@DragonParadox : typo in the description of our Realm. It's "Surging", not "Surgeing".
Some area descriptions need revising, especially those of our smaller settlements.
And are those really the adjusted population numbers written there?

And it's a crying shame that "Dragon King and Companions" aren't listed as notable people of Sorcerer's Deep!
Yes, I'm trying to get the Companions unto the front page
@DragonParadox love the description of the city by the way, it gives me warm fuzzies to see our super melting pot experiment city doing well
Attack: +24/+19/+12 to hit for 3d6 + 12 (19-20/x2). [+13/+8/+3 (BAB) +6 (STR) +1 (WF) +2 (MWM) +2 (Enchantment)]; [2d6 + 6 (STR) + 2 (WSp) +2 (MWM) +2 (Enchantment) + 1d6 (Searing Fire)], +25/+20/+15 to hit for 5d6 + 15 with Magebane (bypasses DR/Silver and Cold Iron and Adamatine due to enhancement)
His Strenght bonus to damage should be +9, not +6.

So 3d6+15 normal, 5d6+17 with Magebane.
If we manage to catch that Pegasus Herd, we could employ them as the mounts of the Postal Service. Even use them as name and insignia. The Pegasus Express does have a nice ring to it.
Unfortunately getting the pegasus herd looks like it's going to be a tall order. DP told us it would take an entire week of Vee's time, and even once she finds them it wouldn't be a sure thing to convince them to come live in Sorcerer's Deep. We'll need to see how the schedule next turn comes out, but it's looking likely we're not going to be able to fit this in.

Honestly I was thinking of just recruiting a bunch of pegasi in the Plane of Air. Far less of a hassle on all fronts.
I mean, all that seems like a ton of damage until you do the maths for a Conjurer.
[Arcane casters rule!]

It is pretty cool though, and I wish Richard would win an entire encounter without us present for once. Something incredibly awe-inspiring, something insane. Like that encounter with all the Erinyes!

Who's in favor of stepping back and telling Richard "don't be gentle" next time we have a level-appropriate encounter?
Part MMCLXXI: As Fortune Smiles
As Fortune Smiles

Thirtieth Day of the Third Month 293 AC

The offer to study at the Scholarum is greeted with some surprise but also cautious interest, particularly from Menel and Lohos. For arms and armor, most preferred true-silver for its lightness, though Aubert surprises you by asking after far scarcer adamantium. "Since I shan't be spending most of my time on ships there's something to be said for wearing the armor most likely to keep my new hide intact."

"Don't worry over your pretty face, Flowers. Quartermasters aren't likely to seem much fighting, unless rations get truly grizzly," Koron jested.

"Not a quartermaster alone, an adviser on how to improve the Legion with the benefit of long experience, which will come with the authority to ensure that advice is heard," you correct. Perhaps you should attach him to Gerold directly, they should get along well enough given their shared history, strange as it may be to owe the Golden Company for both your most high-ranking soldiers and by far your most experienced.

The five friends do not long linger in your company once the matter of their future service is settled, drifting into one of the many dockside taverns for toast to a new life. As you depart, leaving them to their merriment, you hand a vial of one of Valeria's concoctions to Menel, to handle the effects of wine, pause for a moment, then offer a different one to Lohos... Night's Tea. Upon explaining what each of them does, calls of thanks and laughter in equal measure follow you out of the tavern.


By the time you return to the Keep night had well and truly fallen, but your work was far from done and you had no intention of laying it down until the early hours of the morning. Thankfully the servants had not only aired out your study but also delivered a light repast, more of a hearty tea than dinner, but at least you could truthfully tell your mother that you did have three meals today. The spices for the cold meats are somewhat different from what you had come to expect, more sweet and sour over the hotter Volantine cooking, but very fine for all of that. You make a mental note to congratulate the new Tyroshi head cook on both his skill and initiative. Pleasant surprises are something to be treasured even in such a small matter as this.

Servant Quality increased to 10/10: Exemplary Service

Returning your attention to your work, you sigh at the new Imperial Stables' teething problems. Most of the people interested in training magical beasts head to Mosshold, leaving a dearth of handlers willing to work with such creatures, particularly lacking Vee's guiding hand. Fortunately the Stables' more mundane concerns have been running much more smoothly, with a suggestion for the acquisition of Westerosi destriers. Normally such a thing would not need your direct seal, but given the delicate political situation in the west you are glad to have personal control one way or another.

Lost 4500 Gold

Imperial Stables Founded

As you lay down the proposal for further consideration you chance upon a letter than brings a pleased smile to your lips. After months of sending out inquiries you had finally discovered a Qohorik smith able to reforge Dragonsteel, or rather the fledgling Inquisition had almost by accident. They stumbled over the man while searching for any mages that might aid any disloyal magisters. The mage-smith, one Master Irren, had retired to a life of middling rural nobility, which he seemingly found comfortable enough that mere promises of coin would not move him to take up his tools again, obviously fishing for better more enduring rewards for both himself and his kin.

What do you offer the Qohorik smith to enter your service?

[] Write in

OOC: Tomorrow will be the turn vote, with the update it's included in involving some interaction with Viserys' wards.
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Unfortunately getting the pegasus herd looks like it's going to be a tall order. DP told us it would take an entire week of Vee's time, and even once she finds them it wouldn't be a sure thing to convince them to come live in Sorcerer's Deep. We'll need to see how the schedule next turn comes out, but it's looking likely we're not going to be able to fit this in.

Honestly I was thinking of just recruiting a bunch of pegasi in the Plane of Air. Far less of a hassle on all fronts.

We could send a few groups of Scholarium Students with her, make it a field trip. Minimal risk, but lots of learning opportunities. Should accelerate finding them and this way they might also find whatever source of power mutated the Pegasii.
We could send a few groups of Scholarium Students with her, make it a field trip. Minimal risk, but lots of learning opportunities. Should accelerate finding them and this way they might also find whatever source of power mutated the Pegasii.
The issue is if Vee has time. Her main focus next month will be Sothoryos. Either way, we'll need to take a look at the finalized schedule first.
@DragonParadox : typo in the description of our Realm. It's "Surging", not "Surgeing".
Some area descriptions need revising, especially those of our smaller settlements.
And are those really the adjusted population numbers written there?

And it's a crying shame that "Dragon King and Companions" aren't listed as notable people of Sorcerer's Deep!
Yes, I'm trying to get the Companions unto the front page

Fixed the typo will do a more substantive update in the morning.

Also do we have to give up the first two days of the schedule or we good? Because we may need those two days...

Not necessarily the first two day, but you should assign two 'free' days at least in the first week.
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Oh please no. Those guys already have attitude problems and anger management issues. Let's not teach them that rage=power.
Discipline=power, and that's a far better lesson to learn.
I'm behind you on this. Fighter Minotaurs have been fantastic due to the discipline literally beaten into their skulls by Ser Richard. Barbarian Minotaurs would be a liability.
Yay, a chance at getting ourselves some Artificers involved in all the industrialisation!

I am likely to skip tomorrow's first update, though.
Or all of them, depends somewhat on how obnoxious and terrible people are my schoomlates after not seeing me for ... 3 years, or about so.
I dearly hope it doesn't come to that, of course.

If you guys don't mind?
[] Question Lore Devil (we need to know names of devil agents to summon them as a part of "Gather sacrifices" action, while removing dangerous opposition from play. Also, I'm kind of really interested in knowing what is going on with those missing Dragon Eggs.
Those are ours

[] Gather Sacrifices-action (Calling upon Devils/Demons/Daemons using names we learned from Listener, Rohar and Tyrosh assholes, and Lore Devil, while simultaneously removing active threats. And getting some payback, yes)
-[] Simultaneously call upon Phoenixes and diplomance them with Velen in tow.

[] Fuck. Tor. Up. With Divination, Greater Curse, and a lot of throughness. Really think about doing it the first thing into a new turn.

[] Go for a week in Volantis with Malarys, Maelor, Glyra and the Roaming Chaos, and fuck. Shit. Up. (Because let's be honest, we are all excited to see what Azel has cooked up)

[] Viserys should lead the expedition group to Sothoryos, with Irony in his grip, and stone us some Spiders that were Promised. (Literally go there, grab sacrifices, and then go on PoA trip. 2 days tops, let Vee lead the rest of the expedition)

[] PoA itself. Lots of stuff to buy, lots of economic (and Plane of Balance-shattering) deals to make.

[] Set someone on a research action about making more Wights. (You guys have convienced me with all that RaW-babble that I barely understand that it is important. :p)

...I think that's all. Huh.
Research actions notwithstanding, I thought I'd have a lot more stuff that I think needs to be pushed into doing next turn.
