[X] Duesal
I just realized what we can use the rest of the Kongamato for, specifically its leg bones, since the ribs are what will be used for bows:
Dragonbone Amulet

Description: This worn but still recognizable carving of a dragon marks the center of an ancient talisman surrounded by a patterns of scales. Unnaturally light to any hand that bears it, just as all dagonbone is, an heir of Valyrian's blood might also feel the hint of flame within it.

  1. Fire resistance 10.
  2. Three times per day the bearer may re-roll a handle animal check relating to a creature with the dragon type.
Caster Level: 5
Out of a Huge dragon, that's basically a lifetime supply of amulets.
Not sure we have the means to make more of those without research into it and it's lore.
[X] Goldfish

Wait? Why am I voting fish when we are talking about Dinos? The vote should go to the direct descendant of course!

[X] Magp.. [X] Duesal
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[X] Duesal


Just kidding. Everybody walk the dinosaur.
Adhoc vote count started by Crake on Aug 18, 2018 at 2:18 AM, finished with 216522 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Try to round up dinosaurs
    -[X] General plan is to ambush the dinosaurs we want and then turtle them, mark on their shells what kind of dinosaur they are, and store them in the bag of holding while being very careful that they have enough air and are fed and watered as you go about your task.
    --[X] If necessary, use Merciful Searing Firedarts or Firebrand to stun/knock out the larger dinosaurs for proper turtling, or to get full groups of the smaller ones.
    --[X] If necessary, then at the end retrieve Irony to petrify all the turtles for easy transport. If not, then no need to bother, Irony can stay with Vee's group.
    -[X] Targeted dinosaurs:
    --[X] One Allosaurus as proof of concept to train as a warbeast and a mount
    --[X] One Triceratops as proof of concept to train as a warbeast and a mount
    --[X] One Ankylosauruses as proof of concept to train as a warbeast
    --[X] A couple Parasaurolophuses to keep company with the one we've already got (we'll eventually find a use for them)
    --[X] Whatever Troodons can be gathered to train as dino-dogs and companions that can easily survive in Sothoryos
    --[X] Whatever Comsognathuses can be gathered to train as Familiars
    [X] Minor actions

Adhoc vote count started by Crake on Aug 18, 2018 at 2:54 AM, finished with 216523 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Try to round up dinosaurs
    -[X] General plan is to use Jungle Mind and select Dinosaur as our animal type to track all the dinosaurs easily, ambush the dinosaurs we want and then turtle them. Then proceed to mark on their shells what kind of dinosaur they are, and store them in the bag of holding while being very careful that they have enough air and are fed and watered as you go about your task.
    --[X] If necessary, use Merciful Searing Firedarts or Firebrand to stun/knock out the larger dinosaurs for proper turtling, or to get full groups of the smaller ones.
    --[X] If necessary, then at the end retrieve Irony to petrify all the turtles for easy transport. If not, then no need to bother, Irony can stay with Vee's group.
    -[X] Targeted dinosaurs:
    --[X] One Allosaurus as proof of concept to train as a warbeast and a mount
    --[X] One Triceratops as proof of concept to train as a warbeast and a mount
    --[X] One Ankylosauruses as proof of concept to train as a warbeast
    --[X] A couple Parasaurolophuses to keep company with the one we've already got (we'll eventually find a use for them)
    --[X] Whatever Troodons can be gathered to train as dino-dogs and companions that can easily survive in Sothoryos
    --[X] Whatever Comsognathuses can be gathered to train as Familiars
    [X] Minor actions
Use Jungle Mind and select Dinosaur as our animal type, this should basically guarantee we get everything with it's 1 mile range, standard action take the senses of our quarry.
Good idea, and added. It basically negates the hell of having to hunt the dinosaurs through the jungle.

While it does use a higher-level spell slot, the usefulness of this spell for this specific situation cannot be understated. This is almost like having Vee with us, that's how perfect this spell is for animal wrangling in dense jungle.
Would now be a good time, to quickly interrogate the Kongamato's skull on whether it could make a good minion? I don't know if it can be a good minion, but I believe a CR13 dragon is valuable enough, that it's worth it to do a bit of divination to check if it can.
It's a dragon, and a primeval one at that. If Relath can understand the pecking order, I'm sure it(not sure if whether it be a male or female was mentioned) can.

Kongamatos are primeval dragons that hunt the deep jungles of the world. Although not as intelligent or magically adept as their "true" cousins, kongamatos are respected and feared for their resilience and awesome strength. While the kongamato's body is clearly draconic—squat and dense with sharp claws capping each of its four limbs—the creature's head is distinctly avian, with a long, toothless beak and a pronounced crest. A kongamato's hide is a rich emerald hue, with an ash-colored underbelly and crimson webbing on its broad wings. Females have smaller head-crests than males, and a rosy hue colors both the undersides of their wings and their underbellies.

Kongamatos are apex predators that make their lairs in the tops of the oldest and strongest trees, or in caves and ruins. Kongamatos are carnivorous and prey on large herd animals. Although they do not have teeth, their beaks are sharp and strong, allowing them to carve their kills with precision and to punch through wood, rock, and even metal. When possible, kongamatos hunt on the perimeter of their territories, gliding silently and gracefully through even the thickest forest foliage to surprise prey.

Both males and females grow to a length of almost 30 feet, with an equally broad wingspan, and can weigh up to 7 tons. Kongamatos live between 500 and 600 years.

Honestly, it's likely to understand the pecking order better than Relath.
It's a dragon, and a primeval one at that. If Relath can understand the pecking order, I'm sure it(not sure if whether it be a male or female was mentioned) can.

Honestly, it's likely to understand the pecking order better than Relath.
Which is why I want to talk with it, there's no reason to resurrect it before we have made sure it will be obedient, but if we can be sure of it obedience, then it's certainly worth the diamonds to resurrect.

Although actually there's no reason to waste Diamonds, it died recently so a Blood wish directed Reincarnation is better, with the Blood Wish directing the Reincarnation to land on Kongamato.
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@DragonParadox, can we get a list of the loot we got from the Harpies? We need an idea of what we got so we can reassign the new equipment.

I knew I forgot something:
  1. 16 Archon Bane Arrows
  2. Bracers of Dexterity +3
  3. Claw sheaths that give the worn creature's claws the keen property and count as evil for the purposes of overcoming damage residence. They look to be constantly weeping blood so you may want to be careful with them
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Duesal on Aug 18, 2018 at 3:05 AM, finished with 216523 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Try to round up dinosaurs
    -[X] General plan is to use Jungle Mind and select Dinosaur as our animal type to track all the dinosaurs easily, ambush the dinosaurs we want and then turtle them (though of course it goes without saying that we always make sure to leave enough spellslots to have a path back home through Greater Teleport). Then proceed to mark on their shells what kind of dinosaur they are, and store them in the bag of holding while being very careful that they have enough air and are fed and watered as you go about your task.
    --[X] If necessary, use Merciful Searing Firedarts or Firebrand to stun/knock out the larger dinosaurs for proper turtling, or to get full groups of the smaller ones.
    --[X] If necessary, then at the end retrieve Irony to petrify all the turtles for easy transport. If not, then no need to bother, Irony can stay with Vee's group.
    -[X] Targeted dinosaurs:
    --[X] One Allosaurus as proof of concept to train as a warbeast and a mount
    --[X] One Triceratops as proof of concept to train as a warbeast and a mount
    --[X] One Ankylosauruses as proof of concept to train as a warbeast
    --[X] A couple Parasaurolophuses to keep company with the one we've already got (we'll eventually find a use for them)
    --[X] Whatever Troodons can be gathered to train as dino-dogs and companions that can easily survive in Sothoryos
    --[X] Whatever Comsognathuses can be gathered to train as Familiars
    [X] Minor actions
@Duesal, there any reason why we can't just do the above? If it denies our offer of gainful employment by some miracle of suicidal stupidity, it'd be little more than an inconvenience.
Is there any reason why it wouldn't be? Viserys is the bigger, badder dragon, that's an undeniable fact. It may be crude and silly, but that's all a dragon needs to boss around other dragons.
@Duesal, there any reason why we can't just do the above? If it denies our offer of gainful employment by some miracle of suicidal stupidity, it'd be little more than an inconvenience.
Take a look at the stats.

Str 34, Dex 17, Con 26, Int 9, Wis 14, Cha 17

INT 9.

This thing is a stupid caveman's dragon, and it considered children a delicacy on top of all that. That's the reason a big chunk of the thread is against raising it. We don't want excessively stupid and cruel minions. Comparing this thing to Relath is kind of off, Relath has an INT of 17 and actually happens to be competent when you get down to it. This thing is basically a brute that would have to be managed.

For an OOC reason, when things go after children that's when I want them dead and want them to stay dead.
INT 9.

This thing is a stupid caveman's dragon, and it considered children a delicacy on top of all that. That's the reason a big chunk of the thread is against raising it. We don't want excessively stupid and cruel minions. Comparing this thing to Relath is kind of off, Relath has an INT of 17 and actually happens to be competent when you get down to it. This thing is basically a brute that would have to be managed.

For an OOC reason, when things go after children that's when I want them dead and want them to stay dead.
Int 9 isn't Caveman it's just slightly below average, and it children eating ways will definitely have to stop, but it's a strong dragon, at least give it an interview before deciding whether it's worth resurrecting.
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When you are a True Dragon, wisdom and intellect are your inheritance.

When you squander that inheritance, it will be assessed and audited.