard currency. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Neva River Systems: The Neva river basin's electrification is a critical task for producing goods in the North of the Soviet Union. These locks and dams will provide the state with enough power for Leningrad and Moscow to build up into true industrial cities for the proletarian masses. These dam and canal systems are built-in far harsher climates than the Dnieper ones and necessitate more extensive human resource commitments. But that is the one thing the Union has to spare. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (0/250))

[]Port Buildup in Nikolaev: The southern ports' trade infrastructure has been poor for most of the region's history. Through the ports' buildup, a considerable amount of exports can be sent out to the world for cheaper than previously available, allowing additional material to be imported from the west to fuel the great industrialization. This would also enable an optimal shipyard to construct new warships when the West inevitably breaks the Montreux Convention. (10 Resources per dice (0/60))

[]Rail Connections to Planned/Closed City Sites: To complete the plan, there is a necessity to construct additional connecting lines to the more classified sites of the Great Breakthrough. Supposing the city project is put into motion, these lines will form the primary way of moving people and material into and out of the cities - thus allowing absolute focus towards realizing the plan. (10 Resources per dice (0/50))

Heavy Industry 4 Dice

[]Magnitogorsk Planned City(Stage 1):
A literal mountain of iron has been found in the Ural Mountains, and it would be the greatest shame if we failed to exploit it properly. This site will form the backbone of the Union's steel industry, and if the dreams of the planners are fulfilled, it will become the largest steel production plant in the world. The current priority is constructing the steel mill complexes and the housing associated with them to allow for optimal steel production. This first step will bring the complex to the first production of steel and build the ever-expanding plant's industrial core. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 25 Resources per dice (0/300))

[]Zlatoust Planned City(Stage 1): The mines of the Urals have resources other than iron. The construction of a great industrial plant for the processing of new metals and alloys would be a significant step forward for accomplishing the plan. This would be the center of alloying and base tool production in the Union, allowing other plants to be shipped processed niche metals. With the target of the expanded output of capital goods, this would be a key site for producing additional raw materials. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 25 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Uralmash: The need for a heavy machinery plant has never been so dire as now with the need to import considerable amounts of Western machines. A domestic source of productive machinery would go a massively long way towards securing the Union. This plant would form the core of the industrialization effort with the bulk of the machinery produced here. However, the issue is that currently, all equipment for said plant needs to be imported, creating considerable cost overruns due to the nature of the capitalist system. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 50 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Locomotive Plants: A series of small locomotive plants is needed to construct additional rail stock and maintenance of engines throughout the Union. These would allow for far greater railway expansion and updates, creating additional capital goods for the plan to be fulfilled. In every city and every rail terminus, the people shall create new locomotives and new transport to allow for the rapid transport of resources and personnel all over the Union. These plants could also be a good first step for constructing metro and streetcar systems for new Soviet cities. (15 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Stalingrad Tractor Plant(Import Stage 1): There is a desperate need to produce additional tractors to stabilize and improve agriculture. These tractors would allow more workers to be freed from farm labor and encouraged to move to the cities, allowing a good quantity of labor for other projects to approach party officials asking for transfers of the industrial plants willingly. However, for this production, expertise needs to be imported due to the current lack of domestic designs' technological sophistication. This approach is not popular with the party, but it would allow a rapid transition to modern tractors. (-5 Party Influence, 50 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Stalingrad Tractor Plant(Domestic Stage 1): There is a desperate need to produce additional tractors for the stabilization and improvement in agriculture. These tractors would allow more workers to be freed from farm labor and encouraged to move to the cities, allowing a dearth of labor for other projects to approach party officials asking for transfers of the industrial plants willingly. For this production, though, domestic designs are good enough for the production of most crops. While they may be behind in sophistication of the Western models, they are adequate for the task. Further on, avoiding imports allows for a conservation of resources. (25 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Donbas Coal Basin Mine Expansion(Stage 1): There is a desperate need for coal through the Union with many tasks needed for it ranging from heating fuel to exports. Fortunately, there is already a large basin of the material right below a river-system allowing for easy transport of it to industrial facilities. Said mine expansions would have a massive labor cost that needs to be compensated somehow, as coal mining as a profession lacks a particular draw and needs encouragement. (10 Resources per dice (0/250))

[]Khazak Phosphate Mine Expansion: There are large deposits of phosphates under the Khazak steppe, allowing for easy expansion in fertilizer production for the Union. These mines would be moderately sized endeavors spread all across the region and would provide the phosphates needed for agricultural intensification. (10 Resources per dice (0/150))

Light and Chemical Industry 3 Dice

[]Baku Oil Extraction(Step 1):
There is a massive amount of light oil under the earth in Baku, and it would be a shame to let it simply sit there. Through a large degree of expansion and pumping, masses of oil can be used as both heating and transport fuel, allowing for further economic development. It would also be of critical importance for the military, winning many friends at the party through its use. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Baku Oil Refineries(Step 1): The refining of oil to new usable products is necessary to utilize the local deposits of oil properly. These refineries will also provide the resources required to construct additional chemical industry through these plants' side products. Without first accomplishing domestic refining of oil, a chemical industry cannot be built up. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 20 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Village Logging Services: The use of small logging camps and the distribution of logging equipment to central points would significantly improve the nation's timber output at a nominal cost. While these would be far from the most efficient, such systems can allow remote villages to process their lumber and help them construct additional homes. Allowing them to become far more developed quite rapidly. (5 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Canning Plants: The construction of multiple new canning plants would allow the Union to preserve a far more significant portion of its food for the low cost of some steel. While these would not be glamorous or a massive industrial effort, they would improve military rations and ensure that every citizen can get a simple can of vegetables. Most would be constructed near farms and increase exported material value due to canned goods' preservation and perceived value. (10 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Kazak Textile Mills: With the massive amounts of cotton and wool produced in the Southern republic, it would make perfect sense to construct a series of large textile mills to allow for the easy processing of the fiber into new uniforms and clothes for the people of the Union. Another un-glamorous but essential project that, in theory, allows every citizen to have a wardrobe all on their own. (10 Resources per dice (0/50))

[]Vladivostok Small Shipyards: There exists an opportunity to tap into a new large source of food and to revitalize the far east with a new source of food production that should, in theory, secure a large amount of cheap protein. The fishing waters outside of Vladivostok are ripe with fish and only need a new fleet of fishing boats to exploit them. Such a plan should be easily accomplished with some additional effort by constructing some simple ocean-based fishing vessels. To ship these new food reserves to the other parts of the Union, however, rail renovations must be done. (10 Resources per dice (0/40))

Agriculture 3 Dice

[]Creation of Central Mechanism Storages(Stage 1):
A great lack in the current agricultural system of the Union is the lack of machinery for more optimally utilizing the labor of the workers. By creating multiple central storage sites for villages, it would be possible to free up masses of laborers to move into cities with the goal of becoming urban proletariat. This program would be expensive and take a massive quantity of funds to finish, but the gains in both crop yields and personnel will be astronomical. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 20 Resources per dice (0/300))

[]Education for the Farmers(Farming): One of the most significant issues plaguing the peasant classes in society is the lack of knowledge on proper methods of more optimal farming. Due to this lack of information and lack of knowledge, large tracts of land are underutilized and yield small resources. With a program of education of the peasantry, large amounts of these issues can be fixed. These programs would be seen as a waste of resources due to their focus on the peasant class by many in the party instead of favoring rapid industrialization. Still, anything that free's more productive labor can be explained. (-10 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Education for the Farmers(Political): The lack of proper class knowledge and class consciousness of the peasant farmers has created large rifts in society and has created incorrect and misapplied political theory issues. Through large education programs to teach the peasants the proper way to think, class consciousness can be encouraged, allowing more of them to be enabled to become workers without the expensive task of educating them. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Creation of State Agricultural Academies: While the production of more grain is a priority, the construction of additional schools for the testing of new revolutionary methods is also needed. With these, hard scientific data can be paired with the party's goals to create yet more efficient agricultural land use. These academies may not affect the first five-year plan, but these will ensure that the most up-to-date methodologies are employed for the next plan. (5 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Creation of new Bureaus of Agriculture (Apolitical): Creating a new system of inspectors and analysts to develop the agricultural sphere is critical to ensure that the party's directives are followed. However, it would be a waste of such an organization to be staffed by members unwilling to report accurately. Such a plan is not that popular with the party, but honest reporting should be worth its gold weight. (-15 Party Influence upon completion, (0/50))

[]Creation of new Bureaus of Agriculture (Political): New inspectors are needed to ensure that the peasants follow both the party's doctrine and that the needed grain for the cities is not being hidden away. These would be honored party members that will ensure the local peasant class's compliance and ensure that they know the proper revolutionary theory. While this would not be that popular with the locals, this should allow a steady improvement in party support and increase local peasant loyalty. (10 Party Influence upon completion, (0/50))

Services 3 Dice

[]Creation of the State Hospital System(Stage 1):
A new system of state hospitals and clinics will allow the Union to reach new goals in population growth and healthcare rapidly. These systems will be built in cities first but will ensure a consistent population growth through improvements in medicine. (10 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Start of the Closed City Program: Due to the degree of expression of the inteligencia along with their propensity to make declarations of information without first consulting the party line, it may be better for the nation and for their survival to relocate them to a place out of mind. These would be closed University cities tasked to develop future scientific knowledge and technology for the Union and the Party. Such a dense arrangement of experts would also help them work together as entire fields can be based on single city-sized research complexes. The party approves of such a handing as it would ensure that there are no new radical declarations from scientists that should know better. At the same time, this would also be a way to keep them out of the party's eye to ensure that they do not face additional opposition. (10 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Formation of an Official Work-Training Program: Trained workers are a continuous necessity for the production of additional industrial goods and products, and when transferring peasants to factories, this need is most intense. While this would not be an expensive program and only teach the very basics, it would formalize a work training system to ensure that future workers going into the industry know what they are doing to a reasonable extent. (5 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Creation of new Polytechnic Universities(Step 1): Technological education is the core of creating a new generation of engineers and academia. These schools will be focused on the development of the intellectual potential of the people of the Union of all stripes. No longer will education be limited to the wealthy few or the elite of the aristocracy. Now, instruction can be given to all, no matter their wealth, sex, or class. While this does mean many schools need to be constructed, their construction will allow the Union to make a scientific leap forward. (10 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Creation of new Party Universities: New schools are needed to ensure that new members of the party can be trained to develop communist theory. These schools will just educate the party elite and raise the new elite, ensuring that the party's future is secure. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Expansion of the Schooling Programs: The education of the Soviet Youth in reading and basic arithmetic is critical for developing a new society of knowledgeable workers. These schools will focus on the teaching of basic concepts and a proper understanding of history. While not glamorous, these will be the core of a literacy program for the Soviet youth. Ensuring that soon the next generation of new trained, enthusiastic, and happy workers will be created for future use in industry. (5 Resources per dice (0/200))

Bureaucracy 1 Dice

[]Appoint a New Industrial Council(Scientific):
While lacking specific knowledge on how to run an industrial plan, delegation is a solution for many problems. By hiring a team of trained scientists that are at least capable of advising on the plan's goals, far more could be fulfilled. The issue is that scientists are prone to declarations that are quite unhealthy for them, necessitating constant protection for them. (-10 Party Influence and a chance of losing more, DC 30, increases dice allocation)

[]Appoint a New Industrial Council(Yesman): The filling out of positions with old friends and loyalists should allow a great extent of authority to be directed towards you. While not contentious or exceptional for fellow members of the bureaucracy, this will not get you more information, but it will ensure that you can expand your management at little personal cost with expendable assets. (DC 10, increases dice allocation)

[]Additional State Funding: The plan needs an additional influx of cash to accomplish the initial objectives before yet greater industry can be constructed. To achieve this, it may be wise to dip into the state reserve of currency to ensure that a steady stream of new assets can flow into the Union and ensure that development can occur. This would be a risky option as the loss of these reserves can cause significant currency fluctuations, but it would be challenging to accelerate the plan considerably without them. (DC 50, immediate 200 Resources)

Mechanics Clarification: You can freely spend the dice in their respective categories with free dice being used for any of them at your choice.

Please vote by plan.
Blackstar threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Survival Total: 49
49 49
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Turn 1 (1928 2nd half): The Great Breakthrough Results
Turn 1 (1928 2nd half): The Great Breakthrough Results
[]Dnieper River Systems:
The electrification of the Ukrainian mining and industrial zone is a critical priority that is needed to improve the total productivity of existing plants there. The production of power along the river through a dam system would allow the state to tap the energy at minimal future cost and significantly improve the worker's plight. While not the most optimal form, these projects are glorious and can be held up as symbols of socialist progress to the average worker. The excessive amount of available labor would allow these projects to be finished for comparatively little hard currency as an added benefit. (198 Close enough to complete) (Provides 5 Resources per turn) (5 Party Influence) (Multiple Options Updated and Added)

-The great effort for constructing the river dam network is a massive industrial mobilization of NKPS construction troops alongside the proletarian mass of labor. These workers are quickly gathered from local towns, and construction of work residences rapidly proceeds on schedule. While there are some casualties, the winter this far south is mild, and the barracks go up quite rapidly. The work on the dams themselves is slower, with thousands of tons of concrete poured as panel by panel of the massive run of the river dams are built and connected into the grid. The Soviet worker's sheer speed is a testament to many as each workers' long shift provides their labor to construct a better future. Barely on time, though, the project completes with the lower river dams still needing a small amount of effort that can be handled by lower authorities.

I was just a small-town boy looking for something to do when the party officials came to my village, talking up a grand, glorious game. They wanted assistance from able-bodied men looking to build some small dams on the river. What a fool I was to accept it, trotted out into the wilderness, sent to a little shack near a river. The fishing was good, but the shifts were un-ending. Every day 8 hours then another 4 of overtime. The party would not let up. It would not stop. And every step of the way, a far too smug engineer was looking at me, judging my work, screaming if any little thing was out of place. Guess he was right though; my bunkmate Boris didn't listen, stepped and slipped on the concrete, by the time the rest of the tired shift noticed he had already fallen into the river. The 156th casualty of the constant shift, I can still hear the soft sound of him hitting the water in my sleep, when I can sleep.
-Journal of Stephen Kuznetsov, found dead in the Dnieper.

[]Telegraph Networking: The current system of communication is entirely obsolete and incapable of sending messages across the width of the Union. A great effort to lay new lines and construct new communication depots all across the trans-Siberian vastness is needed to fix this lack of messaging. While such a measure will not affect the plan's completion, it will allow for greater coordination. (5 Resources per dice (14/40), allows direct command of personnel in Siberian sections)

-Due to misallocations in the production of wooden logs, an issue has come up where frontal trains putting down telegraph lines lacked a proper supply of logs. However, a small section of telegraph lines still went up due to the workers' inventiveness in adapting local forests to construct telegraph poles. While such ingenuity allowed some progress to be made, there were persistent issues with further telegraph lines. Causing the project to become considerably delayed despite the manpower provided to it.

[]Uralmash: The need for a heavy machinery plant has never been so dire as now with the need to import considerable amounts of Western machines. A domestic source of productive machinery would go a massively long way towards securing the Union. This plant would form the core of the industrialization effort with the bulk of the machinery produced here. However, the issue is that currently, all equipment for said plant needs to be imported, creating considerable cost overruns due to the nature of the capitalist system. (294/200 completed with distinction) (Provides 50 Resources per turn) (5 Party Influence) (Multiple Options Updated and Added)

-Many new machinery orders are made from the Americans as a large team of almost ten thousand train-based workers are sent out under NKPS to the plant's site. The construction of the communal housing sections occurs in record time with the workers' will, allowing a rapid month-long shock effort to complete the great project's first stage. By the time the Americans get there with their machines and their engineers, almost ninety thousand workers and engineers stand ready to construct the Soviet Union plant. There is no end to the labor as local front line engineer-leaders set a blistering pace with constant 8-hour shifts, with each one well exceeding that in overtime to ensure the rapid completion of the project. In the first month, the factory complex's main halls are complete as workers with simple pulleys and hands. There is no desire for the people to give up or snerk in their labor as machine hall after machine hall is constructed. Massive pits for industrial machinery construction are dug in days as the Americans stare on in a mix of horror and fascination. The steel tumor that is the industrial complex grows with every train that delivers more and more goods to the site, as even with delays on the arrival of proper equipment, the brave work crews accomplish their tasks well ahead of target. At the end of the fifth month, the first production line opens with the opening commemorated through a celebration around the freshly made lathe.

When the rail system first got us to the planned site, it was just a small village on Yekaterinburg's outskirts. And by the plan, in six months, we would transform it into an industrial complex that even the West would be in utter envy of. The first issue that hit my crews was the bitter cold of the ever freezing approaching Russian winter. There were not enough logs for cabins, not enough coal for warmth, only a steady supply of more and more men. I am not proud to say that I have personally written hundreds of letters to families who lost their sons, but the cost had to be paid. After that first month, the plant's housing sections were built to supply fresh blood. At that point, the Americans came in too, needing a whole song and dance to make sure that my staff knew their heads from their asses. Once they were there, the unloading started, the machines were bulky, heavy, but they needed to be moved to maintain the plan. When the only equipment on site were the men there, what could I do but utilize them to their fullest extent? Crews of over a hundred moved the massive alloying vats in, there were losses, there was a major fall, but the equipment was in and seated by the course of a month. I will not say that the cost was low, but we have fulfilled this section of the plan for the good of the Nation and the Party. May the dead be buried with honor, for their sacrifice will ensure the success of the plan.
-Project Report by Misha Pahmelnik(Classified message for VSNKh commissariat)

Worker Casualties
2179 Frostbite Casualties
443 Frostbite Deaths
13529 Work-Related Injuries
2102 Work-Related Deaths
445 Deaths due to Disease
-Statistical Commisarat (Classified message for VSNKh commissariat)

[]Baku Oil Extraction(Step 1): There is a massive amount of light oil under the earth in Baku, and it would be a shame to let it simply sit there. Through a large degree of expansion and pumping, masses of oil can be used as both heating and transport fuel, allowing further economic development. It would also be of critical importance for the military, winning many friends at the party through its use. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (72/100))

-The first pumps arrived slightly behind schedule as they were old post-retirement American systems, made for an altogether different deposit in a different age. However, they would do with the first wells drilled into the earth of the field to start pumping up the black gold. The progress on the project was considerable, with multiple new small wells opened up for pumping. The extraction yields are not exceptional, but they have ensured that the future will be bright for the military and the Union.

[]Baku Oil Refineries(Step 1): The refining of oil to new usable products is necessary to utilize the local deposits of oil properly. These refineries will also provide the resources required to construct additional chemical industry through these plants' side products. Without first accomplishing domestic refining of oil, a chemical industry cannot be built up. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 20 Resources per dice (3/100))

-Due to the inability to access any imported fuel, refining equipment issues abounded, as nothing could be done. A few workers were sent out to prepare the site, but what can a few laborers do to refine oil. Now though, the party has a perfectly leveled area for the construction of the refinery.

[]Creation of State Agricultural Academies: While the production of more grain is a priority, the construction of additional schools for the testing of new revolutionary methods is also needed. With these, hard scientific data can be paired with the party's goals to create yet more efficient agricultural land use. These academies may not affect the first five-year plan, but these will ensure that the most up-to-date methodologies are employed for the next plan. (5 Resources per dice (37/150))

-The first schools are constructed with a moderate degree of speed as scientists all across the Union are asked to transfer over and teach. These are not massive endeavors and mostly comprise small classrooms and campuses, but multiple new recent school graduates are being taught the latest in farming theory.

[]Creation of new Bureaus of Agriculture (Apolitical): Creating a new system of inspectors and analysts to develop the agricultural sphere is critical to ensure that the party's directives are followed. However, it would be a waste of such an organization to be staffed by members unwilling to report accurately. Such a plan is not that popular with the party, but honest reporting should be worth its gold weight. (-15 Party Influence upon completion, (10/50))

-An issue is rapidly found when attempting to recruit personnel for the Bureaus; it is nearly impossible to find qualified individuals willing to work a near thankless job to inspect crops. It's not prestigious or that attractive to multiple scientists with refusals issued out from multiple respected ones. There are still some prominent candidates, but far from enough to properly create the organization.

[]Start of the Closed City Program: Due to the degree of expression of the inteligencia along with their propensity to make declarations of information without first consulting the party line, it may be better for the nation and for their survival to relocate them to a place out of mind. These would be closed University cities tasked to develop future scientific knowledge and technology for the Union and the Party. Such a dense arrangement of experts would also help them work together as entire fields can be based on single city-sized research complexes. The party approves of such a handing as it would ensure that there are no new radical declarations from scientists that should know better. At the same time, this would also be a way to keep them out of the party's eye to ensure that they do not face additional opposition. (10 Resources per dice (45/150))

-The first closed cities' construction started rapidly as attachments to larger towns, with small checkpoints leading to them. They will soon become sights for the containment of intellectuals and their research to ensure nothing can leak to the Westerners. While many will probably resist the push for relocation into such works, it is necessary to protect them and ensure our future technological dominance.

[]Creation of new Party Universities: New schools are needed to ensure that new members of the party can be trained to develop communist theory. These schools will just educate the party elite and raise the new elite, ensuring that the party's future is secure. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (74/100))

-Three different large-party universities are created to teach party members proper behavior and theory and ensure that future recruits are more adequately educated on average. The school in Moscow is set to focus on training new administrative candidates to ensure that they are incorruptible and capable of efficiently and deftly navigating the bureaucracy. The school in Leningrad is fully committed to teaching party theory and proper readings of Marx, ensuring that a loyal cadre of personnel can be trained. The academy in Stalingrad though, was for a different purpose. It will soon be directly instrumental in training the NKVD members on how to accomplish their tasks with distinction better. All three installations though, need more time to finish building, as only the dormitories and conference halls have been fully completed.

[]Appoint a New Industrial Council(Scientific): While lacking specific knowledge on how to run an industrial plan, delegation is a solution for many problems. By hiring a team of trained scientists that are at least capable of advising on the plan's goals, far more could be fulfilled. The issue is that scientists are prone to declarations that are quite unhealthy for them, necessitating constant protection for them. (-10 Party Influence and a chance of losing more, DC 30, increases dice allocation)

-No progress is made as it is near impossible to find an at all reliable and consistent council of engineers to support the planning endeavor, leaving the work all the work to your current small staff. Still, though, a new series of books and textbooks are purchased to ensure that given time and slow commitments to reading, your informational basis for most of the plan should at least be minimally factual.
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Turn 2 (1929 1st half): The Workers Front is Wide
Turn 2 (1929 1st half): The Workers Front is Wide
Resources per turn 180 with 15 in storage.

Moscow, 1929

Over a dark Moscow skyline in a grand party meeting hall, your secretary passes you some warm tea to celebrate the new year and the great progress in the plan. The massive paintings and tapestries on the wall imply a grandness that is not there in a mostly empty, cold room. All you can do is stare out of the window at the citizens going about their daily lives, uncaring of the politics happening near them.

After zoning out a small amount, you are rapidly brought to attention when the guard outside the door knocks. Rising to attention, your colleague tovarish Bazarov enters the room in a simple coat and moves with the awkward grace of a typical member of the inteligencia. Slow, cautious, and looking at everything with wide eyes in amazement over what the party can provide to those connected. He continues to gauze around, admiring the room making small conversation over inane topics as his tea is arranged at the table. There is only one real question on both of your minds, even before this meeting, and even before everything was set up. Where does the plan go from here?

Options are presented and laid out on the table, but the unspoken fact remains in the room. Both of you are utterly out of your depth. He knows the statistics and algorithms to navigate industrialization's minutia but is utterly incapable of navigating the party. You can navigate the party, but have can barely do the math he so casually mentions, much less understand the principles behind it. More hired help is needed for any chance of success, but you must first keep your co-worker quiet as the walls all have ears.

Free dice to allocate: 3 Dice
Infrastructure 3 Dice

[]Refurbishment of the Trans-Siberian Main Line:
Multiple sections of the great rail line have not been repaired enough and lack a considerable amount of infrastructure for the transit of older coal-powered trains. An extensive update is needed for the line to keep steady supplies going towards the far east to develop far-flung small towns. While the refurbishment campaign will not change the poor state of infrastructure in the Siberian hinterland, it will allow the current system to be used far more efficiently. (25 Resources per dice (0/400))

[]Telegraph Networking: The current system of communication is entirely obsolete and incapable of sending messages across the width of the Union. A great effort to lay new lines and construct new communication depots all across the trans-Siberian vastness is needed to fix this lack of messaging. While such a measure will not affect the plan's completion, it will allow for greater coordination. (5 Resources per dice (14/40), allows direct command of personnel in Siberian sections)

[]Buildup of Rail Stock(Coal): The lack of rolling stock has been a critical issue for the Soviet Union people even before the party's formation. Now, it has come time to start working on a solution for the problem with a buildup of locomotives and new rail cars to allow the produced goods to reach their destinations quickly. These would be made in the old plants for locomotives and would be a decent budgetary option. (10 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Buildup of the Riverine Fleet: With the new locks on the Dneiper river, it is time to build up a fleet of transport barges to allow bulk resources to flow more easily the union. This project should allow a considerable improvement in the Ukrainian SSR development and would allow easier shipments up north. A fairly cheap project due to the relative simplicity of constructing river barges. (10 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Buildup of Rail Stock (Diesel): Diesel is a radical solution to the current lack of rail stock and lack of infrastructure to fuel trains along the long-range routes of the trans-Siberian. The lack of coal infrastructure can be solved by upgrading trains to a new standard of speed and quality. There is, however, the small issue of needing to import and obtain these locomotives from the Germans. Due to previous new economic policies, the production of such machines failed to be developed. Thus, it would require domestic production to be rapidly developed to allow the Union to take advantage of such technology. (-5 Party Influence, 20 Resources per dice (0/800))

[]Neva River Systems: The Neva river basin's electrification is a critical task for producing goods in the North of the Soviet Union. These locks and dams will provide the state with enough power for Leningrad and Moscow to build up into true industrial cities for the proletarian masses. These dam and canal systems are built-in far harsher climates than the Dnieper ones and necessitate more extensive human resource commitments. But that is the one thing the Union has to spare. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (0/250))

[]Port Buildup in Nikolaev: The southern ports' trade infrastructure has been poor for most of the region's history. Through the ports' buildup, a considerable amount of exports can be sent out to the world for cheaper than previously available, allowing additional material to be imported from the west to fuel the great industrialization. This would also enable an optimal shipyard to construct new warships when the West inevitably breaks the Montreux Convention. (10 Resources per dice (0/60))

[]Rail Connections to Planned/Closed City Sites: To complete the plan, there is a necessity to construct additional connecting lines to the more classified sites of the Great Breakthrough. Supposing the city project is put into motion, these lines will form the primary way of moving people and material into and out of the cities - thus allowing absolute focus towards realizing the plan. (10 Resources per dice (0/50))

Heavy Industry 4 Dice

[]Magnitogorsk Planned City(Stage 1):
A literal mountain of iron has been found in the Ural Mountains, and it would be the greatest shame if we failed to exploit it properly. This site will form the backbone of the Union's steel industry, and if the dreams of the planners are fulfilled, it will become the largest steel production plant in the world. The current priority is constructing the steel mill complexes and the housing associated with them to allow for optimal steel production. This first step will bring the complex to the first production of steel and build the ever-expanding plant's industrial core. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 20 Resources per dice (0/300))

[]Zlatoust Planned City(Stage 1): The mines of the Urals have resources other than iron. The construction of a great industrial plant for the processing of new metals and alloys would be a significant step forward for accomplishing the plan. This would be the center of alloying and base tool production in the Union, allowing other plants to be shipped processed niche metals. With the target of the expanded output of capital goods, this would be a key site for producing additional raw materials. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 20 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Locomotive Plants: A series of small locomotive plants is needed to construct additional rail stock and engine maintenance throughout the Union. These would allow for far greater railway expansion and updates, creating additional capital goods for the plan to be fulfilled. In every city and every rail terminus, the people shall create new locomotives and new transport to allow for the rapid transport of resources and personnel all over the Union. These plants could also be a good first step for constructing metro and streetcar systems for new Soviet cities. (10 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Stalingrad Tractor Plant(Import Stage 1): There is a desperate need to produce additional tractors to stabilize and improve agriculture. These tractors would allow more workers to be freed from farm labor and encouraged to move to the cities, allowing a good quantity of labor for other projects to approach party officials asking for transfers of the industrial plants willingly. However, for this production, expertise needs to be imported due to the current lack of domestic designs' technological sophistication. This approach is not popular with the party, but it would allow a rapid transition to modern tractors. (-5 Party Influence, 50 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Stalingrad Tractor Plant(Domestic Stage 1): There is a desperate need to produce additional tractors for the stabilization and improvement in agriculture. These tractors would allow more workers to be freed from farm labor and encouraged to move to the cities, allowing a dearth of labor for other projects to approach party officials asking for transfers of the industrial plants willingly. For this production, though, domestic designs are good enough for the production of most crops. While they may be behind in sophistication of the Western models, they are adequate for the task. Further on, avoiding imports allows for a conservation of resources. (20 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Donbas Coal Basin Mine Expansion(Stage 1): There is a desperate need for coal through the Union with many tasks needed for it ranging from heating fuel to exports. Fortunately, there is already a large basin of the material right below a river-system allowing for easy transport of it to industrial facilities. Said mine expansions would have a massive labor cost that needs to be compensated somehow, as coal mining as a profession lacks a particular draw and needs encouragement. (10 Resources per dice (0/250))

[]Khazak Phosphate Mine Expansion: There are large deposits of phosphates under the Khazak steppe, allowing for easy expansion in fertilizer production for the Union. These mines would be moderately sized endeavors spread all across the region and would provide the phosphates needed for agricultural intensification. (10 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Gorky Machine-building Plant(Stage 1): A new massive machine producing factory that should allow for further ramping up of heavy industrial and machinery production. Current infrastructural strain and lack of base resources currently would make such a project far too costly, but given time; the Union could create a massive new industrial city. This plant would form the core for producing additional industrial equipment in the forms of large reaction vessels, and bootstrap the chemical industry. This would also be the first step to creating a massive planned city complex allowing yet more production increases. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 40 Resources per dice (0/500))

[]Dneprovsky Metallurgical Plant: The production of aluminum from alumina represents an incredibly energy-intense and challenging process that all developed nations are currently undertaking. Where would the Union be if such plans are not undertaken for the domestic production of this new material? The region has the power, and it is time for it to be utilized to produce new materials with new exiting properties. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 40 Resources per dice (0/200))

Light and Chemical Industry 3 Dice

[]Baku Oil Extraction(Step 1):
There is a massive amount of light oil under the earth in Baku, and it would be a shame to let it simply sit there. Through a large degree of expansion and pumping, masses of oil can be used as both heating and transport fuel, allowing further economic development. It would also be of critical importance for the military, winning many friends at the party through its use. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (72/100))

[]Baku Oil Refineries(Step 1): The refining of oil to new usable products is necessary to utilize the local deposits of oil properly. These refineries will also provide the resources required to construct additional chemical industry through these plants' side products. Without first accomplishing domestic refining of oil, a chemical industry cannot be built up. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 15 Resources per dice (3/100))

[]Village Logging Services: The use of small logging camps and the distribution of logging equipment to central points would significantly improve the nation's timber output at a nominal cost. While these would be far from the most efficient, such systems can allow remote villages to process their lumber and help them construct additional homes. Allowing them to become far more developed quite rapidly. (5 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Canning Plants: The construction of multiple new canning plants would allow the Union to preserve a far more significant portion of its food for the low cost of some steel. While these would not be glamorous or a massive industrial effort, they would improve military rations and ensure that every citizen can get a simple can of vegetables. Most would be constructed near farms and increase exported material value due to canned goods' preservation and perceived value. (10 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Kazak Textile Mills: With the massive amounts of cotton and wool produced in the Southern republic, it would make perfect sense to construct a series of large textile mills to allow for the easy processing of the fiber into new uniforms and clothes for the people of the Union. Another un-glamorous but essential project that, in theory, allows every citizen to have a wardrobe all on their own. (10 Resources per dice (0/50))

[]Vladivostok Small Shipyards: There exists an opportunity to tap into a new large source of food and to revitalize the far east with a new source of food production that should, in theory, secure a large amount of cheap protein. The fishing waters outside of Vladivostok are ripe with fish and only need a new fleet of fishing boats to exploit them. Such a plan should be easily accomplished with some additional effort by constructing some simple ocean-based fishing vessels. To ship these new food reserves to the other parts of the Union, however, rail renovations must be done. (10 Resources per dice (0/40))

Agriculture 3 Dice

[]Creation of Central Mechanism Storages(Stage 1):
A great lack in the current agricultural system of the Union is the lack of machinery for more optimally utilizing the labor of the workers. By creating multiple central storage sites for villages, it would be possible to free up masses of laborers to move into cities to become urban proletariat. This program would be expensive and take a massive quantity of funds to finish, but the gains in both crop yields and personnel will be astronomical. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 20 Resources per dice (0/300))

[]Education for the Farmers(Farming): One of the most significant issues plaguing the peasant classes in society is the lack of knowledge on proper methods of more optimal farming. Due to this lack of information and lack of knowledge, large tracts of land are underutilized and yield small resources. With a program of education of the peasantry, large amounts of these issues can be fixed. These programs would be seen as a waste of resources due to their focus on the peasant class by many in the party instead of favoring rapid industrialization. Still, anything that free's more productive labor can be explained. (-10 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Education for the Farmers(Political): The lack of proper class knowledge and class consciousness of the peasant farmers has created large rifts in society and has created incorrect and misapplied political theory issues. Through large education programs to teach the peasants the proper way to think, class consciousness can be encouraged, allowing more of them to be enabled to become workers without the expensive task of educating them. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Creation of State Agricultural Academies: While the production of more grain is a priority, the construction of additional schools for the testing of new revolutionary methods is also needed. With these, hard scientific data can be paired with the party's goals to create yet more efficient agricultural land use. These academies may not affect the first five-year plan, but these will ensure that the most up-to-date methodologies are employed for the next plan. (5 Resources per dice (37/150))

[]Creation of new Bureaus of Agriculture (Apolitical): Creating a new system of inspectors and analysts to develop the agricultural sphere is critical to ensure that the party's directives are followed. However, it would be a waste of such an organization to be staffed by members unwilling to report accurately. Such a plan is not that popular with the party, but honest reporting should be worth its gold weight. (-15 Party Influence upon completion, (10/50))

[]Creation of new Bureaus of Agriculture (Political): New inspectors are needed to ensure that the peasants follow both the party's doctrine and that the needed grain for the cities is not being hidden away. These would be honored party members that will ensure the local peasant class's compliance and ensure that they know the correct revolutionary theory. While this would not be popular with the locals, this should allow a steady improvement in party support and increase local peasant loyalty. (10 Party Influence upon completion, (0/50))

Services 3 Dice

[]Creation of the State Hospital System(Stage 1):
A new system of state hospitals and clinics will allow the Union to reach new goals in population growth and healthcare rapidly. These systems will be built in cities first but will ensure a consistent population growth through improvements in medicine. (10 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Start of the Closed City Program: Due to the degree of expression of the inteligencia along with their propensity to make declarations of information without first consulting the party line, it may be better for the nation and for their survival to relocate them to a place out of mind. These would be closed University cities tasked to develop future scientific knowledge and technology for the Union and the Party. Such a dense arrangement of experts would also help them work together as entire fields can be based on single city-sized research complexes. The party approves of such a handing as it would ensure that there are no new radical declarations from scientists that should know better. At the same time, this would also be a way to keep them out of the party's eye to ensure that they do not face additional opposition. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (45/150))

[]Formation of an Official Work-Training Program: Trained workers are a continuous necessity for the production of additional industrial goods and products, and when transferring peasants to factories, this need is most intense. While this would not be an expensive program and only teach the very basics, it would formalize a work training system to ensure that future workers going into the industry know what they are doing to a reasonable extent. (5 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Creation of new Polytechnic Universities(Stage 1): Technological education is the core of creating a new generation of engineers and academia. These schools will be focused on developing the intellectual potential of the people of the Union of all stripes. No longer will education be limited to the wealthy few or the elite of the aristocracy. Now, instruction can be given to all, no matter their wealth, sex, or class. While this does mean many schools need to be constructed, its construction will allow the Union to make a scientific leap forward. (10 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Creation of new Party Universities: New schools are needed to ensure that new members of the party can be trained to develop communist theory. These schools will just educate the party elite and raise the new elite, ensuring that the party's future is secure. Given the currently planned projects, and eventual improvement to the average manager will also be implemented. With a new standardization of officials rather than the old system of the inconsistently educated. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (74/100))

[]Expansion of the Schooling Programs: The education of the Soviet Youth in reading and basic arithmetic is critical for developing a new society of knowledgeable workers. These schools will focus on the teaching of basic concepts and a proper understanding of history. While not glamorous, these will be the core of a literacy program for the Soviet youth. Ensuring that soon the next generation of new trained, enthusiastic, and happy workers will be created for future use in industry. (5 Resources per dice (0/200))

Bureaucracy 1 Dice

[]Appoint a New Industrial Council(Scientific):
While lacking specific knowledge on how to run an industrial plan, delegation is a solution for many problems. By hiring a team of trained scientists that are at least capable of advising on the plan's goals, far more could be fulfilled. The issue is that scientists are prone to declarations that are quite unhealthy for them, necessitating constant protection for them. (-10 Party Influence and a chance of losing more, DC 20, increases dice allocation, considerable changes in voting options)

[]Appoint a New Industrial Council(Yesman): The filling out of positions with old friends and loyalists should allow a great extent of authority to be directed towards you. While not contentious or exceptional for fellow members of the bureaucracy, this will not get you more information, but it will ensure that you can expand your management at little personal cost with expendable assets. (DC 10, increases dice allocation)

[]Expand the Department Staff: Hires a large quantity of new, reasonably experienced staff to allow the department to manage a greater amount of things. These hires would take resources and need a constant wage, but the costs would be minuscule compared to the available funds. (DC 20, increases dice allocation)

[]Additional State Funding: The plan needs an additional influx of cash to accomplish the initial objectives before the yet greater industry can be constructed. To achieve such gains in resources, it may be wise to dip into the state reserve of currency to ensure that a steady stream of new assets can flow into the Union and ensure that development can occur. Such action would be a risky option as the loss of these reserves can cause significant currency fluctuations, but it would be challenging to accelerate the plan considerably without them. (DC 50, immediate 200 Resources)
Blackstar threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Survival Total: 83
83 83
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Turn 2 (1929 1st half): The Workers Front is Wide Results
Turn 2 (1929 1st half): The Workers Front is Wide Results
Resources per turn 180-155 with 15 in storage. New Storage 40
Party Support 55-15-10+5=35
Moscow, 1929


Telegraph Networking:
The current system of communication is entirely obsolete and incapable of sending messages across the width of the Union. A great effort to lay new lines and construct new communication depots all across the trans-Siberian vastness is needed to fix this lack of messaging. While such a measure will not affect the plan's completion, it will allow for greater coordination. (5 Resources per dice (14+77/40 Complete), allows direct command of personnel in Siberian sections)

The telegraph network's construction goes far better with actual resources and wiring allocated to it, and steady transportation of materials occurs over the trans-Siberian. While the train schedule is set back due to the use of lines for constructing communication infrastructure, the lines are still built. In March, the first message that is sent across the line is the full Soviet Anthem. At the same multiple new small stations are built along the line to distribute messages across the union so that anyone who wishes to send a message to their relatives can do so with relative ease. The network has also allowed a far greater degree of information to reach your department in Moscow in the far east industrial state.

When I was hired to build telegraph lines, you and I imagined a nice posting near my village with good weather and a pleasant climate, and these dreams were so, so mistaken. I have been stuck in a tiny train and working in the constant rain and mud in the depths of Siberia trying to lay these godforsaken lines. But Ksenia, my love, soon the work will be done, and I can finally go home. We just finished the poles section near Tomsk, and with the other teams ahead of schedule, I should be home soon.
-Letter sent by Nikolaiv Oblonsky​

Rail Connections to Planned/Closed City Sites: To complete the plan, there is a necessity to construct additional connecting lines to the more classified sites of the Great Breakthrough. Supposing the city project is put into motion, these lines will form the primary way of moving people and material into and out of the cities - thus allowing absolute focus towards realizing the plan. (10 Resources per dice (20/50))

With the slowdowns to rail construction from the telegraph network's construction, additional rail lines' construction is delayed from lack of resources moving to frontal building sites. While the shortages are not yet critical, considerable issues stem from the closed city project's continuation without necessary logistical support. Only the attached cities so far can be populated without risk of inadequate supply, with deeper ones needing proper connections for actual construction and production initiation.

Heavy Industry

Donbas Coal Basin Mine Expansion(Stage 1):
There is a desperate need for coal through the Union with many tasks needed for it ranging from heating fuel to exports. Fortunately, there is already a large basin of the material right below a river-system allowing for easy transport of it to industrial facilities. Said mine expansions would have a massive labor cost that needs to be compensated somehow, as coal mining as a profession lacks a particular draw and needs encouragement. (10 Resources per dice (344/250))

The expansion of the great coal fields comprises a critical aspect of the five-year plan, and the state starts the operation with astonishing speed. The tiny Tsarist operation was utterly tiny compared to the needed quantity of coal ore that has to be extracted. Thus, a new mass of human resources has been issued out to go into the mines to increase production. These workers were gathered from villages all over the union to do their duty for the state in the mining of coal. While casualties and work injuries have been persistent, the mine's constant shifts have increased coal production from the Donbas area by nearly an order of magnitude. While more coal is needed, and there are still issues with moving the coal away from the mining zones, the mines themselves' buildup is well ahead of plan with ever deeper tunnels dug, and ever more citizens are encouraged to help the state in meeting the planned coal quota.

We got sent in for a new task with us gathered from a recruiting station in Kiev, the party officials told us nothing but that there was well-paid work, my friends did not know what was going on. The only thing they told us was that we were going down to a warmer climate to fulfill the plan. No one was told how the coal mining would go; no one was told what we would be doing. When we got to the sight, one of the engineers claimed us as his team, and we got a load of explosives. The start of blasting through the rock went well, with the first few shifts being utterly uneventful. The second week though, everything went wrong; the tunnel collapsed on half of the team, with no hope of their recovery. We continued digging, never going to the surface. No one of the "old" guards expects to get out of here alive; we have all accepted that we will die in this black fucking hole. What a joke considered old and experienced after a month of work. I have to go to Pravda; I have to go to the state and tell them, the party cannot approve what is going on here, what these people are doing, it cannot.
-Journal of Ivan Goncharov, confiscated after conviction as a saboteur.

Current attrition rates amongst coal miners are operating at acceptable levels compared to the mines' output. As the recently hired crews are trained, casualties have dropped to half of the initial per ton of coal, allowing us to produce efficient output to fulfill the plan's goals.
-Statistical Commissariat (Classified message for VSNKh commissariat)

There is an issue in the method of further productive expansion, with people arguing for both sides:
The massive losses in hand coal mining have caused a great degree of loss and inefficiency, necessitating the use of new heavy machinery. (Changes to 20 Resources per dice 0/300 for stage 2)

[]More Manpower: The use of a greater amount of men shall overcome all challenges posed by insufficient equipment, saving precious machinery for other purposes. (Changes to 10 Resources per dice 94/400 for stage 2)

There is also a question of what to do with the excess coal:
[]Export: There is an option to secure a large quantity of foreign specie for the simple cost of opening up coal exports, allowing further expansion of the industrial economy (Cheaper import options, German FUN™ times)

[]Internal Use: While there is currently a logistical lack to efficiently move the massive quantity of coal, it will not stay this way, and our chemical industry has to be able to find something to do with the coal. (Multiple new options, ??????)

Light and Chemical Industry

Baku Oil Extraction(Step 1):
There is a massive amount of light oil under the earth in Baku, and it would be a shame to let it simply sit there. Through a large degree of expansion and pumping, masses of oil can be used as both heating and transport fuel, allowing further economic development. It would also be of critical importance for the military, winning many friends at the party through its use. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (60/100))

A major oil spill has occurred when the old oil rigs have had an incident wherein pressure in the lines greatly exceeded its tolerance, causing multiple breaks in oil storage tanks. These have tragically spilled into the nearby port, releasing a massive oil quantity into the Caspian sea. While damage to the land not near the coast is minimal, a major ecological disaster has occurred. Fish yields from the Caspian are expected to fall to less than ⅓ of the previous expectation, putting a strain on food supplies for Baku and other coastal cities.

How do you wish to respond to the possible food crisis:
[]Re-prioritize grain: While there is no current grain shortage, grain can be re-prioritized to the parts of the USSR near the sea, allowing them to maintain their diets. However, such an effort will be costly in cutting grain exports for a problem that can go away on its own. (-5 Party Support, -10 resources per turn for as long as the crisis lasts)

[]Let the locals sort it out: The minor ecological contamination will soon pass, reviving fishing and allowing the locals to fix the problem with little issue in time.

Baku Oil Refineries(Step 1):
The refining of oil to new usable products is necessary to utilize the local deposits of oil properly. These refineries will also provide the resources required to construct additional chemical industry through these plants' side products. Without first accomplishing domestic refining of oil, a chemical industry cannot be built up. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 15 Resources per dice (94/100))

With Uralmash online, the production of new industrial machinery to construct additional refining infrastructure accelerates massively. While the wells are not the best quality, they are still mostly functional. The production of these massive centers goes decently well; while there was a minor disruption to the oil supply, the refineries are close to being brought online.


Creation of State Agricultural Academies:
While the production of more grain is a priority, additional schools' construction for the testing of new revolutionary methods are also needed. With these, hard scientific data can be paired with the party's goals to create yet more efficient agricultural land use. These academies may not affect the first five-year plan, but these will ensure that the most up-to-date methodologies are employed for the next plan. (5 Resources per dice, (114/150))

Progress is made in constructing a new series of agricultural schools near large tracts of farmland to do large scale trials of agricultural methods. These academies should produce a new class of managerial educated farmers, able to improve yields by applying modern materialism to the work of the farmers. However, such expertise will take time, and the current effort of hiring new professors to teach the large classes is still underway.

Creation of new Bureaus of Agriculture (Apolitical): Creating a new system of inspectors and analysts to develop the agricultural sphere is critical to ensure that the party's directives are followed. However, it would be a waste of such an organization to be staffed by members unwilling to report accurately. Such a plan is not that popular with the party, but honest reporting should be worth its gold weight. (-15 Party Influence) (51/50) (Complete)

The new Bureaus of Agriculture are created under multiple prominent university professors with experience in the field. They are rapidly tasked with the investigation of local farming practices region by region to improve yields. Such efforts are not that popular with both the locals and the party officials overseeing the provinces, but the inspectors cannot be touched due to your considerable authority in the party and economy. However, their reports paint a grim picture with massive quantities of peasants milling about their fields with no equipment and no improvements in agricultural methods as if they were under the czars, creating multiple emergency meetings of the council on how to fix the issue.


Start of the Closed City Program:
Due to the degree of expression of the inteligencia along with their propensity to make declarations of information without first consulting the party line, it may be better for the nation and for their survival to relocate them to a place out of mind. These would be closed University cities tasked to develop future scientific knowledge and technology for the Union and the Party. Such a dense arrangement of experts would also help them work together as entire fields can be based on single city-sized research complexes. The party approves of such a handing as it would ensure that there are no new radical declarations from scientists that should know better. At the same time, this would also be a way to keep them out of the party's eye to ensure that they do not face additional opposition. (5 Party Influence) (149/150) (Close enough, complete)

The new closed cities attached to multiple major habitation centers are constructed, with large checkpointed towns created for the advancement of science. These massive complexes are also staffed with local citizens cleared by the party and guarded by checkpoints of loyal policing agents to ensure that the science of the Union is contained and utilized most optimally by the party. The bulk of the current city network is located near major city centers. The cities will be run as university towns specializing in research and education, allowing the local scientists to be relocated there to best practice their craft.

The relocation of the Unions errant inteligencia has gone well, with the relocation of multiple prominent figures and those already alternatively imprisoned to new locations for them and their families to practice their craft. Unfortunately, they need to be moved to such sites rapidly to protect them from their scientific discoveries. In an open space, they, like most academics, could publish research against the party. If such research is published and investigated, however, a significant loss would have to occur. In these spaces, they can survive such errant declarations and continue to be productive despite their inattentiveness to socialist reality.
-OGPU Captain Georgy Simonov, Organizational Report

Creation of new Party Universities: New schools are needed to ensure that new members of the party can be trained to develop communist theory. These schools will just educate the party elite and raise the new elite, ensuring that the party's future is secure. Given the currently planned projects, and eventual improvement to the average manager will also be implemented. With a new standardization of officials rather than the old system of the inconsistently educated. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice ( 85/100))

The construction of universities slows with the lack of trained professors making itself felt, as there just are few people with correct interpretations of Marxist literature. Such a shortage is causing considerable issues, necessitating widening the pool of hires to those that are less educationally talented to ensure a steady stream of classes.

Formation of an Official Work-Training Program: Trained workers are a continuous necessity for the production of additional industrial goods and products, and when transferring peasants to factories, this need is most intense. While this would not be an expensive program and only teach the very basics, it would formalize a work training system to ensure that future workers going into the industry know what they are doing to a reasonable extent. (5 Resources per dice (45/100))

The start of the work training program is trialed in the Donetsk basin as there is a considerable amount of new labor going into the program. There the effort goes well across the board, with new hands being trained up, enabling a steady improvement of yields with access to education and apprenticeship like programs. While it is not a total success, and these hasty trainees are not the best trained, they function decently in their assigned tasks.


Appoint a New Industrial Council(Scientific):
While lacking specific knowledge on how to run an industrial plan, delegation is a solution for many problems. By hiring a team of trained scientists that are at least capable of advising on the plan's goals, far more could be fulfilled. The issue is that scientists are prone to declarations that are quite unhealthy for them, necessitating constant protection for them. (-10 Party Influence) (Increase in dice allocation) (New Voting Options, generally with high political cost) (Statistics)

A new council of multiple university heads with prestigious degrees and reputations is formed for the critical task of running the bulk of the Soviet economy. Upon seeing the orders and options that you have created on the table, they mostly look on in horror of the management of the economy, and while they make suggestions, an argument ensues over the optimal course of action. But, from your limited understanding after the first meeting, you should have a new set of updated proposals on your desk in a day.

Expand the Department Staff: Hire a large quantity of new, reasonably experienced staff to allow the department to manage a greater amount of things. These hires would take resources and need a constant wage, but the costs would be minuscule compared to the available money. (Increases dice allocation)

When the need for competent staff arises, mass hires of secretaries is the optimal solution. Thus, a new addition is put out for as many as wish to be hired to help manage the massive quantity of paperwork and messages needed to run the plan more efficiently. While most do not know much about what they are doing, they are reliable in passing messages and in sorting the specific papers into usable information and results.

Current Economic Issues:
Rail: Shortages Critical
Coal: Large local surplus, general shortage
Steel: Moderate shortage
Energy: Local surpluses and shortages
Food: Steady, slightly dropping
Labor: Shortage, difficulty pulling without changes to the food supply
Turn 3 (1929 2nd half): The Battle for Production
[X]Mechanization: The massive losses in hand coal mining have caused a great degree of loss and inefficiency, necessitating the use of new heavy machinery. (Changes to 20 Resources per dice 0/300 for stage 2)
[X]Internal Use: While there is currently a logistical lack to efficiently move the massive quantity of coal, it will not stay this way, and our chemical industry has to be able to find something to do with the coal. (Multiple new options, ??????)
[X]Re-prioritize grain: While there is no current grain shortage, grain can be re-prioritized to the parts of the USSR near the sea, allowing them to maintain their diets. However, such an effort will be costly in cutting grain exports for a problem that can go away on its own. (-5 Party Support, -10 resources per turn for as long as the crisis lasts)
Turn 3 (1929 2nd half): The Battle for Production
Resources per turn 170 with 40 in storage.
Party Support 30
Moscow, 1929

The new horde of scientists set up camp in a nearby hotel opened up as habitation for the entire planning team to get ready to work further. Already recent telegraph reports come in every day on the state of projects in the far reaches of the Union, with new political news continually flowing in. The closed cities have been made, but every action is under-cut with constant worry over the logistical and rail shortage.

Almost twenty proposals on the large planning board used to discuss it, and almost double that in meetings talking precisely how to fix the problem. The two biggest prongs of the issue are the aging obsolete network and the aging but slightly less outdated engines. While the former can be modernized with time and care, there is just a lack of time. The latter, however, can be worked on rapidly. There is just a constant lack of production, consistently causing more and more issues.

But still, given the resources available to us and the sheer industrial potential of the union, this is a task that can be done, a task that must be done. The plan is proceeding well with targets hit for capital goods and coal for all the split focus, but other indicators are lagging behind. We may fail some of the plan's targets, but we will not fail all of them.

Free dice to allocate: 4 Dice.
Infrastructure 4 Dice

[]Refurbishment of the Trans-Siberian Main Line:
There are numerous issues with the Trans-Siberian rail line due to the lack of fueling infrastructure for the older locomotives and relative lack of rail terminuses. These issues can be fixed through a steady improvement in stations and the proliferation of more of them through the line. Renovations can also be combined with laying down a new line alongside the mainline rather than a full replacement, saving a considerable effort. (25 Resources per dice (0/300))

[]Buildup of Rail Stock(Coal): There is currently a considerable lack of proper rail rolling stock in the Union, with the current models of trains being mostly insufficient. However, an option that is not considered is the simple licensing of a western designed train. Obtaining a simple boiler system would provide a considerable capacity upgrade to current designs and be produced in local plants. (10 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Buildup of the Riverine Fleet: With the new locks on the Dneiper river, it is time to build up a fleet of transport barges to allow bulk resources to flow more quickly through the union. The buildup of barges on all of the rivers in the Union would take a considerable amount of pressure off of the rail network, allowing it to be adequate for a bit longer. These barges and harbor systems would not be the fanciest but would provide a considerable capability improvement. (10 Resources per dice (0/120))

[]Buildup of Rail Stock (Diesel, Far Eastern Sector): Diesel is a radical solution to the current lack of rail stock and lack of infrastructure to fuel trains along the long-range routes trans-Siberian. The greatest problem with Diesel trains for implementation is the current absolute lack of technology capable of supplying a capable engine for such a locomotive. We need to license a German or American design along with building a dedicated factory for it. To make matters worse, Diesel needs to be rolled out per block on the lines, as it requires a new set of infrastructure, cheaper infrastructure, but still required infrastructure. (-5 Party Influence, 20 Resources per dice (0/400))

[]Neva River Systems: The Neva river basin's electrification is a critical task for producing goods in the North of the Soviet Union. These locks and dams will provide the state with enough power for Leningrad and Moscow, allowing multiple new industrial and productive complexes to be built in the region. They will also stabilize the rivers allowing for greater agricultural yields when appropriately utilized for irrigation, helping local farmers bring in far more consistent crops. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (0/250))

[]Port Buildup in Nikolaev: The southern ports' trade infrastructure has been lacking for most of the region's history. Through the ports' buildup, a considerable amount of exports can be sent out to the world for cheaper than previously available, allowing additional material imported from the west to fuel the great industrialization. This would also enable an optimal shipyard to construct new warships when the West inevitably breaks the Montreux Convention. Due to the current lack of rail capacity, the scientific team recommends that this project be fully tabled until rail resources permit it. (10 Resources per dice (0/60))

[]Rail Connections to Planned/Closed City Sites: To complete the plan, there is a necessity to construct additional connecting lines to the more classified sites of the Great Breakthrough. Supposing the city project is put into motion, these lines will form the primary way of moving people and material into and out of the cities, allowing absolute focus towards realizing the plan. To continue the scientific and industrial development, this needs to be done at all costs. (10 Resources per dice (20/50))

[]Post Offices: The construction of multiple redundant post offices and mail systems through a series of small cargo hopping aircraft imported from abroad would allow the rapid transportation of mail through the Union. While a small quality of life implantation, such systems will allow for greater coordination and cooperation between cities and directly talk with their relatives. (20 Resources per dice (0/40))

Heavy Industry 5 Dice

[]Magnitogorsk Planned City(Stage 1):
A literal mountain of iron has been found in the Ural Mountains, and it would be the greatest shame if we failed to exploit it properly. This site will form the backbone of the Union's steel industry, and if the dreams of the planners are fulfilled, it will become the largest steel production plant in the world. The current priority is constructing the steel mill complexes and the housing associated with them to allow for optimal steel production. The first step of building the complex will be creating the underlying mining and logistical infrastructure and accommodation for the work teams. This should allow a massive complex to grow far more efficiently with fewer problems, but it is a far less glamorous first step. (20 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Zlatoust Planned City(Stage 1): The mines of the Urals have resources other than iron. Building a great industrial plant to process new metals and alloys would be a significant step toward accomplishing the plan. This would be the center of alloying and base tool production in the Union, allowing other plants to be shipped processed niche metals. The first step of constructing the complex will be creating the underlying mining and logistical infrastructure and housing for the work teams. Similar to Magnitogorsk, this complex needs to be prepared for the massive undertaking that is to come. (15 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Locomotive Plants: A series of moderately sized locomotive plants is needed to construct additional rail stock and engine maintenance throughout the Union. These would allow for far more significant railway expansion and updates, with the possibility of using licensed Western models to bootstrap a considerable amount of progress on the domestic locomotive design. These plants could be committed to either steam or diesel trains, but the near-unanimous scientific opinion is that coal will do until a rework of the railway system is needed. (10 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Stalingrad Tractor Plant: There is a considerable need for a new tractor model along with a greater amount of tractor production for the union, with the current models performing poorly. This, however, does not have to mean importing the tractors wholesale. Licensing American tractors and, more importantly, their engines would allow a buildup of a domestic high capacity tractor that can then be standardized. This tractor can then be spun off into a multitude of roles, improving mechanization considerably. (25 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Donbas Coal Basin Mine Expansion(Stage 2): The mine's mechanization is a long-term priority for improving productivity and improving the workers' working conditions. This will not change magically paper over all of the problems with coal mining, but using heavier equipment, assuming a trained workforce, will allow considerable improvements in yield and yield per casualty. (20 Resources per dice 0/300)

[]Khazak Phosphate Mine Expansion: These larger fertilizer prospects are critical for improving the Union's agricultural state and would save a considerable amount of resources on importing foreign fertilizer. Domestic production would ensure a steady supply of fertilizers to the farmers, allowing for far increased yields. However, there will need to be an education campaign to train the farmers on how exactly to farm with new tools. (10 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Gorky Machine-building Plant(Stage 1): A new massive machine producing factory that should allow for further ramping up of heavy industrial and machinery production. Current infrastructural strain and lack of base resources currently would make such a project far too costly, but given time; the Union could create a massive new industrial city. This plant would form the core for producing additional industrial equipment in large reaction vessels and bootstrap the chemical industry. Before such a project can be built, however, the infrastructural foundation must be laid down to ensure a steady state of growth and ease of access to resources. (40 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Dneprovsky Metallurgical Plant: The production of aluminum from alumina represents an incredibly energy-intense and challenging process that all developed nations are currently undertaking. Where would the Union be if such plans are not undertaken for the domestic production of this new material? The region has the power, and it is time for it to be utilized to produce new materials with new exiting properties. This would be a good location for the plant, and reasonably effective, though aluminum is not at all in dire need currently. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 40 Resources per dice (0/200))

Light and Chemical Industry 5 Dice

[]Baku Oil Extraction(Step 1):
The previous incidents during extraction have shown far more caution must be taken with these steps. Thus instead of importing obsolescent old drills, new ones will be ordered from Uralmash. These drills will not be the best, and low-rate production will not be perfect, but they will allow us to at least keep to minimal quality standards, unlike the capitalists. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 15 Resources per dice (60/100))

[]Baku Oil Refineries(Step 1): The refineries are almost complete, allowing production to be soon expanded to a proper level. This is the final step and is mostly hooking up output pipe-lines to ensure a steady oil supply. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 15 Resources per dice (94/100))

[]Coal Liquefaction Experiments: With the new large amount of coal available to the union, it may be worthwhile to test various possibilities of coal liquefaction into multiple types of chemical and fuel products. While these will likely not have many useful results, this is an interesting scientific endeavor to pursue. (15 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Village Logging Services: The use of small logging camps and the distribution of logging equipment to central points would significantly improve the nation's timber output at a nominal cost. While these would be far from the most efficient, such systems can allow remote villages to process their lumber and help them construct additional homes. Allowing them to become far more developed quite rapidly. This would also help the villages build up their local resources and become far more hardened to cold and frost. This lumber could also fetch a decent value on the export market. (5 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Canning Plants: The construction of multiple new canning plants would allow the Union to preserve a far more significant portion of its food for the low cost of some steel. While these would not be glamorous or a massive industrial effort, they would improve military rations and ensure that every citizen can get a simple can of vegetables. Most would be constructed near farms and increase exported material value due to canned goods' preservation and perceived value. These canning plants will also allow a considerable improvement in food logistics, as they will enable the bulk shipments of quality food to remote regions. (10 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Kazak Textile Mills: With the massive amounts of cotton and wool produced in the Southern republic, it would make perfect sense to construct a series of large textile mills to allow for the easy processing of the fiber into new uniforms and clothes for the people of the Union. Another un-glamorous but essential project that, in theory, allows every citizen to have a wardrobe all on their own. (10 Resources per dice (0/50))

[]Vladivostok Small Shipyards: There exists an opportunity to tap into a new large source of food and to revitalize the far east with a new source of food production that should, in theory, secure a large amount of cheap protein. The fishing waters outside of Vladivostok are ripe with fish and only need a new fleet of fishing boats to exploit them. Such a plan should be easily accomplished with some additional effort by constructing some simple ocean-based fishing vessels. However, to ship these new food reserves to the other parts of the Union, rail renovations must be done. These would further improve access to food all over the republic and improve logistics by a small amount as the Far East could feed itself far better. (10 Resources per dice (0/40))

[]Book Printing Plants: While the production of books is generally a matter of minutia, the current lack of cheap printed works has a considerable impact on education. The output of a few standardized mass printing plants will allow a far more significant amount of educational and recreational literature to be made for the workers, ensuring that they remain happy and well-read. (10 Resources per dice (0/40))

Agriculture 4 Dice

[]Creation of Central Mechanism Storages(Stage 1):
A great lack in the current agricultural system of the Union is the lack of machinery for more optimally utilizing the labor of the workers. By creating multiple central storage sites for villages, it would be possible to free up masses of laborers to move into cities to become the urban proletariat. While this would not improve the yields per acre significantly, they will allow the use of far more marginal lands and free up massive labor quantities. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 20 Resources per dice (0/300))

[]Education for the Farmers(Farming): One of the most significant issues plaguing the peasant classes in society is the lack of knowledge on proper methods of more optimal farming. Due to this lack of information and lack of knowledge, large tracts of land are underutilized and yield small resources. With a peasantry program, large amounts of these issues can be fixed and greatly assist in implementing farming methods. These would provide useful yield improvements, especially if they can be paired with fertilizer production. (5 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Education for the Farmers(Political): The lack of proper class knowledge and class consciousness of the peasant farmers has created large rifts in society and has created incorrect and misapplied political theory issues. Through large education programs to teach the peasants the proper way to think, class consciousness can be encouraged, allowing more of them to be enabled to become workers without the expensive task of educating them. While this would not be useful for yields, keeping the peasants informed of their tasks' importance would at least improve their morale. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Creation of State Agricultural Academies: The construction of the new academies continues to be necessary with the constant need for novel farming methods to improve yields further. While these academies would be focused on the ongoing trial of new techniques and the teaching of more researchers. The impact of these will only become notable in the long term, as the first graduates' cycle in. (5 Resources per dice (114/150))

[]Breakup of large farms: The passing of a new series of land reform along with the re-distribution of land from wealthy peasants would help greatly in providing more opportunities for workers to practice their craft. At the same time, it should be more efficient than the previous systems due to more even manpower allocation. While there could be some local resistance, the police forces will rapidly sort out the problem. (15 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/80))

Services 4 Dice

[]Creation of the State Hospital System(Stage 1):
A new system of state hospitals and clinics will allow the Union to reach new goals in population growth and healthcare rapidly. These systems will be built in cities first but will ensure a consistent population growth through improvements in medicine. This initiative will help considerably in the containment of disease. Also, these will manage to reduce workplace lethality through prompt access to medical care marginally. (10 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Formation of an Official Work-Training Program: Trained workers are a continuous necessity for producing additional industrial goods and products. When transferring peasants to factories, this need is most intense. While this would not be an expensive program and only teach the basics, it would formalize a work training system. This system would present a great improvement in efficiency for workers that are just going into the industrial field, allowing them to steadily become minimally competent, improving both quality and quantity of production. (5 Resources per dice (45/100))

[]Creation of new Polytechnic Universities(Stage 1): Technological education is the core of creating a new generation of engineers and academia. These schools will be focused on developing the potential of the people of the Union of all stripes. No longer will education be limited to the wealthy few or the elite of the aristocracy. Now, instruction can be given to all, no matter their wealth, sex, or class. While this does mean many schools need to be constructed, its construction will allow the Union to make a scientific leap forward. While these schools' results will be far to delayed to fulfill this plan, they will provide significant benefits for the next plan. (10 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Creation of new Party Universities: New schools are needed to ensure that new members of the party can be trained to develop communist theory. These schools will just educate the party elite and raise the new elite, ensuring that the party's future is secure. Given the currently planned projects, and eventual improvement to the average manager will also be implemented. With a new standardization of officials rather than the old system of the inconsistently educated. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (85/100))

[]Expansion of the Schooling Programs: The education of the Soviet Youth in reading and basic arithmetic is critical for developing a new society of knowledgeable workers. These schools will focus on the teaching of basic concepts and a proper understanding of history. While not glamorous, these will be the core of a literacy program for the Soviet youth. Ensuring that soon the next generation of new trained, enthusiastic, and happy workers will be created for future use in industry. These schools will be an incredible long-term asset for improving the population's education, but they would be consistent use of resources that will not impact decades. (5 Resources per dice (0/200))

Bureaucracy 2 Dice

[]Additional State Funding:
The plan needs an additional influx of cash to accomplish the initial objectives before the yet greater industry can be constructed. To achieve such gains in resources, it may be wise to dip into the state reserve of currency to ensure that a steady stream of new assets can flow into the Union and ensure that development can occur. Such action would be a risky option as the loss of these reserves can cause significant currency fluctuations, but it would be challenging to accelerate the plan considerably without them. (DC 50, immediate 200 Resources)

[]Removal of the New Sciences: A new upstart is advocating for some theory called Lamarckism that is rapidly climbing the ranks along with other nonsense, and has a few of the old scientists looking on in horror. It would be far better for such pseudo-scientific reasoning to be removed from the body politic. Marxism implies materialism, and anything that cannot be demonstrated deserves and erns no protection from the party's eyes. Strike these pseudoscientific idiots out of the party and out of their employment, and shuffle them off to somewhere where they can be useful (-10 Party Support, DC 20)

[]Find a Scapegoat for Baku: There is no need to take the blame for the ecological disaster when it could instead be put to easy use advocating for better policy in relation to other factors. There are a considerable number of older Bolsheviks that were in charge of the project. Their cutting of corners did legitimately hurt the project, leading to the problems in implementation. Through their trials and arrest for sabotage, some political influence can be regained and encourage others to take note. (10 Party Support, DC 30)

[]Requisition more resources: The need for resources to fulfill the plan is immense, and requesting the 30% share of the GNP is needed to ensure the plan's success. While this is not a popular measure, a considerable amount more of funding will be available to fulfill the targets of the plan. (-25 Party Support if completed, DC 40)
Blackstar threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Survival Total: 81
81 81
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Turn 3 (1929 2nd half): The Battle for Production Results
Turn 3 (1929 2nd half): The Battle for Production Results
Resources per turn 170-210 with 40 in storage. New Storage 0
New Income of 190 Resources per turn, will increase to 200 by the start of 1931
Party Support 30+10+15= 55


[]Buildup of the Riverine Fleet:
With the new locks on the Dneiper river, it is time to build up a fleet of transport barges to allow bulk resources to flow more quickly through the union. The buildup of barges on all of the rivers in the Union would take a considerable amount of pressure off of the rail network, allowing it to be adequate for a bit longer. These barges and harbor systems would not be the fanciest but would provide a considerable capability improvement. (10 Resources per dice (80/120), nat 1)

Multiple new yards are constructed to produce additional river barges, with a large quantity of buildup done on the Dneiper. These barges are simple large boats whose only purpose is to transport coal and aggregate up the river to ensure that upper rail terminuses are less overloaded. While most of the voyages go well, many barges sunk due to new inexperienced yard workers' substandard workmanship. Overall though, progress is made, but more capacity can be added for a logistical improvement.

Natasha! When I went to the city for a job, you won't believe what happened when I got one of the cushiest postings imaginable. Imagine driving a barge on the river! It's just moving up and down with so little actual work. Unloading and loading is always an endeavor, but that's such a tiny portion of the task. You should come up and visit. I can give you a nice tour of all of the port towns!
-Letter from the Capitan of the Ilya Muromets. Fourth Barge that was Lost with all hands

Current losses of barge traffic on the frozen river appear to be steadily reduced with the ice's clearing and water traversability improvements. Additional assets need to be committed to maintaining production, but the current rate of loss is sustainable.
-Statistical Commissariat (Classified message for VSNKh commissariat)

[]Rail Connections to Planned/Closed City Sites: To complete the plan, there is a necessity to construct additional connecting lines to the more classified sites of the Great Breakthrough. Supposing the city project is put into motion, these lines will form the primary way of moving people and material into and out of the cities, allowing absolute focus towards realizing the plan. To continue the scientific and industrial development, this needs to be done at all costs. (45+20/50 Complete)

A considerable celebration as pressure accompanies the rail lines to the closed cities is taken off of the strained logistical network with additional rail lines built. While the locomotive shortage is still heavily felt, food and goods shortages in the closed cities have been reduced to near non-existence. The scientific apparatus is now again working for the state, with constant improvements made in universities. Foreign textbooks are now also being trailed in select departments for reverse engineering purposes to ensure that everything we can take from the capitalists can be taken.

The new apartments are a considerable improvement to the previous Siberian conditions. These could almost pass for some form of luxury even! The guards are constant, and there is always pressure to put out more work, but so far, my staff has not been beaten and has been left alone for the most part. Now we even have variety in the kitchens!
-Journal of Leonid Nikitin

Heavy Industry

[]Locomotive Plants:
A series of moderately sized locomotive plants is needed to construct additional rail stock and engine maintenance throughout the Union. These would allow for far more significant railway expansion and updates, with the possibility of using licensed Western models to bootstrap a considerable amount of progress on the domestic locomotive design. These plants could be committed to either steam or diesel trains, but the near-unanimous scientific opinion is that coal will do until a rework of the railway system is needed. (10 Resources per dice (77/100))

Slow and steady progress is made on the plants with additional machinery imported from Uralmash to block a new large locomotive's boiler systems. These new trains will promise a range and power that has so far been unheard of in Soviet locomotives. They are all based on a licensed US design, but there is no purpose informing the workers and officials of such actions. These facilities should produce a mass of larger more efficient trains in bulk when fully completed. Still, so far, many of the plants are just husks with considerable amounts of the heavy machining equipment yet to be supplied.

[]Khazak Phosphate Mine Expansion: These larger fertilizer prospects are critical for improving the Union's agricultural state and would save a considerable amount of resources on importing foreign fertilizer. Domestic production would ensure a steady supply of fertilizers to the farmers, allowing for far increased yields. However, there will need to be an education campaign to train the farmers on how exactly to farm with new tools. (10 Resources per dice (179/200))

Digging for phosphates begins well with massive deposits blasted out of the sandy rock, allowing easier extraction in the established massive pits. While the work is hard and the workers constantly need water and more food, the first extraction output is produced and quickly moved to fertilizer production. While the facilities are still not entirely online, this mining effort has supplanted a good amount of imported fertilizer right as the mass fluctuation in fertilizer prices has begun due to the capitalist system's inherent problems. While there are some casualties in the mining effort, they are far less than those in previous coal mines.

My family was just finishing up plowing our field when some party officials came to our property and then to our neighbor's property with a simple message: You have been relocated to the city. There are valuable deposits under your farm. Despite everyone's protests and cursing, we knew better than to resist and were moved along to a "closed city." I was designated as a worker at the kitchen to feed the workers in the mines near us. All we did was provide for the tired men that went in day and night to dig for rock for the rest of the Union. We lost our home and farm for what? A small apartment with some heating and a job doing nothing? Still, it could have been far far worse; we could have gotten assigned to the mines.
-Kostya Sultanov, Journal entry, November 1929

Light and Chemical Industry

[]Baku Oil Extraction(Step 1):
The previous incidents during extraction have shown far more caution must be taken with these steps. Thus instead of importing obsolescent old drills, new ones will be ordered from Uralmash. These drills will not be the best, and low-rate production will not be perfect, but they will allow us to at least keep to minimal quality standards, unlike the capitalists. (5 Party Influence) (127/100 Complete)

With new equipment produced from Uralmash hastily assembled and shipped over to the oil fields, large improvements were made in reliability and output, allowing a considerable improvement in the yields of light oil for further refining. While production is still far from what is needed, oil can now be internally supplied to the Union. This new resource will be one of the keys to propelling the Union to a newly industrialized economy and shall start proper industrial processes. It is just up to us workers to extract it.

[]Baku Oil Refineries(Step 1): The refineries are almost complete, allowing production to be soon expanded to a proper level. This is the final step and is mostly hooking up output pipe-lines to ensure a steady oil supply. (10 Party Influence) (15 Resources per turn) (160/100 Complete)

The refining effort has also made large amounts of progress with multiple new distillation towers created out of pre-fabricated parts made at Uralmash. They are not the best-built structures, nor the most efficient, but oil processing has resulted in a local boom in work and life quality. Multiple engineering teams from the north have migrated here to ensure improved production, and the apprentice system has started to create its first graduates. Given more time and effort, we can make the refining facilities here that would make the world over envious.

[]Village Logging Services: The use of small logging camps and the distribution of logging equipment to central points would significantly improve the nation's timber output at a nominal cost. While these would be far from the most efficient, such systems can allow remote villages to process their lumber and help them construct additional homes. Allowing them to become far more developed quite rapidly. This would also help the villages build up their local resources and become far more hardened to cold and frost. This lumber could also fetch a decent value on the export market. (132/100 Complete) (5 Resources per turn)

To improve the production of the local villagers, and to help them secure more construction material for the betterment of the Union, a mass of logging equipment has been issued out. These mostly include small tools along with special equipment for the transportation of cut logs. But for a few villages, large electric and some water-powered lumber mills have been constructed, allowing the processing of large tracts of the forest into usable material. These materials are mostly confined to their local regions due to lack of transport, but they are being utilized well as now the center does not need to supply wood and logs to the far-out corners of the nation. Instead, locals can be used for this production.

When I volunteered for another job with the NKPS, I thought I would be rooting through Siberia again on a godforsaken infrastructure project. But instead, they sent me to our home town! With the simple task of installing a new water sawmill, the fourth that I installed so far. It's not easy work, but projects like these will improve everyone's living standard with time. I even managed to talk with your father for the first time, mostly because we ran into each other by accident when I showed him how to use the mill. I will be back soon! And with the money I make here, we can finally have that wedding ceremony that you wanted.
-Letter sent by Nikolaiv Oblonsky


[]Education for the Farmers(Farming):
One of the most significant issues plaguing the peasant classes in society is the lack of knowledge on proper methods of more optimal farming. Due to this lack of information and lack of knowledge, large tracts of land are underutilized and yield small resources. With a peasantry program, large amounts of these issues can be fixed and greatly assist in implementing farming methods. These would provide useful yield improvements, especially if they can be paired with fertilizer production. (196/200 Complete, Nat 100)

A new series of educational teams have been sent out to assist farmers in their harvest and to brief them on more optimal farming practices for the next year. These mostly consist of a few people carrying diagrams and textbooks to help the farmers see how they can make simple improvements and use new technologies to enhance their yields. Many have not even realized the proper uses of fertilizer and pesticides. While the latter is severely limited, full guides are made on its proper use and handed out in bulk with many classes made open for any farmer that wishes to attend. As these are free classes during the winter season where little else happens, the attendance is massive. From rich to poor, all of the peasant class is taught in the same room with the same instructors on how to utilize the land properly.

When the party asked my wife and me if we wanted to go to a new meeting in a requisitioned hostel, we were all terrified and knew we had to go. But, when we got there, all we saw was an old professor trying to teach an entire over-filled room of everyone in the village that had animals on how to care for them. He went over common diseases for almost three hours and just would not stop talking about "optimum feeding." All we had were a few chickens, but when he changed to fertilizer and irrigation, a mass of people started to pay attention to the man, as he did introduce some shortcuts and small fixes to make life at the farm just a little bit better.
-Compliment given anonymously to the Bureau of Agriculture.

[]Creation of State Agricultural Academies: The construction of the new academies continues to be necessary with the constant need for novel farming methods to improve yields further. While these academies would be focused on the ongoing trial of new techniques and more researchers' teaching. The impact of these will only become notable in the long term, as the first graduates' cycle in. (187/150 Complete)

Almost two dozen state facilities for the teaching and testing of good agricultural practices are made to ensure that steady progress is made on the topic. While these schools will not have results soon, they will create a new younger cadre of trained scientists to manage massive farming enterprises for the workers' good. Such managerial staff will also be trained in how to properly submit paperwork and navigate the party to ensure a degree of competence if they are propelled to leading roles. While this education will be far from the best due to the current shortages of academics specializing in agriculture, such issues will fix themselves in time.


[]Creation of the State Hospital System(Stage 1):
A new system of state hospitals and clinics will allow the Union to reach new goals in population growth and healthcare rapidly. These systems will be built in cities first but will ensure a consistent population growth through improvements in medicine. This initiative will help considerably in the containment of disease. Also, these will manage to reduce workplace lethality through prompt access to medical care marginally. (10 Resources per dice (43/100))

The first series of small clinics are rapidly constructed in major cities with doctors re-distributed amongst the union to ensure that at least everyone can see a doctor in case of a medical emergency. The program is so far too small to affect everyone, but this does at least mean that basic medical care can be administered to a large number of citizens in the Union. With the completion of the clinic program, most urban regions should at least have a single doctor within walking range.

[]Formation of an Official Work-Training Program: Trained workers are a continuous necessity for producing additional industrial goods and products. When transferring peasants to factories, this need is most intense. While this would not be an expensive program and only teach the basics, it would formalize a work training system. This system would present a great improvement in efficiency for workers that are just going into the industrial field, allowing them to steadily become minimally competent, improving both quality and quantity of production. (133/100)

New working doctrine is issued down to the various industrial locations under the party with a system of apprentices created for any task that is classified as requiring skill. Instead of bonuses for crews to work longer shifts with additional overtime, those crews staying for longer are encouraged to help train the next shift and help with their quota, hopefully passing tips and tricks onto them, allowing a far more experienced overall shift structure. However, there is a further suggestion of a dedicated teaching section added on to multiple industrial works, training the workers for their future tasks so that they can be accomplished more efficiently. There would be an immediate loss in productivity, but this would greatly improve employee quality.

[] Focus on Education: The implantation of the new educational proposal is necessary for the Soviet Worker. (-30 Resources, -5 Party Influence, +5 Resources per turn)

[] The apprenticeships are good enough: No change is needed past the original system

[]Creation of new Party Universities: New schools are needed to ensure that new members of the party can be trained to develop communist theory. These schools will just educate the party elite and raise the new elite, ensuring that the party's future is secure. Given the currently planned projects, and eventual improvement to the average manager will also be implemented. With a new standardization of officials rather than the old system of the inconsistently educated. (10 Party Influence) (180/100 Complete)

The new party schools are constructed with aplomb as an additional academy is built in Tomsk to train additional party members. While the throughput will not be amazing, this marks a significant step in the standardization of knowledge. While the new incoming party members will not be the best educated, they will still have the core basis of university education, promising a standard in administration.


[]Removal of the New Sciences:
A new upstart is advocating for some theory called Lamarckism that is rapidly climbing the ranks along with other nonsense, and has a few of the old scientists looking on in horror. It would be far better for such pseudo-scientific reasoning to be removed from the body politic. Marxism implies materialism, and anything that cannot be demonstrated deserves and erns no protection from the party's eyes. Strike these pseudoscientific idiots out of the party and out of their employment, and shuffle them off to somewhere where they can be useful (DC 20, 119) (Overkill, no negative effects, harsher purge)

The trials go overall very well with many of those marked as against the sciences put to trial. After declaring that his ideology is that of the party, Lysenko is tried and convicted as a traitor and active saboteur, looking to sabotage agriculture. Multiple mystics and other such personalities also join the trials as their activities are undermining the Union's development. The carefully selected jury also assists in the rapid processing of more cases to ensure that the people only listen to true science. Multiple sociologists will also join the trial. When they are asked for concrete evidence of their beliefs, they can only point to their previous incorrect and falsified works that utterly lack rigor.

The party has started its roundups already of anyone not "scientific" enough for that dammed commission's standards. My department is up for trial one after the other, my family and I have already been moved. I refuse to die as an old dog.
-Confiscated Note from the residence of K.M. Takhtarev, Unanimously Found Guilty of Sabotage Posthumously.

There have been over seven hundred convictions of saboteurs in the scientific establishment from those that have spoken out against science to discredit the Union. Only forty-six convictions were done posthumously due to necessary circumstances.
-NKPS labor commission to VSNKh Commissariat (Classified message)

[]Find a Scapegoat for Baku: There is no need to take the blame for the ecological disaster when it could instead be put to easy use advocating for better policy in relation to other factors. There are a considerable number of older Bolsheviks that were in charge of the project. Their cutting of corners did legitimately hurt the project, leading to the problems in implementation. Through their trials and arrest for sabotage, some political influence can be regained and encourage others to take note. (DC 30, 11)

With the trials' continuation, multiple low-level workers are put to trial for their clear actions against the state and their people. While the convictions are easy to get by just asking the judge to process them, these are only low-level workers. Little is lost, and little is gained.

Current Economic Issues:
Rail: Shortages Severe
Coal: Large local surplus, general shortage
Steel: Moderate shortage
Energy: Local surpluses and shortages
Food: Steady, Spread unevenly
Labor: Shortage, difficulty pulling without changes to the food supply

Action Updates
Due to the current economic state of the capitalist world, there is a considerable amount of opportunity to acquire additional assets and designs through the strategic use of coal stocks.

[]Send it all: The German republic is currently in economic freefall, and through the use of intelligence contacts with the KPD, it may be possible to hit their economy hard through the use of the coal reserve. This would utterly destabilize their currency and allow the acquisition of multiple sources of heavy industrial designs and techniques for replication in the Union. (DC 30, German debt collapse, -5 Party Influence, Multiple new actions, and new prices)

[]Do not: It is better just to do nothing and sit on the coal pile, as it will maybe eventually be used.

With the steady clearing up of the Caspian sea's ecology, it is believed that the grain shipments will soon no longer be needed, with them ceasing in the next year as local fishing production recovers.
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Turn 4 (1930 1st Half): Plan is Law
Turn 4 (1930 1st Half): Plan is Law
Resources per turn 190 with 0 in storage.
Party Support 50
Moscow, 1930

During your time in Moscow, one political event predominates the news of the day, with traitors found day by day. Outside of the party's favor, the party members are experiencing rapid falls from grace with chairs steadily emptying one after the other. The start of the government's cleaning has begun, and neither you nor your little council can be sure of their survival. The only hope is to skirt the notice and keep doing what you are doing as you have to continue to inform your scientists to keep their heads down. Fortunately, almost all of the scientists' sentences are for closed city positions, at least keeping them alive in good conditions.

However, in the news outside the city and nation, a massive revolution occurs with the KPD rapidly becoming the best-financed and best-funded party in Germany. Through their funds, a mass of businesses is bought up and re-organized as cooperatives to ensure a steady amount of production. These hostile buyouts include multiple industrial and medical corporations with large transfers and purchases of intellectual property secured. However, the German economy holds on, with more notes simply issued to account for the suddenly increased coal supply, yet the next debt repayment looks more and more challenging, along with a continued fluctuation in German food imports.

Free dice to allocate: 4 Dice.
Infrastructure 4 Dice

[]Refurbishment of the Trans-Siberian Main Line:
There are numerous issues with the Trans-Siberian rail line due to the lack of fueling infrastructure for the older locomotives and relative lack of rail terminuses. These issues can be fixed through a steady improvement in stations and the proliferation of more of them through the line. Renovations can also be combined with laying down a new line alongside the mainline rather than a full replacement, saving a considerable effort. (25 Resources per dice (0/300))

[]Buildup of Rail Stock(Coal): There is currently a considerable lack of proper rail rolling stock in the Union, with the current models of trains being mostly insufficient. However, an option that is not considered is the simple licensing of a western designed train. Obtaining a simple boiler system would provide a considerable capacity upgrade to current designs and be produced in local plants. Despite the German knowledge obtained, their steam designs are not exceptional, with the scientists still preferring imported Americian designs. (10 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Buildup of the Riverine Fleet: With the new locks on the Dneiper river, it is time to build up a fleet of transport barges to allow bulk resources to flow more quickly through the union. The buildup of barges on all of the rivers in the Union would take a considerable amount of pressure off of the rail network, allowing it to be adequate for a bit longer. These barges and harbor systems would not be the fanciest but would provide a considerable capability improvement. (10 Resources per dice (80/120))

[]Buildup of Rail Stock (Diesel, Far Eastern Sector): Diesel is a radical solution to the current lack of rail stock and lack of infrastructure to fuel trains along the long-range routes trans-Siberian. The greatest problem with Diesel trains for implementation is the current absolute lack of technology capable of supplying a capable engine for such a locomotive. We need to license a German or American design along with building a dedicated factory for it. To make matters worse, Diesel needs to be rolled out per block on the lines, as it requires a new set of infrastructure, cheaper infrastructure, but still required infrastructure. (-5 Party Influence, 20 Resources per dice (0/400))

[]Neva River Systems: The Neva river basin's electrification is a critical task for producing goods in the North of the Soviet Union. These locks and dams will provide the state with enough power for Leningrad and Moscow, allowing multiple new industrial and productive complexes to be built in the region. They will also stabilize the rivers allowing for greater agricultural yields when appropriately utilized for irrigation, helping local farmers bring in far more consistent crops. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (0/250))

[]Port Buildup in Nikolaev: The southern ports' trade infrastructure has been lacking for most of the region's history. Through the ports' buildup, a considerable amount of exports can be sent out to the world for cheaper than previously available, allowing additional material imported from the west to fuel the great industrialization. This would also enable an optimal shipyard to construct new warships when the West inevitably breaks the Montreux Convention. Due to the current lack of rail capacity, the scientific team recommends that this project be fully tabled until rail resources permit it. (10 Resources per dice (0/60))

[]Post Offices: The construction of multiple redundant post offices and mail systems through a series of small cargo hopping aircraft imported from abroad would allow the rapid transportation of mail through the Union. While a small quality of life implantation, such systems will allow for greater coordination and cooperation between cities and directly talk with their relatives. (20 Resources per dice (0/40))

Heavy Industry 5 Dice

[]Magnitogorsk Planned City(Stage 1):
A literal mountain of iron has been found in the Ural Mountains, and it would be the greatest shame if we failed to exploit it properly. This site will form the backbone of the Union's steel industry, and if the dreams of the planners are fulfilled, it will become the largest steel production plant in the world. The current priority is constructing the steel mill complexes and the housing associated with them to allow for optimal steel production. The first step of building the complex will be creating the underlying mining and logistical infrastructure and accommodation for the work teams. This should allow a massive complex to grow far more efficiently with fewer problems, but it is a far less glamorous first step. (20 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Zlatoust Planned City(Stage 1): The mines of the Urals have resources other than iron. Building a great industrial plant to process new metals and alloys would be a significant step toward accomplishing the plan. This would be the center of alloying and base tool production in the Union, allowing other plants to be shipped processed niche metals. The first step of constructing the complex will be creating the underlying mining and logistical infrastructure and housing for the work teams. Similar to Magnitogorsk, this complex needs to be prepared for the massive undertaking that is to come. (15 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Locomotive Plants: A series of moderately sized locomotive plants is needed to construct additional rail stock and engine maintenance throughout the Union. These would allow for far more significant railway expansion and updates, with the possibility of using licensed Western models to bootstrap a considerable amount of progress on the domestic locomotive design. These plants could be committed to either steam or diesel trains, but the near-unanimous scientific opinion is that coal will do until a rework of the railway system is needed. (10 Resources per dice (77/100))

[]Stalingrad Tractor Plant: There is a considerable need for a new tractor model along with a greater amount of tractor production for the union, with the current models performing poorly. This, however, does not have to mean importing the tractors wholesale. Through the multitude of German acquisitions, a considerable amount of improvements can be made on current tractor models. Instead, the up to date tractors can be copied over and implemented for Soviet uses. (20 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Donbas Coal Basin Mine Expansion(Stage 2): The mine's mechanization is a long-term priority for improving productivity and improving the workers' working conditions. This will not change magically paper over all of the problems with coal mining, but using heavier equipment, assuming a trained workforce, will allow considerable improvements in yield and yield per casualty. (20 Resources per dice 0/300)

[]Khazak Phosphate Mine Expansion: These larger fertilizer prospects are critical for improving the Union's agricultural state and would save a considerable amount of resources on importing foreign fertilizer. Domestic production would ensure a steady supply of fertilizers to the farmers, allowing for far increased yields. However, there will need to be an education campaign to train the farmers on how exactly to farm with new tools. (10 Resources per dice (179/200))

[]Gorky Machine-building Plant(Stage 1): A new massive machine producing factory that should allow for further ramping up of heavy industrial and machinery production. Current infrastructural strain and lack of base resources currently would make such a project far too costly, but given time; the Union could create a massive new industrial city. This plant would form the core for producing additional industrial equipment in large reaction vessels and bootstrap the chemical industry. Before such a project can be built, however, the infrastructural foundation must be laid down to ensure a steady state of growth and ease of access to resources. (40 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Dneprovsky Metallurgical Plant: The production of aluminum from alumina represents an incredibly energy-intense and challenging process that all developed nations are currently undertaking. Where would the Union be if such plans are not undertaken for the domestic production of this new material? The region has the power, and it is time for it to be utilized to produce new materials with new exiting properties. This would be a good location for the plant, and reasonably effective, though aluminum is not at all in dire need currently. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 40 Resources per dice (0/200))

Light and Chemical Industry 5 Dice

[]Baku Oil Extraction(Stage 2):
The expansion of the oil fields will continue to be done with the production from Uralmash, guaranteeing a reliable internal baseline for equipment. With the pumping of a greater amount of oil, yet larger systems of refineries can be supplied. These new derricks will start to properly utilize the field and produce sufficient oil for steady-state utilization if cut off from exports. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (27/200))

[]Baku Oil Refineries(Stage 2): With the considerable progress made on oil extraction, a general ramp-up of production could be a major national asset. The production of even more fuel would allow local exports all across the Union. While the current capacity is not internally needed, the ability to sell it for additional steel will be a major improvement. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 15 Resources per dice (60/200))

[]Pharmaceutical Plants: The production of multiple common pharmaceutical agents can be a major asset towards improving the union's healthcare and securing exports. By utilizing German acquisitions, a major amount of currency can be made on exports to other nations, allowing a steady stream of hard currency to be accumulated to obtain more industrially critical resources. (-5 Party Influence upon completion, 50 Resources per dice (0/80))

[]Coal Liquefaction Experiments: With the new large amount of coal available to the union, it may be worthwhile to test various possibilities of coal liquefaction into multiple types of chemical and fuel products. While these will likely not have many useful results, this is an interesting scientific endeavor to pursue. (15 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Canning Plants: The construction of multiple new canning plants would allow the Union to preserve a far more significant portion of its food for the low cost of some steel. While these would not be glamorous or a massive industrial effort, they would improve military rations and ensure that every citizen can get a simple can of vegetables. Most would be constructed near farms and increase exported material value due to canned goods' preservation and perceived value. These canning plants will also allow a considerable improvement in food logistics, as they will enable the bulk shipments of quality food to remote regions. (10 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Kazak Textile Mills: With the massive amounts of cotton and wool produced in the Southern republic, it would make perfect sense to construct a series of large textile mills to allow for the easy processing of the fiber into new uniforms and clothes for the people of the Union. Another un-glamorous but essential project that, in theory, allows every citizen to have a wardrobe all on their own. (5 Resources per dice (0/50))

[]Vladivostok Small Shipyards: There exists an opportunity to tap into a new large source of food and to revitalize the far east with a new source of food production that should, in theory, secure a large amount of cheap protein. The fishing waters outside of Vladivostok are ripe with fish and only need a new fleet of fishing boats to exploit them. Such a plan should be easily accomplished with some additional effort by constructing some simple ocean-based fishing vessels. However, to ship these new food reserves to the other parts of the Union, rail renovations must be done. These would further improve access to food all over the republic and improve logistics by a small amount as the Far East could feed itself far better. (10 Resources per dice (0/40))

[]Book Printing Plants: While the production of books is generally a matter of minutia, the current lack of cheap printed works has a considerable impact on education. The output of a few standardized mass printing plants will allow a far more significant amount of educational and recreational literature to be made for the workers, ensuring that they remain happy and well-read. (10 Resources per dice (0/40))

Agriculture 4 Dice

[]Creation of Central Mechanism Storages(Stage 1):
A great lack in the current agricultural system of the Union is the lack of machinery for more optimally utilizing the labor of the workers. By creating multiple central storage sites for villages, it would be possible to free up masses of laborers to move into cities to become the urban proletariat. While this would not improve the yields per acre significantly, they will allow the use of far more marginal lands and free up massive labor quantities. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 20 Resources per dice (0/300))

[]Education for the Farmers(Political): The lack of proper class knowledge and class consciousness of the peasant farmers has created large rifts in society and has created incorrect and misapplied political theory issues. Through large education programs to teach the peasants the proper way to think, class consciousness can be encouraged, allowing more of them to be enabled to become workers without the expensive task of educating them. While this would not be useful for yields, keeping the peasants informed of their tasks' importance would at least improve their morale. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/100))

One of the three following options must be taken:
[]Harsh Land Reform:
The need for land reform is great as there is a desperate need for re-arranging the farmers into more productive lots while taking away the gains of the speculators. A campaign of encouraging the transfer of "soil to the tillers". In practice, this would be a breakup of landlord peasants owning a considerable amount of land into smaller farms to ensure that even the poorest of peasants can farm on new land. This will break up the largest estates, but leave most of the kulaks free with no cost to them. This would also be a massive break from the party line and necessitate a long conversation with comrade Stalin to ensure that the policy is implemented properly. Such a change will change the party line and has the tentative support of a few scientists as the best way to break up the large unpopular estates. (-30 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/50), Mini-vote creating the new party line, stops collectivization)

[]Enforced Breakup of large farms(Dekulakization): The peasants have for too long had too much power in regions creating a considerable number of problems. These, however, can be easily solved with the new breakup of farms into new sets of smaller landowners on single large lots. As long as communal equipment can be issued out, there will be no shortage of qualified farmers to replace the old guard. This will cost some additional labor, but the stability of the peasant class must be secured. With mechanization, these farms can be further consolidated to save manpower with new recently assigned peasants being given large tracts of land for improved production. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/50))

[]Collectivisation of Farms: The peasants had a considerable degree of influence in multiple regions for too long. However, such issues can easily be solved by relocation and collectivization of the peasantry to ensure an increase in grain production. While some locals may engage in some passive resistance, the police forces' prevalence will ensure that most passive resistance efforts will accomplish little else but sign their arrest warrants. (25 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/50))

[]Modernization of Animal Farming: By creating large factory-farming complexes for the production of meat and milk products, the efficiency of grain to meat production can be greatly improved. While a minor logistical strain would be incurred with all of the transport, large-scale meat production will occur far more efficiently. This should also allow the lower level peasants to grow fewer animals as grain could be more efficiently traded for state-provided milk instead of local food production. (10 Resources per dice (0/150))

Services 4 Dice

[]Creation of the State Hospital System(Stage 1):
A new system of state hospitals and clinics will allow the Union to reach new goals in population growth and healthcare rapidly. These systems will be built in cities first but will ensure a consistent population growth through improvements in medicine. This initiative will help considerably in the containment of disease. Also, these will manage to reduce workplace lethality through prompt access to medical care marginally. (10 Resources per dice (43/100))

[]Creation of new Polytechnic Universities(Stage 1): Technological education is the core of creating a new generation of engineers and academia. These schools will be focused on developing the potential of the people of the Union of all stripes. No longer will education be limited to the wealthy few or the elite of the aristocracy. Now, instruction can be given to all, no matter their wealth, sex, or class. While this does mean many schools need to be constructed, its construction will allow the Union to make a scientific leap forward. While these schools' results will be far to delayed to fulfill this plan, they will provide significant benefits for the next plan. (10 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Expansion of the Schooling Programs(Stage 1): The education of the Soviet Youth in reading and basic arithmetic is critical for developing a new society of knowledgeable workers. These schools will focus on the teaching of basic concepts and a proper understanding of history. While not glamorous, these will be the core of a literacy program for the Soviet youth. Ensuring that soon the next generation of new trained, enthusiastic, and happy workers will be created for future use in industry. These schools will be an incredible long-term asset for improving the population's education, but they would consistently use resources that will not have an impact for decades. (5 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Expansion of Pioneer Programs: The party's youth sections are in great need of expansion to ensure that a steady stream of new students can join them. The number of new young party members can be greatly improved through the expansion in schools and facilities, giving them later experience for later life. These programs will also educate them on the finer points of sports and encourage them to pursue careers in the sciences to ensure a steady stream of new leaders. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Start Glorification of Overachieving Workers: Through a heavy focus on the workers that exceed their targets and their use as propaganda icons, production and morale of other workers should be improved. Through the glorification of these workers and the use of awards for labor, overall productivity should be steadily increased as this information disseminates. This movement should also focus on ramping up productivity across multiple enterprises to ensure that the plan's targets can more easily be met. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/50))

Bureaucracy 2 Dice

[]Additional State Funding:
The plan needs an additional influx of cash to accomplish the initial objectives before the yet greater industry can be constructed. To achieve such gains in resources, it may be wise to dip into the state reserve of currency to ensure that a steady stream of new assets can flow into the Union and ensure that development can occur. Such action would be a risky option as the loss of these reserves can cause significant currency fluctuations, but it would be challenging to accelerate the plan considerably without them. (DC 50, immediate 200 Resources)

[]Find a Scapegoat for Poor Riverboats: There is no need to take the blame for the boats that have managed to sink. It may be far easier just instead to utilize the incident to initiate cleaning inside of the shipyards. The old incompetent idiots are still there, and replacing them with newer, more reliable work crews can significantly improve the quality and build capability. (10 Party Support, DC 30)

[]Integrate the ULAG under NKPS: Rather then the alternative utilization of massive quantities of labor under the system set up by the OGPU, it would be far more preferable to utilize the system for the fulfillment of the plan. By assigning a considerable amount of labor under the NKPS construction organization, they can be most optimally organized to ensure construction and productivity improvements. (-20 Party Support if completed, DC 40, Additional Resources per turn depending on Imprisoned Population, Options to manage Imprisoned Population)

[]Requisition more resources: The need for resources to fulfill the plan is immense, and requesting the 30% share of the GNP is needed to ensure the plan's success. While this is not a popular measure, a considerable amount more of funding will be available to fulfill the plan's targets. (-25 Party Support if completed, DC 40)
Blackstar threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Survival Total: 68
68 68
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