@Artemis1992 Make them some glasses! I don't really want to give them gold. It's our gold. But glass is okay and not like it'd be a "petty" gift or an insult. It's fabricated glass.

Edit: Waaait.

Nevermind. We don't have Lya. I always forget we don't cart our PCs around everywhere.

I mean we could teleport to SD again, but why waste two level 5 spells when we've got a meeting to be getting to?
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Before I make a plan, what should we give them? Glass would be an option, but we already gotta cast some spells that let us fly so that we can travel to Tarth. Why add two level 5 spells on top of that?

We could frivolously delay a day, but I'd rather not.

...so... gold? Ugh. But that's our gold! :mad:
I mean I'm not really for these 'balance adjustments' in the first place, but TNE has Azel's sign off on them and those guys made the class in the first place as I understand it so it's whatever.

[X] Crake
Glass is expensive in this setting, but Gold would work fine too. Either way.
...so... gold? Ugh. But that's our gold! :mad:
You use gold to buy things, we are buying information.
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Hmm, vaule could be derived from the effort of teleporting to lya, asking her to make some glasses from dragonfired sand, and then personally adding a bit of dirt, taking those and a rag and delivering them to the "Master" of the place so we can do a run-through of 'Adventurers paying for info from propritier of drinking establishment'

I mean, he's gotta appricate that? And if we leave the glass and rag after, it means he'd be more inclined (perceived debt) to give us useful info.

Teleport is a great and mighty power. So is Fabricate.

Massive (for the average person) effort for a triviality (scene-setting) might help us a great deal.

Also, I have no other ideas atm.
[X] We came to meet the Lord of these lands, who named themselves Renly Baratheon, who offered to pay his brother's ransom and take him from our care. Unfortunately, we have reason to believe that the real Renly Baratheon might not be the one who has made this offer. Our predicament is that handing over Lord Stannis might endanger the customs of hostage-holding and worth of ransom paid in good faith, and calls into question our own given word to return him to his kin and lands unharmed and not bespelled once the price is paid in full.
-[X] So we have come to have a look at this "Lord Renly" and his lands and see if he is one to hold to his word and act as the true Lord of Storm's End should, or not.
-[X] We are interested to know what they think of the matter.
-[X] In exchange, we will pay them 50 gold for accurate information on the local situation here in the Stormlands without too much additional artifice so as not to try our patience. For legitimately valuable information that could influence or next decision in regards to "Renly", we would be willing to offer double that or, visit this Inn again with a full set of glasses using sheets of glass formed by dragon fire and magically fabricated to completion.
Adhoc vote count started by Crake on Jan 2, 2018 at 3:59 PM, finished with 134871 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] We came to meet the Lord of these lands, who named themselves Renly Baratheon, who offered to pay his brother's ransom and take him from our care. Unfortunately, we have reason to believe that the real Renly Baratheon might not be the one who has made this offer. Our predicament is that handing over Lord Stannis might endanger the customs of hostage-holding and worth of ransom paid in good faith, and calls into question our own given word to return him to his kin and lands unharmed and not bespelled once the price is paid in full.
    -[X] So we have come to have a look at this "Lord Renly" and his lands and see if he is one to hold to his word and act as the true lord of Storm's End should, or not.
    -[X] We are interested to know what they think of the matter.
    -[X] In payment, we will pay them 50 gold for accurate information on the local situation here in the Stormlands without too much additional artifice so as not to try our patience. For legitimately valuable information that could influence or next decision in regards to "Renly", we would be willing to offer double that or, visit this Inn again with a full set of glasses using sheets of glass formed by dragon fire and magically fabricated to completion.
    [X] Azel
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I'd ... be fine paying HD sacrifices to the Old Gods for Viserys spellist including Fabricate. Should be doable, magic is one lf their domains of I recall correctly.

[X] Crake

Edit: We should have Lya & Viserys fabricate glasswear for the whole of Sorcerer's Deeps celebration / festival.

Could have it emblazoned with the Targaryen crest and scale-themed too!

Editedit: Don't we carry around obsidian sand? That's glass! Editeditedit: Wait shit, fuck, forgot we still dont have fabricate. Goodnight.
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Level 14 we get Blood Wish.
A limited wish lets you create nearly any type of effect. For example, a limited wish can do any of the following things.

  • Duplicate any sorcerer/wizard spell of 6th level or lower, provided the spell is not of a school prohibited to you.
  • Duplicate any other spell of 5th level or lower, provided the spell is not of a school prohibited to you.
  • Duplicate any sorcerer/wizard spell of 5th level or lower, even if it's of a prohibited school.
  • Duplicate any other spell of 4th level or lower, even if it's of a prohibited school.
  • Undo the harmful effects of many spells, such as geas/quest or insanity.
  • Produce any other effect whose power level is in line with the above effects, such as a single creature automatically hitting on its next attack or taking a -7 penalty on its next saving throw.

Would let us cast Fabricate.
Was actually my original post nobody ever saw. Doesnt limited wish require 300/5 GP for regeants though?

DP is letting Viserys learn a special version of Limited Wish that I'm calling Blood Wish. Rather than costing XP, it will cause Charisma damage; 2 points on it's first casting in a day, then 4 points, then 6, etc. We'll only be able to use it twice a day without absolutely crippling our spell casting ability, but it's still a huge amount of added versatility, and Lya or Dany can heal the Charisma damage with Lesser Restoration or higher level spells.
We should get the spell blood money. So we don't have to spend gold to cast limited wish

DP isn't using Pathfinder Limited Wish or Wish, which consumes diamonds, but D&D's XP cost. I was able to talk him into a similar mechanic to Blood Money, though one that uses Charisma rather than Strength.
@Goldfish that is hella neat, heck, even if the charisma damage required casting restoration to heal, it would be worth it.

We are going to awaken allll the whales for Baella to get to know and become intimate with and have half-mundane-half-fire-whale babies with.

We could even awaken half-gargons as N/PC adventurer, surprise awakened gorgon pack! :V
@Goldfish that is hella neat, heck, even if the charisma damage required casting restoration to heal, it would be worth it.

We are going to awaken allll the whales for Baella to get to know and become intimate with and have half-mundane-half-fire-whale babies with.

We could even awaken half-gargons as N/PC adventurer, surprise awakened gorgon pack! :V

Not to crush your dreams, but Awaken costs XP, too. If we use Limited Wish to duplicate it, DP is almost certainly going to make us pay the XP cost.

Viserys' XP is too valuable to be wasted Awakening animals.
DP is letting Viserys learn a special version of Limited Wish that I'm calling Blood Wish. Rather than costing XP, it will cause Charisma damage; 2 points on it's first casting in a day, then 4 points, then 6, etc. We'll only be able to use it twice a day without absolutely crippling our spell casting ability, but it's still a huge amount of added versatility, and Lya or Dany can heal the Charisma damage with Lesser Restoration or higher level spells.

Doesn't that heal at a point per day without healing spells?

Just for out of combat purposes could we have it heal all the damage upon refreshing spells or something.

I'd like to think Viserys able to be magically innovative in downtime and would go some way to explaining Valyria too.
Interlude CLXXXVII: Anatomy of Hope
Anatomy of Hope

Tenth Day of the Twelfth Month 292 AC

Malarys, last scion of House Vanor, once priest of Dread Balerion and keeper of the Crimson Code of the Dragonlords, had never considered himself particularly rigid in his thoughts, for he had too often seen such a limiting perspective crippling his elder colleagues' arguments, much as a man might split his own head open in trying to use it for a battering ram. Still since his return to the waking world and particularly his decision to aid the boy mage in battle and then pledge himself to his house, that claim had been rather sorely tested.

The streets of the colorfully-named Sorcerer's Deep were filled with all manner of folk he would not have trusted with a knife on a dark night, let alone magic: thieves, beggars, and whores, the tainted and the damned, and worst of all... the hopeful. To a properly trained sorcerer nothing was more dreadful, and truth be told terrifying, than a man who believed with all his heart and soul that magic could cure all ills. There were all after a great many things out there in the dark places of the world and the realms beyond it who would promise to do just that, asking for ever more dreadful prices for the deed.

Had he been in the boy's place Malarys knew he would have been far more careful about demonstrating power to a world that had seen next to nothing of true magic for an age... but he could see why one of a more impetuous temperament would choose differently, the chance to grow not just mighty but beloved, one exalted above all others to forge the great realm of this age from a crucible of sorcery. And once the choice had been made it could not be unmade without inviting disaster. Like a man running over a field of broken glass, young Viserys would have to triumph or perish as the patchwork he had woven flew apart.

It was exhilarating to be part this headlong rush, enough to make him think far less of the past, to feel younger than his eight-and-thirty years.

"Lord Vanor!" a girl's voice called out from up ahead in stilted but still recognizable Valyrian. "What a pleasant surprise to meet you here."

... Not quite that young,
a rather self-depreciating part of of his mind was quick to note. Valaena Velaryon was a young lady of the high blood, if not precisely what he would have counted good breeding in a world now gone to dust. Malarys had paid his respects to her along with all the others in his current patron's service who shared that privilege. He had found her pleasant enough, and the tales of her family an interesting counter-point to the dry tomes riddled with centuries of bias and error. Alas she had found him fascinating for entirely different reasons, and taken to following him like a lost puppy.

He knew quite a few men who might have found the girl's attention flattering, or at the very least useful, but he was not so much a fool as to play with the affections of a noble maiden, both by her heritage and the measure of the wild westlands. As to any more serious entanglement, the thought of effectively raising a wife from near-childhood sent a shiver down his spine.

That resolve did leave the sorcerer at something of a quandary as the girl was too naive to understand veiled rejection, and a more direct approach would likely leave her distraught and shamed, and so he played along with her 'surprise' at encountering her here outside the smith's shop.

"Did you come to have a sword made?" he asked politely. After all, the knowledge that this smith along with several others had been gifted with some bastardized remnant of the craft of Spellsteel is what had drawn him here.

"Not really... that is, I am more curious about the magic," she replied, speaking a little too quickly. "I'm learning about it at the Scholarum, but nothing seems to fit me..."

In all weeks she had been studying,
Malarys noted to himself sardonically. The impatience of youth can be a frightful thing. Aloud he said, "Ritual magic is among the most complex branches of the arcane arts, though perhaps the feel of enchanted steel in your hand might awaken the power in your blood in some more direct manner."

"Is there not some more direct, more certain way?" she asked.

Again the blasted hope. "I am afraid not..." After all, Malarys very much doubted she would take well to the suggestion of sacrificing slaves by the hundreds until the sheer act of tearing life from their flesh would sing her slumbering magic awake. Others would not be possessed of such delicate sensibilities and they would take far less care than the death-priests of Caraxes did. Even the Freehold paid the ultimate price in the end, the niggling voice that had been with him since that day when the skies turned to blood reminded him.

Pushing the thought away, the sorcerer returned his attention to the girl and her quandary. Perhaps if he helped her unveil her natural affinity swifter her interest in him would fade.

OOC: The reason Malarys is so repulsed by the idea of wedding a young girl (as opposed to say Westerosi norms) is that in Valyrian society nobles of both genders were expected to marry closer to mid-to-late twenties, giving them time for education in bureaucracy, arcane magic, proper dragon riding, or other equally time-consuming pursuits.
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Great Scott! A Malays interlude!

Atleast an awakened half-gorgon would have a fair shot at being an adventurer. Would be an interesting story line, but hard sell morality wisr anyway.

Ill bide my time until the fleshforge.

... Unless someone can think on a not weird way to offer a minotaur gorgon balls. He can boast having a quad and thus chieftain material? *shrug*
Doesn't that heal at a point per day without healing spells?

Just for out of combat purposes could we have it heal all the damage upon refreshing spells or something.

I'd like to think Viserys able to be magically innovative in downtime and would go some way to explaining Valyria too.

The Valyria angle was half my argument for a Limited Wish spell that didn't cost XP. It would have been nearly impossible for the Valyrians to have built and enchanted all the magical works of their empire with the limited spell selections Sorcerers are constrained by. Being able to use Blood Wish once a day would have let them create most low-to-mid level enchanted items, so long as they had the proper item creation feats.
OOC: The reason Malarys is so repulsed by the idea of wedding a young girl (as opposed to say Westerosi norms) is that in Valyrian society nobles of both genders were expected to marry closer to mid-to-late twenties, giving them time for education in bureaucracy, arcane magic, proper dragon riding or other equally time-consuming pursuits.
That is surprisingly progressive.
OOC: The reason Malarys is so repulsed by the idea of wedding a young girl (as opposed to say Westerosi norms) is that in Valyrian society nobles of both genders were expected to marry closer to mid-to-late twenties, giving them time for education in bureaucracy, arcane magic, proper dragon riding or other equally time-consuming pursuits.

Malarys: I may be a man of many sins but I'm not a gods be damned cradle robber.