@Azel while I can't really count myself as a contributing member of the thread I would also like to see the HP omakes. Also while I am not super knowledgeable about the D&D side I'd like to offer my services to help since I am more than familiar with the HP side.

[x] Goldfish
And away we go!

[X] Sins of the Past
-[X] As part of the preparations to locate the Wildfire caches hidden in King's Landing at King Aerys' command, we will do the following:
--[X] Inquire of Yss if our attempts to Scry on the hidden Wildfire will be detected by anyone with the ability and intent to hinder our efforts despite our precautions.
---[X] If so, how will this come about?
--[X] Malarys will prepare (x5) Owl's Wisdom, (x3) Greater Scrying, and (x3) Scrying spells each day while we are in the scouting phase of the action. He will borrow Lya's Mind Blank earring for the duration of this action.
--[X] The chamber of the Shadow Tower where we will perform the Scrying will be protected by a False Vision spell cast by Tyene which will show an empty room to anyone successfully to Scry upon it, as well as a Mage's Private Sanctum courtesy of Lya. They will renew the spells daily.
--[X] Each day, both during the scouting phase as well as the retrieval phase, Dany will use her Telepath creature template. She will make sure to keep the Archon assisting us Mind Blank'd at all times during this action.
-[X] Before each Scrying session:
--[X] Viserys will cast Moment of Greatness on himself and Malarys using his Grimoire, then place a Nine Lives spell on Malarys. He will then Blood Wish a Harmonic Chorus spell on himself to increase his caster level by +2, then cancel his Moment of Greatness spell to increase the caster level of his next spell, a Blood Wished Owl's Insight, by +4. Finally, he will Blood Wish another Harmonic Chorus spell, this one on Malarys. Viserys will make use of the Living Restoration Spell ooze, along with the magic bedroll, as necessary in order to repair his Charisma damage and to replenish his spells in order to continue enhancing Malary's Scrying efforts.
--[X] While affected by Harmonic Chorus, Malarys casts Owl's Wisdom on himself at 16th level, then cancels his Moment of Greatness as part of casting Greater Scrying in order to raise his Divination caster level to 19. Between the Owl's Wisdom and Owl's Insight spells, Malarys' Wisdom attribute will be increased to 35, for a +12 bonus.
---[X] As part of each Scrying attempt, Malarys will use the Wildfire Orb as a focus item to help him home in on the hidden WIldfire caches.
--[X] The Archon who has volunteered to assist us in this action will pay close attention to the location of each Wildfire cache, committing it to memory in order to be able to use Greater Teleport to reach them when the time is right. As part of preparing for its role, the Archon will be included in our daily Persistomancy.
-[X] When all the Wildfire caches are located, we will move into the retrieval phase of this action:
--[X] Malarys will prepare (x7) Find the Path and (x4) True Seeing spells to assist the Archon, should they prove necessary.
--[X] Dany will use her Telepathic Bond SLA to create a link between the minds of herself, Viserys, Malarys, Lya, Tyene, and the Archon.
--[X] Before departing, the Archon will be buffed with the following spells: from Viserys (Grand Destiny, Starmantle, Nine Lives, & Invisibility), from Dany (Mind Blank Energy Immunity[Fire], Protection from Energy[Fire], Resist Energy[Fire], Shield of Faith & Freedom of Movement), from Lya (Barkskin, Moment of Greatness, Heroism, Divine Protection, Mass Aid, Overland Flight, & Life Bubble), from Tyene (Greater Blindsight, Fickle Winds, Nondetection, & Wind Walk), from Malarys (True Seeing, Find the Path, Stalwart Pact, & Renewal Pact), and from Velen (Inner Beauty). If the retrieval runs overlong, the Archon will return to Sorcerer's Deep to renew these buff spells as necessary.
--[X] Once prepared, the Archon will begin retrieving the Wildfire, carefully returning each load of Wildfire to a barren rocky islet we have selected ahead of time for its lack of value.
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Could you imagine if we teleported into the small council room for a quick second, grabbed a random scroll off the table, say "Sorry, I need to borrow this" and teleported out?

I'm just imagining the various faces.
[X] Goldfish

Could you imagine if we teleported into the small council room for a quick second, grabbed a random scroll off the table, say "Sorry, I need to borrow this" and teleported out?

I'm just imagining the various faces.
While this would be gravely over the top, I'm in favor of poking the Red Keep a bit if we have time left. Look for wardings, maybe try to infiltrate.

Bonus points if we can sneak in to a public audience of the Ursuper.
@Azel I would love to see the Eldritch Horror Setting, but seeing as that idea doesn't seem to have much of a following i would like to see those HP omakes.
@Azel while I can't really count myself as a contributing member of the thread I would also like to see the HP omakes. Also while I am not super knowledgeable about the D&D side I'd like to offer my services to help since I am more than familiar with the HP side.

[x] Goldfish

Basically, "I want to have fun, too!"

Guess what? We're all friends here. Of course your input is welcome!
I can't recall when exactly but I think that Bloodraven had stated that the wards that Maegor implemented in the Red Keep were equal to the Wall. Or at least very very strong.

EDIT: At least I think it was Maegor. Whenever something unknown pops up in that castle he's usually the cause
I can't recall when exactly but I think that Bloodraven had stated that the wards that Maegor implemented in the Red Keep were equal to the Wall. Or at least very very strong.

EDIT: At least I think it was Maegor. Whenever something unknown pops up in that castle he's usually the cause

It probably wasn't as great as the Wall, but it used a pretty scary eldritch entity as a battery, so the wards are probably pretty good.
@DragonParadox I hope we can get at least one interlude from Yrael's perspective during this action, maybe even two? If nothing else, his reaction to getting buffed so hard would be nice.
So what you guys are saying is that all Archons are shonen protags?


That is disturbing on so many levels. And disturbing because of how much sense it makes.

Also @Goldfish if worst comes to worst can we have Vee on standby to summon water elementals, and then boosting them with blood wish like we did when SD went up?
Could you imagine if we teleported into the small council room for a quick second, grabbed a random scroll off the table, say "Sorry, I need to borrow this" and teleported out?

I'm just imagining the various faces.

[X] Goldfish

While this would be gravely over the top, I'm in favor of poking the Red Keep a bit if we have time left. Look for wardings, maybe try to infiltrate.

Bonus points if we can sneak in to a public audience of the Ursuper.
I'd like us to meet Jamie after everything is done. Just to tell him privately that we hold no grudges and the threat he acted upon is gone.
OK so we joke, but this could actually be a good potential opportunity to make a friend in the red keep. No idea if he would be a useful friend, but it's certainly a thought.
Now I really want to gaslight Jaime every other week or so.

Viserys: "The ship was located as planned. Your information was spot on."

Jaime: "What?! What're you doing here?!"

"Continue as usual, Ser. And we'll wrap this up quickly yet."


Two weeks later

"Found the Stag, as planned. It was close, the Usurper had almost cornered it, but that's one hunt that won't serve to empower the drunkard. Thanks for the tip."


"Clever... feigning ignorance. Clever as always. Your skills were understated."

"Guards! HELP!"

"Right. Gotta stick to your cover. I'll extract you soon, I promise."

A month hence.

"The war plans are coming along nicely... can't clue you in too much, you understand... divination trees. Damn things are everywhere."

"Please... just stop."

"I know the constraints I've placed upon you are tiresome, but I assure you, your mission will come to an end soon!"

Despairing: "What mission?!"

;) "Excellent. Never a hair out place with you, Ser Jaime."

Tl;Dr: How Ser Jaime learned to stop worrying and be the Sleeper Agent in the Red Keep.
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So what you guys are saying is that all Archons are shonen protags?


That is disturbing on so many levels. And disturbing because of how much sense it makes.

Also @Goldfish if worst comes to worst can we have Vee on standby to summon water elementals, and then boosting them with blood wish like we did when SD went up?
Vee is traveling right now with Sort Strider and some others, looking for the cousins of the Children of the Forest in Essos.
Oh, also @Goldfish we need to use false image on the wildfire too so that if anyone is diving it or has alarmed it they get fooled.
Yrael is the one retrieving the Wildfire, not Tyene.

And I'm still confused why y'all are concerned about the Wild fire being alarmed. Who placed the alarm? When? Why? Only Jamie and us know about it, and he sure as Hell hasn't messed with it.