Leaping Hurdles
Twenty First Day of the Fourth Month 293 AC
Since she had been barely old enough to walk Valaena Velaryon had loved horses, and though Dawnfyre would always have first place in her heart now, she always would. The freedom to gallop, the sheer power paired with trust beneath the reigns, were as intoxicating as wine, though not even in her most fanciful daydreams could she have imagined the sorts of friends that she would make. The Dothraki weren't that bad, really. Brave, even clever when it suited them for all they could be cruel as cats to anyone who wasn't kin or bloodsworn ally, and they might even turn on those if they sensed weakness or thought they did...
The thought cut off as she dismounted next to Argo's tent, by far the largest in this part the encampment he'd had to fight for the privilege more than once, but after he somehow managed to break one idiot's arm in eight places, and threatening to not only rip the arm off the next challenger but beat him to death with it, no one had bothered the Minotaur. Better to say the Dothraki could
"Is morning already?" her companion shook his horned head groggily, though thankfully the girl had seen him do so on enough mornings to stay well clear of the sharpened points of his horns.
"Yes, we'll be off before midday and I can finally have my bath..."
Argo snorted, amused. "Always bath. You sure only dragon blood in you, no duck?"
"Quite certain, yes," she laughed. "Come on, the Khal wants to speak with us. Mercy and Aradia, too."
Khal Rhango had not outwardly changed from the savage but imposing figure atop an otherworldly steed that inspired no small amount of trepidation when she first met him, but now Valaena's smile was unforced, her well-wishes genuine. There was quite a sharp mind beneath that scarred brow, and an astonishing ear for language besides. She thought, though of course never said aloud, that had Rhango been born among settled folks he would have made quite the scholar.
"Good to see the boar-slayers still ready to face the day even with a belly full of wine. Ach, to be that young again." The khal slapped his knee as he spoke and Valaena could swear the stone-blooded stallion rolled his eyes at him.
Best get the least pleasant news out of the way first. "One of your riders is missing a hand from trying to put it where it didn't belong last night..."
"Charga, yes, new-come. Not my rider." A short cruel laugh. "Not anyone's rider, but maybe the worms that feast on his loins."
So much for being merciful, the young mage thought, exasperated.
Must they always spill blood by the barrel-full?
The old khal must have read her thoughts on her face, since he shook his head and continued. "Didn't kill him for your sake. Don't want that kind of fool in my khalasar, it might be catching."
Valaena had to admit it did make a brutal sort of sense. "I've known stranger things to be for sure..." She kept back a shudder remembering, Flather's Crossing. Human skins bursting open to reveal boar-headed monstrosities underneath, all infected from the hog that had wandered in their midst one day... from trusting 'good fortune'. Thank all the gods none of the children had been tainted with the curse. She was not sure she could have ever looked herself in the mirror then, no matter how much the Dothraki might respect her, or Mercy might tell her that it wasn't her fault.
"Aye, bad fight that." The old warrior gave her a disconcertingly piercing look, but she could read no scorn on his face. In fact, that might almost have been sympathy. "Always dangerous to bring fire to battle before it's done, though you can hardly help it, eh?"
A proud smile touched the girl's lips as ever when someone mentioned Dawnfyre's blooding. He'd been magnificent, not even flinching at the magics the pig spirit tried to strike him down with. She nodded happily.
"It'll be a while before you can ride him even with the way he eats, though," Rhango continued. "You'll be riding horses a while yet..."
"Alas, none as good as Dothraki steeds," Valaena replied. You couldn't go wrong complimenting a Dothraki's horses, and it was true besides. She
would miss Sunset. Much like with his masters, they'd had a rocky start but got along well.
"Keep him then, he's taken to you," the khal said, almost knocking her out of her saddle in sheer surprise. Dothraki didn't just give away horses, even a gelding, except to kin or kith.
"I... thank you," the mage replied, tone firming from uncertainty into iron-hard convictions as she spoke.
"I am certain you will. You've bled besides me and my bloodriders, could have died if the wind had blown different," Khal Rhango replied solemnly. "It's only right that you should leave atop a proper horse, instead of having to get back on some hay-fed nag."
"If you ever pass by High Tide..." she began impulsively, then her thoughts caught up with her mouth. What would she tell her parents. 'This is Khal Rhango. He may be a murderous savage but he's a good ally to have at your back in a fight and probably smarter than the maester besides'?
She would find a way. "I will see to it that you are treated with honor worthy of a friend," Valaena finished resolutely.
OOC: What happened with the hogs is a bunch of villagers ran afoul of a boar spirit that decided to punish them (and extend its influence) by turning them into wereboars and then leading their fellows in supplication.