@DragonParadox, are ashes (of beings, and maybe magical objects) an adequate fertiliser for Lys' Mossforge for a purpose of creating "free" leshys, like we did with undead bones?
For that matter, are all bio-degradable materials with magic in them avaliable to be used as a fertiliser there?
Correct me if im wrong, but wouldnt we have to invade volantis with our army in order to kill zherys, deal with the mysterium, and stop the demon summoners?

I would much rather deal with him than a volantis gutted by a demon horde.
Th ashes of say wizards might be but the remains of random sacrifice victims are unlikely to do much.
Just as with other sacrifices to Old Gods, if the being had magic in them, it counts?

What about objects?
If we find, say, a piece of [wood/plant/parchament/paper/just abount anything bio-degradable/etc.] with some amount of magic in it, and just so decide that we don't want anything crafted out of it (pffft), throwing it in Lys'Forge for some free HD minions is an option?
Basically, just fueling the forge?
Probably not. They're Cold Subtype, not undead.

But that didn't stop me from harvesting the ashes anyway. :p Couldn't resist completely stripping this place of all value.
Th ashes of say wizards might be but the remains of random sacrifice victims are unlikely to do much.
I'm reading this as "all things with magic are fine", just as sacrifices to Heart Trees are.
Though obviously, undead are much better, as, well, a lot more magic in them than in many other things, otherwise they wouldn't be walking around and eating brains faces.

So Alu's ashes are probably a go.

Could someone fish out that little table DP made explaining rules for MossForge eating undead bones some time ago?
We might even be able to take care of that pesky Yrael problem in this fashion
Now now friend devil, you've had a very profitable few days here in terms of moving the zeitgeist of the thread in the direction you'd prefer, no need to wake the remains of the Good/Chaos alliance. Leave the nice angel man alone until he makes himself an actual problem.
Now now friend devil, you've had a very profitable few days here in terms of moving the zeitgeist of the thread in the direction you'd prefer, no need to wake the remains of the Good/Chaos alliance. Leave the nice angel man alone until he makes himself an actual problem.
You misunderstand. I do not intend to kill Yrael.

I intend to have him and Zherys duke it out, then killing Zherys over it and "graciously protecting our friends in Mantarys".
You misunderstand. I do not intend to kill Yrael.

I intend to have him and Zherys duke it out, then killing Zherys over it and "graciously protecting our friends in Mantarys".

Forcing him to swallow our following conquest of Volantis to "keep things stable" instead of bitchin about it.
I like it!
(Though personally I sorta hope he whines about it anyway, that seems like an excellent excuse for the dressing down he's been looking for)
Edit: Assuming he lives of course.
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You misunderstand. I do not intend to kill Yrael.

I intend to have him and Zherys duke it out, then killing Zherys over it and "graciously protecting our friends in Mantarys".

Yeah, now you're reaching too far, too fast. Be careful, or you'll prompt an organized resistance to your plans, and not just those for dealing with the Celestials.

Just let things develop on their own and take advantage of the situations that present themselves. If the Archons of Mantarys make true nuisances of themselves, you'll find much less resistance among voters to arrange an incident, and if they don't make nuisances of themselves, they might not need to be eliminated at all.
I'm with the team that wants to have Zherys under our banner. Let's put that to vote next month.
I really should have pitched in earlier that we should have took at look at Tywin Lannister's bald plate. That way we would have seen him "In Person" and we could have ganked him for a quick Yss snack.

Is best-snek awake now, by the way? @Duesal, do you know?
I'm with the team that wants to have Zherys under our banner. Let's put that to vote next month.
I really should have pitched in earlier that we should have took at look at Tywin Lannister's bald plate. That way we would have seen him "In Person" and we could have ganked him for a quick Yss snack.

Is best-snek awake now, by the way? @Duesal, do you know?
He's available. Has been for the whole month.
...Then why aren't we feeding him? Snake-Judas' gems are there for him to consume, toss in a devil or two. Yss should not be awake waiting for his next meal. His ideal state is in food coma! Fetch the funnels!
It's a minor action, but DP never got around to writing it. Likewise, the Dawn Fruit Tree isn't grown yet even though everything is ready to go.
Yeah, now you're reaching too far, too fast. Be careful, or you'll prompt an organized resistance to your plans, and not just those for dealing with the Celestials.

Just let things develop on their own and take advantage of the situations that present themselves. If the Archons of Mantarys make true nuisances of themselves, you'll find much less resistance among voters to arrange an incident, and if they don't make nuisances of themselves, they might not need to be eliminated at all.
Given the mounting paranoia about Zherys slipping away and doing bad things that quickly came up, I'm dropping my plans to deal with him again already. Better to do some intrigue against Tywin, the Maesters and the Pyromancers, for which there is a lot of support it seems, then to burn my hands on a target that will prompt excessive paranoia and thus a devolution of carefully crafted plans into "let's just Teleport over and throw Fire at everything".
It's a minor action, but DP never got around to writing it. Likewise, the Dawn Fruit Tree isn't grown yet even though everything is ready to go.
That's because he's planning on combining them. We mass-produce Celestial food and funnel it all into the Snek! Alignment-changing and it counts as a sacrifice!
[Then we'll feed it Azel's tears as it becomes good, and then Tarrangar's tears as it becomes good but stays nap-happy and never actually gets in our way or does much]
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You quickly secure and strip your prisoners as well as looking the two mounds of ashes and charred bone that are all that remains of your more 'fortunate' foes.

What did Lya use to kill them, it would have to be capable of killing them without the Merciful Firebrand as it doesn't matter which order the damage is in, only that Non-Lethal exceed remaining HP and I imagine with their HD, death was at a point significantly lower than -10.
>that feel when people still want to murder Archon bros even though they've done nothing wrong and have consistently helped us out.

Also @Sqweaktoy Archon bros are all on team Lawful Good.

If you want CG go to the Moonsingers or something. :V
As always there is a critical demand on that most finite of resources, time.
Whether its "In Character", "Author", or "Screen" there is never enough time.
Given the mounting paranoia about Zherys slipping away and doing bad things that quickly came up, I'm dropping my plans to deal with him again already. Better to do some intrigue against Tywin, the Maesters and the Pyromancers, for which there is a lot of support it seems, then to burn my hands on a target that will prompt excessive paranoia and thus a devolution of carefully crafted plans into "let's just Teleport over and throw Fire at everything".
Offer a good plan then, before the "Teleport and Burn" faction gets a bandwagon rolling.
If you make the bandwagon you have very good odds of winning.
Submit a plan that looks foolproof, and that doesn't preclude "Teleport and Burn" as a plan B, and IMO you will win easily.