[X] Interview the other girls at the Rose. Will cost 3 Silver Moons for their time

@DragonParadox Do you have any plan about "The Stallion that mount the world"?. I want to fight those Mongol expy for exp.

There are good as the kill target for level up,Gain preistrege form free city,practice riding ,gain loot.
Hey @DragonParadox, I know this may be completely out of the question, but is it possible to 'multiclass' later on (probably much later) in the story? Like if we met a powerful demon or spirit or whatever and managed to get it to make us into a Warlock? Just trying to think of ways to expand Visy's power... Though considering that this is Planetos, making deals with mysterious beings would probably be a bad idea.

And on that note, now I'm trying to figure out if Faceless Men are Warlocks, Clerics or Paladins.
[X] Interview the other girls at the Rose. Will cost 3 Silver Moons for their time

@DragonParadox Do you have any plan about "The Stallion that mount the world"?. I want to fight those Mongol expy for exp.

There are good as the kill target for level up,Gain preistrege form free city,practice riding ,gain loot.

I do but you are not really in a position to fight armies of Dothraki just now.

Hey @DragonParadox, I know this may be completely out of the question, but is it possible to 'multiclass' later on (probably much later) in the story? Like if we met a powerful demon or spirit or whatever and managed to get it to make us into a Warlock? Just trying to think of ways to expand Visy's power... Though considering that this is Planetos, making deals with mysterious beings would probably be a bad idea.

And on that note, now I'm trying to figure out if Faceless Men are Warlocks, Clerics or Paladins.

Talk to Myrcella, she's the one who will be getting warlock powers. That said multicalssing like that is not a good idea in D&D
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[x] Interview the other girls at the Rose. Will cost 3 Silver Moons for their time
[x] Interview the staff
-[x] Pay them for their time (1 Silver Moon)
Hey @DragonParadox, I know this may be completely out of the question, but is it possible to 'multiclass' later on (probably much later) in the story? Like if we met a powerful demon or spirit or whatever and managed to get it to make us into a Warlock? Just trying to think of ways to expand Visy's power... Though considering that this is Planetos, making deals with mysterious beings would probably be a bad idea.

And on that note, now I'm trying to figure out if Faceless Men are Warlocks, Clerics or Paladins.
You want more power? You want ties to questinable entities?

I got just the thing for you.
Part XXXII: Memory and Mystery
Memory and Mystery

Fifth Day of the Tenth Month 289 AC

Selyse got you past the doorman easily enough, while the Rose had a policy of not allowing people to sneak in for free services the doorman himself, Carn was sympathetic of Selyse's distress. Entering Vana's room was a bit more tricky as you did not have a key. However Selyse did posses a skill with a lockpick that you did not expect. On seeing your surprised expression she clarified:

"I grew up on the streets, wasn't always able to get by on looks." she sounds a bit defensive.

The revelation does not make you think less of her if anything you admire her capacity to endure hardship. Living among thieves skewers one's perspective quite a bit it. After all you are hardly in a position to consider theft an unforgivable sin without falling to hypocrisy.

The lock gives way on the first try with a satisfying click. Your companion looks triumphant: "Looks like I still got it" she says "It was a decent lock too"

Inside is a small but reasonably well furnished room. The furniture is old and mismatched but still in good condition, the bed would not be out of place in a lady's maid's quarters. There is even a polished bronze mirror on the wall above a small table filled with cosmetics that are to your eyes more arcane than magic itself.

"Lysandre says Vana left, but look all her things are here" she shows you a a small chest containing clothes."I mean she could have just counted on her new fellow to kit her out but that's... not wise. To trust them that far I mean. Men get bored or they get angry or they find some girl they want to marry and they're gone." Selyse sounds to be speaking from bitter experience

You feel like you should be comforting her but are completely at a loss as to how to do so.

"Anyway," she continues visibly focusing on the task at hand, "Vana was smart, she never would have just gone off like that without anything to fall back on. She told me a few months back that she planed to strike out on her own which meant she must have planed it. She wasn't some silly bit of muslin to fall to the first sweet talking bravo to cross her path."

"Wait does that mean she left coin behind too? Can't see how anyone could dismiss that," you reply after a moment's thought.

"No, that's gone. 'Course Lysandre has a key. She could have just taken it and not told anyone. Not like I could have accused her outright."

For the next hour you look though the room. The more you search the more you are certain Selyse's suspicions are correct, you find many personal effects from an old battered rag doll to a small music box that must have had great personal significance considering the comparative high price it could be sold for.

However your most promising find is a wax seal from a scent bottle which had fallen between the bed and the clothes chest. Such a fragile thing must have been quite recent to have survived intact. According to Selyse the seal showed the mark of a well known perfume maker of Lysene origin called Master Annys. Perfume of this quality would be ruinously expensive for anyone without a noble's income so this must have been a gift from Vana's mysterious aristocratic lover. You now have a lead, however tenuous. You can only hope Master Annys has a good memory for his customers in the last week or so

What do you do next:

[] Interview the other girls at the Rose. Will cost 3 Silver Moons for their time

[] Interview Lysandre. Will have to do some fast talking to get to talk to her

[] Interview the staff
-[] Pay them for their time (1 Silver Moon)

[] Speak to Master Aennys about the seal and his more recent customers.

[] Write in
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[X] Speak to Master Aennys about the seal and his more recent customers.
Part XXXIII: On the Scent
On the Scent

Fifth Day of the Tenth Month 289 AC

Aennys of Lys is one of the premier scent makers in Braavos, he has a reputation as a veritable sorcerer of essences. This day the wizard in name will meet a wizard in fact. You wear the guise of a minor Tyroshi noble with garishly dyed green hair dressed in a deep red cloak with thick gold thread ornamentation at the throat. Just the sort of fool that would buy beyond his means for the sake of pride and appearance. The easiest way to manipulate someone is after all to give them the feeling that they are the ones doing the manipulation.

Your first impression on entering his fashionable shop quite near he Moon Pool is that the man is lucky the area is as well paroled as it is. A few rocks thrown through the windows could cost him a fortune in broken glass alone. To your enhanced senses the air is thik with conflicting smells so much so that you can feel a migraine coming on.

You do however spy something of interest among the dusty shelves, a set of glass and metal instruments meant for "those most apreciative of the Art". Apparently these instruments are meant to mix and distill more common scents to be then combined with the smallest quantities of Aenys' own creations. You have to admit the idea is clever, having spent so much on the alchemical devices buyers would be more likely to come back o have their supplies re-stoked. For you however this provides another opportunity. Such a set would be quite useful in brewing poisons. With your magic the results would not even have to he tasteless or odorless only fatal. Changing the taste of a substance is after all an effect of petty magic.

[] Buy a distilling set (Cost 25 Iron Marks, may put Aennys in a more cooperative mood)
[] Do not buy a distilling set

How will you approach obtaining information (Mundane charm, bribery, magic, intimidation)

[] First (Write in)
[] Second (Write in)
[] Third (Write in)
[] Fourth (Write in)

OOC: Promises of a favor is not available because really there is nothing a minor foreign noble could offer the perfume maker.
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Changing the taste of a substance is after all an effect of petty magic.
Huh. I hadn't really thought about it, but this is neat. The poisons can probably still be discovered after the fact, but we can still assassinate with the best of them thanks to this.

[X] Buy a distilling set (Cost 25 Iron Marks, may put Aennys in a more cooperative mood)
-[X] Check everything for magic.

[X] If nothing pings our radar: First (Magic)
[X] Second (Mundane charm)
[X] Third (Bribery)
[X] Fourth (Intimidation)
[X] Buy a distilling set (Cost 25 Iron Marks, may put Aennys in a more cooperative mood)
[X] First (Mundane charm)
[X] Second (Bribery)
[X] Third (Magic)
[X] Fourth (Intimidation)
[X] Buy a distilling set (Cost 25 Iron Marks, may put Aennys in a more cooperative mood)
-[X] Check everything for magic.

[X] First (Mundane charm)
[X] Second (Magic)
[X] Third (Bribery)
[X] Fourth (Intimidation)
[X] Buy a distilling set (Cost 25 Iron Marks, may put Aennys in a more cooperative mood)
-[X] Check everything for magic.

[X] If nothing pings our radar: First (Magic)
[X] Second (Mundane charm)
[X] Third (Bribery)
[X] Fourth (Intimidation)
[] Buy a distilling set (Cost 25 Iron Marks, may put Aennys in a more cooperative mood)

Poisons... or other more medical compounds maybe?
[X] Buy a distilling set (Cost 25 Iron Marks, may put Aennys in a more cooperative mood)
-[X] Check everything for magic.

[X] First (Mundane charm)
[X] Second (Magic)
[X] Third (Bribery)
[X] Fourth (Intimidation)