Part MMXVIII: Of Spirals and Bells
Of Spirals and Bells

First Day of the Third Month 293 AC

The deal is swiftly struck, the notion of salvaging any and all plunder from the giants met with some ambivalence, since most of it would have been stolen from House Adjar's caravans to begin with. However, on the other end of the scales you had no way of knowing how much of said plunder the Steel Gougers had squandered. Shaitans are not by natural inclination gamblers and thus as you had hoped are more willing to accept previous losses as permanent as opposed to paying a fixed sum and then hope to recover more of it from the coffers of their enemies.

Unfortunately the request for books on dragon lore proves to be far more of a stumbling block than you had assumed, since Alyneah's bothers do not possess the texts, instead having studied in the Endless Spiral, an ancient repository of lore built within the Opaline Vault where one may only study a book of the vast collection so long as one brings a copy of an equally valuable text as tribute, and even more strangely where one may never take any more knowledge than 'can fit the breadth of one's mind'.

On hearing this Lya's eyes flash with a refined form of greed at the secrets that must be held within mixed with the outrage that it would be so strenuously guarded. "...most senseless thing I ever heard. The more knowledge is spread the more others will be inspired to expand upon it," she mutters under her breath in the tongue of her birth.

For her part Alyneah looks on with the the distant sympathy of one recognizing sincere passion thwarted, though she does not share it. "Our own libraries might be opened for a price of course, though I imagine you might wish to wait until you have more time to study them."

"Yes, that would probably be for the best," Lya says sheepishly as she hands her list of reagents over the table. Rather than a single piece of parchment it had grown to something resembling a small book, with the handful of mundane trade items scribbled in the back. Among them is iron for the legions, gold and jewels to hopefully begin a new luxury craft that would, besides dyes and liquor, revitalize Tyroshi trade.

Thinking of precious metals, something prods your memory... a plant that would not be much use in this city where silver and even gold is counted a base metal, but it might be of great worth indeed if brought to the world under the sun. "I find myself interested in rare flowers, if one of your agents could find the blooms known as silverbells...."

The shaitan lady's face darkens at the words, not in anger but concern you think, though it is no easy thing to read a countenance of stone. "Be wary what you feed those..." to your surprise she glances at Xor. "There is a history of a sorcerer who sought to use the fecund flesh drawn from Beyond to make of it silver for his uses."

"I take it that did not end well?" Xor asks, almost seeming to wilt under the reminder that most interactions with his realm end poorly for those constrained to the spheres.

"The event is marked as 'The War of Rotted Silver' in the Halls of Remembrance..." she explains shortly. Not lightly does such as a colossus as the Peerless Empire proclaims something a war.

"I can assure you, my lady, that none here have any interest in meddling with the boundaries to That Which is Beyond, nor was my own entrance into the Spheres facilitated by any of my friends," Xor is quick to assure her. "We met by serendipity you might say."

"Given your courtesy I can well believe it," Alyneah nods with a smile. "I will see to it that our agents seek this flower or at least news of its location."

"One more request then," you reply. "This city we find ourselves in is built as much of laws as stone and metal, thus to avoid any accidental mishaps I would very much desire a copy of them," you add with a touch of careful flattery.

"All of it?" the shaitan lady asks, almost disbelieving. "Commercial law alone is over five-hundred-thousand tablets. I must confess I never thought to ask what the full scope of it is as the precious revelation played a part in taking up the glaive," a fleeting smile passes over her somber features. "I reasoned that at least here I would be able to stab some of the things that make my life difficult."

The jest is so unexpected it even draws a smile from Ser Richard.

How do you wish to handle the project of transcribing the laws of the Peerless Empire?

[] Reveal the Calligraphy Wyrms and set them to the task

[] Pay to have it transcribed
-[] In full
-[] Only certain portions (Write in)

[] Let the matter drop for now

[] Write in

OOC: The mage who used aberration growths to make his silver was not entirely insane. Organic life is not that much more common pound for pound than silver on the Plane of Earth.
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Oh. THen sorry that I missed that, what little discussion there was about her seemed to be about the Corsair/Captain.
Or I missread even back then.

How close is she to having a ship worthy of a Dread Pirate?

I guess she'd just have to retrain Two Weapon Fighting (which she would then get from the class) for Quickdraw and learn a bit about appraisal to qualify.
Since she seems one of the slower levellers she'll propably have time for that.

Well for now she has no ship.
"All of it?" the shaitan lady asks almost disbelieving. "Commercial law alone is over five hundred thousand tablets. I must confess I never thought to ask what the full scope of it is as the precious revelation played a part in taking up the glaive," a fleeting smile passes over her sombre features. "I reasoned that at least here I would be able to stab some of that things that make my life difficult."
Just as expected.

[X] Let the matter drop for now

No point in learning it, we just stay moderatly careful and if need be fall back on AD;AI or our general usefulness when we start helping against Brass.
[X] Reveal the Calligraphy Wyrms and set them to the task

We Should send the little guys to read the text from the spire, and then have them write paraphrased versions for us.
That Should get around any copyright the shaitan have on them.
[X] Let the matter drop for now

I really don't want to introduce Calligraphy Wyrms to the Shaitan. They are very careful to regulate their commerce, up to preventing excessive sell of gold, in order to preserve the economies of their trading partners.

Sentient, self-replicating, gold consuming Constructs might not be overly appreciated in the Vault.
Well for now she has no ship.

Ah, shoot, forgot to include that as a minor. Can we talk to her about what her ideal ship would be and commission one for her when we're in Braavos when we go (since that ties in), so it's ready when she does have the coin? We can use our contacts and diplomacy to try and knock the price lower than what Asha could purchase one for, and if the difference between her current purse and the price of the ship isn't so great, we can manipulate a bonus for her (And the rest of the silver corsairs) for doing so well in the conquest of Tyrosh.
@Duesal about Asha, could we find the location of some legendary ironborn ship and raise It from the waves? That would make a fine vessel for her.
There's a legendary ironborn ship that belonged to the Grey King, but he made it out of a Heart Tree so it'd piss off the Old Gods. Basically every Ironborn artifact will be connected to the Drowned God, so we're better off sacrificing all of it.
[X] Let the matter drop for now

I really don't want to introduce Calligraphy Wyrms to the Shaitan. They are very careful to regulate their commerce, up to preventing excessive sell of gold, in order to preserve the economies of their trading partners.

Sentient, self-replicating, gold consuming Constructs might not be overly appreciated in the Vault.
At most they will ban Calligraphy Wyrms from the Vault, if we never ask we will never find out whether they are permitted, and I don't want to take a forbidden being into the Opaline Vault, so I would rather ask now, so we can take them if they are permitted, and keep them out if they are forbidden.

[X] Reveal the Calligraphy Wyrms and set them to the task
[X] Let the matter drop for now

I really don't want to introduce Calligraphy Wyrms to the Shaitan. They are very careful to regulate their commerce, up to preventing excessive sell of gold, in order to preserve the economies of their trading partners.

Sentient, self-replicating, gold consuming Constructs might not be overly appreciated in the Vault.
We need the wyrms to properly exploit the great library, we might as well test the waters here.
as for your arguments, they oppose each other, they have so much gold they have to be careful not to give much away, sentient constructs that eat it might as well be earthworms to them.
There's a legendary ironborn ship that belonged to the Grey King, but he made it out of a Heart Tree so it'd piss off the Old Gods. Basically every Ironborn artifact will be connected to the Drowned God, so we're better off sacrificing all of it.
Reconsecrate it? its thematic even.
A great way to redeem the Ironborn in the eyes of the old gods, their new queen takes an old symbols of blasphemy and breaths new life into it as a covenant.
We need the wyrms to properly exploit the great library, we might as well test the waters here.
as for your arguments, they oppose each other, they have so much gold they have to be careful not to give much away, sentient constructs that eat it might as well be earthworms to them.

The Endless Spiral doesn't work like that. For everything we read, we would have to give them an equally valuable book in exchange. Trying to get around that by using Calligraphy Wyrms is just asking to be identified as a lawbreaker.

We just found at the Opaline Vault's commerce-related laws take up 500,000 tablets (likely each tablet is equivalent to a single page). Do you really think they don't have a law proscribing what y'all want?

Even if we used them in House Adjar's much more modest library, we would still be revealing a major secret for relatively little gain.
The Endless Spiral doesn't work like that. For everything we read, we would have to give them an equally valuable book in exchange. Trying to get around that by using Calligraphy Wyrms is just asking to be identified as a lawbreaker.

We just found at the Opaline Vault's commerce-related laws take up 500,000 tablets (likely each tablet is equivalent to a single page). Do you really think they don't have a law proscribing what y'all want?

Even if we used them in House Adjar's much more modest library, we would still be revealing a major secret for relatively little gain.
Thats not what i meant, as i explained in a previous post, we can use the memory of the wyrms to copy the texts for later.
Otherwise we would be relaying on any party members memory to explain to the others.
In my opinion, getting access to copies of the most valuable texts, while not breaking any laws is a massive gain, and very much worth letting our lawful allies that little bit of knowledge.
[X] Let the matter drop for now

Although I would also like to point out that the LETTER of the law if no doubt essential here, so having the Wyrms look at the tablets/books only to transcribe them letter would probably be ill-advised for the laws. Just one miswording and things could get dicey. I wouldn't even be shocked if it happens when we least want it too.
I see no real way of getting copies of all these books without unwittingly souring our relations with Shaitan, so I don't think I can really be invested in this vote.
Or maybe I am just tired and disheartened by amount of tests I am to pass next week.

[X] Goldfish
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We have a mission to prepare for, y'all. Now isnt the time for Xor to shine. That'll be for when we get back and time isn't as pressing.