Strange, the tag did not appear on my alerts.
Forum acting up again?
I bet it's easier to teach a Fleshraker to swim than to tie a balloon to the TarrasqueUnfortunately, Valyrian Dragons are not terribly useful underwater, nor are Fleshrakers.![]()
Am I the only one that loves being the quest giving npc?
We can have it +1 no problem, just pay a Mage-smith.-[X] Offer Theon a bow made from Dragonbone, though you are operating on a rather tight schedule for at least the next two months, so it might be a bit until you can enchant it for him.
Hey, no judging!We know the truth. Devils don't sleep.
You got caught up reading legal contracts again, didn't you?![]()
Anyway, DP has told us that everyone wants a dragonpen because they're very useful and genuinely love to serve
Literally every person who has seen a Dragonpen has named several people they know would kill for it in jest or otherwise.
As noticed by Viserys when talking to the Bey of Beggars, Draconic does not have forms if adress that would be considered servile, or less so than whatever the main languages in MS have anyway.
I think i'd prefer Draconic for that reason.
I am going to do that thing again I do and somehow, someway add Kung Fu. You doubt me? (3.5, Discipline) Open Your Mind, Open Your Eyes, Open Your Senses (P.E.A.C.H.) [3.5] Scholar base class+Plain History ToB school=adventuring teacher!I would argue in schools, High Valyrian should be a primary language course, with Draconic being a secondary language course.
Speaking High Valyrian allows you to sort of muddle through all of the individual dialects without much difficulty, to the point that just a bit of immersion with local speakers will give you an understanding of the dialect in that area. It's also, as you said, the language of magic in written and spoken form we've been using.
I argue for Draconic as a secondary language over Westerosi because it is likely to be spoken in many places across the planes. One could argue that a course like Ignan/Terran/Aquan/Auran would be more suitable, since at least in the elemental planes and quasi-elemental ones, one language can parse through any of the other primordial derived tongues. But these seem more well suited to be learned by tradesmen, ambassadors/envoys and high officers (political or otherwise).
Edit: Speaking of state-run schools, right now, educators are mostly just learned men/private tutors who charge quite a bit, and usually only contracted to teach a smaller number of students 1 on 1. Meaning costs for employing them to educate the unwashed masses would probably be even higher, if only to discourage you from bothering.
Which is why I think we can brute force 'break through' the cost barrier on widespread education by utilizing Arcanums for at least the first generation of schools, then draw heavily from learned men who have studied in (also subsidized) universities to educate the same people they basically used to be.
The price of employing education will inevitably go down as literacy rates rise and the cultural attachment to knowledge valuation is equated less like a luxury service and more like a civic duty.
I also would support Draconic.
Mostly because if enough people learn it, sooner or later one of our mages will figure out how to become a Dracolexi.
I would like this class for Rhaella, though working with Lya to get Ultimate Magus would be nice and fitting too.
Of course that's all dependant on her being able to retrain those useless Aristocrat levels and breaking the NPC-barrier.
The spiced meats are tender, the cheeses mouthwateringly smooth and even the wine excellent, seeming to change its flavor with every mouthful. The last was enough to pique Dany's curiosity and so it was that her first sip of wine was not brewed of grapes nor any earthly fruit. "I hope you do not gain a taste for it," you warn her in jest. "For if you did you would have the most expensive of palates..."
"Is that not how one usually measures sophistication?" she asked in like tone.
"Only for those who have none," you answer at once. Your mother had given you that same advice when you were about the age Dany is now. What would she think of the two of you here? You push the thought aside, now is not the time to lose one's self in melancholy. Though you can no longer feel the proverbial dagger at your back you can be sure it has not gone far.
Artificial languages never really work though.I'm strongly against using Draconic as our main language. It's not that well suited to run an Empire with his particularities.
Likewise, I don't like the though of using a brand of Valyrian, since that's pure Essosi languages, which will rankle Westeros.
My best case would be an artificially constructed language.