Current plan for him is to get close to the group for melee-defence anyway, right?

Dany's still has three rounds left, and it has a high save DC (25 vs Richard's 22), so let's save his charges for now.

EDIT: Or not, now that DP has confirmed Dany isn't with the rest of the group. Updating plan now.

[X] Plan "Scary Little Sister Powers, Activate!"
-[X] Viserys uses Celerity in order to cast a Searing, Agonizing Firebrand targeting each Peryton he can hit without harming any friends or allies.
-[X] As soon as she is able, Dany casts a Chained Boneshatter spell targeting any all enemies.
-[X] Richard activated his armor's Holy Aura power as a Swift Action, then enters then Swords any enemies that threaten him or his allies.
[X] Elle shoots at White Perytons and Hardon Axes any Peryton that comes near him.
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Specify he protects Ranger and Spearwife?
Sounds like they are both standing away from the people with the buffs.

Meh. If they are close enough to benefit from his Holy Aura, that's cool, but my priority is on surviving whatever the White Perytons throw our way. Holy Aura on Viserys helps with that, so they better stay close for their own health.
My worst-case scenario is all of these things dead and not a single sacrifice to show for the encounter.
Man, forget about the sacrifices.

Being outnumbered twice over by magical murder platypuses and without a scale route ain't the time for it.

You want sacrifices, help convince people beheading in front of a Weirwoods is no different to doing it in a public square.
-[X] Richard activated his armor's Holy Aura power as a Swift Action, then enters the Pearl of Black Doubt stance and defends the group from those Perytons in melee range.
You realize you are doing literally nothing there. That you've spent his swift and standard actions, to do literally nothing to make him able to guard anyone besides a single AoO, maybe?

I thought we were way past the "have Richard hang back and do nothing". You need actual aggro mechanics to tank, and here thst usually involves "deal with me or die a spiky slicy death".
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Viserys is still covered by Dany's Aura, the guys in the back need Richard's.

DP said she is flying around, which means she might be too far away, or might move too far away any second.

The others are still buffed with Haste, Fire Shield, and Righteous Wrath of the Faithful for at least a couple more rounds. Blessed Aim and Bless, too, if Dany had enough time to cast them.
Man, forget about the sacrifices.

Being outnumbered twice over by magical murder platypuses and without a scale route ain't the time for it.

You want sacrifices, help convince people beheading in front of a Weirwoods is no different to doing it in a public square.

You realize you are doing literally nothing there. That you've spent his swift and standard actions, to do literally nothing to make him able to guard anyone besides a single AoO, maybe?

I thought we were way past the "have Richard hang back and do nothing". You need actual aggro mechanics to tank, and here thst usually involves "deal with me or die a spiky slicy death".

Sorry, I straight up copy/paste that from Artemis' initial plan, since I'm almost completely ignorant of ToB stuff.
Plan updated again, with insight from @TotallyNotEvil.

[X] Plan "Venison Wings for Dinner!"
-[X] Viserys uses Celerity in order to cast a Searing, Agonizing Firebrand targeting each Peryton he can hit without harming any friends or allies.
-[X] As soon as she is able, Dany casts a Chained Boneshatter spell targeting any all enemies.
-[X] Richard activates his armor's Holy Aura power as a Swift Action, then moves and uses Mithral Tormado if he'd catch 3+ monsters in it, focusing on the white ones, Power Attacking for what he thinks is best. Otherwise Pounce-Shock Trooper for full PA on the meanest White and try to get a Cleave off.
[X] Elle shoots at White Perytons and Hardon Axes any Peryton that comes near him.
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You realize you are doing literally nothing there. That you've spent his swift and standard actions, to do literally nothing to make him able to guard anyone besides a single AoO, maybe?

I thought we were way past the "have Richard hang back and do nothing". You need actual aggro mechanics to tank, and here thst usually involves "deal with me or die a spiky slicy death".
Entering the Stance takes a swift action, then he has to move back from the cave-entrance to our group.
If he can attack something on arrival great, if not it's still better than letting him stand where he is.
Entering the Stance takes a swift action, then he has to move back from the cave-entrance to our group.
If he can attack something on arrival great, if not it's still better than letting him stand where he is.
You want him to literally do nothing.

He could murderfuck one platypus thing with pounce, or severely wound several of them with a good Mithral Tornado.

Activating Holy Aura is Swift, so changing stances would take his standard.

And, again, there is literally no reason to attack the dangerous-looking sword guy in melee if he is just got stand in a corner doing nothing.