I suppose we'll be doing that next turn as a dedicated action then, along with deciding what to do with Maelephant's breat-weapon in-character :/
Isn't it alive and a viable sacrifice for a guardian Naga?

Either case, I don't want to throw is in the fleshforge, that kind of ability should be hunted down and destroyed.
We haven't put the Kongomoto in yet have we? Sonic weapons best weapons.
We already harvested everything from it. Heart and breathweapon organ have gone to the Fungus Forge (which was how draconic creatures like the Darkenbeasts were unlocked in the first place), bones set aside for dragonbone bows, claws turned into dragonfang daggers, beak set aside as a non-metal adamantium-piercing weapon, dragonscale cloak for Bronn, dragonskin grips for Dark Sister, Purity, and Fleasticker, and dragonhide armor for Soft Strider.
Isn't it alive and a viable sacrifice for a guardian Naga?

Either case, I don't want to throw is in the fleshforge, that kind of ability should be hunted down and destroyed.
This kind of ability should be researched, and left in a guarded closet from where we could pull it out if we need a super-dangerous memetic weapon.
Like, oh, I don't know...
When we'll be making anti-Illithid WMD's?

Basically, I don't care for weapon itself (hell, I actually don't like it!), but for further research option it will open up.
That said it could kind of ruin the atmosphere of such a momentous occasion if we just dump everything into a shredder.

Sometimes a man just wants a sloopy joe sandwich instead of a filet mignon.

But to be fair this is a big deal so I can see the appeal of doing this "Properly."

Honestly I just want to see how the rest of the world reacts to the nonsense that's going to sprout form this.

Side note we should probably protect the ritual site before we start, cause this seems like a party a lot of dicks would try to crash.
We already harvested everything from it. Heart and breathweapon organ have gone to the Fungus Forge (which was how draconic creatures like the Darkenbeasts were unlocked in the first place), bones set aside for dragonbone bows, claws turned into dragonfang daggers, beak set aside as a non-metal adamantium-piercing weapon, dragonscale cloak for Bronn, dragonskin grips for Dark Sister, Purity, and Fleasticker, and dragonhide armor for Soft Strider.

wait so we have sonic weapons or rather the potential for them?
Well I'll be damned, a line I'm not willing to cross. How the fuck did that happen? :confused:
It's Aurane's magic cock. Achieving the impossible since the Doom of Valyria.
Yes, his cock caused the Doom. It wasn't the corruption from the devil-catgirl slaves made from dead babies and ground fiends that did it: it was Aurane's incredible cock! Surely a gift to mankind from Asmodeus himself!
Part MMCCCLII: A Wanderer's Counsel
A Wanderer's Counsel

Twenty-Seventh Day of the Fifth Month 293 AC

The mummery begins in earnest, though there is truth at its core. You greet the Lord of Gulltown with the sort of nervous diffidence of smallfolk before seeking audience, another subtler layer even hinting that perhaps 'Dywen' wasn't one for talking to other folk at all in the usual run of thing, a loner or a hermit long away from civilization: "The trap you suffered in, milord, was one aimed on both sides I fear," you motion to his tightly-wrapped shoulder before letting your eyes fall to the ground once more, as though cowed by the surprise and suspicion suddenly fallen upon you.

"And how do you know of such doings?" the lord snaps. Then moderating his tone he adds, "I am not one to strike the messenger's head from his shoulders for ill news."

"It was a ruse, my lord, an attempt to make you lash out blindly against your neighbors to the ruin of all." These words you speak with far more confidence than any you had before, subtly strengthening the notion that you speak truth, at least as you know it. So saying you hand him a coin pouch heavy with tainted coins, taken from the devils. Many are worn and old tarnished silver, brass turned green from age, but upon each one a leering devil's face can be seen. "Do not touch them with your bare hands," you warn, though you are quite certain it is safe. Fear is a flower that must be carefully tended, at least if one wishes to push a man to act a certain way rather than lash out blindly.

"Where did you get this?" Lord Grafton pales like a man confronted with a ghost... or foresight made flesh.

"I took them from among those responsible for the attack..." you begin.

"You stole them?" he asks, gratifyingly surprised.

"I have no intention of spending that on any earthly goods, and neither would any man of good sense," you reply fervently, but truthfully. "One cannot steal such a coin save in the way one might be said to steal a goblet filed with poison from a drinker's lips."

"Go on," the Lord of Gulltown continues, unconsciously leaning forward in his seat, far too hungry for answers, any answers, to bother with picking apart your rather broad tale.

"Lord, I am not a warrior..." you motion ruefully to the coarse brown robes you appear to be wearing. "I do not live by the sword, though I have perhaps foolishly risked dying by it all too many times. Before I speak on, I would ask of one thing of you."

Silence is your only answer, growing impatient but not so much as to interrupt with another question, and so you continue meeting the lord's sea-green gaze squarely with your own. Again you speak honestly in the midst of deception. "Lord, I ask for mercy for those you have taken captive or at least for their kin. I have walked among them in their villages and I have seen how they live. They try to survive in the barren mountains, for these inhospitable ranges are the only place where they are not hunted down like beasts. I will not, cannot defend their deeds, but neither can I find it in my heart to damn them for what desperation has driven them to."

"You have lived a charmed life, brother, to have come away from the wildling's holds still able to pity them," the lord snorts. "Were they truly so desperate they might come down from the mountains and work the land or herd goats like decent folk. Some have done so before, breeding with the people of the Vale until the wildness has gone from their blood."

Hearing the answer you hide a grimace. Men are not horses or donkeys to be spoken of so, like unruly beasts fit for culling and keeping at a lord's pleasure. Mad as the clansmen's notion of never kneeling may be, you begin to have an inkling from what seeds it must have sprung. Still, you have a task and a role to play. "The Maiden calls for mercy upon all, but these people were never shown any. Instead we reward those who are said to do the Father's and the Warrior's work by slaying them wherever they are found. And now, in these dark days, vile things walk among us, their hearts forged from hatred and their will bent only on ruin. The true enemy walks among us unseen, fanning the flames of senseless hatred, and the Seven watch silently as we tear each other apart," you finish, contrite but not wavering.

"So then you would hide the truth from me, against a promise of mercy?" The question is almost disbelieving. "Do you know how many ways I know to loosen a man's tongue?"

You lower your head, taking note of how the threat wavered on his lips. This is not a man who put many to the torturer's attentions, and it is clear to you at least that he has no real desire to start with a holy man.

"'We all must do as our spirit guides us, for in that spirit one can hear the still, small voice of the Gods whispering wisdom'," you answer softly.

"That is not an oft spoken verse, yet you speak it with great confidence," Lord Grafton replies after a long while. "Tell me then, what manner of man you are and how you came to live among the savages in the hills in peace, that I may judge the weight of your words by their proper measure."

What do you reply?

[] Write in

OOC: Things have been working out so far but this is a real hard sell. You are going against millennia of hatred and distrust reinforced by constant low level warfare.
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@Goldfish We gonna apply the Giant Template to them so we can create some flying mounts?

Way faster than breeding them, even if long-term hippogriffs/griffons are probably cheaper to get in number.

And we wouldn't have to bargain with and bond rider with drakes, who are too intelligent to be used as war beasts anywhere outside Elites/PCs.
So, uuh.
I usually just throw these in when turn vote comes up, but looking back at it, that may have not been the most sound decision.

Anyway, I've been writing down some ideas for minor actions next turn lately.
Any disagreements? Any critique? @everyone?

[] Contact Yrten and place an order for him.
-[] Collect commonplace PoF vegetation, the more varied – the better.
--[] Specifically go for "Ash Willow Dark red tree native to the elemental plane of fire that can grow to 120 ft tall. It thrives of heat, often growing from pools of lava. They continuously rain ash around them, producing 1 lb per day per 10 ft of its height. It extends runner roots that spawn 1d3 new tree each month. They create areas of calm, slow-bunring forests within the volatile plane. Dragon 347 p. 48"
-[] Collect small animals unique to PoF. Ones with really exotic effects will be well-paid for. ||Fehu, that's for you and that cave full of critters we never revisited.
-[] (price will be fair but not overly high, as they can pick this stuff up on the go)

[] Ask your newly-acquired faculty members of Scholarum to write down planar/arcane/divine lore they possess (this is unrelated to their teaching, and is just us making sure to try to get every piece of resources we can. Well, it will also kinda help them teach, but only to a degree).
-[] Alas the Whisperer -- Slyph Witch 8
-[] Krenal -- Raptoran Oracles 6 (Battle and Bones Mysteries)
-[] Grem -- Raptoran Oracles 6 (Battle and Bones Mysteries)
-[] Phaerl Sharp-Eye -- Avariel Hunter 7

[] Include Anu and Svitran into mandatory "Write down your lore and knowledge so that we can trade it at need"-program.
-[] Add Glyra and Roaming Koas, as well as Moonsong, to this list too. ||You know you fucking want to

[] Have some of your companions start on writing down more of their knowledge (Duesal's ideas here, up to DP's consideration whether they are IC-compliant)
-[] Xor - Book on Aberrations, expanding on the book we already have
-[] Malarys - The Crimson Code which he already has memorized (to be reviewed with Viserys and modified to the agreement of all parties before being implemented into law), and working with Garin on a handbook for the Inquisition
-[] Vee - Book of Yss, achieved by poking at him until he tells her things. Also, poking at snek-people and Coatl-God.
||Just making sure to keep em' books coming.

[] Have a look through Scholarum attendees.
-[] Any of old age, as in, old to such a degree that is likely to impend their study of arcane in a few years, or just kill them, are to be given an option to participate in "Flesh to Steel" ritual.
--[] Money for reagents will be repaid by them to Empire with time, as their new bodies won't have need for as much rest as previous ones.

[] Collect the results of the following:
-[] Ask the Yrael and his Archons to write a book about the Celestial Planes and the Celestials therein
--[] Ask Yrael what method allows the Celestial Planes to produce the prodigious number of enchanted weapons and armor for their soldiers.
-[] Get Wyla to contribute to the Scholarum library, and also ask if she'd be willing to write a book on vampirism or any other subject she holds expertise in.

[] Decide what to do with Maelephant's breath-weapon || Needs a vote, since some players believe that even having an option of making it is bad, much as I disagree with that

[] Drop by Braavos and collect confiscated magic items from Alysande to be added to the Larder (for last 2 months+new month's share of loot, I believe?)
@DragonParadox, with further research can we unlock the Draconic Template in the Fungus Forge? The Kongamato should have unlocked all things dragon related, not just opening up the way to Darkenbeasts.

[X] Azel
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The spell wouldn't work like that. It works on terrain features but not creatures.