[X] Yes, it would improve communication thousandfold.
-[X] Rather than simply making the request of the Moonsingers on our behalf, ask Alysande to introduce us to them so that we might offer them a parcel of land in Sorcerer's Deep on which they can build a new temple. We are always interested in establishing positive relationships with benevolent or even neutral deities. Should the Moonsingers prove amenable, we are willing to assist in establishing their new temple, providing material support as well as magic-aided construction.

The Moonsingers already know Viserys, no need for introductions. Lya was even one of the orphans they were taking care off and we already had deals with them in the past. No need to wait for Alysande to arrange something, we can just visit straight away.
The Moonsingers already know Viserys, no need for introductions. Lya was even one of the orphans they were taking care off and we already had deals with them in the past. No need to wait for Alysande to arrange something, we can just visit straight away.

Yeah, but a lot of time has passed and apparently the Silver Eye has a very good working relationship with them. This wouldn't be an introduction between old friends, but a professional meeting. Maybe I should reword the plan to ask for a referral instead?
*blinks owlishly*
Huh. And here I thought you were firmly in Azel's anti-Good camp.

[X] Goldfish
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[X] No, you would not trust its loyalties

Hell no! Building your information network on the back of a being that is advertised with having divided loyalties is the height of retardation.

We might as well scrap the Inquisition entirely.
@Goldfish, I'd rather go for a non-divine tool. Relying on a god for such an important function of the Inquisition seems very dumb, and on top of that you're moving way too fast.

[X] Azel
Seriously people. Invest some time into researching a way for others to use Viserys image for spying with the Enter Image spells.

It achieves exactly the same without handing over our entire internal security network to some outside entity.
@Goldfish, I'd rather go for a non-divine tool. Relying on a god for such an important function of the Inquisition seems very dumb, and on top of that you're moving way too fast.

[X] Azel

Seriously people. Invest some time into researching a way for others to use Viserys image for spying with the Enter Image spells.

It achieves exactly the same without handing over our entire internal security network to some outside entity.

Nothing says we can't develop our own means to accomplish similar results. This would just be a low cost supplementary support system for not just the Inquisition, but law enforcement in general.
Question, could we not just compartmentalize it into a separate service? "Anti-Fiend Counter-Measure Department", and then limit access to certain people.

Keeps information bleeding over of "tyranny" being done to that which is without context, but obvious signs of villainy like cultists gathering over screaming children with daggers would immediately prompt the monitoring Outsider's attention (and it being implicit that such activities are what it should be reporting, not night raids performed by Inquisitorial Stormtroopers on "that poor innocent crofter's shop on the edge of the merchant's quarter").
Nothing says we can't develop our own means to accomplish similar results. This would just be a low cost supplementary support system for not just the Inquisition, but law enforcement in general.
No, this is not worth it.
"We of the Silver Eye have enough favor with the Moonsingers that we can asks them to call a second Watcher," she replies. "You should be wary not to use if for what it might find to be 'tyrannical ends', the Goodness' mark is clear upon them."
What do you think the Inquisition is? This is a thing that serves a Chaotic Goddess, we can make do without it.
You use the Moonsingers' network as a commercial communications network and create our own secure network independently.

None would prevent us from using the commercial network for SIGINT purposes as long as our classified data runs on a secure network.

But we would need to set up other communication companies to prevent the Moonsingers from turning into a AT&T equivalent.
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I think you're overblowing this. They said that they would not help us if we wanted to use it to say, spy on a Worker's Union who have been grumbling about trade tariffs or taxes or some hubble-dee-hoo, to get some evidence on their "nefarious activities" on circumstantial charges and send in the jackboots. But it seems they'd be perfectly happy invading people's privacy randomly if it was in service towards, say, seeing if a family had been dragged into their basement by cultists which had subsequently been turned into some kind of shop of horrors.

And all the while building up a separate info-net to aide our "less-than-sterling-silver" Evil Overlord type Secret Police work.
Nothing says we can't develop our own means to accomplish similar results. This would just be a low cost supplementary support system for not just the Inquisition, but law enforcement in general.
Then you are setting up entirely redundant systems with one of them being a gaping security hole.

Don't do this. Seriously. It's not even remotely worth it.

All you are achieving is that you turn the Inquisition into a tool for some glorified pond-bint.

These are exactly the single points of failure I took great pains to eradicate in the Inquisition setup and you are now trying to invalidate all of that work because someone waves a shiny. While even openly declaring that they will use it to dictate policy in our organisation.

We had a huge argument about how the IB needs to accept checks and balances to get a cushy spot in our government. This thing would be entirely unaccountable to us. It was clearly stated that it will do as it's goddess dictates, not what we want from it.
I think you're overblowing this. They said that they would not help us if we wanted to use it to say, spy on a Worker's Union who have been grumbling about trade tariffs or taxes or some hubble-dee-hoo, to get some evidence on their "nefarious activities" on circumstantial charges and send in the jackboots. But it seems they'd be perfectly happy invading people's privacy randomly if it was in service towards, say, seeing if a family had been dragged into their basement by cultists which had subsequently been turned into some kind of shop of horrors.

And all the while building up a separate info-net to aide our "less-than-sterling-silver" Evil Overlord type Secret Police work.
I'd rather not have gods involved at all in the Inquisition's investigations.
The Inquisition is a tool of freedom in a time where magic is unknown and terribly misused both out of ignorance and malice. There is no tyranny in granting the security to remain living and free. You are overthinking this immensely. Also @Crake has a good idea for use.

[x] Goldfish
Seriously people. Invest some time into researching a way for others to use Viserys image for spying with the Enter Image spells.

It achieves exactly the same without handing over our entire internal security network to some outside entity.

Just as a note, since Viserys will think it IC, you could put protocols in place to only use it for certain inquisitorial duties in order to avoid conflict. In fact he rather suspects that is what the Silver Eye are currently doing.
Yeah, nothing says we can't have this and something else.

If it's been working for the Silver Eye, at the very least it will work for fighting demons and cults and whatever nasty thing is lurking.

It is absurdly good at what it does.

We just have to use something else for our police state.

[X] Goldfish
I think you're overblowing this. They said that they would not help us if we wanted to use it to say, spy on a Worker's Union who have been grumbling about trade tariffs or taxes or some hubble-dee-hoo, to get some evidence on their "nefarious activities" on circumstantial charges and send in the jackboots. But it seems they'd be perfectly happy invading people's privacy randomly if it was in service towards, say, seeing if a family had been dragged into their basement by cultists which had subsequently been turned into some kind of shop of horrors.

And all the while building up a separate info-net to aide our "less-than-sterling-silver" Evil Overlord type Secret Police work.
That is entirely conjecture. We have no idea what it would and wouldn't permit us to do.

And we shouldn't need to argue with our equipment in the first place.

For all we know the thing will throw a fit the moment we use it to coordinate a raid on a cultist base and it gets wind of our intent to sacrifice them.
Seriously people. What?

We have pages of vitriol over the IB and then you throw away our Inquisition like this?

We are ceding operational control of our security forces to a goddess here.