She became psionic through lingering near the Deep One portal. If she became smarter there wasn't really much indication of it.

If you want more psionic Fire Whales then you'll need to capture a couple hundred Mind Flayers for mad science.
Objective added to the pile. We're already going to be capturing many of them for sacrifice, sooo...
They are sapient, but only INT 6. So lower end of the intelligent creatures in total.

We could awaken an animal, but we cannot permanently intboost INT 6 creatures without either items or Wishes.
So it would be like somehow with average with intelligence talking with an average toddler? They are sapient but you most likely can't have a meaningful conversation with them.
She became psionic through lingering near the Deep One portal. If she became smarter there wasn't really much indication of it.

If you want more psionic Fire Whales then you'll need to capture a couple hundred Mind Flayers for mad science.
Be nice to study psionics in general.
So, after tinkering with the Tattered Prince a bit I decided he'd most likely been either snapped up by Braavos or the Blackfyres, and didn't feel a good story with either. So instead I switched over to a consistent favorite: Davos Seaworth! Well, basically him, Stannis, and Fenly, a combo made in heaven. I really liked their part of the quest and was sad when we didn't get any interludes about them, so I'm going to step up to the plate!

... does anyone remember when in the quest that adventure took?
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So, after tinkering with the Tattered Prince a bit I decided he'd most likely been either snapped up by Braavos or the Blackfyres, and didn't feel a good story with either. So instead I switched over to a consistent favorite: Davos Seaworth! Well, basically him, Stannis, and Fenly, a combo made in heaven. I really liked their part of the quest and was sad when we didn't get any interludes about them, so I'm going to step up to the plate!

... does anyone remember which part of the quest that adventure took?
That Tattered Prince thing is something that DP should be consulted about. It's one thing for the thread to speculate, but DP has the final say here, especially if your omake is supposed to be canon.
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That Tattered Prince thing is something that DP should be consulted about. It's one thing for the thread to speculate, but DP has the final say here, especially if your omake is supposed to be canon.
I did ask him, and he told me that the guy was 'laying low'. I interpreted that as 'he's been recruited by somebody' and decided to move on to a better idea.
Nine lives can be cast on anyone as a touch spell. We should cast it on our squishiest party members.
Part MMCCLXXI: Upon a Sea of Flame Part Four
Upon a Sea of Flame Part Four

Sixth Day of the Fifth Month 293 AC

The plan has the virtue of being straightforward and an act of overwhelming sorcery, an ambush designed to keep your foes off balance for those pivotal moments while you dig them out of their adamantine shells like the turtles they so resemble. Against blade and trickery you all ward yourselves, but above all else against fire. Then just as you are about to start off you cast a simple glamour of the second circle, summoning forth half dozen illusory copies of yourself. Though you doubt any would believe that seven dragons were able to agree on anything, much less sharing the spoils of an attack, the sheer shock might buy you a few more moments.

"Ready?" you ask the others, though most of your attention is on Rina, by far the least experienced in battle, though her magic is to play a crucial role in the ambush.

She nods resolutely.

"Good luck..." Baella's somewhat worried well-wishes follow you through the brief gulf of transposition and onto the battle itself.

Words of cold and darkness ring out over the roiling incandescent waves, praise to the ice and glory to the night. And so there is snow in the realm of fire, there is ice and the chill northern wind roaring like a great dying beast against the impossible power of the eternal furnace. It would not last long until it is snuffed out... not that you need it to.

At the same time as the curtain of white descends you utter the same wish twice end on end, and raise unbreakable barriers coming together like an arrow before the Efreeti ships.

Even as the ships slam into together with an almighty clang you feel time's grip, just as inescapable as ever, falling upon you to freeze your muscles and leaving you briefly a passenger in your own body... but this too you had planned for. Your wings are slopped perfectly to glide onto the trapped ships rather than skidding into the sea.

Though the spikes pierce your scales more than any blades of common steel could hope to, you still count it blood well spent. As though growing from your own blood walls of pulsing lustrous scales spring forth, further binding the ships in truth at your sister's command.

You lose 29 Temporary Hit points

Plates of arcane metal begin to lower with a screech of forced mechanisms to swiftness, yet those inside do not wait for the way to open fully. Black smoke carrying with it fiery wrathful curses billows forth, staining the curtain of white. Many are the vices borne by the spirits of flame and brass, yet even you must admit that cowardice is rarely among them. This day they rise to the challenge, and so they shall perish or be bound and captured.

How do you face the Sultan's warriors?

[] Write in battle plan

OOC: The only ones who get to move before the Efreeti are Rina and Dany.
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Upon a Sea of Flame Part Four

Sixth Day of the Fifth Month 293 AC

The plan has the virtue of being straightforward and an act of overwhelming sorcery, an ambush designed to keep your foes off balance for those pivotal moments while you dig them out of their adamant shells like the turtles they so resemble. Against blade and trickery you all ward yourselves, but above all else against fire. Then just as you are about to start off you cast a simple glamour of the second circle, summoning forth half dozen illusory copies of yourself. Though you doubt any would believe that seven dragons were able to agree on anything much less sharing the spoils of an attack, the sheer shock might buy you a few more moments.

"Ready?" you ask the others, though most of your attention is on Rina, by far the least experienced in battle, though her magic is to play a crucial role in the ambush.

She nods resolutely.

"Good luck..." Baella's somewhat worried well-wishes follow you through the brief gulf of transposition and onto the battle itself.

Words of cold and darkness ring out over the roiling incandescent waves, praise to the ice and glory to the night. And so there is snow in the realm of fire, there is ice and the chill northern wind roaring like a great dying beast against the impossible power of the eternal furnace. It would not last long until it is snuffed out... not that you need it to.

At the same time as the curtain of white descends you utter the same wish twice end on end, and raise unbreakable barriers coming together like an arrow before the efreeti ships.

Even as the ships slam into the together with an almighty clang you feel time's grip, just as inescapable as ever, falling upon you freezing your muscles and leaving you briefly a passenger in your own body... but this too you had planned for. Your wings are slopped perfectly to glide onto the trapped ships rather than skidding into the sea.

Though the spikes pierce your scales more than any blades of common steel could hope to, you still count it blood well spent. As though growing from your own blood walls of pulsing lustrous scales spring forth further binding the ships in truth at as your sister command.

You lose 29 Temporary Hit points

Plates of arcane metal begin to lower with a screech of forced mechanisms to swiftness, yet those inside do not wait for the way to open fully. Black smoke carrying with it fiery wrathful curses billows forth, staining the curtain of white. Many are the vices borne by the spirits of flame and brass, yet even you must admit that cowardice is rarely among them. This day they rise to the challenge, and so they shall perish or be bound and captured.

How do you face the Sultan's warriors?

[] Write in battle plan

OOC: The only ones who get to move before the Efreeti are Rina and Dany.
Oooh, now I've got the tingles.