As the Pages Shuffle Swift
Fifteenth Day of the Fifth Month 294 AC
Far and wide went the word of the Imperator. In some places near at hand, borne by the wings of the kin of his companion Varys, dragon's wings for a dragon's summons, and in others far off by the whisper of sand and magic. Many there were who were amazed and many there were who were glad, and some there who were neither amazed nor glad but were displeased for such was the way of courts that some might rise and others must flounder or indeed sink in the counsels of the realm and the love of the throne.
In the halls of the Golden Hearth, blue eyes bright as the sky in summer widened and a face that had been glum with perhaps more than the sleepiness of morning burst into a sudden grin and a laugh that rang fairer and clearer than mortal tongues could turn. Lord in the West, where he would not trouble Stannis with the sight of his face yet where he could put his liar's gifts to fair use and where the folk of the realm needed most of all one who would know the works of magic and the changing world. The man who was not quite a man laughed and was glad.
Standing on the balcony of a mansion of the new sort, built of marble and silver and all about bound with fair northern roses that could only by sorcery be preserved in the warm southern climes, a dark-haired young woman perhaps twenty embraced a man of Skagos, fair and filled with laughing glee. They had been expecting, hoping for something from the fruits of the conquest, but nothing so fair nor so rich as the Barony of Gallowsgrey.
"So will I then have to call you 'my lady' again, like I did when we were courting?" the man asked in jest. "I won't have to coax you out of any trees this time to get you to follow me, will I?'
That earned him a swipe across the chest from the newly proclaimed Lady Alyssa of Gallowsgrey, and then a kiss upon the cheek. "It's my title and you shall have to follow me," she said. Later, other things were given and were offered of which it is better not to speak, though the little dragon messenger being sly, clever, and without much shame lingered and told in hissing gossip of the sort you might find only in those high aeries.
Of Ser Criston Storm-no-longer but new made baron of Tarbeck, it could be said he was the quietest of the lot, for he stared at the letter long and in bemusement, as though expecting a gremlin to pop out on a cloud of smoke and proclaim it all a grand farce. He had expected lands eventually, of course, but those had been empty lands to the east, the sort that it would take years to make prosperous and fair, not ones that already held a fair keep as could be expected and ordered lands filled with folk to work them.
It was so his friends had found him and there were many smiles and many felicitations... and no small number of jests about men just struck dumb by lightning. Wisdom Ceria scrupulously denied any doing in the latter. "If it was any thunder that did this, then it was none of mine, but one from a far higher place."
In a quiet office on the Sea Street, with the sound of the harbor in her ears, Indryse Umaris carefully read through the letter as she did with all of her correspondence. One did not rise so high as her on the ladder of Imperial Administration by being careless.
The Southern Crownlands... she consulted a map of the western lands, that looked like a fair posting and not the languishing she had half-feared since it came down the grapevine that she would not be getting the Ministerial appointment. Yes, she would do well there, far from the shadow of her father and men like him, where they spoke other tongues and lived by other customs, and never had folk been held in bondage even before the coming of the Dragon.
Oddo the Fat rather liked his posting in the south, but he did not for a moment complain when he was called north for an accounting of what he had done and an internal appointment. The realm had need more of administrators than diplomats these days, given the rate at which it expanded, and old Oddo might not have experience in leading through such times, but he had given council aplenty to those who were allies of the realm and he knew where to find those who would most aid him in his tasks.
Now let's see here, where did I put my book...
Accounts of that day would rarely contain what happened next, as Oddo in his haste tripped over his book of contacts left on the floor the previous evening and rolled into the door where he got stuck for a short while.
Yet when he did speak of the happenings to break the ice and to make light of his misfortune, Oddo always managed to get the listener to be laughing with him rather that at him by the end of the tale. That was just the sort of man he was.
Syrio Coltherys also nearly rolled when he got the news, though in his case it was more simple placement than excitement, having found himself in his 'paramour's' bed late with the messenger calling on him before he could get 'a drop of kindness'. He wondered if this was his superiors' way to try to get him away from all the fine whores and to the by all accounts horse-faced wrenches of Westeros. If so, then they had not reckoned for his ingenuity in matters of the flesh.
This Red Lake place could not be that bad, he thought blearily.
In far Volantis, the man called by some in insult and by others as a compliment, Maekar the Mongrel had no cause to rise from his bed one way or another, for he had not even sought it the evening before, being engrossed in a complex case. He had expected a judicial appointment, maybe,
maybe a ministry, though he had not dared to hope so high. Instead, he had gotten a colonial appointment to Ghoyan Drohe of all places.
Was this the hand of the Archon or some other power in the City, and if so what did they seek to make of it? Did they expect him to fail, did they hope for him to succeed? He would ask high and low of his sources that day, but none knew how he had come to this but for the inscrutable will of the Dragon upon whose desk his file had most certainly landed. However, it had come to be by the day's end he was quite glad to have gotten it. Volantis had grown too narrow in a realm that was now opening up for one and all, Old Blood and Freedman alike. Better to set the wheels turning where they could still turn free rather than work with the rust upon these.
Kora smiled as she read the letter over the sound of marching feet and horns just rousing the legion company to a new day, and if any of the men and woman outside could have seen that smile, even those who had faced the hungering dead, they would have quailed and stepped back, for there were some things you could not fight with sword in hand. "Land full of traitors and cowards, brigands in the mountains, some of whom may be wearing too fine cloaks. Heard this song before, only this time we'll get to play it all the way through, we will." She glanced at the hound in the corner of the tent who barked in anticipation.
"Well, cousin, it looks like of the two of us,
I shall be the one to rule over the actual land of knights and chivalry," the woman's voice was dry and a little raspy, though she was yet young and one might be forgiven for not noticing that she was making a jest, not only from the tone, but also the fact that jests were most unlike her. It was said, quietly around her, that when Este Argalys was born she had looked at the midwife with reproach for her tardiness.
"I wish you all the joy of the stubborn and the pigheaded, cousin," her cousin Uthero replied. "For myself, I shall keep to those knights who actually seek my service and not whoever I find on the ground, like stones before the plow."
"Still with the agricultural metaphors, I swear... Have you ever seen a plow being used?" the woman asked, before shaking her head. "No, don't answer that. I don't want to know."
They were a bit more like siblings than cousins that way.
OOC: Phew... that was something. Rolls for the rest of the governors next update. All that jumping around was not easy to handle.