This doesn't read like a character test, unless "strong character" is supposed to mean "you're only worthy if you submit to us and surrender to our desire for inflicting dramatics upon the world." Why else would a so-called character test under a Deva's judging gaze be reliant on possession and mind-control?
Because that's what this is, no matter how you paint it. I have serious reservations about the idea that Sir Richard would agree to this "cooperation," especially when it's not even the armor's will being done here, but whoever is piggybacking it. You're saying that Sir Richard had time to realize his armor got (half?)taken-over, communicate with it, communicate with whatever else is there, reach a consensus and then intervene the way he did all in the space of one round? I can accept that he's so invested in Visery's wellbeing that he wouldn't balk at using whatever was available to him, but he could and would, I think, have done all this without any armor mindmelding at all. Hell, he would have recoiled from the idea of anything that could affect his mind in such a tense situation.
To say nothing of the egregiousness of this latest return of the Worf effect on Viserys.
I empathize with everyone who feels that there is never any feeling of accomplishment or progress in this quest anymore. I imagine it doesn't help that all the gear the thread sacrificed days of time, wealth and planning for seems to so conveniently be rendered worthless whenever it fits the latest plot.
All the contrived coincidences are only piling up, and my suspension of disbelief is well and truly broken now.
I guess I'll now settle down into lurking again.