No, it was only 9,000 IM.

The judgement of flame is the chapter

One by one all three of them answer, then Dany's voice seeming impossibly loud in the silence of the chamber as she spins words of sorcery, of briefing, a snare reaching out above as below, that neither devils nor mages may flee their fate.

Lost 45,000 Gold (Material Cost of Forbiddance)"
The judgement of flame is the chapter

One by one all three of them answer, then Dany's voice seeming impossibly loud in the silence of the chamber as she spins words of sorcery, of briefing, a snare reaching out above as below, that neither devils nor mages may flee their fate.

Lost 45,000 Gold (Material Cost of Forbiddance)"
@DragonParadox That number should have been divided by five due to the exchange rate between D&D gold and IM.
@DragonParadox did we actually get told where to drop off the leshies after they were created? If not, we might as well ask now imo.

Also "Do you want more leshies? Leshies are amazing, and there is little I can do directly to actually help you except make more leshies or buy stuff from planar markets. Can i pick you up stuff from planar markets or make more leshies"?


That can be assumed to be handled in the background.

@DragonParadox That number should have been divided by five due to the exchange rate between D&D gold and IM.

Fixed. Sorry for the mix-up.
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Interlude CCCXV: Coin Counter's Magic
Coin Counter's Magic

Twenty-Seventh Day of the Fifth Month 293 AC

With all the strange requests that passed over Alinor's desk these years it was little wonder that she did not oft consider what purpose they served, but something about the notion of a flying ship, or for that matter a flying keep, captured the imagination. It reminded her of a little red-haired girl who used to sit on her father's knee while he spun tales to her delight, of the little tailor boy, or sometimes girl, who climbed up a glided ivy-vine to a giant's keep among the clouds, silly stories for a simpler time. Naria was more than happy to accommodate her curiosity, answering any questions she may have... and a few of the ones she had not asked.

Such enthusiasm was the mark of a good craftsmen, Alinor knew, and so she politely nodded along and tried to ask at least halfway sensible questions as she watched the rune-carved spherical cage move through the air, seemingly weightless as a feather, although from what little she did understand of the explanation, weightless would probably be the last thing it should be called. The various weights inside and out balanced in such a way as to control speed and direction as the cage was firmly moored to the ground with a heavy lead chain that had once served as a ship's anchor. The little blue-shelled fey had named it a tumble-wheel for the aerial dance it could so deftly play.

"So what do you mean to do with it?" The question was almost absent-minded as a plan began to form in the steward's mind.

"Well the potential is limitless," the little tinker fey who served as the senior assistant burbled before Naria could reply. "Endless motive force, not just to keep things in the air but propel them through it."

Alinor shook her head. "I mean the cage once you are done with your measurements?" she clarified. "It would be a shame to just let it gather dust in some corner when you move on to bigger things..." And a waste of perfectly good coin, she thought but did not say. The steward knew from experience that craftsmen could be touchy about their creative scrawls, their prototypes being called impractical, even by implication.

"What did you have in mind?" Naria asked, eyes bright with interest and good cheer, even if nowhere near as exuberant as the tinker fey, or some of her sisters for that matter.

"The Twin Arches theater has been using more and more magic in their plays. They even hired a full mage to help with stage-work last week instead of counting on Scholarum students looking for a few extra marks. Having a prop that heavy that can move with that degree of finesse could improve quite a few plays I can think of..." Alinor looked around at the tinker fey. "I'll handle everything if you want to sell it off."

No one mentioned the last time a tinker's contraption had been used at the Arches. Though none of the patrons had been killed or even seriously hurt, far too many had been set fleeing the theater, thinking that they would be.

"How much could you sell it for?" Naria questioned, peering at her creation from this new and unexpected angle.

"Well it's a true masterpiece of arcane working, far and above what any lesser sorcerer or hedge wizard could craft, isn't it?" Alinor adopted a slightly over-dramatic tone, usually reserved for merchants selling 'blessed' talismans, murky potions, and other dubious wares that Sorcerer's Deep was thankfully spared by the keen eye of the lawmen.

"It seems a strange thing that the kingdom's coffers should seek to profit off a theater master's pockets thus," the incarnate spirit offered, clearly amused. "Isn't that what taxes are usually for?"

"Don't think of it as making a profit," Alinor laughed. "It's just defraying costs. The books won't balance themselves, you know."

And with that the tumble-cage's fate was sealed. Though the principles behind it would go on to far grander things, it would eventually delight audiences with its own small taste of magic.

OOC: I figured it was too soon for another Naria interlude hence the Alinor PoV, serving to showcase a bit more about her character while also presenting the anti-gravity research going forward.
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Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Oct 9, 2018 at 3:00 PM, finished with 48 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan Put A Bow On It
    -[X] Since you asked for some time, you don't need to contact Graftons daughter right away. Reserve a day for that next month.
    -[X] Make a short visit to Dalla and ask her what she can do to aid the whole scheme.
    --[X] Grafton might release the prisoners he has and/or try to get in touch with other hill-folk to get information. Can she make sure they will tell him the right things? (Namely that Corbray was involved.)
    --[X] Can she keep an eye on Corbray and look for other Devil activity in the Vale? If she encounters something that is too strong to safely handle for her, she should contact us and we will bring a kill-team.
    --[X] Can she plant the coins we took from the Devil to make it look like Corbray is behind the whole schemes?
    -[X] Make a short visit to Runestone and update Bronze Yon on the events. Edit as necessary, but he should at least be aware that Devils tried to discredit him and that we are handling the matter. Also, he should be wary of Corbray and keep an eye open for more Devil activity.
@DragonParadox, does Alinor have her eye on any future fiefs for her and Ser Gerold? Maybe a nice spot of land in the Disputed Lands right next to Uthero's future fiefdom? We can build a nice castle from scratch for her, complete with top notch wards and all the magical comforts she can ask for. Of course... I'd still want her to stay in Sorcerer's Deep the majority of the time. The Steward can't really leave the capital. The lands and castle are more a reward of, "Look, now you're actual nobility, and your children have something concrete to inherit."
@DragonParadox, does Alinor have her eye on any future fiefs for her and Ser Gerold? Maybe a nice spot of land in the Disputed Lands right next to Uthero's future fiefdom? We can build a nice castle from scratch for her, complete with top notch wards and all the magical comforts she can ask for. Of course... I'd still want her to stay in Sorcerer's Deep the majority of the time. The Steward can't really leave the capital. The lands and castle are more a reward of, "Look, now you're actual nobility, and your children have something concrete to inherit."
Alternatively we could raise an island from the seafloor for her?

No? Your right.

Sky islands are where it's at.
Alternatively we could raise an island from the seafloor for her?

No? Your right.

Sky islands are where it's at.
Eh, after endless debate Diomedon has firmly convinced me that Sky Islands are a bad idea, especially for people we actually care about. Keeps that can fly are one thing, but floating islands are just a total pain in the ass for trade and travel in general, and they're a major hazard.
@DragonParadox, does Alinor have her eye on any future fiefs for her and Ser Gerold? Maybe a nice spot of land in the Disputed Lands right next to Uthero's future fiefdom? We can build a nice castle from scratch for her, complete with top notch wards and all the magical comforts she can ask for. Of course... I'd still want her to stay in Sorcerer's Deep the majority of the time. The Steward can't really leave the capital. The lands and castle are more a reward of, "Look, now you're actual nobility, and your children have something concrete to inherit."

Tot yet no, she is a little busy to be planning that far ahead.
Eh, after endless debate Diomedon has firmly convinced me that Sky Islands are a bad idea, especially for people we actually care about. Keeps that can fly are one thing, but floating islands are just a total pain in the ass for trade and travel in general, and they're a major hazard.
I know.

Well we should build one in the air genie embassy.

They are so cool though!
Eh, after endless debate Diomedon has firmly convinced me that Sky Islands are a bad idea, especially for people we actually care about. Keeps that can fly are one thing, but floating islands are just a total pain in the ass for trade and travel in general, and they're a major hazard.
A flying island is by necessity a retreat, an isolated location that wants privacy and security from casual or non-magical arrivals. Something like a hermit's meditation spot, a luxury exclusive vacation spot, or at best a small autarcic society where you can do your magical experimentation in peace.
I'm still rooting for the Plane of Endless Beach Parties to be honest.

Sky islands are nice, but an open bar is where true happiness lies.
The lenghts you people push me... >_>

Here, have at thee!
An official image for all vorpal butter-knifing-related topics henseforth.

(yes, quality is shit, but I didn't find this exact image in any better, so I had to edit with what I had)
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The lenghts you people push me... >_>

Here, have at thee!
An official image for all vorpal-butter-knifing-related topics henseforth.

(yes, quality is shit, but I didn't find this exact image in any better, so I had to edit with what I had)

Wonderful. This needs to be added to the Media Section, alongside the Old Gods are Training
I know.

Well we should build one in the air genie embassy.

They are so cool though!
A flying island is by necessity a retreat, an isolated location that wants privacy and security from casual or non-magical arrivals. Something like a hermit's meditation spot, a luxury exclusive vacation spot, or at best a small autarcic society where you can do your magical experimentation in peace.
A flying island retreat in the Plane of Air would be really neat...