Please... as if anyone would ever be reasonable with us and hold people accountable for their own actions, rather than hold the nearest convenient dragon man accountable for them.

A surprising number of decent Druid spells are Winter themed, Avalanche this and Blizzard that, healing through hibernation in Frostfell environments.

Kind of annoying when trying to find a neat pick.
I don't see why the CG guys would be angry at us if the girl here does something CG.

I certainly wouldn't blame others for Dany's decisions (one of the reasons I never disliked Tiamat) and I don't think her father would blame us for her decisions and the consequences of them.

Never sure if Artemis1992 has the brain of an outsider or is semi-subtly misleading parts of the thread.
I'm not okay with that.

Keeping all foreigners off the Material is really not our job and trying to reach impossible goals there will only lead to dissapointment and Salt.

Please let her visit, there's little lost by that and Djinni and Shaitans would even in the worst case, them coming in larger numbers, be a less harmful influence than the Demons and Deep Ones already there.
Vote had swung to @Crake already with 11 to 8. I just wanted to make the lead clearer, which would be 12 to 7 with my switch.

My problem is that Planetos always feels like the backdrop for a D&D campaign and I don't want to make that even worse by throwing open the gates for even more extra-planar people messing everything up.

Let's look at our plotlines.

Driven by Fey / Outsiders / D&D gods:
- Volantis (First Visit) -> Mostly focused around Ymeri
- Mantarys -> Demon Invasion
- Crackclaw Point -> Illithid attacks
- Whiteharbor -> Devil Plotting
- Wildfyre Attack on SD -> Illithid again, with Bronn tagging along and a honorable mention of Varys
- Illithid Attack on our shipping -> obviously Illithid
- Essaria -> Tiamat plot
- Fenly -> Fey Shenanigans
- Dany & Tiamat -> Tiamat, duh

Driven by Non-Canon Planetosi:
- Lys (First Visit) -> Daario the Vampire
- Lys (Second VIsit) -> Doomblob and his Lich
- Volantis (Ongoing) -> Zherys
- Sunspear -> placed here since the actual meeting with Doran took next to no time and we where running intrigue around him most of the visit

Driven by Canon Deitys:
- Invasion of Torturers Deep -> Against the Drowned God
- honorable mention for Burny, for cropping up in Volantis and Lys

Driven by Canon Characters:
- Royal Fleet Attack -> Robert and Stannis
- Bloodraven Visit -> Bloodraven, duh

We spend by far most of our time with Outsiders and Fey running roughshod over Planetos. Look at our list of enemies, ordered by how much we interacted with them:
- Illithid
- Tiamat
- Devils
- Demons
- Drowned God
- Burny
- Tywin Lannister
- The Others

And now add a bunch of Genies to that, who can turn Planetos into another place for their war to be fought? No, thanks.

Edit: The biggest problem is that interacting with canon characters usually is frustrating as hell. See Aurane or the Dornish. I really get why people prefer to deal with Outsiders, since they are much easier to handle, both in murdering them and allying with them.
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That's basically it.

We get you. We understand why people think More Outsiders = Better. Because things are a hell of a lot more clean-cut politically and tactically. If you want to befriend/ally with them? You can! And it's usually straight forward, because there are no local considerations to take into account when making that decision. No previous attachments. No stigma (other than being a dragon, and being super powerful and not immediately acting like a stereotypical Red makes up for a lot of that).

But there's already so much potential snuffed out by these interactions taking center stage over ASoIaF stuff.

There are never opportunities to use our burgeoning power to impress people, because guess what? Outsider bosses are more impressive.

There's never chances to bargain from a superior position, because guess what? Outsiders need nothing we have, and if they want something, they can just take it from a softer target.

There's never a chance to impress someone with our awesome might. Because guess what? Outsiders have seen mightier.

And on, and on, and on.

Technically, I used one example basically twice.

But the emphasis matters. :mad:
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That man in Sunspear, the guild dude, or merchant or whatever, I liked him. We never will, but I like to think it would be nice to visit someday, and bask in his level-headedness and good sense.
That man in Sunspear, the guild dude, or merchant or whatever, I liked him. We never will, but I like to think it would be nice to visit someday, and bask in his level-headedness and good sense.
There's a reason we tend to loot these people.

And I would have really liked to see how some of our previous loots are doing in SD by waltzing around the city during the festival an starting on becoming a king that is approachable by his subjects. But hey, Opaline Vault. That's more important. :(
There's a reason we tend to loot these people.

And I would have really liked to see how some of our previous loots are doing in SD by waltzing around the city during the festival an starting on becoming a king that is approachable by his subjects. But hey, Opaline Vault. That's more important. :(
Only because Viserys cares.

If you guys want to build a spy network in Sunspear, maybe he'd make an okay intermediary?

Doran'll be an ass about it. And Oberyn indicated he might like to get his own hooks in smart!muggle.

@Azel, there's two parts to that I would like to do if we can, a bit as Viserys, and then a bit as a random stranger come to see the 'wizard town'
Part MDCC: Whispers and Wards
Whispers and Wards

Fifth Day of the First Month 293 AC

Over the last three years you have endured a great many headaches, from truly malignant forces seeping into your world like a festering corruption, to your foes painting you as a devil in the flesh, to simple fools who topple carefully crafted plans by mere carelessness. Yet for all that there is a special kind of frustration reserved for the truly well-intentioned, those whom you might under other circumstances welcome with open arms... if only it did not feel as though you are juggling jars of wildfire most days.

"My lady, a word if it would please thee," you call out, willing your conjured steed to draw alongside Embra as she floats near the cavern ceiling in the company of Waymar.

She greets you with a smile that is only a little strained from the memory of your earlier discussion. How the hells did you come to chastise a being that is likely scores, hundreds of times older than you?

"I fear that now would be an ill time to visit our realm. It is a place embroiled in many conflicts. It would be best to have some manner of official agreement with the lord of Armun Kelisk beforehand..."

She sighs, the sound like a dying evening breeze. "And then my father will know and arrange it so that I cannot come... He is very good at arranging things."

The looks of sudden outrage that passes over Waymar's face makes you wish you could undo the past few moments. "He keeps your prisoner?" he asks, as you knew he would.

Embra looks alarmed. "Oh, nothing of the sort!" She exclaims. "Do not imagine me a bird in a golden cage... I should not have said anything, but if I stop now you shall imagine all manner of horrid things."

"We do not mean to pry, my lady," you hasten to reassure her.

From her other side Waymar agrees, but adds, "If you would feel the need to speak of your troubles do not hesitate to do so. If nothing else I am a better listener than a storyteller."

The young lady looks between you with an odd searching gaze, then she nods to herself slowly. "Father has great skill in the path he has chosen to follow, that any whisper spoken upon the air will reach his ears in time and that his plots lie waiting in every shadow, and so wheresoever I go I ask myself: 'does he see this?' The answer is likely yes, for my safety if no other cause. And yet..."

"You worry that if he could see something, might he not have also planned it?" you guess, feeling an upwelling of sympathy almost in spite of yourself. Her insistence that she discharge her own debt and general lack of knowledge about the wider world fall into an altogether different light. The Sultan's Master of Whispers likely does not wish his daughter to fall into the world he must dwell, but in so doing he had sown in her soul a sort of helpless frustration at being unable to guess her father's machinations.

"It is hard to imagine that my freedom will ever grow beyond his reach," Embra confirms. "When I meet someone new I have to wonder if father already knows them better then I ever will? That is..." she blushes but carries on. "That is one of the reasons you interest me so. I cannot imagine even father could have planned for this, strange travelers from a mysterious land." Then wistfully, "If you cannot take me to see your home, then may I at least accompany you in the Opaline Vault?"

Waymar looks like he would very much wish to say yes, but he dutifully waits for you to speak. What do you answer?

[] Write in

OOC: A bit more insight into the character and her motivations. Hopefully this will lay to rest the notion that she somehow 'ensnared' Waymar.
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[X] "My lady, I, we, would be honored."

No fuss no muss.
Adhoc vote count started by Crake on Feb 5, 2018 at 4:02 AM, finished with 149174 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] "My lady, I, we, would be honored."
[X] "My lady, I, we, would be honored."

No fuss no muss.
I BET we are again strolling over all sorts of social conventions here.

[x] Crake

// btw - "The Sultan's Master of Whispers likely does not wish his daughter" - anyone a better phrase than "mine field"? Opportunity but oh so many pitfalls ...
Look, as far as I'm concerned, we're traveling in the same direction... and if she insisted on accompanying us, we couldn't really tell her no without stepping on a whole bunch of other social conventions too.

As long as we don't have to take ultimate responsibility for her in the long term, and just see to her safety as far as the Opaline Vault before she has to wait to go back to Air, we can part on amicable terms, maybe even in friendship. Always useful, a contact in someone else's court, related to a man of means and influence.
Free the moedjinn! :mob:
[X] "My lady, I, we, would be honored."
Look, as far as I'm concerned, we're traveling in the same direction... and if she insisted on accompanying us, we couldn't really tell her no without stepping on a whole bunch of other social conventions too.

As long as we don't have to take ultimate responsibility for her in the long term, and just see to her safety as far as the Opaline Vault before she has to wait to go back to Air, we can part on amicable terms, maybe even in friendship. Always useful, a contact in someone else's court, related to a man of means and influence.
Oh, I wouldn't have namevoted you if I had a problem with your vote, just seeing interesting times ahead. Now, that we are in the (divination) focus of the Spymaster of the Lord of Air.
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Sounds like she made some impressive social checks.

She has outmaneuvered us thoroughly.

I am impressed, and we should let her know that. Hm.

We are (almost) married dragon. Lets not get flustered now. Thats Waymars job.
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Lya can only cast out of the spells he knows and Dany out of the spells she has seen with a possibility of failure if she goes for things not on her class list.

Can Limited Blood Wish use psionics or those other Pathfinder classes that caused issues with Greater Shadow Enchantment?

How the hells did you come to chastise a being that is likely scores, hundreds of time solder

Times older*

I hope we aren't sorry for reigning in foolish behaviour just because she has a bigger number on her...are either of us likely to have birth certificates?

Father has great skill in the path he has chosen to follow, they that any whisper spoken upon the air will reach his ears in time and that his plots

They say that*

OOC: A bit more insight into the character and her motivations. hopefully this will lay torest the notion that she somehow 'ensnared' Waymar.

It never really mattered if she meant it, in fact the way she just described her Father she wouldn't necessarily even need to for this to be entirely deliberate...

Anyway we really need to figure out how much agency this girl has, she keeps asking us things that are fine if she is in control of her own schedule and actions, incredibly problematic if she is not.

The most appropriate third party to ask is the Guard Captain and she is not even close.
Ha! An in to infuence her!
Stream of consciousness below:
[] I have no objections to that... But I do have a request, from what very little I understand of the situation, there was significant importance being placed on your curse being broken by the earth genies, would you mind focusing on their sacrafice protecting your transport and efforts to enlist our aid on their journey?
I ask because our aid in this would not have happened if they had not borne the risks - our meeting was concidence, and I feel that should Waymar recieve the credit he is due, then the earth genies will be pissed at us, and that would suck.
You said yourself, they gave you hope. And you would never have have our paths cross if not for their efforts.
Can Limited Blood Wish use psionics or those other Pathfinder classes that caused issues with Greater Shadow Enchantment?

Yes on the same limitations as divine spells, but you will have had to actually seen the psionic power in action.

I hope we aren't sorry for reigning in foolish behaviour just because she has a bigger number on her...are either of us likely to have birth certificates?

No he is just commenting on the sheer strangeness

Thanks for the corrections.:)
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@Deliste raises a salient point... even if she's not trying to hurt us, she doesn't appear to think things through. Would we get into trouble if she fritters away time slumming it with some foreigners? I mean, yes, there's a degree of separation between "literally saved her life" and "escorted her inert body to be helped by the wise and just Shaitan". If anything that puts an even bigger damper on things. Just by walking along with them we have disrupted plans that are likely long in the making.

I think that's the real reason the Shaitan Commander was frustrated--it's not even our fault, but we have really seriously buggered diplomacy for them by doing the right thing.
Ugh. And now her father is one divination away from finding the Prime Material, since he will definitely run background checks on us.

Why do we even bother to stem the tide of pointless chaos coming for Planetos? :facepalm:
On a meta level - I like the world building. It feels so real if even well intentioned actions have (unforeseen) consequences. Hopefully that will also be someday consequences that benefit us.

Because it is the right... er lawful thing to do?
I start suspecting the original sundering and its consequences might have been intentional ...
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