Im not sure about capping the forges even though i may approve of capping the number of fleshforged if the number is reasonably high and if the CR cap is increased like to CR18-20 etc

As for strategic play i like it as it is and it makes the quesst more realistic

As for the inquistion we should add more maluses to enemy rolls as the more dangerous the plot or closer to our strategic or urban centres they are and no enemy without a mindblank should be undetected by the inquistion im still frustrated about the plague cult in myr righ under the inqusitions nose
As for strategic play i like it as it is and it makes the quesst more realistic

I remember making the exact same arguments at Azel.
About 2 years ago.
And then I began to do the turnvotes, to try an expedite the discussion that was becoming too unwieldy to do in-thread.

By now, it would be outright impossible to do it "the ole way".
And even doing the smaller part of the whole, RAs and Hero Actions, it takes me days to throw everything together.

Frankly, the thing is bloated beyond belief.
I can't even begin comprehending all the monthly infrastructure, army and economy stuff, for handling which Crake Azel and Fishie have endless kudos.

We need to cut off some of the bloat, and if restructuring is what it takes... then it is what it takes. 🤷

I mean, it isn't like more than five people total take part in those discussions anyway.
If stuff will have lower entry point for everyone else to discuss stuff - all the better.
Im not sure about capping the forges even though i may approve of capping the number of fleshforged if the number is reasonably high and if the CR cap is increased like to CR18-20 etc
The cap would still be high enough that we can churn out strategically relevant numbers of creatures, abstracted as large units, but low enough that we can't just drown the world in them as long as our bank accounts are in the positive. Right now, nothing would stop us from dumping 50 million IM into the forges and getting out an entire Legion made out of nothing but fullcasters and CR 15 murder-blenders.

I mean, @Artemis1992 was completely right about our higher undead being able to tapdance on the default Gold Golems. The upgraded version of the golems (de facto always hasted, getting 5 attacks a round with a enchanted glaive as opposed to two slams) would be more even, but I'd still bet on a Black Brute in 1 on 1 combat. This is partially the result of this being a poor match for the golems (undead are immune to the nastier save-or-suck effects of their prismatic rays and our undead are specifically built to be HP mountains with extremely strong melee, which makes them very well suited to destroy golems, while the golems biggest strength, the magic immunity, is irrelevant in this match), but overall, a CR 14 creature is one hell of a force.

This is just another example of the narrative not really delivering on all the forge creations. Their battles tend to be out of focus most of the time and more often than not, they mostly show up as casualty statistics without us seeing just what amount of insane firepower was needed to bring them down. I remember the Golden Company battle having some people complain that the undead were useless due to their heavy losses until I made a statistic that clearly showed how we lost basically just easily replaced chaff, while the enemy was hemorrhaging high-CR dragons and casters. Same with the Black Brutes suffering one loss and one near-loss against the elephants, which sounded unimpressive, but taking down even one brute takes nearly 300 HP of damage. These things can survive direct canon fire. The other category of creatures who are this resilient are high-level Outsiders and Adult+ Dragons.

So, no. I don't think the CR cap needs raising. What we need more is a bit of PC / High-CR Gribbly vs. Forged Creature combat that is given proper stage time instead of using them mainly as props in the background of PC fights. This is especially egregious when we send out someone mid-level like Valeana to lead a force containing multiple CR 15 creatures that utterly eclipse her in power, but the narrative focus is solely on her, not just as the leader, but also as the most prominent fighter. (I don't remember this happening explicitely with Valeana, but it did happen repeatedly with different characters. One of the most egregious example is Slavery Bay, where the narrative nearly exclusively revolves around PCs while we constantly have extremely murderous creatures assigned there.)

The one exception there is, in my perception, the Myrkdreki, since I wrote some omakes where they prominently fought side-by-side with high-level PCs. In the recent Iron Isles fight, they even did give direct and meaningful backup to main-party grade fights.
I mean, it isn't like more than five people total take part in those discussions anyway.
If stuff will have lower entry point for everyone else to discuss stuff - all the better.

Which I think is part of the problem, since the only people who talk about the stuff are engaged with the complex systems already we don't see how opaque they would be to new comers, so I'd like to send out a question to some of our more causal readers, I know we have been getting new readers recently.

What do you guys think needs changing in the turn actions to make them more accessible? I wound like to see some outside the bubble thoughts on this.
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I remember making the exact same arguments at Azel.
About 2 years ago.
And then I began to do the turnvotes, to try an expedite the discussion that was becoming too unwieldy to do in-thread.

By now, it would be outright impossible to do it "the ole way".
And even doing the smaller part of the whole, RAs and Hero Actions, it takes me days to throw everything together.

Frankly, the thing is bloated beyond belief.
I can't even begin comprehending all the monthly infrastructure, army and economy stuff, for handling which Crake Azel and Fishie have endless kudos.

We need to cut off some of the bloat, and if restructuring is what it takes... then it is what it takes. 🤷

I mean, it isn't like more than five people total take part in those discussions anyway.
If stuff will have lower entry point for everyone else to discuss stuff - all the better.
Frankly, I barely do stuff these days. Before my longer hiatus from the thread, I basically ran turn-vote, infrastructure, army and economy solo. Back then I already noticed the bloat, but others did not want to mess with the system yet again, so I could not reform it at that point.

When I came back, Crake had taken over the strategic part of the turn-vote and the economy, you did the PC part of the turn-vote and Goldfish kept, as it is ancient custom, running the crafting. By now I've only taken the military part back from Crake. Otherwise, my involvement is minimal.
Frankly, I barely do stuff these days. Before my longer hiatus from the thread, I basically ran turn-vote, infrastructure, army and economy solo. Back then I already noticed the bloat, but others did not want to mess with the system yet again, so I could not reform it at that point.

When I came back, Crake had taken over the strategic part of the turn-vote and the economy, you did the PC part of the turn-vote and Goldfish kept, as it is ancient custom, running the crafting. By now I've only taken the military part back from Crake. Otherwise, my involvement is minimal.
Eh, military stuff is still comparable to all of PC-actions.

And that's before we get into how bad I am at phrasing goals for stuff, and keep throwing stuff your way and bullying you into writing up stuff for Slavers Bay/Qohor/Sarnor, etc.
What do you guys think needs changing in the turn actions to make them more accessible? I wound like to see some outside the bubble thoughts on this.

This might be a bit of an oversimplification of the system you guys created, but we can just condense it to the 6 important actions: Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue, Reasearch, and Personal.

Edit: I'll also be honest, I don't even look at the Realm Google Doc Sheet anymore. That shit is confusing for me.
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The only part of the Realm Sheet I look at is the Scholarum system and the I N F R A S T R U C T U R E tab. And I'm not opposed to completely revamping the Scholarum system if you want. It's my baby, but it's also a fairly useless baby.
I do look at all the sheets, but not perhaps as often as I should. When I need say a battle mage I just looks if such exists at the level I want, I don't consider their population density or how uncommon they would be in any particular place. Same with the infrastructure. I look at it to see what the general state of the province is, but I do not worry that much over the strict state of the numbers other than when I am doing end of turn reports. Given what information I actually use I think summarizing stuff for ease of use and access including of new readers would be a good idea. Ultimately all a lot of the economic infrastructure minutia does is dictate how much gold you guys have. When was the last time you all worried about the income or were limited by it?

So yeah I think a mana system that allows us to focus more on other resources, like how many mages, or spies or soldiers you can send over would be a really good idea.
The only part of the Realm Sheet I look at is the Scholarum system and the I N F R A S T R U C T U R E tab. And I'm not opposed to completely revamping the Scholarum system if you want. It's my baby, but it's also a fairly useless baby.
I honestly think that the system is pretty decent, but it's not used with the necessary focus and ultimately too granular for the scope we work at.

If this was "Mage Order Quest" it would do fine.
I do look at all the sheets, but not perhaps as often as I should. When I need say a battle mage I just looks if such exists at the level I want, I don't consider their population density or how uncommon they would be in any particular place. Same with the infrastructure. I look at it to see what the general state of the province is, but I do not worry that much over the strict state of the numbers other than when I am doing end of turn reports. Given what information I actually use I think summarizing stuff for ease of use and access including of new readers would be a good idea. Ultimately all a lot of the economic infrastructure minutia does is dictate how much gold you guys have. When was the last time you all worried about the income or were limited by it?

So yeah I think a mana system that allows us to focus more on other resources, like how many mages, or spies or soldiers you can send over would be a really good idea.
I suspected as much after that time you had a hedge mage who manages our factories blown up somewhere in the boonies. :p
So, talking as someone, who binged the Quest in several sessions (which still took hours every day, over several weeks. This Quest is longer than Reading the Harry Potter Series four times in a row) i am kind of stumped for the System. I can't really see you guys get stopped by most things anymore. The Rest of the Quest is more like map painting and hissing the Flag of the Imperium over Planetos, before you go off to beat the Shit out of the Others, the Ilithids and Hell. You have several Gods on your side and use them as Devil/Deamon Fuelled Divine Artillery. You have a God as a Whish Machine. You have Munchkind pretty much everything. Angels and Devils make Pacts with YOU. Conquering Westeros is like coming home from work and relaxing on the Couch.

You engange in Medieval Style Battles, while you have Space Ships and Jetfighters with Multidimensional Jump Drives and are about to built AN AFTERLIFE. I am surprised that DP even finds more Challenges for you.

If you want more People to plan things for the Quest, just use a Simple System like CK2. Something where you don't have to study Excel Sheets for two hours, before you know what is even happening anymore. (Or trying to reread 4.8 Million Words to remember everything that happened)
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The length is not really something I can help, but yeah it's clear the system needs to be updated to something quick and easier to work. Much as I love some of the characters if might also be time to zoom out from interludes a bit too so we can move faster onto the end game that is Winter.
Wait, Winter was supposed to be the Endgame? hindsight, the fact I genuinely asked that speaks for itself.
The length is not really something I can help, but yeah it's clear the system needs to be updated to something quick and easier to work. Much as I love some of the characters if might also be time to zoom out from interludes a bit too so we can move faster onto the end game that is Winter.

I love the World Building you did and the Character Arcs that came with it. Seeing Viserys grow from a little Lvl 1 Sorcerer to the Monster he is now. The Length is okay with me, because i actually like reading. Just trying to decide something is hard. I see the Planners juggling a lot of things and Characters at the same time. Cutting the Interludes down a little would help. I noticed that they interfered with the flow of Major Story Points sometimes with a jarring scene change, just when things where about to get interesting.
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Narratively yes. Way back I had also considered retaking Westeros as the possible end game but now that we are actually here I do not think I need to explain to anyone why that is not the case anymore.
Yeah, sorry, neither Winter, nor the Void behind it, work as the Big Bad for us so far.

Even the Hellven barely shown Void like one.
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Yeah, sorry, neither Winter, nor the Void behind it, work as the Big Bad for us so far.

Even the Hellven hasn't shown Void off like one.

That is the lack of focus I think. I would expand on this, but it would go into spoiler territory for things I have been considering for years, but which never seemed to be at the right time because there was this or that to handle. A more top down view will help me focus more on major story beats I think.
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That is the lack of focus I think. I would expand on this, but it would go into spoiler territory for things I have been considering for years, but which never seemed to be at the tight time because there was this or that to handle. A more top down view will help me focus more on major story beats I think.

While reading trough the Story, i got the Following Impressions:

1. The Lannisters and King Robert were the Big Bad at the Start. That changed when you guys beat the Fleet commanded by Stannis Baratheon.
2. The Scope of it all changed when you made the Nexus, which opened the Way to the other Planes of Existence. It seems to me like Planetos is more of a Sideshow, which is used to prepare for the Main Events, like the War against the City of Brass.
3. Hell. They are more like Tourists and Mischief Makers than real trouble. Slavers Bay is just... not good at presenting a tangible threat.
4. Beating Entities like Tiamat. It is a great Story piece, even great for the growth of several Characters, BUT it takes from the setting. Where do you go, when you are done beating up gods for their Power? It is hard to escalate from there and still keep the Viewpoint of the Story on just a few PCs.
5. The Horror that Heaven no longer exists and that Axis (the Whole Order of the Spheres) itself depends and runs on Evil now and that Devils, Demons and Undead can just casually strole trough the Planes of Positive Energy. Who even keeps the Lords of Hell and the Pit in check anymore?
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For One Point, i could even imagine that such a Cosmic Inbalance would have an Effect on all Beings inside said Cosmos. While the Good Guys are not totally gone, it would darken every Soul by the swelling Powers of Evil and Negativity. (It could also handily explain, why so many People behave in such dickish ways)

It is something to keep in mind for the Big Picture of the Quest Setting.
For One Point, i could even imagine that such a Cosmic Inbalance would have an Effect on all Beings inside said Cosmos. While Good is not totally gone, it would darken every Soul by swelling Powers of Evil and Negativity. (It could also handily explain, why so many People behave in such dickish ways)

It is something to keep in mind for the Big Picture of the Quest Setting.

I mean look at ASOIAF. Does that looks like a world that is just, kind or forgiving? Do the good get their just rewards and the wicked their just deserts?
Another option in regards to crafting would be to streamline that process as well. Abstract away the bulk of the crafting, baring extra special stuff such as Lya making high-powered artifacts, so that instead of having to account for every nitty gritty detail of enchanting, we also just throw "1 point of Enchanting Capacity" at something.

It would make things both easier for us (specialty enchanting like Constructs would be less bottle-necked, due to interchangeable capacity points) and harder (likely to overspend for many things due to less precise resource allocation).

The first part can be largely explained away as finally getting some rituals to work that can replicate things like the Myrish Glassblowers Guild does for Glass Golems or how Dragonpens can self-replicate. It would be narratively congruent if it is just off-handedly mentioned over the coming months without drawing attention to the system change being the actual source. On the other side, we could just abstract away the enchanting for a Legion as "requires 2 EC" while a new Dauntless costs "50 EC" and some infrastructure project that uses magic needs "1 EC". It would free us up from having to track individual Braziers, Mirror Vision Mirrors and all that stuff and get us to a point where people other than Goldfish can propose things that require crafting time.

I'm also strongly considering to cap the Forges capacity to remove the incentive to dump any extraneous resources into them to churn out macro-units of forged creatures to replace our entire military. The new system I'm thinking of would strongly incentivice this.
I'm all for summarizing the overly-detailed crafting along with everything else.
I would rather not try to dumb down the crafting process. That's only making a change for the sake of change. No one else has to handle it because I take care of that aspect of the quest. It's also something I enjoy doing. And while I take care of it, I certainly do not control it to the point where others can't participate. I add stuff to the crafting schedule that other people suggest all the time. Actually, most of what gets crafted each month is at the request of others, you especially.

We are definitely not "bottle-necked" on making anything except for stuff we simply don't have the ability to create. The only thing like a bottleneck is crafting capacity itself, and that wouldn't change in any new kind of system we might setup, it would just get a different name. If we direct most of our capacity to the Air Force, of course there is going to be less resources to craft Constructs, and vice versa, or if we decide to equip 500+ Praetorians in one month, then ships and Constructs both suffer.

If I fall over dead or get run over by a bus tomorrow and ya'll don't see me around here anymore, feel free to revamp crafting, but in the meantime, leave me my simple pleasures, okay?

As for the Forges, however, I would support a reasonable cap on them, along with Undead production, so long as trying to implement it doesn't fly in the face of what we've previously created in similar time frames.
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I mean look at ASOIAF. Does that looks like a world that is just, kind or forgiving? Do the good get their just rewards and the wicked their just deserts?

No. It does look like a Parody of Medieval Times with an unrealistic Cycle of Seasons.

8000 years of history... more like 8000 years of Near Stasis. (Some things actually happened)

I am not even talking about the TV Series, which is made up of naked people, puking and murder.
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