Considering how the plane just generates matter, and it comes from nowhere into everywhere, I'd like to associate Deep Earth to the spontaneous generation of matter in the Plane
[X] Yes (propose previously voted on trade), but with a reduction in crafting materials to 50,000 IM.
-[X] We would also like a copy of the Opaline Vault's codex of laws, in Draconic if possible, to help us avoid misunderstandings, and for our own inspiration.
-[X] Request a copy of the original contract House Adjar entered into the with Giantkin clans. It might be useful for our dealings with them.
-[X] We would like to have a chance to copy any dragon lore they possess, as part of our deal to handle the raiders.
-[X] Attempt to find out about the availability of Silver Bell seeds, and how much they would cost.
-[X] In addition to previously voted on goods, also express our desire to purchase the following enchanted items from merchants in the Vault, if any are available.
--[X] One which can cast Wall of Stone on command (9th caster level, cost: 8100 IM)
--[X] One which can cast Greater Stone Shape on command (9th caster level, cost: 8100 IM)
--[X] One which can cast Greater Stone Metamorphosis on command (11th caster level, cost: 11,880 IM)
--[X] One which can cast Move Earth on command (11th caster level, cost: 11,880 IM)
---[X] Total Cost: 39,960 IM
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We're gonna be known as Viserys, the Architect of Civilization first, and Sorcerous Dragon King second.

With those items (which will always need serious protection in the field, including PCs) we can raise up cities from nothing, create vast structures and install infrastructure that would require years of effort and untold resources to accomplish the muggle way.

There's so much shit we can do, it's gonna be hard to decide where to start.
If it turns out we're up against Stone Giants, I would like to buy this from them when the dust settles. This will be a wonderful addition to the future Imperium Fortress.
Great tapestries adorn most stone giant lairs, used to divide their caverns and great halls and to give color to otherwise drab stone. The stone giants weave such great cloths with thread spun from the thick fur of their herd animals. The largest tapestries weigh up to 500 pounds and stretch as far as 20 feet high by 50 feet long, and usually feature scenes of stone giant life, including great hunts, battles between clans, and grand buildings. Their weaving generally avoids religious themes. A tapestry in good condition that depicts an interesting scene might fetch as much as 1,000 gp from the right buyer, while less favorable tapestries still sell for a few hundred gold pieces.
Also, @Goldfish, when Azel took over the last vote the request for copies of the dragonlore books ended up being lost. Can you add that back into this vote?
Seamless, meters upon meters thick basalt walls which are almost (to the point as to essentially be so) completely impenetrable to mundane siege weapons? HERE WE COME!
So, with the Shaitan's modus operandi described, I think they intend to do the same to us they do to 'half-barbarians'. Hence why Viserys being a full dragon came as an unwanted surprise.
If it turns out we're up against Stone Giants, I would like to buy this from them when the dust settles. This will be a wonderful addition to the future Imperium Fortress.

Also, @Goldfish, when Azel took over the last vote the request for copies of the dragonlore books ended up being lost. Can you add that back into this vote?


Seamless, meters upon meters thick basalt walls which are almost (to the point as to essentially be so) completely impenetrable to mundane siege weapons? HERE WE COME!

It'll be glorious.

Still no asking for Silver Bells? Not even if they know someone who knows where to find them?

[X] Yes (propose previously voted on trade)

My preferred outcome is that we diplomance the tribe into killing their chieftain.

Or ars those giants in any way useful enough for us to recruit?

And yeah. A few hundred pounds of Mithral sounds great. Shame that there is no gold though.
I would prefer if that was just one item to be honest. Makes it easier to keep track of.

[X] Goldfish
[X] Yes (propose previously voted on trade)

My preferred outcome is that we diplomance the tribe into killing their chieftain.

Or ars those giants in any way useful enough for us to recruit?

And yeah. A few hundred pounds of Mithral sounds great. Shame that there is no gold though.

If we could recruit a small tribe of Stone Giants, that would be awesome, especially if one is an Elder.

Giant, Stone – d20PFSRD
I would prefer if that was just one item to be honest. Makes it easier to keep track of.

[X] Goldfish

Costlier, much less likely to be something stocked in a specialty shop in the city, and a single point of failure if lost or destroyed.

Er, @Goldfish, Azel only asked you to take the crafting materials down from 100,000 IM to 75,000 IM. You dropped it all the way down to 50,000 IM.

It would also make it costlier since you'd be stacking effects.

Oops. Fixed.