Meh, I'm not terribly mad at the fey. I could go for a visit. Simply to keep relationships copacetic.

On the other hand I don't know if they would like us just stopping by to chat about stuff. Is that some grave insult to fae or?
When we have Ressurection we could cast it on his real bones, which should be buried somewhere, I guess?
Though we'd have to destroy the doll and soulstone first and I have no idea how that would damage Kylla or her magic.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Tomcost on Sep 18, 2017 at 4:21 PM, finished with 90 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Find the Maenad!
    -[X] Have Azema try to use the compass to track them down; follow if it works
    -[X] Use the spell Divination to get advice on how to find them.
    -[X] Get some of the tainted wine for investigation later.
    [X] Find the Maenad!
    -[X] Have Azema try to use the compass to track down the forms they first appeared in (dancers). Have Azema lead Tyene, Waymar and Richard to them if it works.
    --[X] Use divination to ask if they are on the ships that fled last night or on the island of Westhaven, or elsewhere in our territory.
    -[X] Get some of the tainted wine for investigation later.
    [X] A King in deed as well as in name.
    -[X] Find out if anyone local could lead these people. Does anyone of any influence remain? If yes, talk to them now and get them to swear fealty to us.
    -[X] We'll probably have to bring in an administrator or two from SD anyway. Ask our own fantastic administrator (may her value and work never be forgotten) if she has anyone she could send before we pick people at random. Take them with us when we teleport back. Leave Ser Richard in charge in the meantime.
    -[X] Have Vee or Daenerys provide what healing she can here for the next few days, instead of in SD.
    -[X] Have Azema try to use the compass to track down the forms the Maenads first appeared in (dancers). Have Azema lead Tyene and Waymar.
    --[X] Use divination to ask if they are on the ships that fled last night or on the island of Westhaven, or elsewhere in our territory.
    -[X] Get some of the tainted wine for investigation later.
    -[X] Find the Maenad!
    --[X] Have Azema try to use the compass to track them down; follow if it works
    ---[X] Use divination to ask whether or not they are on the ships that fled last night or within the city still
    --[X] Get some of the tainted wine for investigation later.
    --[X] Grab skulls of other higher ups to interrogate.
The next time we visit Braavos, we need to:

6. Buy land in the Isle of Gods to built a small temple/altar to Yss. He has adherents with the Queen Rhaella's crew already and we did ask permission from the Sealord.

Edit: Maybe just leave it to Vee. She certainly would like to visit her orphanages. If we're going to the swamps, maybe take the deaf boy from her old village. We could take him to SD and heal him whenever Vee finally gets Regeneration.
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6. Buy land in the Isle of Gods to built a small temple/altar to Yss. He has adherents with the Queen Rhaella's crew already and we did ask permission from the Sealord.

Edit: Maybe just leave it to Vee. She certainly would like to visit her orphanages. If we're going to the swamps, maybe take the deaf boy from her old village. We could take him to SD and heal him whenever Vee finally gets Regeneration.
And the last thing is to meet once again with the Windward society. Those contacts are still just as useful as they used to be, and most of them are old enough that they'd benefit heftily from being healed with Panacea. But anyway, they should point us in the right direction of where to find proper instructors for our fledgling legions.
Part MCCLXIV: An Ambiguous Answer
An Ambiguous Answer

Thirtieth Day of the Eight Month 292 AC

Hoping that her greater familiarity with the Maenads' human seemings will provide some advantage, you hand Azema the Wayfinder. However, the instrument is as still in her hands as it was in yours. So you turn to Dany's skill at divining the future, uncertain and wrapped in riddles as such attempts are wont to be. "Might the Maenads be found upon the island, or did they flee the town in the night?" you ask Dany as she sits cross-legged amid the cloud's bitter incense.

"The hour grows late, the night now ends, and only cold dawn is left.
Nowhere can they be found, not by sea, air, nor land.
The weaver's shuttle flies, the bloody thread still in the warp and weft."

"Perhaps we should check with every weaver in town," Tyene jests, visibly stiffing a yawn. Waymar throws her a mildly reproving look for making light of the situation, but it is clear he has no more clue what the riddle could mean.

"Or mayhap it is best to wait and deal with more immediate concerns," Ser Richard puts in. "If those things act again it shall not be subtle and they can be dealt with then."

"It sits ill with me to leave such things loose," you answer. The sentiment is all the stronger as you feel in some measure responsible for the bloody revel.

"Are those things any worse than the vulture demon?" the knight retorts, to which you have no answer, for indeed the carrion fiend was both more powerful and more malicious. Was it simply because Mantarys is half-a-world away from your own fief? Instead of dwelling on that unpleasant notion you ponder the riddle.

What do you do?

[] Use Commune
-[] Write in questions

[] Abandon the hunt for now
-[] Write in plan for the remainder of the day

[] Write in

OOC: Remember, everyone beside Viserys has not slept for a day-and-a-half.
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Well, I give up. Those Maenads don't want to be found. Let's move on with fully expanding our influence over Westhaven and bringing them into the fold.
We'll want to double check our sacrifices, in case it's something Drunk God does rather than something the Maenad initiates.

Was it simply because Mantarys is half-a-world away from your own fief? Instead of dwelling on that unpleasant notion you ponder the riddle.

Yes, Viserys. You have a literal duty to protect your fief, fuedal obligations and all that. You don't have a literal duty to protect every person on Planetos from demons.
You know, i feel tempted to keep one of the tortoises as a pet, the idea of having a powerful monster polymorphed, Eating lettuce out of our hands and generally growing acustomed to its new life its too much fun.
Also, turtles are cute.
The weaver's shuttle flies, the bloody thread still in the warp and weft."
The astral plane or the dreamscape. The act of a god is bound to leave a trail in the ambient mana and the mad revelling should leave a clear path in the dreamscape.

If we want to pursue, we have to go with Dany.
If we do pursue, we are not going to face a few weak servants.
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The astral plane or the dreamscape. The act of a god is bound to leave a trail in the ambient mana and the mad revelling should leave a clear path in the dreamscape.

If we want to pursue, we have to go with Dany.
If we do persue, we are not going to face a few weak servants.
Yep. I have zero interest in Dreamland shenanigans right now.
So is there any reason we havnt had Daenerys spend another 100XP to check 11 cities for dragoneggs? :tongue:

Because next month while we tour Westeros, we could have Vee - and whomever else are free - investigate said, dragonegg containing cities.

We have alot of dragonstone bastards' scions at SD, and touring Westeros we could pick up more Baratheon bastards. All eligible dragonriders by blood, and with magical or/and divine heritage.