The most common way to attain Divine magic is to pray to a god, but over time dragonkind, humanity and other races have discovered many ways to wield it without their help. Archivists have studied, analyzed and copied the spells of Clerics and Outsiders, Ur-Priests have stolen the power of the gods, Dragons have mastered it as part of their natural abilities and godless clerics have found in themselves the faith in an ideal, so strong that it fuels their magic. Yet all these paths lack the guidance of more powerful beings. No aid is given, no question anwered no Miracle granted save for those the caster himself can cause.
The Dragonspeaker calls on his or her Ancestors to fill that gap, to borrow small parts of the immense knowledge and forgotten power of long dead dragons. Few on this path truly worship those ancestors, for a dragon's pride does not easily bow to those who, in the end, failed to escape death or choose not to. And no Dragonspeaker forgets that the majority of her magic stems from other sources, yet some reverence and sacrifice can go a long way to gain the aid of those that have little influence on this world anymore.
Race: Dragon or Dragonblooded
Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 15 ranks , Knowledge (Arcane) 12 ranks
Spells: Able to cast 5th-level divine spells or 5th level Arcane spells learned from the clerics list (as some True Dragons do)
Special: Can not pray to a god to prepare or cast her spells, such a connection would override any made through this class
Hit die
Skill points
4 + Int
Class Features
Spells per Day/Spells Known: A Dragonspeaker gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class to which she belonged before adding the prestige class level. She does not, however, gain any other benefi t a character of that class would have gained (metamagic or item creation feats and so on; but see Turn Undead, below). If she had more than one divine spellcasting class before becoming a Dragonspeaker, she must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day and spells known.
Turn/Rebuke Undead (Su): Dragonspeaker class levels stack with levels of all other classes that grant the ability to Turn or Rebuke undead for the purpose of determining the character's effective cleric level for turning. See Turn or Rebuke Undead, page 159 of the Player's Handbook.
Invocation of the Ancestors: When the Dragonspeaker casts a Divination spell that requires the guidance of a Deity (such as Commune or Guidance of the Avatar) she is instead connected to a random, or if invoked by name specific, ancient dragonspirit. This spirit is assumed to have near absolute knowledge of the past and the ability to see present and future as well as the very least of gods, so everything not hidden either by gods or from their gaze is known or possible to find out within one day for the Ancestor.
Furthermore spells that reference a god are now tied to these Ancients, so a Visage of the Diety would give optically draconic traits with the Good or Evil tag being decided by the Dragon's alignment, similarly for the sacred/profane bonus of Divine Presence.
The ancients are not obligated to answer or grant help, but if they decide to do so they answer truthfully and help as the spell is written.
If an ancient's name is known prayer or sacrifices may be brought in his name. The former doesn't give him anything beyond the feeling of being remembered and venerated eons beyond his death since these spirits cannot draw power from faith alone, but a sacrifice might strengthen the spirit.
If further offerings are made an ancient might be able to influence the Material World in some small manner, for example keep up the magical effect of an altar consecrated in his name. Such acts should be handled with great care since every being that remained sentient and aware so long after his own death mostly likely has plans and desires of his own.
Sides of the Coin (Su): The Dragonspeaker gains at the 2nd level an additional domain spellslot on all unlocked levels and can decide every day to fill it with either the Glory or the Pride Domain and also use that domain's abilities for the day. She can also activate neither.
The Glory Domain strengthens the Dragonspeakers will to aid others with word and deed. While it is active the Dragonspeaker will feel a strong urge to guide those in need by sharing her wisdom and defending them from the wicked. Any time her natural desires to do good are provoked the Wisdom or Willcheck to resist is increased by 2.
The Pride Domain numbs the Dragonspeaker to concerns of those he considers lesser beings then himself and makes him likely to take advantage of them. While it is active the Dragonspeaker will find it difficult to see value in those beneath her, but become acutely aware of what she considers her rightful due from them. Any time her natural desire to act selfish is provoked the Wisdom or Willcheck to resist is increased by 2.
In neither of these cases the Dragonspeakers nature is fundamentally changed, just certain instincts increased. The abilities causes no willchecks that wouldn't happen without it, just makes them more difficult.
At the 5th level the Dragonspeaker understands these instincts well enough to surpress them if needed, the penalties do not apply anymore.
Eternal Dragon (Ex): The Dragonspeaker has learned from the ancient draconic spirits clinging onto awareness and sentience as few other beings can. When her physical form dies her soul lingers on a transitionary plane near her body.
If she is ressurected within one day per point of her willsave-bonus she doesn't take negative levels from the resurrection.
The maximal duration any resurrection spell works on her is increased by a factor of 10. (1 minute for Revivify, 10D/CL for Raise Dead, 100Y/CL for Resurrection, etc.)
The strenght with which her soul clings to live makes it difficult to draw even the tiniest bit away from it, the Dragonspeaker becomes immune to Draining effects on Mental attributes and gains a +5 bonus on saves against Negative Levels or any attempt to trap her soul.
Spells per Day
Turn/Rebuke Undead, Invocation of the Ancestors
+1 level of divine spellcasting class
Sides of the Coin
+1 level of divine spellcasting class
+1 level of divine spellcasting class
+1 level of divine spellcasting class
Eternal Dragon
+1 level of divine spellcasting class