Into History Delving
Twenty-Ninth Day of the Fifth Month 294 AC
Although you briefly consider hiring Krall again, your memory has not gone quite so far down the rosy path of nostalgia. Managing him was bad enough that you were glad when Oberyn took him off your hands, and while the last few years seem to have given him a measure of power they do not seem to have changed him that much. No reason to make Teana's job, or realistically the job of whatever poor sod she sticks with shit tasks, any worse than it has to be. You toss Krall a ring of sustenance and a belt of healing in passing for old time's sake, to the obvious curiosity of the crowd and the jealousy of his fellow circus employees
"Krall thanks ye," the mephit calls, a touch more polite than you recall of him.
With a faintly theatrical but sincere bow, you bid farewell to Braavos and its people and make your way from the city not by land, not by air, and not by sea, but...
Outwards and downwards
Through rushing stone and familiar darkness where the sun had never shone and the ever-industrious Shaitan turn the wheels of a realm that yet recalled the wonder of the Spheres Unbroken. Being a people of stone, they kept some of it safe, like a leaf dried between the pages of a book or a creature of the ancient world, its bones petrified by the very substance that entombs it.
Grove of Memory seems at first to be a single enormous piece of polished malachite growing in strands and ribbons from the wall of the vast cavern that contains the great city of the Shaitan, but on closer inspection the coils of living stone are shaped into steps so subtle the foot finds them almost before the eye.
"Do not weep for the beauty that has passed, but rejoice that such has once been found among the spheres and that you too may remember it," Lya reads the inscription above the door you had chosen. Unusual for the words of the stone genies, you cannot tell if it is the main entrance, one to the side, or if the distinction even matters. The hall is built with the grain of the stone and not across it, in honor you had been told, to the wonders of the Garden that is No More.
The Peerless Empire had found the Garden, or rather it had found them, but it was not the Garden that it had lost in that time of Endings and of Loosing.
Jewels there are here, bright and glittering like the firmament in ages past, and murals that reflect an age of plenty and of peace, men and women plucking strange fruits from trees that are as strange to you as they must have been to the shaitan, for you had never glimpsed the like and even the deepest parts of dream-wrought memory there are only shadows of shadows.
What care had your eldest kin for trees, but to be kindling for their breath?
"Look," Lya points at another image forged in mithral and celestial bronze. "Two moons in the sky, looks like that legend is true."
"The one about dragons hatching from a broken moon?" you ask, dubiously.
"No, of course not," she shakes her head. "But if there used to be two moons and then one of them broke just before the dragons laid down fire and doom from the Fourteen Peaks then some people long ago could have made the connection that got reinterpreted as the dragons coming from the moon much later. I wonder why that isn't in any of the written records."
"There is no moon and no sun to be found here, the shaitan likely would not have understood the significance," you opine. "Here, let me make a replica of that plaque for later." You pull a block of mithral and another of celestial bronze from the depths of your cloak and with a whispered word shape them.
"You don't have to. I can recall them perfectly..." she interrupts.
"I know. I wanted to give you a gift," you say, pressing it into her hands. "These have been a wonderful couple of days "
"For me also," Lya replies as your hands meet over the metal still humming with the magic of its making.
OOC: Next up is going to be the new turn so no vote standard for this. That said if you guys have something urgent you can think to do on the last day of the month you can vote for it now. Not yet edited.