It is not that he is unversed, it is that he just does not see the world like they do. No matter how skilled he is he is always going to be on the outside looking in, so he can have those moments when someone does something that looks crazy and/or stupid by his lights which to someone who had grown up in another time in another world like Rhaella may not be clever, but is at least comprehensible. It is knowledge and instinct basically, the former will get you over the line just fine but the latter will smooth out concerns you did not even see, until they got bigger.
Mind you that Viserys now has no less than 19 Westerosi Princeps Sanguine who all could advise him on these matters and have incentive to do so.
Balerion the Black Dread: "Finally, my time to shine!"
There is only one true business dragon.

Yes, but Rhaella is also indisputably loyal beyond any of them, or well to be more exact she has no agenda. Doran for instance is also loyal... but he is still the Prince of Dorne with all that implies.
Doesn't mean Rhealla should have been blindly trusted since she still is fallible. No advisor frees you from the need to carefully consider their words and to formulate your own ideas and opinions.
Immediate Family also includes:

6. Rhaenys
7. Laenor
8. Syrax - She's an Ancestor and technically a Targaryen
9. Tiamat - Because!

Syrax is older by far than your House, recall that interlude with the Dance, when a mage from a family of artificers rose with flame and sorcery with skill and ambition to literally kill himself a path to the high halls of the Forty.
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Good night guys, see you tomorrow as we fill more seats, this time with land attached as well so we can have a full Curia.

Edit: Also business Dragon memes. How could I forget those? :V
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This is a position where having more PC levels and access to certain kinds of magic really improves your throughput. As a skilled Bard equivalent with a full suite of Companion-grade gear, Rhaella has a serious advantage. She also benefits from having an Umbral Stalker and the Seeker as her minions, for Big Stick Diplomacy (as opposed to Gunboat or Dragon Diplomacy, which we also have available).
I mean, good gear and classlevels are not really an advantage here, as all these minister-posts it's mostly about organising the people working for her and keeping everyone happy and on party-line.
Her personal diplomatic prowess would be just as useful if she were a regular Diplomat instead of the minister.
Administration will expand to meet the needs of the expanding Administration.
@DragonParadox, we got incomplete data on:
Horio of TyroshCuria PrincipiumHeadmaster of TyroshPrinceps ArteMagicalImperialUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown
Sarah of PentosCuria PrincipiumHeadmaster of PentosPrinceps ArteMagicalImperialUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown
MoqorroCuria PrincipiumLeader of the MysteriumPrinceps ArteMagicalImperialUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown
???Curia PrincipiumFirst Glassblower? (Myr)Princeps ArteMagicalImperialUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown
???Curia PrincipiumTriumvirate of LorathPrinceps SuffragioLand HoldingRepublicUnknownEssosiUnknownUnknownUnknown
Dorera PhassenCuria PrincipiumRepublic of MyrPrinceps SuffragioLand HoldingRepublicFemaleEssosiUnknownArtisanConservative
???Curia PrincipiumArchontia of SaathPrinceps SuffragioLand HoldingRepublicUnknownEssosiUnknownUnknownUnknown

And these appointments are still open:
Governorship of Skagos
Governorship of Stony Shore
Governorship of the Verdant Vales
Governorship of the Golden Mountains
Governorship of the Midlands
Governorship of the Northern Crownlands
Governorship of the Heartlands
Governorship of the Southern Crownlands
Governorship of Red Lake
Governorship of the Marches
Governorship of Ghoyan Drohe
Ministry of Administration
Headmaster of Lys
Headmaster of Braavos
Headmaster of Mantarys
Headmaster of Tolos