This seems rather illegal on the summoners side, considering it was summoned here and he then sought to bind it, that's slavery, and slavery is supposed to be highly regulated here, I would think the law would be firmly against, forcibly binding creatures that's not already slaves, if he had bought it to bind on the market, or captured it outside of the city, there would probably be no problem.
But I doubt summoning and enslaving sapient beings is legal here, if for nothing else, then because genies are amongst the potential things you can do such to.
So I really have to wonder whether his summoning of the drake was legal, if he just summoned it to negotiate for it's service, then it was probably legal, but if he summoned it with the intent to bind it whether it wanted to or not, then I expect he would be in worse trouble than it if it comes to light.
Allowing mages to do things like this, just don't mesh with the Shaitan's brand of LN in my opinion, it's not really different from random slave raids on innocent targets, and that's not how the Shaitan's seem to do their slaving, of course I could be wrong, but this seems rather illegal to me.