1. How do the Shaitan and the Djinn normally allocate and protect their wards?
2. How many can be loaned to us on emergency notice until we've got production centers up and running again?
3. Getting progress numbers on a fortress guarding the production centers in Everfire Dale since they're the most important would be apreciated.
4. Can we potentially buy these wards from the Marid?
5. What was the progress for reverse engineering these wards again? And once that's done, how many can we spam per turn?

[X] egoo
1. Protect their military assets and capital cities first and foremost. Planetos has the problem of a comparatively extremely spaced out population, making the second difficult. Then again, the Brazen Throne is not Daemons or the Void. They see population as a resource to be fought over, not something to destroy at all costs.

2. None. If they had any spares, they would have plenty of fronts to use them on.

3. See the relevant system posts, but Everfire Dale was wiped from the map, so there's nothing left to protect.

4. Not really. There's not much of a market for high-level military assets. Producing your own is vastly more economical.

5. As much as you can afford in terms of Supply Usage Capacity. As for reverse engineering, I'll yet again be honest: it was never intended to be necessary on my part. Some people just assumed you would need to and DP said nothing on the matter.

I pretty much just kept my peace, because as long as you had acted on the underwarding issue, nothing bad would have come of it, so it could just be handled quietly later on. It's not as if there weren't plenty of wardstones available, including one earmarked for Qarth that has not been actually deployed. But... well...
1. Protect their military assets and capital cities first and foremost. Planetos has the problem of a comparatively extremely spaced out population, making the second difficult. Then again, the Brazen Throne is not Daemons or the Void. They see population as a resource to be fought over, not something to destroy at all costs.

2. None. If they had any spares, they would have plenty of fronts to use them on.

3. See the relevant system posts, but Everfire Dale was wiped from the map, so there's nothing left to protect.

4. Not really. There's not much of a market for high-level military assets. Producing your own is vastly more economical.

5. As much as you can afford in terms of Supply Usage Capacity. As for reverse engineering, I'll yet again be honest: it was never intended to be necessary on my part. Some people just assumed you would need to and DP said nothing on the matter.

I pretty much just kept my peace, because as long as you had acted on the underwarding issue, nothing bad would have come of it, so it could just be handled quietly later on. It's not as if there weren't plenty of wardstones available, including one earmarked for Qarth that has not been actually deployed. But... well...
1. Yeah. Learned that lesson loud and clear, which stings all the more since we were explicitly warned multiple times both IC and OOC. No more prioritizing random cities over military assets.

2. Well shit. Would they be willing to loan their experts for an emergency order of wards?

3. Everfire Dale is going to be rebuilt. Of course the industry will be spread elsewhere in the Imperium so we're not utterly crippled when this inevitably happens again, but Everfire Dale will be the most important one from sheer proximity to Sorcerer's Deep and the Terminus. In light of that, since we've got experience with one Anti-Efreeti fortress, @Azel what's the progress we'd need for a second one here? The other half of this is that a high magic fortress on our island is absolutely going to come in handy in the future apocalypses to come.

4. Okay, no luck there. In that case, is getting more replacement magical and mundane artisans from the Marid something we can do? We have Everfire Dale, but we could also make an underwater industrial sector.

5. That's good news! Do we have numbers on how many can be produced by us on a monthly/yearly basis? This is especially relevant since I'm not sure where the magical artisans set up shop. Did we lose most of ours in Everfire Dale?
1. Yeah. Learned that lesson loud and clear, which stings all the more since we were explicitly warned multiple times both IC and OOC. No more prioritizing random cities over military assets.

2. Well shit. Would they be willing to loan their experts for an emergency order of wards?

3. Everfire Dale is going to be rebuilt. Of course the industry will be spread elsewhere in the Imperium so we're not utterly crippled when this inevitably happens again, but Everfire Dale will be the most important one from sheer proximity to Sorcerer's Deep and the Terminus. In light of that, since we've got experience with one Anti-Efreeti fortress, @Azel what's the progress we'd need for a second one here? The other half of this is that a high magic fortress on our island is absolutely going to come in handy in the future apocalypses to come.

4. Okay, no luck there. In that case, is getting more replacement magical and mundane artisans from the Marid something we can do? We have Everfire Dale, but we could also make an underwater industrial sector.

5. That's good news! Do we have numbers on how many can be produced by us on a monthly/yearly basis? This is especially relevant since I'm not sure where the magical artisans set up shop. Did we lose most of ours in Everfire Dale?
For all questions of buildings and costs, see here and the following posts. They've not been updated yet to reflect the results of the attacks and the costs of the Qohor invasion though, since things are ongoing.
There's a lot more we can add to the anti efreeti fortress. We can add rune wards. We can make huge sacrifices to the Ferryman (fortress is on an island right?) or R'hllor for some temporary blessings/buffs. We can experiment to find a way to use that ice dragon's heart without any Void contamination.

We need to find a lot of ways to cheat because and not make this an even fight.
There's a lot more we can add to the anti efreeti fortress. We can add rune wards. We can make huge sacrifices to the Ferryman (fortress is on an island right?) or R'hllor for some temporary blessings/buffs. We can experiment to find a way to use that ice dragon's heart without any Void contamination.

We need to find a lot of ways to cheat because and not make this an even fight.
Simplest thing we can do is make sure military bases have priority for future warding first and foremost. After that we can cheat.
The thing is im not even able to see that what we could have done to prevent this.
The further thing was that nobody who saw that we havent voted in the turnplan on the new military system mentioned that at all.😡
The thing is im not even able to see that what we could have done to prevent this.
The further thing was that nobody who saw that we havent voted in the turnplan on the new military system mentioned that at all.😡
We were told outright that prioritizing the military infrastructure for the wards would have prevented this. We were also warned multiple times both IC and OOC that we really really really shouldn't be leaving military infrastructure unwarded (and those warnings were generous as is), and in spite of the warnings we went ahead and did it anyway. I'd rather us eat this punch to the jaw because frankly we earned it rather than have the enemy be passive and nonreactionary and just let us get away with a major looting spree.

Literally every other instance of designing military infrastructure has seen us go above and beyond in specifying the defenses, what spells we use, how much area is covered, etc. Except this one. We didn't rise to the task, and now we pay the price.
We were told outright that prioritizing the military infrastructure for the wards would have prevented this. We were also warned multiple times both IC and OOC that we really really really shouldn't be leaving military infrastructure unwarded (and those warnings were generous as is), and in spite of the warnings we went ahead and did it anyway. I'd rather us eat this punch to the jaw because frankly we earned it rather than have the enemy be passive and nonreactionary and just let us get away with a major looting spree.

Literally every other instance of designing military infrastructure has seen us go above and beyond in specifying the defenses, what spells we use, how much area is covered, etc. Except this one. We didn't rise to the task, and now we pay the price.
Well i was ready to go above and over to specify on making our bases well defended
But the thing is the turnplan didnt vote on the military at all only just reinforcing the base with runic wards.

I did mention in the thread we would have to shift a big ward from one of the cities or abandon another military base.
But nobody noticed either azels and DP warnings or my suggestions and even the turnvote was missing out on the military.
Frankly im going to take a break from this.
This is just burning me out.😠
Literally every other instance of designing military infrastructure has seen us go above and beyond in specifying the defenses, what spells we use, how much area is covered, etc. Except this one. We didn't rise to the task, and now we pay the price.
Well we could have done this but was shot down to prevent abstraction.
Lets just hope we get more lucky and attemp lt on a stealth operation to kill one of the brass sultans major military center
Well i was ready to go above and over to specify on making our bases well defended
But the thing is the turnplan didnt vote on the military at all only just reinforcing the base with runic wards.

I did mention in the thread we would have to shift a big ward from one of the cities or abandon another military base.
But nobody noticed either azels and DP warnings or my suggestions and even the turnvote was missing out on the military.
Frankly im going to take a break from this.
This is just burning me out.😠
You and I, IIRC, were the only two in the thread who thought that we should be prioritizing military concerns above civilian concerns (if I missed anyone, sorry, you were lost in the thread as I skimmed). Or at least the only ones who voiced it. In this case it was us being outnumbered against the explicit warnings of the GM.
Well we could have done this but was shot down to prevent abstraction.
Lets just hope we get more lucky and attemp lt on a stealth operation to kill one of the brass sultans major military center
I'm just gonna address this here and now. The most frustrating part about this is even if we had remembered to vote on how the wards were protected, it wouldn't have even mattered because Everfire Dale was still voted to be undefended and would have been targeted anyway with the Efreeti only mildly inconvenienced. Either way, Everfire Dale is still a smoking crater.
I really don't see what the big deal is. Just summon a thousand demons to sacrifice to YSS to cast a mass ressurcution ritual. And another ritual to rebuild the city, or just the XP version of miracle, since rebuilding a city should be well within reach of the spell.

It's not like there is anything that is metaphysical valuable like souls and stuff.

Or just use miracle to cast make whole over the entire area.

When you have free form reality warping, Infrastructure damage doesn't sound that bad.
I really don't see what the big deal is. Just summon a thousand demons to sacrifice to YSS to cast a mass ressurcution ritual. And another ritual to rebuild the city, or just the XP version of miracle, since rebuilding a city should be well within reach of the spell.

It's not like there is anything that is metaphysical valuable like souls and stuff.

Or just use miracle to cast make whole over the entire area.

When you have free form reality warping, Infrastructure damage doesn't sound that bad.
This has come up before. We're not doing mass resurrection, especially not this way, because Yss has a Death domain. He will take issue, I promise you.
OK, so what about having a god do it? Gods don't have to deal with pesky spell slot limitations, do they? Well no, but they have other limitations. You guys have a lot of death gods in your pantheon; Yss, the Merling King, and even the Old Gods to a certain degree. They do not really object to resurrections on a minr level, as you guys have been doing. It's a minor disruption of the veil. Having a meaningful portion of the population be 'insured against death', however, would disrupt their domains. It would begin to fray the veil between life and death, and if they were the ones doing it... well that is how you lose the Death Domain and Gain the Undeath Domain. There is also the matter of the Faceless, who worship all the faces of Death. They would, in Viserys' opinion, be less than pleased to live in a realm with mass resurrections.
A few key personnel, sure. Resurrect them if we can. But bringing back enough people that we can actually blunt the damage of this attack? That's not happening. The people who died are staying dead.
Didn't we pay that one dragon to design fortresses for us? Can we contract him again to take a look at or military outposts and redesign Everfire Dale?
This has come up before. We're not doing mass resurrection, especially not this way, because Yss has a Death domain. He will take issue, I promise you.

A few key personnel, sure. Resurrect them if we can. But bringing back enough people that we can actually blunt the damage of this attack? That's not happening. The people who died are staying dead.
I mean, diplomacy is our game, we have talked gods around to our point of view before.

And then we can do ritual to repair the veil and reinforce their death domains if need be. We have the infrastructure to build gods now, it is only logical that can be used to reinforce current gods. Yeah just lay down a few of those Imperial steel roads around graveyards and reinforce the domains using that deaths.
And even if we can't revive them and instead have to replace them with bloodclots infested undead workers instead, there still remains the fact that we can repair the city in ritual.
I mean, diplomacy is our game, we have talked gods around to our point of view before.

And then we can do ritual to repair the veil and reinforce their death domains if need be. We have the infrastructure to build gods now, it is only logical that can be used to reinforce current gods. Yeah just lay down a few of those Imperial steel roads around graveyards and reinforce the domains using that deaths.
And even if we can't revive them and instead have to replace them with bloodclots infested undead workers instead, there still remains the fact that we can repair the city in ritual.
I think this is one of those things we're just not going to agree on, man. I don't think we're about to convince Yss or the Merling King to pay for a mass thousands of civilians in defiance of their death domains no matter how many demons we feed them. They like us, but not to the point where they'd be willing to cripple themselves like that.
I think this is one of those things we're just not going to agree on, man. I don't think we're about to convince Yss or the Merling King to pay for a mass thousands of civilians in defiance of their death domains no matter how many demons we feed them. They like us, but not to the point where they'd be willing to cripple themselves like that.
But they wouldn't cripple themselves, we will use the godly infrastructure we have been devolping to reinforce their domains.

And honestly, we could probably flesh forge a thousand human replacements quite easily, since they are pretty easily since they are just HD 1 to 4.

Also we can have city repaired with a ritual.

Overall, this is a minor inconvenience at best.
Say, has anyone noticed that the reply window changed? I can't see my own drag selections anymore on the dark font and that is making it basically impossible to use bold and italics. I'm using the dark skin if that matters.
Well we could have done this but was shot down to prevent abstraction.
Well, the new system has specifically been designed to be general and easy to understand without deep background knowledge in obscure D&D spells and things that happened in this thread 3 years ago. The idea is that you don't need all this micromanagement of what goes where, who is doing the work and so on and so forth. You just say "I want to spend 8 abstract points of Supplies to have the Wardstone Chambers in Everfire Dale receive Light Reinforcement" and that is that.

Does that mean Runewards are applied? Maybe. You don't have to care.
Does that mean reinforced slabs of Hardened stone being layered over the thing? Sounds reasonable, but you don't have to care.
Does that include a few Fleshforged creatures to detect potential infiltrators? Sure seems like a good idea, though thanks to the magic of delegation, you don't have to care.

That just happens as necessary. In the strategic system, the building just doubled it's HP and will now be harder to destroy, which is presumably the goal of your action. What does that look like? Whatever! If it becomes tactically relevant because there is a PC fight in that building, then appropriate spells and construction methods will be chosen at that time to reflect that this is "a Wardstone Chamber with Light Reinforcement", but until then, pinning down the exact spells, layouts and materials is just excessive detail with no impact on the strategic situation, let alone the narrative.

It's a major simplification to make the strategic level of play more approachable, so that it's not the same 3 people arguing about which spells to layer in what order on which specific rock will get the best results, over and over again.
You and I, IIRC, were the only two in the thread who thought that we should be prioritizing military concerns above civilian concerns (if I missed anyone, sorry, you were lost in the thread as I skimmed). Or at least the only ones who voiced it. In this case it was us being outnumbered against the explicit warnings of the GM.

I'm just gonna address this here and now. The most frustrating

Well, the new system has specifically been designed to be general and easy to understand without deep background knowledge in obscure D&D spells and things that happened in this thread 3 years ago. The idea is that you don't need all this micromanagement of what goes where, who is doing the work and so on and so forth. You just say "I want to spend 8 abstract points of Supplies to have the Wardstone Chambers in Everfire Dale receive Light Reinforcement" and that is that.

Does that mean Runewards are applied? Maybe. You don't have to care.
Does that mean reinforced slabs of Hardened stone being layered over the thing? Sounds reasonable, but you don't have to care.
Does that include a few Fleshforged creatures to detect potential infiltrators? Sure seems like a good idea, though thanks to the magic of delegation, you don't have to care.

That just happens as necessary. In the strategic system, the building just doubled it's HP and will now be harder to destroy, which is presumably the goal of your action. What does that look like? Whatever! If it becomes tactically relevant because there is a PC fight in that building, then appropriate spells and construction methods will be chosen at that time to reflect that this is "a Wardstone Chamber with Light Reinforcement", but until then, pinning down the exact spells, layouts and materials is just excessive detail with no impact on the strategic situation, let alone the narrative.

It's a major simplification to make the strategic level of play more approachable, so that it's not the same 3 people arguing about which spells to layer in what order on which specific rock will get the best results, over and over again.
Im fine with the abstraction, even more happy with it actually but the last update is still bitter on everyones tongue and just a part of me hates the fact that we couldnt do anything to stop it.

I for one didnt think a attack will come so soon even before we planned to vote on the new military stuff . The only thing in the finalised vote was to reinforce everfire dale and few other bases as much as possible.
It failed spectacularly and doesnt give us much of a grace period with the new planar war on us.
Then again i still feel that if we had taken a ward from a city it would have led to the sultan launching bioweapons at cities.
and i sincerely believe that we should have a few lucrative possibilties soon enough to recover from this massive blow