Who says the Ceru are going to want to be assistant loot identifiers? They might want nothing to do with us.

Buying them with the hope of putting them to use runs into the problem that to do so might require keeping them as slaves.
On the one hand, if they're independent enough to actually want autonomy if we freed them, chances are DP wouldn't write it so that we're essentially just flushing that money down the drain, but chances are they would have other interests than just being identify monkeys like Maelor and Glyra are... and those two do it because one is living the high life and the work is actually moderately interesting--and even he needs to get out of the damn house before he goes crazy--and the other is bound by pact to do as she is bid.

Now, if you made them a wizard's familiar, they would probably be obligated to fulfill their master's requests regardless, which could happen to be identifying items. Or rather, it would make their time allocation more focused on that above any other distraction.

Of course there's also a moderate chance of them wanting nothing to do with smelly humans/dragons, but I mean... I doubt it? More likely they wouldn't even have a concept of freedom. Telling someone you're free when they don't even have a frame of reference of what that even means... just ask the Unsullied of Astapor. They'll sum up how they feel about that particular notion pretty well.

I have to say It's a little disappointing that you guys are not buying anything. If it's the prices... well this is the place gold and jewels do occasionally grow on trees. the Opaline Vault has high prices to compensate for its sheer variety and wealth of trade.

Sorry to disappoint, but the prices are absolutely ridiculous. A trade hub charging higher prices because it's a trade hub doesn't make any sense, either. If anything, a gathering of merchants and materials into one conveniently located place, protected from predators and well known throughout the Planes, should reduce prices.

And you've even said the horse dealer is gouging us because he doesn't want to sell to us. That just makes it more crazy how many people are voting to be willingly gouged. :mad:
[X] das_slash

One per day per creature, there's 4 and they can breed. And loot tables, crafting and research count as rolls...
Once per day per user. And once per day per creature.
Who says the Ceru are going to want to be assistant loot identifiers? They might want nothing to do with us.

Buying them with the hope of putting them to use runs into the problem that to do so might require keeping them as slaves.
They are fluffed as breed created as an assistant.

Edit : fuck SwiftKeyboard and their last update
Who says the Ceru are going to want to be assistant loot identifiers? They might want nothing to do with us.

Buying them with the hope of putting them to use runs into the problem that to do so might require keeping them as slaves.

You say that like we'd keep them under lock and key identifying items for us non-stop. They're meant to aid, not function as slave labor, and their NG tendencies means they're far more likely to want to work with others, especially if woo'd, rather than pull a CN "it's all about me". Also, I'm sure free run of SD is far preferoable to being cooped up in some store.
Also, aside from the merchant who legitimately would rather not sell to us in the first place, why would not all merchants otherwise willing not be able to be negotiated with? Bargaining is what you do in bazaars!
On the one hand, if they're independent enough to actually want autonomy if we freed them, chances are DP wouldn't write it so that we're essentially just flushing that money down the drain, but chances are they would have other interests than just being identify monkeys like Maelor and Glyra are... and those two do it because one is living the high life and the work is actually moderately interesting--and even he needs to get out of the damn house before he goes crazy--and the other is bound by pact to do as she is bid.

Now, if you made them a wizard's familiar, they would probably be obligated to fulfill their master's requests regardless, which could happen to be identifying items. Or rather, it would make their time allocation more focused on that above any other distraction.

Of course there's also a moderate chance of them wanting nothing to do with smelly humans/dragons, but I mean... I doubt it? More likely they wouldn't even have a concept of freedom. Telling someone you're free when they don't even have a frame of reference of what that even means... just ask the Unsullied of Astapor. They'll sum up how they feel about that particular notion pretty well.


Meh. For that price, we could buy a huge number of human slaves and free them on Planetos, the place where slaves are held in terrible conditions, unlike the Opaline Vault, where slaves are better treated than 90% of Planetos' population.
And you've even said the horse dealer is gouging us because he doesn't want to sell to us. That just makes it more crazy how many people are voting to be willingly gouged. :mad:

I tried to hold off on the Istaheq until we could get House Ahjar to intermediate for us, but peeps didn't seem interested, so I opted to consolidate. Least we're just buying the lone stallion of the asshat, so it's not the end of the world.
Really, if it was just one horse, or even, maybe, just the breeding pair of Cerus, I wouldn't be too salty about it...

Actually, real talk: I don't want to spend too much money on merchants who are gouging the hell out of us in the first place, but that's just on principle. If we spent most or all of our money here, and just moved on, I would be okay with that. I'm not okay with getting cheated out of a fair deal, when, by all rights, we should be a top-tier negotiator that only similarly social specced people WITH accompanying spells active could compete with.

That's another reason I'm somewhat salty, I'm pretty sure DP has just fiat decreed that we can't bargain with them and get non-extortionist pricing on anything because if he allowed it, we would probably diplo-crit.

Anyway. TL;DR--I just feel like moving on already. There's other stuff happening this turn.

I voted with the "buy nothing" crowd because I feel like my weighted vote of "do not care" should not deter people who legitimately might want to spend that money on something else.
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Also, non-sterile Ceru are apparently rather rare, so the fact that we've the opportunity to get our hands on a breeding pair...
@ceru luck study ... we already have Alter Fortune (Viserys recognized the ceru's effect by comparing it), so - why do we need a creature to study it if we got the spell?
Yeah, also while I understand the decent deal slaves here have, I still think it would be pretty fundamentally OOC for Viserys to start paying slavers for their wares at this point.
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Also, non-sterile Ceru are apparently rather rare, so the fact that we've the opportunity to get our hands on a breeding pair...

That's probably the hook. We buy them, then before we leave the Plane we get jumped by someone who wants them for themselves. No thanks. Better stuff to spend our money on.
That's another reason I'm somewhat salty, I'm pretty sure DP has just fiat decreed that we can't bargain with them and get non-extortionist pricing on anything because if he allowed it, we would probably diplo-crit.

I don't think DP actually decreed that, else the "Write-in" wouldn't be so open-ended.

For me it's partially about not spending the money on the first shinies that cross our path.
At least shop around, guys.

This isn't just about "woo, shiny", the Ceru have obvious short-term and long-term benefits.

Depends on their morality, but calling INT 13 creatures a 'breeding pair' ...

NG. As to the breeding pair bit, we out and out asked the CoTF on their breeding habits, so it's a tad late to be needlessly polite. :p
Viserys has taken dirtied money before. In fact, it really doesn't get dirtier or bloodier than Living Brass, and while he felt filthy all the while, he came back for more. That was mostly necessity, but necessity and means = not a deterrence in the least.

I actually see Viserys taking a longer view on these issues. His overall goal is to peacefully take over places if possible, and with the least amount of bloodshed otherwise, especially in places where slaves would tend to be used as meatshields against him.

He's taking coin/goods from slavers? That's fine. It'll be put to good use in continually working against the slave trade itself, and eventually ending it when he conquers them.
That's probably the hook. We buy them, then before we leave the Plane we get jumped by someone who wants them for themselves. No thanks. Better stuff to spend our money on.

Oh, come on. If the counter-arguments have come down to "well, someone might try to jump us if we buy them", then is there really much of a counter-argument at all?
Thing is, I don't see any of those benefits. The idea to use them for identification rolls is pure speculation. DP never said we could do that.

In the end, you guys want to blow enough money to buy a few ships on a decorative pet.
I think it's because Viserys appraise skill is too low. Usually higher skill means lower prices even in computer games.

Pretty much only use that skill have generally speaking.