only thing i know more terrifying than Teletbbies and Thomas is Mr. Blobby. never watched it due to living in a diferent country but good god man

What the hell is that thing? I take back everything bad I ever said about Barney. He is a beacon of wholesomeness by comparison.
Holy crap, it looks like Pennywise from It mated with a punching bag...

I'm already not very fond of clowns, but damn, that's messed up.
...Lord Almighty Up Above, Grant me Strength for I have none, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!

Buddy, you got some fucked up telly shows.
I deeply regret that google search.
What kind of deranged serial killer decided that this was a good kids show character?
i don't i'm Dutch. that monstosity they call mr. Blobby is from the UK
The kind of TV executives who make decisions for children's television programs.
Welcome to British children's TV it's great practise for repressing things in later life.
*Googles Mr Blobby*

Holy shit, what on earth is that? I feel that it is an inspiration for that scp that only moves when you blink and breaks necks.

Fortunately I grew up with Blue's Clues and Dora the Explorer. They were dumb, but only that. (Do not think of the cooking implements being sentient and used to eat)
Vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Mar 2, 2021 at 12:34 PM, finished with 77 posts and 16 votes.
Part MMMDCCL: Of Faith and Favor
Of Faith and Favor

Thirtieth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC

You had expected surprises when you set off from the Deep, you had been less than hopeful that those surprises would be pleasant. Especially not here. You had chosen the place as a challenge to the High Septon. You did not expect the man who took part in the resolution of the Conclave of Oldtown to simply walk up and offer you his support. Granted, in this as in other matters, what you desire is far more than what Aegon obtained, but given the company the man is in perhaps that is not so far off...

A glance at Brienne of Tarth, most recent champion of the Warrior, finds her armed and armored as befits her station and her calling, and still bearing the talisman you had left for her as a parting gift. Her gaze is far more focused than most here, and she does not seem the least surprised to have found you here, not that you had expected her to be. Given what magic her father is likely to have access to you would judge the most likely way for her to be here would be divine intervention.

You turn back to the High Septon and with an outstretched hand offer plainly: "Will you join me, then?"

"You know you sound like a devil?" Maelor sends across the spell of silent speech that binds all of your Companions present as well as the captain of the Dauntless. "Don't look too different from one in the right light either."

Consciously smoothing out the smile that would be out of place in such a moment, you add, "On this beautiful night, the people shall bear witness to the joyful promise of the new era. They should see that the Faith too follows the Imperium into this bright future."

The crowd holds its breath, the air heavy with the weight of things unsaid. You are offering subordination, yes, just as you had for the septons in the Deep, but you are also offering a chance for the current hierarchy of the Faith to survive under your rule rather than be replaced. That is not entirely to your advantage, but you play the cards you are dealt and in this case it was Temperance over the Chariot.

"There is one in our keeping whose fate I would assure myself of before I say yea or nay," speaks the man who is at least institutionally the Voice of the Seven Who Are One.

"The boy Joffrey Waters?" you ask. It is a reasonable question and he had said fate not safety, so he is not implying you would kill him to remove a pretender to the throne. The fact that he is still in the keeping of the Faith rather than returned to his great-uncle in the Red Keep speaks volumes for how little weight 'king' Joffrey truly has.

The High Septon nods.

"I bear him no ill will for the circumstances of his birth are no fault of his," you reply honestly enough, leaving silent the matter that you had ordered both his parents' deaths and at least laid the groundwork for blaming the Faith for it should it have become convenient. "He will be watched of course, but he will be allowed to live his life in peace and comfort."

A soft sigh passes the septon's lips, and you know the shape of the nature of the words he will speak then if not quite the shape of them. "Then as the highest steward of the Faith in this place and in this hour I accept your proposal."

It only occurs to you a moment later among the cheers of the crowd ring out across the square and shake the stained glass windows of the Great Sept that in making Joffrey Waters' safety their condition for accepting your rule in public the High Septon had blunted any rumor that may have spread about the Faith engineering the destruction of the Small Council. Whatever else he may be the man before you is not without courtly acumen.

What next?

[] Destroy the Dragonpit, that thing is an eyesore and Balerion would likely enjoy seeing it torn down, also its breaking would be a very public break with the errors of the past, with which the citizens of King's Landing are all too familiar

[] Take possession of the Red Keep and deal with Tygett Lannister

[] Write in

OOC: Viserys is referencing tarot cards in the update, they are not magical or anything, but it is a game played throughout Western Essos.
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Please let us find the Eldritch Abomination.

Please let us find the Eldritch Abomination.

On a side note, @DragonParadox, the Citadel was famous for having a Glass Candle. Qyburn and Archmaester Marwyn delivered the Citadel to us on a silver platter. Can we get a look at our new Glass Candle?
Is there a spell/ritual to banish the stink of King's Landing? Because IMO that would be a more impressive action than nearly anything else to demonstrate that there is a new sheriff in town. ;)
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[] Destroy the Dragonpit, that thing is an eyesore and Balerion would likely enjoy seeing it torn down, also its breaking would be a very public break with the errors of the past, with which the citizens of King's Landing are all too familiar
Nice, but we already have this planned out, and that can wait.

[X] Lead the procession to the Red Keep to take control of it, as planned, coincidentally leading the people from the city's religious center to the symbol of secular authority.
[X] Take possession of the Red Keep and deal with Tygett Lannister
-[X] Lead the procession to the Red Keep to take control of it, as planned, coincidentally leading the people from the city's religious center to the symbol of secular authority.
-[X] Mentally earmark the Dragonpit to be turned into an Arena when the reconstruction efforts begin, using the existing catacombs for stage machinery. It will also, obviously, house the first Mirror Vision device of the city.

Just to be clear. Wasn't Tygett the one who believes us to be Azor Ahai? Or will he be presented to us in chains by the Praetori?
[X] Azel

In olan we trust.

Eldritch abomination will (maybe) come later.
Not like we are even aware of it IC.
Of Faith and Favor

Thirtieth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC

You had expected surprises when you set off from the Deep, but you had been less than hopeful that those surprises would be pleasant. Especially not here. You had chosen the place as a challenge to the High Septon. You did not expect the man who took part in the resolution of the Conclave of Oldtown to simply walk up and offer you his support. Granted, in this as in other matters, what you desire is far more than what Aegon obtained, but given the company the man is in, perhaps that is not so far off...

A glance at Brienne of Tarth, most recent champion of the Warrior, finds her armed and armored as befits her station and her calling, and still bearing the talismans you had left for her as a parting gift. Her gaze is far more focused than most here, and she does not seem the least surprised to have found you here, not that you had expected her to be. Given what little magic her father is likely to have access to, you would judge the most likely way for her to be here would be divine intervention.

You turn back to the High Septon and with an outstretched hand offer plainly, "Will you join me, then?"

"You know you sound like a devil?" Maelor sends across with the spell of silent speech that binds all of your Companions present as well as the captain of the Dauntless. "Don't look too different from one in the right light, either."

Consciously smoothing out the smile that would be out of place in such a moment, you add, "On this beautiful night, the people shall bear witness to the joyful promise of the new era. They should see that the Faith too follows the Imperium into this bright future."

The crowd holds its breath, the air heavy with the weight of things unsaid. You are offering subordination, yes, just as you had for the septons in the Deep, but you are also offering a chance for the current hierarchy of the Faith to survive under your rule rather than be replaced. That is not entirely to your advantage, but you play the cards you are dealt, and in this case it was Temperance over the Chariot.

"There is one in our keeping whose fate I would assure myself of before I say yea or nay," speaks the man who is at least institutionally the Voice of the Seven Who Are One.

"The boy, Joffrey Waters?" you ask. It is a reasonable question and he had said Fate not safety, so he is not implying you would kill him to remove a pretender to the throne. The fact that he is still in the keeping of the Faith rather than returned to his great-uncle in the Red Keep speaks volumes for how little weight 'king' Joffrey truly has.

The High Septon nods.

"I bear him no ill will, for the circumstances of his birth are no fault of his," you reply honestly enough, leaving silent the matter that you had ordered both his parents' deaths and at least laid the groundwork for blaming the Faith for it should it have become convenient. "He will be watched, of course, but he will be allowed to live his life in peace and comfort."

A soft sigh passes the septon's lips, and you know the nature of the words he will speak then, if not quite the shape of them. "Then as the highest steward of the Faith in this place and in this hour, I accept your proposal."

It only occurs to you a moment later, as the cheers of the crowd ring out across the square and shake the stained glass windows of the Great Sept, that in making Joffrey Waters' safety their condition for accepting your rule in public, the High Septon had blunted any rumor that may have spread about the Faith engineering the destruction of the Small Council. Whatever else he may be, the man before you is not without courtly acumen.

What next?

[] Destroy the Dragonpit, that thing is an eyesore and Balerion would likely enjoy seeing it torn down, also its breaking would be a very public break with the errors of the past, with which the citizens of King's Landing are all too familiar

[] Take possession of the Red Keep and deal with Tygett Lannister

[] Write in

OOC: Viserys is referencing tarot cards in the update, they are not magical or anything, but it is a game played throughout Western Essos.
Made a few additional edits to the chapter, DP.