Alright, so, given that we survived that quite handily but our mother just saw the whole thing I think I may have to radically alter the speed at which we explain things. Or otherwise, it really depends on her reaction. There's a significant temptation to just go and grab loot as we normally do, but given the nature of the threat that doesn't actually make sense. This was True Death territory, with no memory of us to endure. That would shake Viserys, as it has Dany, and we need to work past that whilst not casting it aside. If this is the nature of our foe's powers, then we'll need to prepare for them. So being casual about it is pretty much right out. Let's see then. Basics are probably wise here, but we probably need to be less (I'll be honest) coddling about it. So.
[X] I had to change too - Pt 2
-[X] Return to the entrance of the cave and assure your mother that you're both fine. Hugs or handholding might be required, this is fine.
-[X] Equally, it's possible that after the display we've just given she might be a little afraid of us. Be prepared for this in as much as you can. Newcomers to magic generally don't get to see a display like what we just put on unless it's their introduction to it. We've been trying to start out small. This has probably somewhat sunk that notion.
-[X] When pressed on the matter of the great many visible enchantments around you, explain them briefly in a way that Rhaella should be able to understand. Honesty here, to show that your defences are capable of matching the threats you often find facing you is important.
-[X] Do not allow even a hint that this might be a result of moves on the board between the Old Gods and the Others into the conversation. That would allow Rhaella to possibly make the attack her fault. Equally, don't elaborate on the true nature of the danger you were in. The idea of True Death is frightening enough a one to ourselves now that we've faced it, no need to inflict in on someone for whom death is still the worst fate they truly know of.
-[X] The key here is to project a degree of confidence, but no arrogance. Tailor our exact words to our mother's reaction, and work from there.
If I've missed anything here, please tag me about it and I'll work it into things. A lot of this I'm leaving fluid, but that's down to the fact that we don't actually have Rhaella's reaction in front of us, so I can't modify it to suit.