@Artemis1992 We investigated likely candidates based on reputation and activities, but we need character witnesses (and people who can plain be put on the witness stand and testify against them). This is an involved process, probably only going to go as smoothly as it will because we have a literal Magical Lawyer on our payroll.
@Azel Can you also add a line to assign some Legionnaires to gather all of their fallen brethren to insure they receive full honors for their sacrifice?

It's also a good way to make sure all of their equipment is recovered as well. Not that we can't replace it, but we don't want any of that easily identified equipment out there for anyone to use. A small squad of saboteurs in authentic Legion gear could cause serious harm to our reputation if someone decided to work against us in that manner.
By the way people, it's done. It's literally done.

The Unsullied are either dead or surrendered.
The Second Sons turned their cloaks for us.
The remaining guards threw down their weapons, sometimes without a single blow being traded.
The cults are broken.
Dead daemons litter the streets.
Their champions are banished, dead or awaiting to be sacrificed.

We won. Tyrosh is ours.
Where is the champagne?
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@Azel Can you also add a line to assign some Legionnaires to gather all of their fallen brethren to insure they receive full honors for their sacrifice?

It's also a good way to make sure all of their equipment is recovered as well. Not that we can't replace it, but we don't want any of that easily identified equipment out there for anyone to use. A small squad of saboteurs in authentic Legion gear could cause serious harm to our reputation if someone decided to work against us in that manner.
I considered that part of gathering the dead, but I will spell it out.
By the way people, it's done. It's literally done.

The Unsullied are either dead or surrendered.
The Second Sons turned their cloaks for us.
The remaining guards threw down their weapons, sometimes without a single blow being traded.
The cults are broken.
Dead daemons litter the streets.
Their champions are banished, dead or awaiting to be sacrificed.

We won. Tyrosh is hours.
Where is the champagne?

Champagne? That's so muggle. We should be snorting lines of crushed soul gems right now! :cool:
Also, @Azel, now would be a great time to introduce cremation as the standard means of disposing of the dead in our empire (with the exception of anyone likely to be Raised, Resurrected, or Reincarnated).

As we just saw, corpses can be used against us. And the Daemons aren't the only ones willing to do so. Looking at you, Others.
By the way people, it's done. It's literally done.

The Unsullied are either dead or surrendered.
The Second Sons turned their cloaks for us.
The remaining guards threw down their weapons, sometimes without a single blow being traded.
The cults are broken.
Dead daemons litter the streets.
Their champions are banished, dead or awaiting to be sacrificed.

We won. Tyrosh is ours.
Where is the champagne?

I gotcha.
Anyone got a spell big enough to fill this place with fire or any other killing element/force?

I don't like the idea of simply collapsing it, seems like someone smart enough to keep their heads down would have thought of something like that and planned accordingly.

That's not even getting into the fuckers who've no doubt already legged it.

Leshies to collect the dead and the artifacts, F-U magical disease.

We can also make quite a lot of Darkenbeast to kill the Daemons and any other threat down there ala zerg rush.

[X] Azel
Also, @Azel, now would be a great time to introduce cremation as the standard means of disposing of the dead in our empire (with the exception of anyone likely to be Raised, Resurrected, or Reincarnated).

As we just saw, corpses can be used against us. And the Daemons aren't the only ones willing to do so. Looking at you, Others.
I'm with you on that, but don't want to commit yet.

Despite everything, I trust the Reds more then any other faith in the city and the burning of the dead could be used as leverage. Allow them a hand in that for other concessions.
I'm with you on that, but don't want to commit yet.

Despite everything, I trust the Reds more then any other faith in the city and the burning of the dead could be used as leverage. Allow them a hand in that for other concessions.
So are we not banning worship of rh'llor?cause the gods evil as fuck and I don't want to set a precedent of allowing worship of evil gods. If we are while we're at it why don't we make demon worship legal.
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I'm with you on that, but don't want to commit yet.

Despite everything, I trust the Reds more then any other faith in the city and the burning of the dead could be used as leverage. Allow them a hand in that for other concessions.

I don't really see the point of making any concessions to the Red Priests. We're going to allow them to remain within the city, practicing their faith. Why should we be any more accommodating than that?
So are we not banning worship of rhaellor?cause the gods evil as fuck and I don't want to set a precedent of allowing worship of evil gods.
They are the majority religion in south-west Essos. Outlawing their faith would be just as disastrous as outlawing the Seven in Westeros.

I don't really see the point of making any concessions to the Red Priests. We're going to allow them to remain within the city, practicing their faith. Why should we be any more accommodating than that?
Divide and conquer. We need to cut deals with the part of the faith that is acceptable or perhaps even beneficial to us, so that we can play them against the rest.

I'm especially keen on supporting splinter groups that proclaim Viserys as Azor Ahai.
They are the majority religion in south-west Essos. Outlawing their faith would be just as disastrous as outlawing the Seven in Westeros.

Divide and conquer. We need to cut deals with the part of the faith that is acceptable or perhaps even beneficial to us, so that we can play them against the rest.

I'm especially keen on supporting splinter groups that proclaim Viserys as Azor Ahai.
Yeah and the seven aren't essentially demon gods. May as well appease all the others cause their prevalent and allow worship of the other while we are at it. Oh and while that's happening don't forget to let the mind flayers do what they do best.
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Why do we allow worship of rhllor he's as bad as any demon devil or daemon seriously why?

Too much trouble to outlaw him at the moment.

We've got more pressing matters to attend to than cleaning the metaphysical house, and besides he hates the Others, and that's reason enough to let him live at the moment.

Make no mistake though, his name is on the list, it's just that it's below a few other people/species right now.
Why do we allow worship of rhaellor he's as bad as any demon devil or daemon seriously why?

Because we can only fight so many battles at any given time. The Faith of R'hllor is by far the largest, most well-organized religion on the continent of Essos. They have millions of followers, their own military, and not-insignificant magical support.

Moving in to Tyrosh, going "Fuck off, Burny, there's a new master of fire in town!" then taking a shit on the altar of their temple, is not going to do us any good in the long term.

Patience is key. We'll undermine their faith, cause schisms within their organization, and gradually chip away at their support base, before relegating them to the same status as the marginalized faiths on Braavos' isle of gods. You don't kill a powerful god in open combat, you gut its source of power, reduce it to a mere shadow of its previous self, then finish off what remains of the weakened deity.
Are there at least long term plans to eventually get rid of rhloor? I understand taking precedent for things like the others or daemons before him. But surely we need to get rid of his worship almost completely in a century or so right?
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The Red Priests have shared a city with other rulers and other Gods for millenia. As long as they don't think themselves capable of winning a war against us, they probably won't declare war on us if we don't outright outlaw them. So let's not do that.
Tension and spy games may happen, but we can avoid outright war.
The Red Priests have shared a city with other rulers and other Gods for millenia. As long as they don't think themselves capable of winning a war against us, they probably won't declare war on us if we don't outright outlaw them. So let's not do that.
Tension and spy games may happen, but we can avoid outright war.
Do we plan to at least try and undermine them and dismantle and create schisms?
Are there at least long term plans to eventually get rid of full of? I understand taking precedent for things like the others or daemons before him. But surely we need to get rid of his worship almost completely in a century or so right?
Plans have already been set in motion.

There can be only one wearing the crown of fire.
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Plans have already been set in motion.

There can be only wearing the crown of fire.
Good I'm satisfied then. As long as plans have been made to undermine his religion then im good. Goodnight its 600am for me Andi should go sleep. The others are the bigger threat but that does not detract that rhllor is still a threat that need to be eradicated. I hope to dream of a crying rhllor.