Culture Corner: Minotaurs
Since their rescue by King Viserys, King of the Stepstones, from the city from Mantarys and it's former demonic masters the minotaurs have since settled surprisingly quickly into Deep within little over a year. While their population is small in size compared to rest of the inhabitants of the Deep, though the rise of new calf births might solve that in a generation or so, they have still become a very intermixed part of it. Where once they were nothing but tools meant for killing they have embraced their new found freedom and are slowly developing their own subculture to add further to the diversity of the kingdom's capital.
While a good deal of the minotaurs live in an area a little outside of the main city one can easily find them if they know where to look.
Since they stand somewhere between 6 ½ to 7 feet on average, with bulls usually standing three or so inches taller than cows, along with a great deal of muscle mass even for their size it should be no surprise that minotaurs value phyiscal abilities quite highly. Even after being freed from their demonic creators and shown a better path phyiscal ability plays a huge part in minotaur lifestyle and social interactions. The vast majority of adults have taken up jobs that make use of and allow them to show off their strength to others: cargo movers, construction, guards, and of course the legion. Minotaurs are also a common sight at the Circle of Battle as both excitable spectators and enthusiastic participants.
(While rare to find a minotaur not working
or relaxing in a manner that makes use of their inhuman strength just like man they can be drawn to other works, an example being one minotaur that has taken up the path of a healer and cares for all come into his care.)
In fact the Circle of Battle is popular location for minotaurs since it is a location where they can easily settle disputes between themselves and others. While minotaurs could easily crush most men and a brawl between two or more could lead to a great deal of public damage they respect their king too much to knowingly break the law, however with the aid of the King's sworn sword they quickly found out there was a way to fight it out in a safe environment. Thus it is that the minotaurs self-police themselves quite well with battle between offending parties squaring off in the Circle of Battle and the victor declared in the right, something the loser is usually quite willingly to accept since for minotaurs strength equals righteous. Where some men would complain about the outcome or perhaps even cheat the idea of either of those things are unthinkable to minotaurs and would be a mark of great shame if others do it.
It is strongly advised that when confronted with a minotaur that challenges you to a duel for a slight given to them to apologize and admit you are wrong since that is usually enough to placate them, assuming you don't trust your fighting ability.
Bulls also use these contests of physical prowess to show off towards cows in order prove their strength and worthiness as mates in general, though this doesn't mean that the cows are incapable of throwing bulls around it motivated enough. Cows in general tend to be more docile than bulls but don't let that fool you into believing their are meek things and many citizens joke they embody the ferocity of a women's scorn quite accurately when angered.
Another interesting aspect of minotaur culture that has developed in their time in the Deep is the rather diverse means of which they present themselves. Most bulls walk around shirtless to freely show off their muscular to others but over time have done other things to be seen more noticeable. Warriors braid their hair with teeth or other tokens of fallen enemies, dye their fur black and red to symbolize their allegiance to the kingdom, tattoo their skin with various symbols and words meant to represent strength from other cultures, piercing their noses with rings similar to domesticated bulls, and shaving their fur into certain patterns. Other more noticeable signs of decoration include brands, ritual scarring, and even gliding or craving of their horns.
Said brands and scars are usually influenced due to the strong respect the minotaurs have towards the Old Gods and their beliefs. In a way the minotaur beliefs of strength fits very nicely with the Old Gods more primal ways of survival of the fittest. Their tenets are also things the minotaurs can strongly agree with, with the hatred of slavery being a strong defining feature they share with a good deal of the population of the Deep. The various Godswood of the Deep can commonly find more than one minotaur visit it over a course of a day for small offerings of blood and interaction with others who rest beneath the branches.
Another aspect of minotaur culture is that many of them prefer a certain set of weapons above all others. While certainly large and strong enough to easily swing any great weapon with the ease that a man might swing a short sword minotaurs have been known to favor war axes and unique double crossbows. Axes for combining that heavy head with that of a large blade that in their heads could easily slice a man in twain, and the crossbows for their power where most men would struggle the large heavy devices. These weapons are likely to be decorated in some manner with cravings along axe handles and notches places on sides of crossbows to represent kills made with them.
It is no surprise given their martial nature and the Deep's culture it isn't an odd thing to see minotaurs carry their weapons in public much to worry of visiting foreigners unused to such things.
While a young people the minotaur of the Deep have come far from their origins and perhaps in time will strong into a thriving race alongside man, fey, and all those with peaceful intent under the banner of the Dragon King!