Lessons of Loss
Fourteenth Day of the Eighth Month 294 AC
The training court of the old keep had borne witness to the sparring of champions and sorcerers, dragons in the flesh of man and fey weaving fel illusions, but it had also seen quite a few ordinary legionaries and odds were it would see many more of the former than the latter. Still there were still a few 'high folk' as the word went around who from habit preferred it to the fine sale of the palace. For one it was more private win or lose for those minded to keep their skills secret.
Generally however the reaction to being bested by a disturbingly cheerful young woman with glowing ghost axes who could flicker like a thing of mist and fractal shadows herself was not to curse quietly under her breath. Shara Rogare had come to a rather humbling realization over the last few years that no matter how fast you were with a dagger a magician always had the upper hand from having the skill to kick reality in the shins until if cried uncle and coughed up.
It had not been that much of a problem in the field until now, His Majesty's Inquisition had plenty of spell-weavers to call on and even better enchanters for whatever you might want to throw at his foes, from wand to launcher filled with death.
Yet as she touched the hilt of the shadow blade wrought long ago in far off Yi Ti, she could feel the old warrior's annoyance with her like a cloud of unseen smoke.
"You must do better girl, much better. A poorer warrior she is and one without discipline."
Much ink had been spilled over the perils of ensouled weapons, mostly recounting their bloodlust, their obsessive desires that cared not for the frailties of their bearer's flesh. A lot less had been said about one of them just plain being an asshole. She slammed the dagger home and turned to Asha. "Sorry I can't go again. It's just...
fuck! Now I have to get used to fighting a whole new sort of magic and my damn dagger is arguing with me because I'm not living up to his standards of murder... and now it's huffy because I called it murder."
"You know you could always toss the damn thing back into the armory to rot in the dark." The Duchess of the Iron Islands was not usually one for soft words, but what little softness she had she saved for kith as much as what remained of her kin. "Like what's it giving you? See in the dark and better aim? Poor bargain that I can do all that..." She cut herself off, misreading the thoughtful look on Shara's face. "I'm not helping am I?"
"No, I mean yes, I mean... uh... I'm thinking about something," came Shara's not very coherent response, though to be fair her thoughts were not very coherent. She had heard that some people when confronted with a major decision just took it with no second-guessing,
lucky bastards. She was not so fortunate, while able to act quickly in the face of urgent need the same could not be said of times when she was just looking down a fork in the road and weighing intangible risks for unknown rewards.
Wall alright getting gutter by some Deep One monstrosity, or being turned to cinders by conjured magic wasn't that intangible, but the odds were rather hard to parse out and she hated gambling as much as her late father had liked it. She took calculated risks damn it...
Like climbing in that fucking tree had been calculated? The voice of memory taunted her. There was a part of her that still smarted that the best thing to have ever happened in her life was owed to being caught up a tree like a child stealing apples and that was what it came back to in the end. The dragon blood ran thin in Shara, she had checked, and she did not fancy her odds learning magic much higher, but if the flesh-smiths were handing out mind magic in a box... or a tub of goo as the case likely was, well she could go for that.
A few discrete meetings and classified readings later Shara was feeling a good bit less buoyed. You had to learn how to be the sort of mind mage they were training in Gogossos, just like you learned arcane magic. Still she put down her name for when they wold figure out something like Asha's mist step and ghost axes.
OOC: Just to be clear she is not going to retrain now, she would be a awful psison, but Shara is looking to expand on her less that stellar abilities for a level 10 character. She does not think of it in those terms obviously, but sh gets fighting skill quite well. Not yet edited.