Attempting to Fulfill the Plan MNKh Edition

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Okay, so we have enough coal, except that QM, in the update, also explicitly notes that there are general shortages. Because we are not moving the coal to where it's needed.

The answer to that is not 'sell the excess coal', which I am genuinely confident will end up having us be at an absolute shortage again.
In theory, assuming you could move the coal where it is needed, you would have a considerable surplus, just less of one.
At this point, I think we need to get as many projects that get us Part Support done as quickly as possible.

Edit: I made a thing, based on another meme.
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[X]Mechanization: The massive losses in hand coal mining have caused a great degree of loss and inefficiency, necessitating the use of new heavy machinery. (Changes to 20 Resources per dice 0/300 for stage 2)
[X]Internal Use: While there is currently a logistical lack to efficiently move the massive quantity of coal, it will not stay this way, and our chemical industry has to be able to find something to do with the coal. (Multiple new options, ??????)
[X]Let the locals sort it out: The minor ecological contamination will soon pass, reviving fishing and allowing the locals to fix the problem with little issue in time.
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[X]Mechanization: The massive losses in hand coal mining have caused a great degree of loss and inefficiency, necessitating the use of new heavy machinery. (Changes to 20 Resources per dice 0/300 for stage 2)
[X]Internal Use: While there is currently a logistical lack to efficiently move the massive quantity of coal, it will not stay this way, and our chemical industry has to be able to find something to do with the coal. (Multiple new options, ??????)
[X]Re-prioritize grain: While there is no current grain shortage, grain can be re-prioritized to the parts of the USSR near the sea, allowing them to maintain their diets. However, such an effort will be costly in cutting grain exports for a problem that can go away on its own. (-5 Party Support, -10 resources per turn for as long as the crisis lasts)

We got more coal than we need in total, but we got no coal where we need it locally.
Keep it because ffs we're probably going to wind up with NEGATIVE local coal after exports!
It's not like coal goes bad or anything, absolute worst case scenario is we end up with a big impromptu stockpile of a critical strategic material that we're sure to use up at some point or another. It's a rock, you can leave it out in big piles in the sun and rain and snow and the worst that happens is the locals stop paying their heating bills.
Im going to be that gal, and argue for not reprioritizing the grain. We need that political po- I mean Party Support to stop collectivization. If we stop collectivization, we will save more people in the long term. Its a shitty calculus, but we are starved for Party Support right now, and need to bank it up.

[X]Mechanization: The massive losses in hand coal mining have caused a great degree of loss and inefficiency, necessitating the use of new heavy machinery. (Changes to 20 Resources per dice 0/300 for stage 2)
[X]Internal Use: While there is currently a logistical lack to efficiently move the massive quantity of coal, it will not stay this way, and our chemical industry has to be able to find something to do with the coal. (Multiple new options, ??????)
[X]Let the locals sort it out: The minor ecological contamination will soon pass, reviving fishing and allowing the locals to fix the problem with little issue in time.
Normally I'd agree, but at the same time, I feel like there is value getting our foot in the door by demanding a re-prioritization now. We aren't just acting to solve a food shortage right now, we setting down precedent that keeping people alive is important to us, which I think we might need in order to make it important to the Party as a whole.
Do note that re-prioritization is explicitly moving food around, not preventing shortages. It just means less for other regions that are seen as more able to afford the loss.
[X]Mechanization: The massive losses in hand coal mining have caused a great degree of loss and inefficiency, necessitating the use of new heavy machinery. (Changes to 20 Resources per dice 0/300 for stage 2)
[X]Internal Use: While there is currently a logistical lack to efficiently move the massive quantity of coal, it will not stay this way, and our chemical industry has to be able to find something to do with the coal. (Multiple new options, ??????)
[X]Let the locals sort it out: The minor ecological contamination will soon pass, reviving fishing and allowing the locals to fix the problem with little issue in time.
Well, that really settles it I guess. We need


The Soviet Union is mindbogglingly massive and trying to rule it without trains is like the British Empire trying to rule their misbegotten corners of the world without any ships.

We should probably build more trains.
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Turn 3 (1929 2nd half): The Battle for Production
[X]Mechanization: The massive losses in hand coal mining have caused a great degree of loss and inefficiency, necessitating the use of new heavy machinery. (Changes to 20 Resources per dice 0/300 for stage 2)
[X]Internal Use: While there is currently a logistical lack to efficiently move the massive quantity of coal, it will not stay this way, and our chemical industry has to be able to find something to do with the coal. (Multiple new options, ??????)
[X]Re-prioritize grain: While there is no current grain shortage, grain can be re-prioritized to the parts of the USSR near the sea, allowing them to maintain their diets. However, such an effort will be costly in cutting grain exports for a problem that can go away on its own. (-5 Party Support, -10 resources per turn for as long as the crisis lasts)
Turn 3 (1929 2nd half): The Battle for Production
Resources per turn 170 with 40 in storage.
Party Support 30
Moscow, 1929

The new horde of scientists set up camp in a nearby hotel opened up as habitation for the entire planning team to get ready to work further. Already recent telegraph reports come in every day on the state of projects in the far reaches of the Union, with new political news continually flowing in. The closed cities have been made, but every action is under-cut with constant worry over the logistical and rail shortage.

Almost twenty proposals on the large planning board used to discuss it, and almost double that in meetings talking precisely how to fix the problem. The two biggest prongs of the issue are the aging obsolete network and the aging but slightly less outdated engines. While the former can be modernized with time and care, there is just a lack of time. The latter, however, can be worked on rapidly. There is just a constant lack of production, consistently causing more and more issues.

But still, given the resources available to us and the sheer industrial potential of the union, this is a task that can be done, a task that must be done. The plan is proceeding well with targets hit for capital goods and coal for all the split focus, but other indicators are lagging behind. We may fail some of the plan's targets, but we will not fail all of them.

Free dice to allocate: 4 Dice.
Infrastructure 4 Dice

[]Refurbishment of the Trans-Siberian Main Line:
There are numerous issues with the Trans-Siberian rail line due to the lack of fueling infrastructure for the older locomotives and relative lack of rail terminuses. These issues can be fixed through a steady improvement in stations and the proliferation of more of them through the line. Renovations can also be combined with laying down a new line alongside the mainline rather than a full replacement, saving a considerable effort. (25 Resources per dice (0/300))

[]Buildup of Rail Stock(Coal): There is currently a considerable lack of proper rail rolling stock in the Union, with the current models of trains being mostly insufficient. However, an option that is not considered is the simple licensing of a western designed train. Obtaining a simple boiler system would provide a considerable capacity upgrade to current designs and be produced in local plants. (10 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Buildup of the Riverine Fleet: With the new locks on the Dneiper river, it is time to build up a fleet of transport barges to allow bulk resources to flow more quickly through the union. The buildup of barges on all of the rivers in the Union would take a considerable amount of pressure off of the rail network, allowing it to be adequate for a bit longer. These barges and harbor systems would not be the fanciest but would provide a considerable capability improvement. (10 Resources per dice (0/120))

[]Buildup of Rail Stock (Diesel, Far Eastern Sector): Diesel is a radical solution to the current lack of rail stock and lack of infrastructure to fuel trains along the long-range routes trans-Siberian. The greatest problem with Diesel trains for implementation is the current absolute lack of technology capable of supplying a capable engine for such a locomotive. We need to license a German or American design along with building a dedicated factory for it. To make matters worse, Diesel needs to be rolled out per block on the lines, as it requires a new set of infrastructure, cheaper infrastructure, but still required infrastructure. (-5 Party Influence, 20 Resources per dice (0/400))

[]Neva River Systems: The Neva river basin's electrification is a critical task for producing goods in the North of the Soviet Union. These locks and dams will provide the state with enough power for Leningrad and Moscow, allowing multiple new industrial and productive complexes to be built in the region. They will also stabilize the rivers allowing for greater agricultural yields when appropriately utilized for irrigation, helping local farmers bring in far more consistent crops. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (0/250))

[]Port Buildup in Nikolaev: The southern ports' trade infrastructure has been lacking for most of the region's history. Through the ports' buildup, a considerable amount of exports can be sent out to the world for cheaper than previously available, allowing additional material imported from the west to fuel the great industrialization. This would also enable an optimal shipyard to construct new warships when the West inevitably breaks the Montreux Convention. Due to the current lack of rail capacity, the scientific team recommends that this project be fully tabled until rail resources permit it. (10 Resources per dice (0/60))

[]Rail Connections to Planned/Closed City Sites: To complete the plan, there is a necessity to construct additional connecting lines to the more classified sites of the Great Breakthrough. Supposing the city project is put into motion, these lines will form the primary way of moving people and material into and out of the cities, allowing absolute focus towards realizing the plan. To continue the scientific and industrial development, this needs to be done at all costs. (10 Resources per dice (20/50))

[]Post Offices: The construction of multiple redundant post offices and mail systems through a series of small cargo hopping aircraft imported from abroad would allow the rapid transportation of mail through the Union. While a small quality of life implantation, such systems will allow for greater coordination and cooperation between cities and directly talk with their relatives. (20 Resources per dice (0/40))

Heavy Industry 5 Dice

[]Magnitogorsk Planned City(Stage 1):
A literal mountain of iron has been found in the Ural Mountains, and it would be the greatest shame if we failed to exploit it properly. This site will form the backbone of the Union's steel industry, and if the dreams of the planners are fulfilled, it will become the largest steel production plant in the world. The current priority is constructing the steel mill complexes and the housing associated with them to allow for optimal steel production. The first step of building the complex will be creating the underlying mining and logistical infrastructure and accommodation for the work teams. This should allow a massive complex to grow far more efficiently with fewer problems, but it is a far less glamorous first step. (20 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Zlatoust Planned City(Stage 1): The mines of the Urals have resources other than iron. Building a great industrial plant to process new metals and alloys would be a significant step toward accomplishing the plan. This would be the center of alloying and base tool production in the Union, allowing other plants to be shipped processed niche metals. The first step of constructing the complex will be creating the underlying mining and logistical infrastructure and housing for the work teams. Similar to Magnitogorsk, this complex needs to be prepared for the massive undertaking that is to come. (15 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Locomotive Plants: A series of moderately sized locomotive plants is needed to construct additional rail stock and engine maintenance throughout the Union. These would allow for far more significant railway expansion and updates, with the possibility of using licensed Western models to bootstrap a considerable amount of progress on the domestic locomotive design. These plants could be committed to either steam or diesel trains, but the near-unanimous scientific opinion is that coal will do until a rework of the railway system is needed. (10 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Stalingrad Tractor Plant: There is a considerable need for a new tractor model along with a greater amount of tractor production for the union, with the current models performing poorly. This, however, does not have to mean importing the tractors wholesale. Licensing American tractors and, more importantly, their engines would allow a buildup of a domestic high capacity tractor that can then be standardized. This tractor can then be spun off into a multitude of roles, improving mechanization considerably. (25 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Donbas Coal Basin Mine Expansion(Stage 2): The mine's mechanization is a long-term priority for improving productivity and improving the workers' working conditions. This will not change magically paper over all of the problems with coal mining, but using heavier equipment, assuming a trained workforce, will allow considerable improvements in yield and yield per casualty. (20 Resources per dice 0/300)

[]Khazak Phosphate Mine Expansion: These larger fertilizer prospects are critical for improving the Union's agricultural state and would save a considerable amount of resources on importing foreign fertilizer. Domestic production would ensure a steady supply of fertilizers to the farmers, allowing for far increased yields. However, there will need to be an education campaign to train the farmers on how exactly to farm with new tools. (10 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Gorky Machine-building Plant(Stage 1): A new massive machine producing factory that should allow for further ramping up of heavy industrial and machinery production. Current infrastructural strain and lack of base resources currently would make such a project far too costly, but given time; the Union could create a massive new industrial city. This plant would form the core for producing additional industrial equipment in large reaction vessels and bootstrap the chemical industry. Before such a project can be built, however, the infrastructural foundation must be laid down to ensure a steady state of growth and ease of access to resources. (40 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Dneprovsky Metallurgical Plant: The production of aluminum from alumina represents an incredibly energy-intense and challenging process that all developed nations are currently undertaking. Where would the Union be if such plans are not undertaken for the domestic production of this new material? The region has the power, and it is time for it to be utilized to produce new materials with new exiting properties. This would be a good location for the plant, and reasonably effective, though aluminum is not at all in dire need currently. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 40 Resources per dice (0/200))

Light and Chemical Industry 5 Dice

[]Baku Oil Extraction(Step 1):
The previous incidents during extraction have shown far more caution must be taken with these steps. Thus instead of importing obsolescent old drills, new ones will be ordered from Uralmash. These drills will not be the best, and low-rate production will not be perfect, but they will allow us to at least keep to minimal quality standards, unlike the capitalists. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 15 Resources per dice (60/100))

[]Baku Oil Refineries(Step 1): The refineries are almost complete, allowing production to be soon expanded to a proper level. This is the final step and is mostly hooking up output pipe-lines to ensure a steady oil supply. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 15 Resources per dice (94/100))

[]Coal Liquefaction Experiments: With the new large amount of coal available to the union, it may be worthwhile to test various possibilities of coal liquefaction into multiple types of chemical and fuel products. While these will likely not have many useful results, this is an interesting scientific endeavor to pursue. (15 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Village Logging Services: The use of small logging camps and the distribution of logging equipment to central points would significantly improve the nation's timber output at a nominal cost. While these would be far from the most efficient, such systems can allow remote villages to process their lumber and help them construct additional homes. Allowing them to become far more developed quite rapidly. This would also help the villages build up their local resources and become far more hardened to cold and frost. This lumber could also fetch a decent value on the export market. (5 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Canning Plants: The construction of multiple new canning plants would allow the Union to preserve a far more significant portion of its food for the low cost of some steel. While these would not be glamorous or a massive industrial effort, they would improve military rations and ensure that every citizen can get a simple can of vegetables. Most would be constructed near farms and increase exported material value due to canned goods' preservation and perceived value. These canning plants will also allow a considerable improvement in food logistics, as they will enable the bulk shipments of quality food to remote regions. (10 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Kazak Textile Mills: With the massive amounts of cotton and wool produced in the Southern republic, it would make perfect sense to construct a series of large textile mills to allow for the easy processing of the fiber into new uniforms and clothes for the people of the Union. Another un-glamorous but essential project that, in theory, allows every citizen to have a wardrobe all on their own. (10 Resources per dice (0/50))

[]Vladivostok Small Shipyards: There exists an opportunity to tap into a new large source of food and to revitalize the far east with a new source of food production that should, in theory, secure a large amount of cheap protein. The fishing waters outside of Vladivostok are ripe with fish and only need a new fleet of fishing boats to exploit them. Such a plan should be easily accomplished with some additional effort by constructing some simple ocean-based fishing vessels. However, to ship these new food reserves to the other parts of the Union, rail renovations must be done. These would further improve access to food all over the republic and improve logistics by a small amount as the Far East could feed itself far better. (10 Resources per dice (0/40))

[]Book Printing Plants: While the production of books is generally a matter of minutia, the current lack of cheap printed works has a considerable impact on education. The output of a few standardized mass printing plants will allow a far more significant amount of educational and recreational literature to be made for the workers, ensuring that they remain happy and well-read. (10 Resources per dice (0/40))

Agriculture 4 Dice

[]Creation of Central Mechanism Storages(Stage 1):
A great lack in the current agricultural system of the Union is the lack of machinery for more optimally utilizing the labor of the workers. By creating multiple central storage sites for villages, it would be possible to free up masses of laborers to move into cities to become the urban proletariat. While this would not improve the yields per acre significantly, they will allow the use of far more marginal lands and free up massive labor quantities. (5 Party Influence upon completion, 20 Resources per dice (0/300))

[]Education for the Farmers(Farming): One of the most significant issues plaguing the peasant classes in society is the lack of knowledge on proper methods of more optimal farming. Due to this lack of information and lack of knowledge, large tracts of land are underutilized and yield small resources. With a peasantry program, large amounts of these issues can be fixed and greatly assist in implementing farming methods. These would provide useful yield improvements, especially if they can be paired with fertilizer production. (5 Resources per dice (0/200))

[]Education for the Farmers(Political): The lack of proper class knowledge and class consciousness of the peasant farmers has created large rifts in society and has created incorrect and misapplied political theory issues. Through large education programs to teach the peasants the proper way to think, class consciousness can be encouraged, allowing more of them to be enabled to become workers without the expensive task of educating them. While this would not be useful for yields, keeping the peasants informed of their tasks' importance would at least improve their morale. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Creation of State Agricultural Academies: The construction of the new academies continues to be necessary with the constant need for novel farming methods to improve yields further. While these academies would be focused on the ongoing trial of new techniques and the teaching of more researchers. The impact of these will only become notable in the long term, as the first graduates' cycle in. (5 Resources per dice (114/150))

[]Breakup of large farms: The passing of a new series of land reform along with the re-distribution of land from wealthy peasants would help greatly in providing more opportunities for workers to practice their craft. At the same time, it should be more efficient than the previous systems due to more even manpower allocation. While there could be some local resistance, the police forces will rapidly sort out the problem. (15 Party Influence upon completion, 5 Resources per dice (0/80))

Services 4 Dice

[]Creation of the State Hospital System(Stage 1):
A new system of state hospitals and clinics will allow the Union to reach new goals in population growth and healthcare rapidly. These systems will be built in cities first but will ensure a consistent population growth through improvements in medicine. This initiative will help considerably in the containment of disease. Also, these will manage to reduce workplace lethality through prompt access to medical care marginally. (10 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Formation of an Official Work-Training Program: Trained workers are a continuous necessity for producing additional industrial goods and products. When transferring peasants to factories, this need is most intense. While this would not be an expensive program and only teach the basics, it would formalize a work training system. This system would present a great improvement in efficiency for workers that are just going into the industrial field, allowing them to steadily become minimally competent, improving both quality and quantity of production. (5 Resources per dice (45/100))

[]Creation of new Polytechnic Universities(Stage 1): Technological education is the core of creating a new generation of engineers and academia. These schools will be focused on developing the potential of the people of the Union of all stripes. No longer will education be limited to the wealthy few or the elite of the aristocracy. Now, instruction can be given to all, no matter their wealth, sex, or class. While this does mean many schools need to be constructed, its construction will allow the Union to make a scientific leap forward. While these schools' results will be far to delayed to fulfill this plan, they will provide significant benefits for the next plan. (10 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Creation of new Party Universities: New schools are needed to ensure that new members of the party can be trained to develop communist theory. These schools will just educate the party elite and raise the new elite, ensuring that the party's future is secure. Given the currently planned projects, and eventual improvement to the average manager will also be implemented. With a new standardization of officials rather than the old system of the inconsistently educated. (10 Party Influence upon completion, 10 Resources per dice (85/100))

[]Expansion of the Schooling Programs: The education of the Soviet Youth in reading and basic arithmetic is critical for developing a new society of knowledgeable workers. These schools will focus on the teaching of basic concepts and a proper understanding of history. While not glamorous, these will be the core of a literacy program for the Soviet youth. Ensuring that soon the next generation of new trained, enthusiastic, and happy workers will be created for future use in industry. These schools will be an incredible long-term asset for improving the population's education, but they would be consistent use of resources that will not impact decades. (5 Resources per dice (0/200))

Bureaucracy 2 Dice

[]Additional State Funding:
The plan needs an additional influx of cash to accomplish the initial objectives before the yet greater industry can be constructed. To achieve such gains in resources, it may be wise to dip into the state reserve of currency to ensure that a steady stream of new assets can flow into the Union and ensure that development can occur. Such action would be a risky option as the loss of these reserves can cause significant currency fluctuations, but it would be challenging to accelerate the plan considerably without them. (DC 50, immediate 200 Resources)

[]Removal of the New Sciences: A new upstart is advocating for some theory called Lamarckism that is rapidly climbing the ranks along with other nonsense, and has a few of the old scientists looking on in horror. It would be far better for such pseudo-scientific reasoning to be removed from the body politic. Marxism implies materialism, and anything that cannot be demonstrated deserves and erns no protection from the party's eyes. Strike these pseudoscientific idiots out of the party and out of their employment, and shuffle them off to somewhere where they can be useful (-10 Party Support, DC 20)

[]Find a Scapegoat for Baku: There is no need to take the blame for the ecological disaster when it could instead be put to easy use advocating for better policy in relation to other factors. There are a considerable number of older Bolsheviks that were in charge of the project. Their cutting of corners did legitimately hurt the project, leading to the problems in implementation. Through their trials and arrest for sabotage, some political influence can be regained and encourage others to take note. (10 Party Support, DC 30)

[]Requisition more resources: The need for resources to fulfill the plan is immense, and requesting the 30% share of the GNP is needed to ensure the plan's success. While this is not a popular measure, a considerable amount more of funding will be available to fulfill the targets of the plan. (-25 Party Support if completed, DC 40)
Blackstar threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Survival Total: 81
81 81
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Differences incoming.

4 Free Dice instead of 3.
Refurbishment of Trans-Siberian Line now costs 300, from 400.
Buildup of Rail Stock (Diesel) costs 400, from 800.
Post Offices is a new action.
Heavy Industry gets 5 dice, not 4.
Planned City action costs have been cut in half and the description updated to indicate that it is laying foundations and infrastructure
Stalingrad Tractor Plant domestic/foreign variants has been changed to just one option.
Donbas Coal Basin Mine Expansion Stage 2 is a new action.
Gorky Machine-Building Plant costs 200, from 500.
Light and Chemical Industry has 5 dice, not 3.
Coal Liquefaction Experiments is a new action.
Village Logging Services gained an indication that it will harden rural areas to cold.
Canning Plants gained an indication that it will help with food logistics.
Book Printing Plants is a new action.
Agriculture has 4 dice instead of 3.
Breakup of Large Farms is a new action.
Services has 4 dice instead of 3.
Bureaucracy has 2 dice, not 1.
We can try to kick out Lamarckism "science", or find a scapegoat for Baku and probably cause a purge if we want.
We can increase our share of Resources for the Plan but this is a highly costly option in terms of Party Approval.
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I am starting to worry about the state of the Plan and what exactly we need to do to meet the goals that were set.
(-5 Party Influence, 20 Resources per dice (0/400))
To clarify, do we get -5 Party Influence for EACH DIE we spend on this, or -5 Party Influence total for selecting this option?
I am starting to worry about the state of the Plan and what exactly we need to do to meet the goals that were set.

To clarify, do we get -5 Party Influence for EACH DIE we spend on this, or -5 Party Influence total for selecting this option?
For as long as you are fully importing the locomotives, it will be per die.

Edit: Also a large number of the descriptions changed a lot.
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I am starting to worry about the state of the Plan and what exactly we need to do to meet the goals that were set.

To clarify, do we get -5 Party Influence for EACH DIE we spend on this, or -5 Party Influence total for selecting this option?
I'm pretty sure it's each. The Party will go WTF at us throwing money at foreigners to achieve a pipe dream. Damn.

Anyways we need to conserve or gather Party Influence. Collectivization is coming.
Do all dice have to be spent? What if I'm making a plan and am content (or out of money) but still have one unassigned Free die floating around?
The buildup of barges on all of the rivers in the Union would take a considerable amount of pressure off of the rail network, allowing it to be adequate for a bit longer.
Interesting to note, regarding the Riverine Fleet action...

However even if we take all the cheapest actions we are going to struggle to use all our dice, unless we requisition more resources or dip into the state funding - and I don't think those will come in until next turn???

At least we're not still trying to do this on 130 resources/turn!
[X] We Like to the Party!
Free Dice: 4
Infrastructure (4 dice)
-[X]Buildup of Rail Stock(Coal)
--2 Dice (20 Resources)
-[X]Neva River Systems
--2 Dice (20 Resources)
Heavy Industry (5 Dice)
-[X]Magnitogorsk Planned City(Stage 1)
--2 Dice (40 Resources)
-[X]Locomotive Plants
--2 Dice (20 Resources)
[X]Donbas Coal Basin Mine Expansion(Stage 2)
--1 Dice (20 Resources)
Light and Chemical Industry (5 Dice)
-[X]Baku Oil Refineries(Step 1)
--1 Dice (15 Resources)
-[X]Village Logging Services
--2 Dice (10 Resources)
-[X]Book Printing Plants
--1 Dice (10 Resources)
Agriculture (4 Dice)
-[X]Education for the Farmers(Political)
--2 Dice (15 Resources)
-[X]Creation of State Agricultural Academies
--1 Dice (5 Resources)
-[X]Breakup of large farms
--1 Dice, 1 Free Dice (10 Resources)
Services (4 Dice)
-[X]Formation of an Official Work-Training Program
--2 Dice (10 Resources)
-[X]Creation of new Party Universities
--1 Dice (10 Resources)
-[X]Expansion of the Schooling Programs
--1 Dice (5 Resources)
Bureaucracy (2 Dice)
-[X]Additional State Funding
--2 Dice, 1 Free Dice (0 Resoruces)
-[X]Removal of the New Sciences
--1 Free Dice (0 Resources)
-[X]Find a Scapegoat for Baku
--1 Free Dice (0 Resources)

Alright. SO. This plan uses every single scrap of resource we have, BUT, works towards getting more trains through importing a coal-fired design to work off of, gets Magnitogorsk on the path to giving us the Iron we need, and expands the coal basing so we can fuel them more easily. Most importantly though, we are likely to get around 45 NET party support by doing this plan, including us nuking Lysenko from orbit. It also improves the light industry situation, and wraps up the oil uh, issue. We also attempt to get the 200 Resource budgetary shot in the arm, so next turn we can do more.

Please advise changes, will prolly have thought of some by tomorrow. I really feel we need that sweet sweet Party support so we can change the party line.
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