Ugh. And now her father is one divination away from finding the Prime Material, since he will definitely run background checks on us.

Why do we even bother to stem the tide of pointless chaos coming for Planetos? :facepalm:

We sell the info here, to the earth genies. This is basically the only time where we can get a profit from it.
[X] "Personally, my Lady, I would have no objections. You have been fine company, proven thus far by your understanding and patience. No doubt you have been inundated with words of caution as of late, but I must ask... would we not be imposing upon preexisting arrangements by doing so?"
Adhoc vote count started by Crake on Feb 5, 2018 at 4:24 AM, finished with 149186 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] "Personally, my Lady, I would have no objections. You have been fine company, proven thus far by your understanding and patience. No doubt you have been inundated with words of caution as of late, but I must ask... would we not be imposing upon preexisting arrangements by doing so?"
    [X] "My lady, I, we, would be honored."
    [X] Of course.
We sell the info here, to the earth genies. This is basically the only time where we can get a profit from it.
... what makes you think the earth genies aren't divining us as close as the air ones? Now that we know about the surprise package?

// With our actions we saved the earth genies' bacon, because if the daughter of Air's spymaster had been captured/killed in Earth ... even if the alliance had still been forged, you'd bet there'd been some assassination plots going on.
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We sell the info here, to the earth genies. This is basically the only time where we can get a profit from it.

As annoying as this is, panicky decisions got Aberi and co. on the plane "because her God will know anyway" and then DP hits us with "can't believe you guys didn't look into your own Plane, they needed you to take them there lol"

I still don't want people sniffing around but inviting thieves in so you can be the fence is a lot worse.
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Having thought it through...

So shes used to dealing with a genie who makes us look like Waymar? Shit.

[X] "Personally, my Lady, I would have no objections. You have been fine company, proven thus far by your understanding and patience. No doubt you have been inundated with words of caution as of late, but I must ask... would we not be imposing upon preexisting arrangements by doing so?"
Pretty much the only good news out of the whole Aberi and Co. party crashing the material to ally with our motherfucking enemies is that they burnt a lot of bridges unintentionally very intentionally in MS before leaving.

Nothing good ever comes from it. I don't want to deal with the salt of knowing we were personally responsible in a "hoist by our own petard" kind of way.
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Just feels utterly pointless.

At this rate it would be better to let every monster out there conquer a chunk of Planetos and then take it back later.

By RAW it would actually be the more efficient route, most defences are either restricted to your person or a significant investment of material and arcane resources that are not ID locked.

So we could go in after, kill them for XP and Loot and someone has already at least started security infrastructure.
Pretty much the only good news out of the whole Aberi and Co. party crashing the material to ally with our motherfucking enemies :)mad:) is that they burnt a lot of bridges unintentionally in MS before leaving.

Nothing good ever comes from it. I don't want to deal with the salt of knowing we were personally responsible in a "hoist by our own petard" kind of way.
If defense is not possible, attack. Time for the diplomacy and making allies. Then at least we might influence some of their actions and have some backing in fighting ALL THE OTHER MFs.
Ugh. And now her father is one divination away from finding the Prime Material, since he will definitely run background checks on us.

Why do we even bother to stem the tide of pointless chaos coming for Planetos? :facepalm:

Be cause we are a good and just king and that kinda thing always invites assholes who love to try shit.

It was going to happen eventually, at least this way it's happening in a way we can kinda anticipate and plan for.

We decided to be the King that Planetos needs, not the one it deserves. (If that was the case we would have burned the place to the ground by now and started something fresh from the ashes.)
The smart plan would have been to go murderhoboing until we powered up and got ridiculously fucking rich, then found a nice island, enchanted it to planeshift and fly, and buggered out of the Prime Material with all our friends and their family and anyone we felt like saving from their inevitable demise.

It's not as if anyone wants us to stick around. In fact, far as I can tell, most people would rather prefer we just died. Horribly, though most would settle for just dead.
The smart plan would have been to go murderhoboing until we powered up and got ridiculously fucking rich, then found a nice island, enchanted it to planeshift and fly, and buggered out of the Prime Material with all our friends and their family and anyone we felt like saving from their inevitable demise.

It's not as if anyone wants us to stick around. In fact, far as I can tell, most people would rather prefer we just died. Horribly, though most would settle for just dead.
Yes, but somewhere in Viserys soul someone anchored this 'duty' concept. And I think there's still a little empathy.
There's plenty of empathy, IC. DP has been fairly consistent about Viserys being a bleeding heart softy under all of those scales.
It's not the Djinn we're worried about. Knowledge is like an infectious disease, that shit spreads and eventually it's going to get somewhere we don't want it to be.

We know where the initial vector is, but after that all bets are off.
Abyss knows already. Nine Hells knows already. Far Realm (or at least Mindflayers) know already. Where is this "it's going to get somewhere we don't want it to be."?

There's plenty of empathy, IC. DP has been fairly consistent about Viserys being a bleeding heart softy under all of those scales.
Driven at least in part by "NOT my father".
It's not the Djinn we're worried about. Knowledge is like an infectious disease, that shit spreads and eventually it's going to get somewhere we don't want it to be.

We know where the initial vector is, but after that all bets are off.

You guys are not the only connection the Prime Material has to the planes, though of course others who gain such a connection will strive to keep them secret too, however these connections are multiplying and eventually they will leak to the point the secret unravels entirely. You can at most delay, not stop this.
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The Djinn are not monsters and they have little interest in conquest.

It's not the Djinn we're worried about. Knowledge is like an infectious disease, that shit spreads and eventually it's going to get somewhere we don't want it to be.

We know where the initial vector is, but after that all bets are off.

Plus the only one we've met Pities us.

Which when you consider she was just saved incidentally by our crew while Mr.
any whisper spoken upon the air will reach his ears in time
couldn't even break a curse on his own Daughter shows ridiculous arrogance OR her Father knew exactly what was going to happen just like with those traders and the cave path, I don't think we can't trust her not to be a social catspaw.
Abyss knows already. Nine Hells knows already. Far Realm (or at least Mindflayers) know already. Where is this "it's going to get somewhere we don't want it to be."?


My knowledge of DnD is pretty rusty, but I'm still willing to bet money there are worse places then those lying around.

You guys are not the only connection the Prime Material has to the planes, though of course others who gain such a connection however these connections are multiplying and eventually they will leak to the point the secret unravels entirely. You can at most delay, not stop this.

Oh that was a given, but from the sounds of things we were at least trying to delay the inevitable shitstorm/dimensional gold rush/Conquering army flood that was going to happen once enough folks learned that not only is the Prime Material open, but it's masses have been without magic for a very long time, a good few are ignorant to the more dangerous beings that reside in other planes of existance, and that if someone is ruthless, smart, and quick they can grab a very nice profit in slaves, souls, information and/or land.

The place is a shithole, but it's our shithole, we'd like it if people at least didn't actively try to make it worse.
You guys are not the only connection the Prime Material has to the planes, though of course others who gain such a connection will strive to keep them secret too, however these connections are multiplying and eventually they will leak to the point the secret unravels entirely. You can at most delay, not stop this.

What if we...ya know, :mob:BURN THEM ALL:mob:?
Just feels utterly pointless.

At this rate it would be better to let every monster out there conquer a chunk of Planetos and then take it back later.
If you support me on letting every interested Monster take over I'll help to the best of my limited abilities with the reconquest.

Sounds like fun for everyone and the general population will be happier to be freed from otherwoldly occupation than to have their Lords they knew all their lifes replced by us.
You guys are not the only connection the Prime Material has to the planes, though of course others who gain such a connection will strive to keep them secret too, however these connections are multiplying and eventually they will leak to the point the secret unravels entirely. You can at most delay, not stop this.
That's unfortunate but logical. The fey were already migrating back, so ... not that much of a secret.
It's just, we (players) see Planetos getting as much visitors (or more) than the Forgotten Realms, but we don't have Elminsters or Mystra running around. It feels like we are shoveling versus a Tsunami - not a thing with high success rates.
At the moment it feels like conquering cities or Westeros is ... 4th priority past "stop demon invasion" "stop becoming Mindflayer larder" "stop becoming 10th circle of hell".