And once again, it feels like literally everyone is more efficient than us.
The devils have an organized power structure of middling-CR beings with teleport as an at-will, enough imps to throw invisible spies in every population center worthy of the name on three continents, and a penchant for meticulous bureaucracy where their monthly spreadsheets assign everyone on the list the maximum possible workdays. Really, the surprise is that they're not getting far more done.
The devils have an organized power structure of middling-CR beings with teleport as an at-will, enough imps to throw invisible spies in every population center worthy of the name on three continents, and a penchant for meticulous bureaucracy where their monthly spreadsheets assign everyone on the list the maximum possible workdays. Really, the surprise is that they're not getting far more done.

Keep in mind they are not operating unopposed.
And once again, it feels like literally everyone is more efficient than us.
I think we should put a dedicated action onto combing Essos for deagon eggs in next turns.
Even though we have Tiamat and a shitton of other people gunning for them there too. And they've been at this for months.
Uhm... you are aware that just last month, we basically were declared Ruler of the Prime Material by virtue of being the one and only polity on it that the Djinn and Shaitan consider worth talking with?
Alright, looks like people have already begun planning out the next turn schedule...

There are two things I'd like to try this turn, That's is point 1 & 4, put somebody on eligible on Draconic Template (Leshies! Treants!).

Also One Arcanum, Book-Archon, and glyra is all that is needed for Radiance, Positive, and Celestial template!

  1. Those 6 days required to unlock Draconic template, can it be done by Viserys, Daenerys, or Malarys; Not just Lya?
  2. Lya to research an add-extraplanar-template pod, perhaps inspired by this for extra existensial horror?
    • free action. Growing a Tiny or smaller duplicate takes 1 round, a Small duplicate 3 rounds, a Medium duplicate 5 rounds, and a Large duplicate 10 rounds. Duplicates are identical to the creature whose life essence has been devoured, but they gain the pod creature template. They closely resemble the original creature and retain all its memories. The newly created spawn has none of the original creature's equipment, though the bodythief can vomit forth any surviving swallowed gear as a move action. As the duplicate hatches, the bodythief makes a Disguise check to determine the resemblance to the original. The duplicate must be grown within 24 hours of the original's digestion, or its essence and memories dissipate. Only a single duplicate can made of any given creature.
  3. Actually could this be used to grow copies of standard legionnaries without extra templates, only a plant subtype or something...
  4. Would an Arcanum, Book-Archon, and Glyra(?) be able to unlock celestial / Positive / Radiance, template to the Forge?
  1. You might but there aren't good odds. Wishcraft is to a greatdegree spiritual
  2. Yes
  3. That makes sense
  4. Maybe though that opens moral issues
  5. Yes, they would make pretty good progress too.

Edit: Also the Ash Willow trees in PoF!
So, I suggest we take Thoros, Mereth and any companion we can get our hands on to strike hard and fast.

We know that there is significant opposition, if more than three Erinyes are there a Pleasure Devil is likely there too.
We know it's not a trap besides that straight opposition, that we can defeat.

Now usually I would be on board with the "Thoros as bait" plan, but not against Brachinae. They can hit him with Morality Undone, Charm, Suggestion and Beguile as long as they Dispel whatever PfE we give him and then we have to fight him too. Maybe even despite PfE while they have his bodyparts, no idea how strong sympathetic magic is here, but it fucked us up when we gave that ghost our blood.

So the direct approach seems like the best, we just need a @Goldfish for the details.
[I'm still thinking about the questions, but I want thread feedback on this first]

People, I have an idea!

Most devils can Teleport, but they very rarely have Sending. Thus they have to have prearranged meeting points to coordinate and receive orders. Let's find the prearranged meeting point where they plan to regroup once we scatter them here, and strike under Mind Blank when they retreat there.

I presume that this will happen: We arrive and fight -> some flee -> they teleport around for a while -> they go somewhere for new orders -> we strike under Mind Blank

Or maybe we should just divine the next place where that fucking contract devil will be giving orders to a group of subordinates and strike there, instead of counting on something managing to flee from us today?

EDIT: To divine a place, you cut a map in two and ask "is it in this half of the map". Then you do so again and again, quickly narrowing down to an area searchable with lower-level Divination spells.
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OK then, in order:

Divination on the Corbay situation.

Who (if any) among House Corbay is colluding with devils?

The Forlorn Knight holds tight the key
A Blade Reforged in hallowed blood
In gleanered vale ever Darkness be
Seek out the child risen from the fog

Commune questions:
  1. Are there Erinyes: yes
  2. More than three: yes
  3. Will they summon something greater upon rescue: unknowable (it depends on what rescue you send and you are under mind blank)
  4. Are there traps: no
  5. Do the devils have some part of Thoros' Body: yes
  6. Could they use them to harm him: yes
  7. Do the devils intend to use the Alchimists to make more wildfire: yes
  8. Do the devils dealing with Corbray have the dragon eggs: no
  9. Do the devils by Ser Kennos have the dragon eggs: no
  10. Have the devils managed to hatch any of the eggs: yes
You have 7 more questions to go.

11) Is the newly hatched Valyrian Dragon still in the custody of this group (flock, murder, gaggle?) of Devils?
12) Did the destruction of the Alchemist's Guildhall catch the Devil who possesses the token capable of Summoning the Nemesis Devil?
13) If yes, did the Devil survive? If the previous question could not be answered, ask whether or not the highest ranking Alchemist allied with the Devils survived the Guildhall's destruction.
14) Do the Lannisters believe we were responsible for the destruction of the Alchemist's Guildhall?
15) Do the Lannisters believe the Alchemists had been infiltrated by Devil cultists?
16) Did the Alchemists have a secondary location, one larger than a personal laboratory, where they could produce their concoctions?
17) Do the Devils plan to remove their newly hatched Valyrian Dragon from Westeros?
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[X] Goldfish
Here, these are supported now, DP give us some answers.
11) Is the newly hatched dragon still in the custody of this group (flock, murder, gaggle?) of Devils?
12) Did the destruction of the Alchemist's Guildhall catch the Devil who possesses the token capable of Summoning the Nemesis Devil?
13) If yes, did the Devil survive?
14) Do the Lannisters believe we were responsible for the destruction of the Alchemist's Guildhall?
15) Did the Alchemists have a secondary location, one larger than a personal laboratory, where they could produce their concoctions?
16) Will Qohor remain relatively stable and intact for the next 30 days?
17) If yes, will Qohor remain relatively stable and intact for the next 60 days?
No support for my idea?

And why exactly do we care about Qohor? It's a shithole country on the other side of the earth.
We could be using those questions to try to figure out how they intend to hide or transport the Dragon! Or if the Lannisters believe that there were devil-cultists in the Guildhall, and if they plan to focus on us or on devil-cultists now!
It's a shithole country on the other side of the earth.
It's a shithole country that has a fleshforge in it, remember?
Some people still want to loot it.

Also, it is a shithole to a such level, that some of us are genuinely afraid of getting Mantarys 2.0, Evil Goat-edition in there.

Personally, I wouldn't mind simply burning it to ground, but other people have diffrent ideas.
No support for my idea?

And why exactly do we care about Qohor? It's a shithole country on the other side of the earth.
We could be using those questions to try to figure out how they intend to hide or transport the Dragon! Or if the Lannisters believe that there were devil-cultists in the Guildhall, and if they plan to focus on us or on devil-cultists now!
I didn't see your post. Or rather, I saw it, but didn't read enough of it to see what you were suggesting. :oops:

Updating the questions now.
11) Is the newly hatched Valyrian Dragon still in the custody of this group (flock, murder, gaggle?) of Devils?
12) Did the destruction of the Alchemist's Guildhall catch the Devil who possesses the token capable of Summoning the Nemesis Devil?
13) If yes, did the Devil survive? If the previous question could not be answered, ask whether or not the highest ranking Alchemist allied with the Devils survived the Guildhall's destruction.
14) Do the Lannisters believe we were responsible for the destruction of the Alchemist's Guildhall?
15) Do the Lannisters believe the Alchemists had been infiltrated by Devil cultists?
16) Did the Alchemists have a secondary location, one larger than a personal laboratory, where they could produce their concoctions?
17) Do the Devils plan to remove their newly hatched Valyrian Dragon from Westeros?

OK then once again:
  1. Is the Valyrian dragon close by: no
  2. Did you catch the token or its bearer in the explosion: unknowable, the token cannot be divined
  3. Did you catch the highest ranking devil-allied alchemist: yes
  4. Do the Lannisters believe you were involved: no
  5. Do the Lannisters believe the guild was infiltrated: they are investigating
  6. Is there a secondary location to produce wildfire: no
  7. Were the dragons removed from Westeros: yes
Vote opened for the battle plan
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Do ya'll want to rest to recover spells or attack now? We have just quite a bit of magic already, as well as a lot of Companion spells who didn't come with us to King's Landing. A lot of the King's Landing group's buffs should still be in effect, though; basically anything with a duration of 10 minutes/level or longer. Correct, @DragonParadox?
... They... they hatched the dragons... :facepalm: I don't suppose we can scry and die soon? If we start bringing Malarys around again, Discern Location is only a level away.
No waiting around. Most of the King's Landing group is still highly buffed, including Nine Lives spells on everyone and a Mind Blank spell on Tyene. We are in stealth mode and the Devils won't have been able to use Divination to learn that we are coming, or that we even know of their plan to lure Thoros in with their Kennos bait.

Thoughts and suggestions?

[X] Plan "Those Devils just can't catch a break with that blasted Dragon King hounding their every step. Poor babies..."
-[X] Viserys, Lya, Dany, and Tyene immediately begin preparations to retrieve Ser Kennos.
--[X] Dany casts Entropic Shield on herself.
--[X] Tyene casts Entropic Shield and Ironskin on herself, then Greater Blindsight on herself and Dany.
--[X] Lya casts Shield of Faith on herself, Dany, and Tyene, Mass Aid and Moment of Greatness on everyone. After Viserys Teleports the group, she casts True Seeing on herself.
--[X] Viserys has the Restoration Living Spell heal his Charisma damage, if he hasn't already, renews his Scintillating Scales and Shield spells, then casts Invisibility on himself, Dany, Lya, and Tyene.
---[X] If he hasn't done so already, Viserys gives a pair of Soulfire Bracers to Dany and the other pair to Lya.
-[X] Once prepared, Viserys assumes True Dragon form and Teleports everyone to Ser Kennos' location. Rather than arriving directly at the site, however, Viserys Teleports them to approximately 2,000 feet above Ser Kennos.
--[X] Approach Ser Kennos from the air, carefully searching for hidden Devils. Viserys, Dany, and Tyene use their Earrings to gain True Seeing to aid them in this.