How did the Deva make those Dispels and two will-checks against our Imperious Glare?

Did it roll extremly lucky, was it somehow stronger than the average, not weaker as it looked, or did I make serious mistakes what our spell's save should be?
This doesn't read like a character test, unless "strong character" is supposed to mean "you're only worthy if you submit to us and surrender to our desire for inflicting dramatics upon the world." Why else would a so-called character test under a Deva's judging gaze be reliant on possession and mind-control?

Because that's what this is, no matter how you paint it. I have serious reservations about the idea that Sir Richard would agree to this "cooperation," especially when it's not even the armor's will being done here, but whoever is piggybacking it. You're saying that Sir Richard had time to realize his armor got (half?)taken-over, communicate with it, communicate with whatever else is there, reach a consensus and then intervene the way he did all in the space of one round? I can accept that he's so invested in Visery's wellbeing that he wouldn't balk at using whatever was available to him, but he could and would, I think, have done all this without any armor mindmelding at all. Hell, he would have recoiled from the idea of anything that could affect his mind in such a tense situation.

To say nothing of the egregiousness of this latest return of the Worf effect on Viserys.

I empathize with everyone who feels that there is never any feeling of accomplishment or progress in this quest anymore. I imagine it doesn't help that all the gear the thread sacrificed days of time, wealth and planning for seems to so conveniently be rendered worthless whenever it fits the latest plot.

All the contrived coincidences are only piling up, and my suspension of disbelief is well and truly broken now.

I guess I'll now settle down into lurking again.
My interpretation (whatever that's worth) was, that the spirit(s) of the guys that imprisoned the Deva rose up, trying to possess Viserys, and the spirit in the armor went 'Nope. That's not what a real Valyrian does' and intervened with Richard's agreement.
Suppressing a magic item is a standard option of Dispel Magic, and with Spellcraft ranks identifying the item that prevents possession is also viable.
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How did the Deva make those Dispels and two will-checks against our Imperious Glare?

Did it roll extremly lucky, was it somehow stronger than the average, not weaker as it looked, or did I make serious mistakes what our spell's save should be?
Didn't DP allude to 'undead' Deva, or did I misunderstand that?
Gaurdian!Ghost tries to posses viserys after we release the deva, deva is forced to suppress pfe in this process.

Armour!Ghost and Richard say screw that, and you should have just died!

They somehow stop the possession, and now richard is squaring off against the guardian!Ghost?

I think that's what's going on.

Deva acting like a creepy devil/is bound.
Gaurdian!Ghost tries to posses viserys after we release the deva, deva is forced to suppress pfe in this process.

Armour!Ghost and Richard say screw that, and you should have just died!

They somehow stop the possession, and now richard is squaring off against the guardian!Ghost?

I think that's what's going on.

Deva acting like a creepy devil/is bound.
Somewhat like what I got, but that would be one spirit (on the bad side), DP talked about spirits.
@Goldfish @Azel, would having Lya raise the CL of our Amulet of PfE help stop this sort of thing in the future?

Beyond, you know, not going out of our way to help whatever we come across?
No, the jailer-spirit is Undead, not the Deva.

Also, why didn't we notice the ghost when we used Truesight a minute ago @DragonParadox ?
Isn't that the best existing spell to find invisible presences before they ambush us?
True Seeing: "Further, the subject can focus its vision to see into the Ethereal Plane (but not into extradimensional spaces)." - if we didn't do that, we'd missed the ghost.
Beyond, you know, not going out of our way to help whatever we come across?
Yes. Simple conclustion other have already arrived before: any time we go on a journey, we encounter something. We should plan accordingly and tell DP beforehand, so he doesn't have to prepare encounters we are going to teleport out of.
You just answered your own question, @Duesal.
I mean, look at what happened.

We warned the thread over and over again that this was a bad idea and we would regret it, and we ultimately weren't listened to.

And now we're rooted in place while Ser Richard has to deal with this on his own.

I can guarantee something like this will happen again. There will be some shiny Good thing that DP dangles in front of us, then the thread blindly reaches for it despite all the rest of us telling them that we'll get burned.

So the next best thing since apparently talking prudence into the thread won't work is that we boost our magic items to make up for this stupidity.
You never win. And whenever you do, someone else loses, only the DM gets to decide who loses, so why not make them someone important, and have that create knock-on effects that eventually land on your lap?

Thus, you still lose.

Basically, Viserys is the nexus of suffering in this universe. Fate is a cruel mistress.
Re-write done with an apology to you guys for rushing things, Christmas stuff and IRL lead to writing what in the balance looks sub-par. You see I was honestly expecting you to free the Red Hammer and this meeting to play out differently, he would have gotten possessed by the dark spirit of the sorcerer-priest and... a bunch of stuff that is not relevant now.

In the last incarnation of the chapter I planed to have the reveal of who's who be in a Richard interlude, but I managed to confuse you guys way too much which combined with the negative feelings that had been built up lead to an an unfun experience and that is the last thing I want to bring about.

So I fudged the dice for the general's ghost acting first and went from there.
So, there are a lot of ghosts and the Deva wants to die?

It's we first fill every square of thr room not occupied by Richard and Vee with agonising flames, then we can make our next decision.
(The Deva is immune)
Re-write done with an apology to you guys for rushing things, Christmas stuff and IRL lead to writing what in the balance looks sub-par. You see I was honestly expecting you to free the Red Hammer and this meeting to play out differently, he would have gotten possessed by the dark spirit of the sorcerer-priest and... a bunch of stuff that is not relevant now.

In the last incarnation of the chapter I planed to have the reveal of who's who be in a Richard interlude, but I managed to confuse you guys way too much which combined with the negative feelings that had been built up lead to an an unfun experience and that is the last thing I want to bring about.

So I fudged the dice for the general's ghost acting first and went from there.

Ugh, Christmas Stuff + IRL Stuff. You have my sympathy.

I started my end of year vacation yesterday and all I have to look forward to IRL over the next week and a half are annoying family members. If I keep getting sicker, however, I might have a good excuse to avoid them. And if hoping my sinus infection will get worse to avoid my family isn't sad, I don't know what is.
[] Slay the Deva, grant their last request.
-[] "Henceforth, let further violence be a mercy."


Question. As the only arcane expert on site, does Viserys know of a way to free this Deva, quickly, or would it be too involved a process?

Not that I'm really aiming for that, but I'm suspicious of jumping the gun.
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It obviously feels horribly guilty about something and yes it now will not oppose you if you kill it.

Wait... Does Viserys think it wants to die from guilt, or because of some sort of urgent "my death will fix/mitigate this" problem, or is he unsure?

Cuz if it really wants to die, fine, but i'd like some answers if there's no rush
@DragonParadox What might be effective for dealing with the ghosts?

Diplomacy? Usually restless dead have something to be restless about.

My god, what am I doing?
So the ghosts are partially sustained by the Deva?

Would explain why it looks starved and why there are old ghosts of random people who shouldn't leave that much imprint are around.
[X] Use Firebrand on every ghost and bit of bone or other human remain in the room. If you have enough Fire cover everything exept Richard and Vee.