What is our Imperal policy on gay and bisexual couples?

Legal marriage? Are they allowed to adopt children?

Is polyamory legal, and if so is it restricted in anyway?

Is transgender a prevalent thing on people's mind or were there no confirmed cases yet?

Edit: Cause we need to codify these things in the near future just in case. No need for our future citizen feel they are not welcome in society.
I believe we legalized everything. Just get consent and don't mess with children and you're good.
I'm 80% sure we explicitly approved of same-sex marriage at one point. Transgender people shouldn't be an issue conceptually, as using magic to change one's body is simply a matter of skill, funds, and/or access. However, I don't think there is a state-backed policy to help people transition if they need it. We should look into that at some point.

Polyamorous relationships are also something we've encountered and not had a problem with, but again I don't remember if we've officially recognized it.
To be exact, none of our marriage law and probably very few of our other law specifies gender at all, since we have a bunch of subjects who can change theirs at will via shapeshifting.

Anyone who dislikes that gets to explain to a Dragon why they want to restrict their right to use their magical powers as they please.
To be exact, none of our marriage law and probably very few of our other law specifies gender at all, since we have a bunch of subjects who can change theirs at will via shapeshifting.
Yes but there is a difference between not specifying gender and actually protecting LGBT rights. In absence of clear intent and enforcement mechanisms, it is all too easy for a local official to say, "the law might not be gender coded but it is 'obvious' that marriage/marriage-derived rights are implicitly limited to one man and one woman."
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I'm 80% sure we explicitly approved of same-sex marriage at one point. Transgender people shouldn't be an issue conceptually, as using magic to change one's body is simply a matter of skill, funds, and/or access. However, I don't think there is a state-backed policy to help people transition if they need it. We should look into that at some point.

Polyamorous relationships are also something we've encountered and not had a problem with, but again I don't remember if we've officially recognized it.
There's a pathfinder item for transitioning specifically which isn't that expensive as far as medical procedures go. The imaginatively named Elixir of Sex Shifting. Seems like the kind of thing that'd be available somewhat readily in SD if you needed it.

Yes but there is a difference between not specifying gender and actually protecting LGBT rights. In absence of clear intent and enforcement mechanisms, it is all too easy for a local official to say, "the law might not be gender coded but it is 'obvious' that marriage/marriage-derived rights are implicitly limited to one man and one woman."
We specifically went out of our way to encode it in such a way to be as broadly applicable as possible, using shape shifters and outsiders to justify it to the prejudiced. I don't recall the exact wording but I do remember this discussion coming up when we were setting up the legal system.
With this display of divine level charisma, and our diplomancy throughout the quest, Viserys might be eligible for the Charm domain if we choose Divine Source a third time :V .
The thing is my body is currently telling me to sleep, but my brain, being possessed of memory is telling me that if I do that I will wake up at 3 AM and spend the remainder of the night staring at the ceiling. :V
Well yeah, but that will screw up my sleep schedule and that is likely to last a lot longer than vaccine symptoms.

Ahh, yes. Spending all day as a zombie just to arrive in anything but that zombie condition to work at the next day. Take care.

By Imperial decree, Lord X of Title Y is hereby ordered to present himself to the Imperator, who rightfully rules these lands, to swear his fealty. He is to bring with him all sworn knights of his house and inform all of his banner lords that they too are ordered to present themselves. His forces are to stand down and to permit full access to all fortifications to the Imperial Armed Forces. Refusal to do so will be regarded as an act of treason against the realm. If this order is not obeyed within one hour, Lord X will be named a traitor and the Imperial Air Force is authorized to let loose on this fortification until the total surrender of the garrison. In half an hour, the Imperial Airforce is authorized to give one warning shot to demonstrate it's capabilities to Lord X.

The Imperator offers clemency to all who surrender and lay down their arms. To all those who force others to fight and die for them, who hide behind women and children, or who turn on their own brothers in arms to curry favor with him, he offers death.

So ordered Imperator Viserys Targaryen, may his rule last twice ten thousand years and more.
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We specifically went out of our way to encode it in such a way to be as broadly applicable as possible, using shape shifters and outsiders to justify it to the prejudiced. I don't recall the exact wording but I do remember this discussion coming up when we were setting up the legal system.
We actually had encountered a case that made us decide on a marriage-law equal for all, though I can't remember the specifics.

I think that we didn't make it too obvious that we allow all things LGBT+, to avoid making enemies of some people before we even ruled much land (it was earlier in the quest) but the law was clear enough that if a judge or lord tries the old "obviously it's for Men/Woman only" interpretation we can slap him down.
There's a pathfinder item for transitioning specifically which isn't that expensive as far as medical procedures go. The imaginatively named Elixir of Sex Shifting. Seems like the kind of thing that'd be available somewhat readily in SD if you needed it.
225 IM to transition. That's prohibitively expensive for any kind of broad-sweeping social program. Would definitely make people feel like the rich can get instant solutions to any kind of social, mental or emotional issue, but for the working poor you would have to work most of your life to deal with it. Another problem is while Elaheh is more than happy to "help" people with their body issues, she won't want to do one procedure over and over again, nor not be allowed to convince those transitioning to go for a more exotic body plan. Which, more power to them if that's what they want...

I think what you need is some kind of alchemical solution. Mutagenic reactions, maybe...

@DragonParadox I honestly never saw Denys pioneering that kind of process. Does that count against the 'perverting the human body with sin and transgressing against the will of the Gods' tally? Denys doesn't have a hugely high opinion on the Seven anymore, but he still swears by them reflexively, and it's hard not to think "the Warrior charges me to be brave" by rote when facing down undead trying to eat his face.
We actually had encountered a case that made us decide on a marriage-law equal for all, though I can't remember the specifics.

I think that we didn't make it too obvious that we allow all things LGBT+, to avoid making enemies of some people before we even ruled much land (it was earlier in the quest) but the law was clear enough that if a judge or lord tries the old "obviously it's for Men/Woman only" interpretation we can slap him down.

About how long ago would this have been? I might be able to look through the threadmarks. Then again, given my current schedule, that may not be feasible.

By Imperial decree, Lord X of Title Y is hereby ordered to present himself to the Imperator, who rightfully rules these lands, to swear his fealty. He is to bring with him all sworn knights of his house and inform all of his banner lords that they too are ordered to present themselves. His forces are to stand down and to permit full access to all fortifications to the Imperial Armed Forces. Refusal to do so will be regarded as an act of treason against the realm. If this order is not obeyed within one hour, Lord X will be named a traitor and the Imperial Air Force is authorized to "shell this fortification" until the total surrender of the garrison. In half an hour, the Imperial Airforce is authorized to give one warning shot to demonstrate it's capabilities to Lord X.

The Imperator offers clemency to all who surrender and lay down their arms. To all those who force others to fight and die for them, who hide behind women and children, or who turn on their own brothers in arms to curry favor with him, he offers death.

So ordered Imperator Viserys Targaryen, may his rule last twice ten thousand years and more.
I don't think "shell" would be the appropriate term for the ultimatum. It's a modern colloquialism, though one that could conceivably be entering into the vernacular of the Imperium in recent months thanks to the increasing prevalence of Steam Cannons and the growing Air Force. To a Westerosi lord, however, we might as well be threatening to toss melted cheese at his keep for all that will mean to him.

Perhaps substitute in "commence demolition of this fortification" instead?

EDIT: @Crake's "rain fire" and @TonedMite's "raze" are both better suggestions than my own.
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"Shatter your fortifications, sunder your walls, smash your towers and incinerate everyone inside."

Or perhaps "introduce you to Black Harren".
@DragonParadox, reworded it to "let loose on this fortification", using the old archery term for firing.

@everyone, this should be the most IC way of wording it without going into too graphic detail about the size of the gravel that will be left of their heritage.
@everyone, this should be the most IC way of wording it without going into too graphic detail about the size of the gravel that will be left of their heritage.
Ah, yes, that part is supposed to be implicit when you knock down one of their walls with a "warning shot".

Something that usually takes weeks with siege engines.
@DragonParadox I honestly never saw Denys pioneering that kind of process. Does that count against the 'perverting the human body with sin and transgressing against the will of the Gods' tally? Denys doesn't have a hugely high opinion on the Seven anymore, but he still swears by them reflexively, and it's hard not to think "the Warrior charges me to be brave" by rote when facing down undead trying to eat his face.

That is mild enough that it would depend on the septon. One from SD would be fine with it.
About how long ago would this have been? I might be able to look through the threadmarks. Then again, given my current schedule, that may not be feasible.
I don't know.
It was after we started making diplomatic missions to Westeros (that's where we saw the case that made us decide set the law), so definitly some point after we started on our conquest of Essos, long after taking Tyrosh. And also before out big tourney, I think.

But that hardly narrows it down much.
225 IM to transition. That's prohibitively expensive for any kind of broad-sweeping social program. Would definitely make people feel like the rich can get instant solutions to any kind of social, mental or emotional issue, but for the working poor you would have to work most of your life to deal with it. Another problem is while Elaheh is more than happy to "help" people with their body issues, she won't want to do one procedure over and over again, nor not be allowed to convince those transitioning to go for a more exotic body plan. Which, more power to them if that's what they want...

I think what you need is some kind of alchemical solution. Mutagenic reactions, maybe...

@DragonParadox I honestly never saw Denys pioneering that kind of process. Does that count against the 'perverting the human body with sin and transgressing against the will of the Gods' tally? Denys doesn't have a hugely high opinion on the Seven anymore, but he still swears by them reflexively, and it's hard not to think "the Warrior charges me to be brave" by rote when facing down undead trying to eat his face.
Alternatively, since the Elixir is based on a basic Polymorph spell, maybe someone could independently develop a ritual to apply the spell to a willing individual for the purpose of swapping their gender? Spellcasting services are relatively cheap, and the standard rate for a Polymorph spell is only 56 IM. That's still quite a lot to most people in the Imperium, but it is not an insurmountable hurdle by any means.

This seems like something that could happen in the background without our input.

Actually, this would be a very fitting and thematic ritual for Elaheh to have already developed. Thoughts, @Azel, @DragonParadox? She could offer it as a simple service in her body mod shop. While the prospective customer is waiting their turn for the Gender Reversal ritual, they could be sitting in a room containing of binders full of potential augmentations she offers. You could come in for a scheduled reversal and leave with wings, digitigrade legs, and a kickass back tattoo.
For all the pyros in the thread, here's a quick update for our current stockpile of incendiaries. Eventually I'm going to sit down and come up with a series of Hellfire (Wildfire-based) and Inferno (Alchemist's Fire-based) Munitions which combines all of them into one beautiful package.

800 Pyre Salt - Fire inflicts double damage for 1 round.
3,721 Incendiary Catalyst - Targets gain Vulnerability to fire for 1 round if they don't already have it. That's +50% damage.
5,210 Alchemist's Fire - All of our Alchemist's Fire is now enhanced with Flame Clove to double its damage and duration. Reminds me that I need to update the damage/duration of effect for our standard incendiaries.
2,376 Wildfire - Needs no introductions.

Hmm, just looking at the numbers and effects, and taking into account the allowances that would need to be made to accommodate the Pyre Salt and Incendiary Catalyst, an Inferno round for a Launcher would need 7 pounds of Alchemist's Fire, 1 pound of Incendiary Catalyst, and a dose of Pyre Salt, plus the casing of course.
  • Inferno Munition / Bomb #1 (10 pounds / 4.5 kg): 12d6 Fire damage (+50% damage if not already Vulnerable to Fire) to everything within 5 feet (1.5 m) of the target space and each creature must make a DC 20 Reflex saving throw or catch on fire (2d6 Fire damage per round for at least 6 rounds unless extinguished). Everything within the area between 5 (1.5 m) and 30 (9 m) feet of the target space must make a DC 20 Reflex saving throw or suffer 3d6 Fire damage, but they do not catch on fire.
Not exactly something you want to be tossing around indoors or close quarters, but this has Praetorian and Inquisition special use written all over it, @Azel. The effective range and duration of Pyre Salt and Incendiary Catalyst is too short to make it cost effective to add them to regularly used large-scale incendiaries, though special circumstances can always arise where a limited run of enhanced bombs might be needed.
Yeah, this is definitely more for specialty use than for mass bombardments. Especially the Wildfyre variant, which is just perfect for bringing down big gribblies with some buffs.

Not much use anywhere else though. Starting fires in the buildings you are clearing is not really desirable, so we won't see much use for them in the Casterly Rock battle either.
What is our Imperal policy on LGBT+ couples?

Legal marriage? Are they allowed to adopt children?

Is polyamory legal, and if so is it restricted in anyway?

Is transgender a prevalent thing on people's mind or were there no confirmed cases yet?

Edit: Cause we need to codify these things in the near future just in case. No need for our future citizen feel they are not welcome in society.
Others already answered this, but we definitely legalized same-sex marriage, polyamory and even incest, including child adoption rights. No word on trans rights, since it never came up, but... well... changing your gender is a lot less drastic than what some other people had done to themselves. Or than what we do to the Praetori.
Viserys: "I am not a megalomaniac."

Also Viserys: "Wait, am I just so damn sexy that I will need to rapidly reassess LGBT rights in Westeros to deal with the continent-spanning sexual liberation movement my visage will spontaneously induce?"
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