For all the pyros in the thread, here's a quick update for our current stockpile of incendiaries. Eventually I'm going to sit down and come up with a series of Hellfire (Wildfire-based) and Inferno (Alchemist's Fire-based) Munitions which combines all of them into one beautiful package.
Pyre Salt - Fire inflicts double damage for 1 round.
Incendiary Catalyst - Targets gain
Vulnerability to fire for 1 round if they don't already have it. That's +50% damage.
Alchemist's Fire - All of our Alchemist's Fire is now enhanced with
Flame Clove to double its damage and duration. Reminds me that I need to update the damage/duration of effect for our standard incendiaries.
Wildfire - Needs no introductions.
Hmm, just looking at the numbers and effects, and taking into account the allowances that would need to be made to accommodate the Pyre Salt and Incendiary Catalyst, an Inferno round for a Launcher would need 7 pounds of Alchemist's Fire, 1 pound of Incendiary Catalyst, and a dose of Pyre Salt, plus the casing of course.
- Inferno Munition / Bomb #1 (10 pounds / 4.5 kg): 12d6 Fire damage (+50% damage if not already Vulnerable to Fire) to everything within 5 feet (1.5 m) of the target space and each creature must make a DC 20 Reflex saving throw or catch on fire (2d6 Fire damage per round for at least 6 rounds unless extinguished). Everything within the area between 5 (1.5 m) and 30 (9 m) feet of the target space must make a DC 20 Reflex saving throw or suffer 3d6 Fire damage, but they do not catch on fire.
Not exactly something you want to be tossing around indoors or close quarters, but this has Praetorian and Inquisition special use written all over it,
@Azel. The effective range and duration of Pyre Salt and Incendiary Catalyst is too short to make it cost effective to add them to regularly used large-scale incendiaries, though special circumstances can always arise where a limited run of enhanced bombs might be needed.