1. Yeah. Learned that lesson loud and clear, which stings all the more since we were explicitly warned multiple times both IC and OOC. No more prioritizing random cities over military assets.
2. Well shit. Would they be willing to loan their experts for an emergency order of wards?
3. Everfire Dale is going to be rebuilt. Of course the industry will be spread elsewhere in the Imperium so we're not utterly crippled when this inevitably happens again, but Everfire Dale will be the most important one from sheer proximity to Sorcerer's Deep and the Terminus. In light of that, since we've got experience with one Anti-Efreeti fortress,
@Azel what's the progress we'd need for a second one here? The other half of this is that a high magic fortress on our island is absolutely going to come in handy in the future apocalypses to come.
4. Okay, no luck there. In that case, is getting more replacement magical and mundane artisans from the Marid something we can do? We have Everfire Dale, but we could also make an underwater industrial sector.
5. That's good news! Do we have numbers on how many can be produced by us on a monthly/yearly basis? This is especially relevant since I'm not sure where the magical artisans set up shop. Did we lose most of ours in Everfire Dale?