No, no, that would actually be a halfway decent tactic. We can't expect that sort of thing from the Lannisters, now can we? They've not done anything particularly impressive thus far, that's for sure. OTOH, would they even have access to Rhaegar's body?
No, no, that would actually be a halfway decent tactic. We can't expect that sort of thing from the Lannisters, now can we? They've not done anything particularly impressive thus far, that's for sure. OTOH, would they even have access to Rhaegar's body?
They don't need his body.
Wish or Miracle can restore a corpse, so you can raise it with another spell.
Or True Resurrection can just straight up work without a corpse.
If somebody ressed Rhaegar, would he serve as a vector for a bloodline curse to be used on Viserys or do those only work parents<->children? Like that curse we used on psychic girls old body the deep ones had, or the other one on Tor (OldTor, not NewTor). Or do those sorts of curses only work with a piece of somebody's body rather than a sympathetic link like a family member?
If somebody ressed Rhaegar, would he serve as a vector for a bloodline curse to be used on Viserys or do those only work parents<->children? Like that curse we used on psychic girls old body the deep ones had, or the other one on Tor (OldTor, not NewTor). Or do those sorts of curses only work with a piece of somebody's body rather than a sympathetic link like a family member?
Rhaegar was cremated as per Targaryen tradition and his ashes would have been interned in the Sept of Baelor. Robert would have ordered it dumped into the sea.
Tiamat would be the one doing the ressurecting if ever, and I don't see Tywin ever bowing to her like that.
Vote closed. This might take a bit longer than usual I'm a bit busy IRL.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Mar 3, 2021 at 5:32 AM, finished with 123 posts and 13 votes.
[X] Take possession of the Red Keep and deal with Tygett Lannister
-[X] Lead the procession to the Red Keep to take control of it, as planned, coincidentally leading the people from the city's religious center to the symbol of secular authority.
-[X] Mentally earmark the Dragonpit to be turned into an Arena when the reconstruction efforts begin, using the existing catacombs for stage machinery. It will also, obviously, house the first Mirror Vision device of the city.
[X] Lead the procession to the Red Keep to take control of it, as planned, coincidentally leading the people from the city's religious center to the symbol of secular authority.
Even after all the otherworldly realms you have stepped upon under alien skies and endless oceans, in caverns deep and halls lost by time, there is something faintly surreal about leading a procession from the slopes of Visenya's Hill, down the Street of Seeds east towards the Blackwater and the looming shadow of the Red Keep, like a many-pronged crown upon the hill that bears a king's name. In the reflected light of the moon and the coronas that still shine from the Wyverns which had taken up patrol patterns it is easy to pick out the parts of the city that had fallen under Legion control already.
Well, 'fallen' might be a bit of and overstatement, that would imply someone had to push them over the edge. The Gold Cloaks were quite savvy enough in the ways of the world to loudly proclaim their new loyalty as soon as they realized that the black-armored men and women coming down the street are part of an army and not some smaller company.
Lannister gold may hang heavy in the coin purse, but only so long as the threat of Lannister blades can also be felt at their throats. In their absence it suddenly becomes light as a feather and easily tucked away for a rainy day. It is not, after all, as though the traitors liable to lose their heads will ever have a chance to recount who they had bribed and how, or so at least you imagine they hope. In truth the Inquisition presence in the city already has a listing of those officers who really should not be holding any sort of power as well as those who could be investigated at the earliest convenience of the Lawmen since it is unlikely their proclivities are liable to change with the banner atop the keep.
From up ahead you hear the unmistakable sound of stone crashing on stone and of splintering wood the ground quakes beneath your feet. The Red Keep it seems will not pass peacefully into your hands as you had more than half expected it to. You quicken your pace even as the more hesitant members of the crowd, parents with young children, the old and the sick, start to peel off and head down side streets. Still most of the crowd stays with you caught up in the promise of a better tomorrow. That promise does not include the risk of being fodder in some battle of steel and sorcery, poisoned, shot, or blown apart.
You raise a hand for the crowd to stop, looking for the High Septon. "I think this is a far as most of the folk here should come, Holiness. I do not want to risk spilling innocent blood today for no cause."
For his part the priest commends your wisdom, though he is clearly more worried about the battle ahead than the men and women walking behind you. King's Landing is a crowded city with homes going all the way up to the foot of Aegon's Hill, and any fighting that might spill down the slope could all too easily set afire the homes there.
"The Legion has been commanded to keep a perimeter around the keep while there is fighting." You hesitate a moment. "They likely were not able to get all the folk there to evacuate their homes, circumstances being as unsettled as they are, but they will be prepared to react to any emergency in good time."
Thus you make your final approach to the Keep shaken by explosions and marked by thin plumes of flame in the company of naught but your Companions, the young chosen of the Warrior, and the High Septon who still hopes to be able to reason with those inside and call for their surrender.
As your path crosses the charmingly named Pigrun Alley, thankfully bereft of its nominally most famous residents at this hour, a small group of Legion officers approaches you, their salutes accompanied by the clink of steel on steel. "There was heavy fighting in the keep, not Gold Cloaks but Red, Lannister men through and through with some of their Golden Shields at the ready with wand and scroll. Some of the tunnels were known to them so they were waiting in ambush, but intelligence from the diviners warned the Praetorians to mark those off. A tunnel leading into the holdfast was wholly unguarded allowing the Praetorians to get in behind the defenses. There were a couple of roof collapses from what we have heard over the brazier, but nothing that could do more than blunt the advance..."
As you are about to answer, you feel the stones under your feet shift... shatter. Even as you shout the words to make it time itself twist and bend to your will, you can smell the acrid reek of super-heated alchemical admixtures that are just beginning to expand from the explosion that would likely have killed the officers and soldiers.
Each explosion does 10d6 damage (half fire and half bludgeoning) in a 30 ft radius. The Damage is halved in a 60 ft radius. DC 18 Reflex halves either.
There are seven which will kindle under the feet of the legionnaires.
Viserys and the Companions are under the effect of Maximized Mythic Time Stop.
One round has been used to figure out what is about to blow.
What do you do?
[] Write in
OOC: Edits done, there are still mines and whoever set them off waited for Viserys and company to get there, but now the only people in harm's way are the legionnaires. The Praetorians of course are helping to take the Red Keep.
If the bludgeoning damage wasn't there I had half a mind to Shadow of the Doom the entire place and then depetrify the statues one by one. But as is the statues would just shatter.
Clever cats, those Lannisters. @DragonParadox, do we also use mines? I would like to start using them too.
If the bludgeoning damage wasn't there I had half a mind to Shadow of the Doom the entire place and then depetrify the statues one by one. But as is the statues would just shatter.
Clever cats, those Lannisters. @DragonParadox, do we also use mines? I would like to start using them too.
The limit on this is 153,000 to keep 9th Level spells.
[X] Use an Unchained Miracle and make the entire attack vanish, with the residual energy channeled toward keeping the streets from collapsing.
-[X] Clarion Call to the Keep that whoever ordered that will wish they had considered surrender.
I'd prefer to avoid burning 5k XP on this. @Crake, I've got a much easier solution: cast Fabricate on the ground, Animate Object the resulting slab of floor, and cast Temporal Stasis on the animated object (Temporal Stasis can't affect inanimate objects, but IIRC an Animated Object is a creature with the Construct type). It's now indestructible and fixed in place, negating the effect for now. Then we can have people move away, and use Titan's Tools to shore up the foundations tomorrow.
@DragonParadox, am I envisioning the area correctly? Is this possible?
Otherwise we could maybe create blast shields + new floor from material from our cloak,if we have enough.
I'd prefer to avoid burning 5k XP on this. @Crake, I've got a much easier solution: cast Fabricate on the ground, Animate Object the resulting slab of floor, and cast Temporal Stasis on it. It's now indestructible and fixed in place, negating the effect for now. Then we can have people move away, and use Titan's Tools to shore up the foundations tomorrow.