- Location
- Texas
- Pronouns
- He/Him
[X] Invite the trolls to settle in Sorcerer's Deep, or one of the surrounding areas.
Point. :/Maybe let's not settle the barely civilized people in a planar metropolis right after they left the literal wilderness.
[X] Goldfish
@DragonParadox, Aenie Caleris and Aelor Caleris need to be added here. I think before you said Aenie was a level 8 or level 9 Sorceress or something? No clue what Aelor was.Dragon Riders
Representative of the ancestral might of House Targaryen, the symbols of Aegon's rule and weapons by which he claimed all of Westeros the Dragon Riders of the Imperum are an Electric gathering, defined more by the odd and often arcane circumstance than direct blood relationship to the crown. One might find among them the time-lost, the once dead the daring and the god-sworn
Jon Snow (Nephew)
Lady Saenena Caleris (Remote Kin; Member of the Valyrian Forty Families)
Nettles & Sheepstealer (No Known Relationship)
Rhaella Targaryen (Mother)
Valaena Velaryon (Remote Kin; Through Baela Velarion nee Targaryen)
Joran of Dragonstone (Remote Kin Dragonseed) [Sorcerer 5]
Reva & Liset (Remote Kin Volantine Nobility; Greenseers in training) [Druid 5]
@DragonParadox, Aenie Caleris and Aelor Caleris need to be added here. I think before you said Aenie was a level 8 or level 9 Sorceress or something? No clue what Aelor was.
Behold the Moray Eel, which also exists. An eel with two jaws, which inspired the Predator series.
Construct Guard Posts in Gorgossos (7/1) |
Investigate Supernatural Activity in Eastern Basilisk Isles |
Establish Inquisition Base in Gorgossos (10/1) -> Complete |
Establish Messenger Service in Gorgossos (8/1) -> Complete |
Investigate Supernatural Activity in The Three Snakes |
Establish Inquisition Base in Western Disputed Lands (26/166) |
Improve Infrastructure in Gorgossos (46/45) -> Complete |
Construct Sanitation Systems in Andalos (6/2) -> Complete |
Establish Messenger Service in Omber (6/26) -> Crit Failure (55) -> Drought, Lost 5,120 IM |
Establish Messenger Service in Saath (5/30) |
x2 Expand Salty Shores Incorporated (22/13) -> Complete |
Expand Earths Bounty Jewelry Manufactory (8/10) |
Expand Everflame Ironworks (6/7) -> Complete |
Expand Lyseni Spice Company (11/4)-> Complete - > Crit Success (96) Discovered Panaeolo seeds |
Expand Golden Fields Agriculture Consortium (6/10) |
Encourage Immigration from Orange Shore --> Stepstones |
Expand Verdant Vistas (10/7) -> Complete |
Expand Great Northwestern Trading Company (4/3) -> Complete |
Expand Southlands Fruit Company (3/2) -> Complete |
Construct Guard Posts in Gorgossos (7/1) |
Investigate Supernatural Activity in Eastern Basilisk Isles |
Establish Inquisition Base in Gorgossos (10/1) -> Complete |
Establish Messenger Service in Gorgossos (8/1) -> Complete |
Investigate Supernatural Activity in The Three Snakes |
Establish Inquisition Base in Western Disputed Lands (26/166) |
Improve Infrastructure in Gorgossos (46/45) -> Complete |
Construct Sanitation Systems in Andalos (6/2) -> Complete |
Establish Messenger Service in Omber (6/26) -> Crit Failure (55) -> Drought Lost 5120 IM |
Establish Messenger Service in Saath (5/30) |
x2 Expand Salty Shores Incorporated (22/13) -> Complete |
Expand Earths Bounty Jewelry Manufactory (8/10) |
Expand Everflame Ironworks (6/7) -> Complete |
Expand Lyseni Spice Company (11/4)-> Complete - > (96) Discovered Panaeolo seeds |
Expand Golden Fields Agriculture Consortium (6/10) |
Encourage Immigration from Orange Shore --> Stepstones |
Expand Verdant Vistas (10/7) -> Complete |
Expand Great Northwestern Trading Company (4/3) -> Complete |
Expand Southlands Fruit Company (3/2) -> Complete |
We're done with state reports, then?
[] Check up on the Drow priestess that Dany restored from her curse. Is she able to semi-reliably operate under orders in your service yet?
[] Pre-Reconquest Preparations:
-[] Security and War Readiness:
--[] In response to the news of the Lannisters using Other servants as disposable killers and the unrest in the western provinces likely caused by the death of the usurper, all imperial forces and institutions are given the order to go on Low Readiness alert level.
--[] Furthermore, in anticipation of the coronation at the end of the month, Army, Airforce, and Inquisition assets in the Stepstones will be placed on High Readiness until further notice.
--[] Since part of Low Readiness is that the Legions must become ready to deploy within 24 hours, this will mask the preparations of the attack on Westeros under the guise of simple caution.
--[] Barring any unforeseen events, you will escalate this general alert state to Imperium wide High Readiness for the Army, Airforce, Inquisition, and Forges in response to the death of the Small Council, and give out Imminent Offensive orders to the participating units on the day of the coronation
-[] Prepare some letters to be sent out at the 27th of the month, which will be early enough for the recipients to make preparations for attending the coronation, but far too little for them to muster any defense worth the name.
--[] The letters will be delivered in the following ways:
---[] Staunchly loyalist houses and those who are more exposed to enemy attack, took on great personal risk to support you or are of a more prickly nature will receive the invitations delivered personally by Dowager Queen Rhealla in her function as the head of the diplomatic corps.
----[] This list includes Doran Martell (Loyalist), Monford Velaryon (Loyalist), Stannis Baratheon (Important Turncoat), Lothar Brune (Loyalist), Raymun Darry (Loyalist), Jon Royce (Loyalist), Walder Frey (Prickly), Roose Bolton (just to make sure he does nothing stupid if Ned Stark is doing something stupid), Baelor Hightower (Important Turncoat), Roderick Harlaw (Important), with more people being added if Rhealla deems it prudent to do so.
---[] Loyalist houses will receive the invitation delivered in person by a member of the diplomatic corps, if security considerations permit, or by a Three-Eyed Raven.
---[] Enemy houses will receive the invitations by regular raven, sent by the local loyalist houses.
---[] Important enemy houses (Tywin Lannister, Hoster Tully, Lysa Arryn) will receive their letters attached to a kinetic impactor fired by a Manticores steam cannons into their keeps.
[] Experiment on the remaining Carnivorous Crystals, see:
-[] How quickly they grow if fed living beings as per their ability;
--[] Whether the beings they are fed upon should have a higher brain capacity for better results (check by making some soulless brainmeat in the Fleshforge);
-[] If the Crystals require specific environmental conditions for continued growth and procreation (see method above), whether they require
-[] Whether the Crystals affect their habitat in a detrimental manner, the best containment measures.
-[] Can they be used to generate large amounts of rare/unique resources, given they are allowed to procreate in hundreds?
[] Report: One quick look at Darleth the Delver's fortress - we've not gotten a status update in months, how's it been going?
Here's an edited version of the chapter, @DragonParadox.
I highlighted two parts for additional review. The first is a paragraph that seems to be missing a conclusion, and the second is a couple words that don't make sense. I think your text-to-speech software or autocorrect might have messed with it.