A Glimpse of Darkness
Eleventh Day of the Twelfth Month 292 AC
While Garin cuts some manner of talisman from the devil's neck and takes its sword and Tyene uses her magic to unravel any last arcane protections, you address the knights... at least those among them not overwhelmed with dragon-fear: "Good Sers, that is a devil. Specifically a fiendish assassin, infamous for making use poisons and other foul curses. I suggest you keep your distance..."
"I feel neither cursed, nor poisoned," the changeling speaks with admirable calm, though he looks rather worriedly at the gleaming silver blood that still dribbles down his torn pants-leg. Indeed you sincerely doubt he had suffered either fate. He could do the most damage and cause the most confusion alive as a victim of the 'foul sorcerer Viserys Targaryen.'
Speaking of foul sorcery, you waste no time reducing the drogai to the inoffensive and by now almost fondly familiar shape of a turtle under the amazed gazes of those witnesses not still crying, screaming... or unfortunately soiling themselves. Luckily Tyene is swift to break the power of your spell and return the knights to themselves, hopefully soon enough that any personal indignity will weigh less then saving their lord.
"Treachery I saw and treachery I call it still," Ser Criston finds his voice and once more abandons sense and human decency. "Two hidden killers there were and one you name your friend."
"Tell me, Ser, did someone remove the contents of your skull and replace them with horse shit recently, or do you merely make a habit of insulting everything which you do not understand?" Garin asks in an utterly disgusted, almost weary tone. Turning to the lord of Storm's End he speaks plainly: "I was indeed hidden to watch for treachery... though mostly from such things as these, for many are the foes one makes in protecting the world of men against the dark."
"I was not aware the Wall extended into Essos," the false Baratheon offers a weak jest that nonetheless draws smiles from some and erases the scowls of others, the knights drawing strength from their liege. "Allow me to make myself clear, my lords," he continues in a far more serious tone, "I do not believe that our guests had anything to do with the... ah
shelled devil." He waves vaguely at the turtle currently struggling in ser Richard's hand, trying and failing to bite through dragon-steel gauntlets.
"My apologies," Ser Criston finally growls under his lord's glare. Then sounding much like a man whose teeth were being pulled one by one he adds, "Under current circumstances I would withdraw my challenge until these things have been dealt with..."
You offer Ser Richard a small silent shrug, leaving the matter up to him, though you would rightly prefer the cretin be trimmed of at least one of his limbs.
"There is more worthy blood to share than that of one's
fellow knights this day," your sworn sword says at last, placing only the lightest emphasis on the words as one final barb, reminding you once again that Ser Richard Lonmouth is not a man wholly unused to subtly or courtly games for all he dislikes them.
"Speaking of such blood, I must ask as lord of these lands, are there likely to be more of these devils about?" old lord Tarth asks, obviously caring very little for the fool's vendetta.
"Not more drogai," you answer with surety. "They possess a twisted sort of pride and will never share a hunt with their fellows... Other, fiends, perhaps though distance is not as much of a barrier to fiends as one might hope, so they may have come from far indeed."
"They must have had some way to know that the meeting would take place here," Garin notes. "That means some manner of spy... an imp perhaps, they can turn unseen and take on the shape of beasts or birds."
The sound of a sharp indrawn breath interrupts you. "What do these imps look like?" lord Tarth asks urgently.
"Much as one would expect fiends to, my lord: short twisted creatures with crimson skin curling ram's horns and the wings of bats," you answer carefully, wondering if the man had made some monumentally foolish blunder.
"My daughter Brienne claimed to have seen something of that sort but no one believed her. There was often a bird or bat to explain matters away... she, well she is a
child... they seen things that are not there all the time." The lord is obviously speaking more to himself than to anyone else at this point.
"And sometimes they see things that
are there," Tyene notes sharply.
"But why would his dark spirit show itself to a child?" one of the other knights asks, obviously struggling with the concept of a world that had shown itself vaster and more perilous then he knew.
"Base cruelty most likely," you answer. "Imps are malicious creatures that love nothing better than to torment those weaker than themselves."
"Sers, lords, my lady," the changeling begins to speak solemnly, affording Tyene the title without hesitation. "Faced with such foulness it falls to all men of character and honor to purge this darkness from these lands as swiftly as possible. To that end I propose that we unite in common cause to slay these wretched things and obtain what answers can be had from the one already captured, then return to our business. What say you?"
It is clear enough the question is addressed primarily to you though couched in such words as to restore the shaken confidence of the Stormlander knights further.
What do you answer?
[] Write in
OOC: Fortunately for 'Renly' the knights are generally more worried about the literal creatures of hell than weird blood.