BTW, Garin and Richard got enough XP to level up! :)

EDIT: Richard will be even more of an anti-magic badass, with the new ability he gains at 13th level.
Mettle (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, you can shrug off magical effects that could harm you. If you make a successful Will or Fortitude saving throw that would normally reduce (rather than negate) a spell or other magical effect, the magic has no effect on you at all. Any spell that is normally negated by a successful saving throw is unaffected by this ability.

He also learns a new Martial Maneuver. Any recommendations from those more familiar with the Tome of Battle?

Garin learns new 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spells, and his Darkstalker ability gets a +8 bonus (maybe). @TotallyNotEvil The PrC's ability table shows Darkstalker increasing to +8 at 6th Twilight Hunter level, but the text in the ability entry doesn't match up. It instead says +6 at 5th level and +8 at 9th level.
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[X] Goldfish

Can we speech while doing so?

Like while going through the motions of turtling, talk about how we have seen Ser Richard carve up Dragons, Demons, and Devils greater than this, so what have you knights have killed lately?
[X] Plan Stalling For Fenly
-[X] Tell them to stand down. The fiend is incapaciated and Tyene is healing Renly.
--[X] Richard applies Oathkeeper in a non-lethal fashion if they don't listen.
-[X] Tyene heals Renly, while Viserys uses Quickened Prestidigitation to remove the silver blood.
-[X] Viserys turtles the Devil for later processing.
--[X] If the knights ask, tell them the truth. You will bring it to a location it can't escape from for interrogation and will then deliver it to the gods.
-[X] Wait till Renly is capable of joining the proceedings again.
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[X] Plan Stalling For Fenly
-[X] Tell them to stand down. The fiend is incapaciated and Tyene is healing Renly.
--[X] Richard applies Oathkeeper in a non-lethal fashion if they don't listen.
-[X] Tyene makes the silver blood disappear to avoid problematic questions and heals Renly.
-[X] Viserys turtles the Devil for later processing.
--[X] If the knights ask, tell them the truth. You will bring it to a location it can't escape from for interrogation and will then deliver it to the gods.
-[X] Wait till Renly is capable of joining the proceedings again.

So basically the only difference between our plans is you want to try to hide the silver blood? Tyene doesn't actually have any way to do that. She could try to use an illusion, but it would be very temporary and extremely difficult to sync up with any movements made by the Renplacement.

"subsequently gutted, their dealings with the citizenry of White Harbor. Ask if there have been any rumors or odd happenings in thearea which could indicate Devil activity."

About this, this entire event is going to be rumor fodder like crazy, if we mention white harbour Manderly is gonna get bothered, at least. And why should they belive that we attacked devils in White Harbor? (These are people pre-disposed to disbelive us).

And they have no real idea how to assess something as infernal or not. I mean, they freaked out at seeing a sword on fire.

And I don't want to let us get distracted from Richard killing this fool.

Unless he was mentally infulenced to cause a distraction.

Edit: Maybe a few curses from Tyene? And make sure it's unconsious after she makes sure it won't die?

Also, after ser richard kills a fool, he should carry the turtle, it'll be under non-detection, and he has mindblank regardless, if that helps.
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Holy shit that was amazing. You really know how to make snatching victory from the jaws of defeat satisfying DP.

[X] Goldfish

I'll say neither of the top two options contain as much gloating as I'd like, but I also realize might not be the time for that. Good chance for a PSA though
@Goldfish, that and that I want to tell the knights to shut up while the grown-ups work.

The silver blood will just lead to them proclaiming we did something to Fenly.
I really want a line along "Devilry you say. You are remarkable correct, an assassin devil in the flesh ...we must be doing something right."

[X] Azel
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@Azel, can you have the very first thing Viserys does be a quickened Assay Spell Resistance and Dimensional Anchor? That way there's absolutely zero chance of it getting away if the storm lords manage to distract us before we Baleful Polymorph it.

[X] Azel
Plan updated to remove mention of White Harbor, and to offer an explanation of the silver blood, which might be helpful to the Renplacement in the future, should it be injured again.

[X] Plan "We just got a new turtle!"
-[X] Viserys casts Assay Spell Resistance, then targets the Dogoi with Dimensional Anchor. He then uses Baleful Polymorph to transform it into a turtle.
--[X] Once the Dogoi is properly neutralized, explain to the Renplacement what the creature is, and how we might have earned the enmity of its fiendish brethren when we stumbled across, and subsequently gutted, their dealings with the citizenry of Westerosi cities that were not adequately protected by their Lords. Ask if there have been any rumors or odd happenings in the area which could indicate Devil activity.
-[X] Tyene casts Dispel Magic on the Dogoi's before Viserys casts any spells on it, then finishes healing the Renplacement. Once the Dogoi is turtled, she uses Cure Light Wounds to provide it enough healing to guarantee it will be available for sacrifice later (16 HD!). She then picks it up and stashes it out of sight.
-[X] Richard interposes himself between Viserys and the Renplacement's knights, readying an action to murder the fuck out of anyone who gets uppity. He and Oathkeeper remain on high alert for further opponents, especially the unseen.
-[X] Garin uses his dagger to remove the Dogoi's amulet before Viserys casts any spells on it, then guards his back, alert for further surprise attacks.
-[X] If the silver blood is questioned, admit that we do not know what could cause such an effect. Viserys uses Prestidigitation to remove the blood, then warns that the condition could be permanent, but hopefully will not be harmful.
-[X] Once that business is settled, ask Cristof if he would like to continue his duel with Richard, despite the recent violence and disapproval of his Lord. If he does, ask Richard to be merciful, and to settle for maiming rather than death.
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[X] Goldfish

@Goldfish, the White Harbor thing was basically the only reason I didn't vote for you at first. I vastly prefer subduing this thing before anything else.

"Lords that did not yet have the contextual understanding to best fight such monsters" as opposed to "failed" or some such, imo.
We're known for BP. Maybe hit the devil with a few dispells? And remove the amulet. A BP tuned spell reflection would be embarrasing :p