This would be a great opportunity for the Praetorians to display their skills and tactics, though. Rather than trying to destroy the Golems, we should be aiming to kill or capture the mages controlling them.

The Praetorians all carry Sleep-Smoke and Smokesticks. They don't even need to hit the flying mages with the stuff. They can just set it off and task a bunch of Large Air Elementals to direct it at the flying mages. Even if they're protected from the Sleep-Smoke, they will still have their vision obscured while being harried by the Elementals. That would allow the Praetorians within range of a given mage, at least those not actively kiting the Golems, to focus fire on the mages using Fungal Stun Vials, explosive munitions, and regular bolts.
The effect of the Smokesticks explicitly dissipates in even light wind, so I would assume that an Air Elemental could not successfully pull that off. The question is how precisely the sticks work. Do they explode like a smoke grenade or are they more incredibly noxious incens sticks? If it's the former, they could just be fired at the spheres to cloud them. If it's the latter, then that only works if we assume that they stick.

Same issue with the sleep-smoke. If we can fire it as impact munitions, it's fine, if not, no dice.
@DragonParadox, could a Large Air Elemental carry a Praetorian? If so, how fast could they move? They're Large-sized with a Strength of 14, so a their maximum Heavy Load would be 350 pounds.

They normally have a flight speed of 100 with Perfect maneuverability.
didn't DP retcon the bubbles becouse yeah it made no sense we wouldn't know?
there is no invulnerability globes anymore
I detest retcons.
@DragonParadox, could a Large Air Elemental carry a Praetorian? If so, how fast could they move? They're Large-sized with a Strength of 14, so a their maximum Heavy Load would be 350 pounds.

They normally have a flight speed of 100 with Perfect maneuverability.
Whatever you are up to, please do not. This plan is patently insane. The Praetori have ranged weapons for a reason.
Zhisnos realized that each of the enemy wizards had a ring of adamantine floating in front of their bubbles and the magic was coming out of those instead of flying out of the shields themselves. That was a bit better since it left something to shoot at that wasn't impregnable magic, but on the other hand it sure as shit wasn't flesh and blood.

Did you intent to leave this sentence with your Retcon? Because it reads like they still have those shields.
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Whatever you are up to, please do not. This plan is patently insane. The Praetori have ranged weapons for a reason.
Just a thought, wasn't actually part of what I was planning.
Can they fly with a heavy load? I seem to recall a flier can't have more than a light load, but maybe that is just for things that use wings.
What about the opposite? Rather than trying to lift someone, they instead try to drag them down to the ground? A Fly spell is much slower than an Air Elemental and has a much lower weight limit. A Large Air Elemental should be able to easily exert more force than the spell could cope with.
A battle we'd have likely span several updates, with player-people just getting more and more bitter to any complications because "should've retreated while still could".

And losing valuable man-meat to, essentialy, hubris.

I think the Praetorian commanding structure is better than that.
Fair point.
Vote deleted for now.
[] Plan Why Are We Doing This
-[] The wounded stay in cover and away from the golems, using solely their Launchers.
-[] The healthy Praetori also stay in cover, but further inside the room so that the golems, if something goes wrong, attack them instead of the wounded.
-[] 9 of the Praetori fire a spread of 3 Explosive Rounds (8d6 damage each), 3 Sleep-Smoke Shells and 3 Fungal Stun Vials at the flying mages, trying their best to affect at least two mages with every shell.
--[] Explosive Round: 8d6 Piercing & Bludgeoning damage in a 15 foot blast radius (DC 20 Reflex save for half damage), 2d6 Piercing damage (DC 15 Reflex save for half damage) in an area between 15 (4.5 m) and 30 feet (9 m) from the blast.
-[] 6 of the Praetori fire Liquid Ice at the Hasted golems.
-[] 6 Praetori ready an action to fire Liquid Ice at any golems that are hasted again by the casters.
-[] 9 of the Praetori throw their Explosive Bombs at the golems, making sure to stay far enough away that they can't be reached by them.
--[] Explosive Bomb: 20d6 Piercing & Bludgeoning damage in a 40 foot (12 m) blast radius (DC 20 Reflex save for half damage), 5d6 Piercing damage (DC 15 Reflex save for half damage) in an area between 40 (12 m) and 80 (24.25 m) feet from the blast, 1d6 Piercing damage (DC 12 Reflex save to avoid damage) in an area between 80 (24.25 m) and 120 feet (36.5 m) from the blast
-[] 10 of the Praetori use their Elemental Gems to summon Earth Elementals before the golems to stop them from charging

I do not support this plan, but if people insist on fighting this, then this would be the best option.

Edit: Explosive Bombs:
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Here's what I've got for a plan, ya'll. I'm not going to try to dictate every maneuver for the Praetorians, but to instead just lay down an action plan, one which should allow them to largely avoid the Golems entirely while taking advantage of their greater numbers and the variety of equipment we've given them.

[] Plan A Golden Opportunity
-[] The Praetorians will spread out to take advantage of the terrain, making it more difficult for the flying mages to hit groups of them with AoE spells, while avoiding engaging the Gold Golems in direct combat.
--[] At the earliest opportunity, they will each use an Elemental Gem to Summon a Large Air, Earth, or Water Elemental (depending on what they have available). If they have additional Gems, they will use them the next time they have a good opportunity to do so, adding their weight to the fight.
---[] Earth Elementals will be tasked with engaging the Gold Golems in combat to give the Praetorians breathing room to maneuver.
---[] Water Elementals will not try to fight the Golems directly, but will instead move to use their Drench ability to Dispel the magical fire effects which are Hasting them.
---[] Air Elementals will harry the mages to the best of their ability, seeking them out as quickly as possible to grapple and drag them down to the ground where they would be more vulnerable to the Praetorians. If any Sleep-Smoke, Fungal Stun Vials, or other munitions are fired at the mages, the Air Elementals will attempt to guide the projectiles and resulting effects (such as the soporific smoke) to better affect the mages.
--[] The Praetorians will avoid coming to blows with the Golems, kiting them around the chamber. The Golems can only attempt to attack a single target at any given time, after all.
---[] Instead, they will use Tanglefoot Bags and Liquid Ice munitions to Entangle the Golems, reduce their movement speed making it easier to avoid them, and potentially even temporarily adhering them to the floor.
---[] Those Praetorians not directly involved in kiting or hindering a Golem will focus their attention on the flying mages. They will be targeted with Fungal Stun Vials, Sleep-Smoke, Thunderstones, explosive munitions (8d6 damage), and regular bolts (3d8+4 damage). The goal is to not only prevent the mages from casting as much as possible, but also to bring them down to the ground where they can be attacked more conventionally.
---[] When there isn't a convenient mage to target or a Praetorian sees a good opportunity, such as a Golem being temporarily immobilized, they will target them with explosive munitions or regular bolts, depending on the proximity of his or her allies.
-[] If the mages manage to outlast the Elementals the Praetorians have available, or the battle looks unwinnable (in this case the mages cannot be successfully targeted and brought down), the Praetorian commander will call for an organized retreat, which will include using their large explosive bombs to cover their retreat, possibly collapse the entrance to the throne room, and inflict further damage to the Golems.
-[] If the mages are defeated, the Praetorian commander will determine whether or not to continue fighting the Golems based on their remaining resources and casualties.
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@Goldfish, your yakety sax plan breaks down the moment that any of the Lannister mages throws an Entangle or Grease and then we are straight at people getting butchered.

Either we do this move by move or we don't do it at all, because slight errors and this whole thing turns into a massacre.
@Goldfish, your yakety sax plan breaks down the moment that any of the Lannister mages throws an Entangle or Grease and then we are straight at people getting butchered.

Either we do this move by move or we don't do it at all, because slight errors and this whole thing turns into a massacre.
I still think they could bring the mages down, but you're right that it wouldn't take much interference on the mages' part to impede the Praetorians enough that they would probably start suffering unnecessarily high casualties.

[X] Azel
I still think they could bring the mages down, but you're right that it wouldn't take much interference on the mages' part to impede the Praetorians enough that they would probably start taking unnecessarily high casualties.

[X] Azel
The other problem is that your speed considerations are off. The Praetori would have to stay at least 135 ft. away from the golems at all times, because a Hasted golem would charge 120 ft. and has 10 ft. Reach. That's simply unrealistic with that many of them around and as long as there is at least one mage alive, any golem can be Hasted as a swift.
The other problem is that your speed considerations are off. The Praetori would have to stay at least 135 ft. away from the golems at all times, because a Hasted golem would charge 120 ft. and has 10 ft. Reach. That's simply unrealistic with that many of them around and as long as there is at least one mage alive, any golem can be Hasted as a swift.
It would have required distraction from Earth Elementals while people spread out combined with the the debuff from Tanglefoot Bags or Liquid Ice, or the Water Elementals Drenching the fire runes, to make it manageable.

Too many moving parts and too easy to throw a monkey wrench in the works, so to speak, so retreat is probably the best course of action here.
It would have required distraction from Earth Elementals while people spread out combined with the the debuff from Tanglefoot Bags or Liquid Ice, or the Water Elementals Drenching the fire runes, to make it manageable.

Too many moving parts and too easy to throw a monkey wrench in the works, so to speak, so retreat is probably the best course of action here.
Tarpiting them would work better, but with only 2 Liquid Ice vials per Praetori and part of them likely already spent, the free haste effect makes even that non-viable. The elementals would not realistically survive a full-attack from a golem, so if they are not staggered, the elemental is guaranteed to be toast in one round. That means you lose one elemental per non-staggered golem per round plus whatever the mages do.