Maybe let's not settle the barely civilized people in a planar metropolis right after they left the literal wilderness.

[X] Goldfish
do Reva and LIset have character sheets btw? couse i vaguely remember them being lvl 5 in their training
More sheets have been added to the front page. They are mostly sorted by how I would look for sheets, For instance if I'm doing province actions and someone got attacked I want all the people who should be rulers in one place, so Relath though a dragon is under high nobles. Once you are past that it is by institution (ex Scholarum or inquisition) and then by role (bashing people over the head; casting spells and carving a path through the wilderness respectively).
Dragon Riders

Representative of the ancestral might of House Targaryen, the symbols of Aegon's rule and weapons by which he claimed all of Westeros the Dragon Riders of the Imperum are an Electric gathering, defined more by the odd and often arcane circumstance than direct blood relationship to the crown. One might find among them the time-lost, the once dead the daring and the god-sworn

Jon Snow (Nephew)
Lady Saenena Caleris (Remote Kin; Member of the Valyrian Forty Families)
Nettles & Sheepstealer (No Known Relationship)
Rhaella Targaryen (Mother)
Valaena Velaryon (Remote Kin; Through Baela Velarion nee Targaryen)
Joran of Dragonstone (Remote Kin Dragonseed) [Sorcerer 5]
Reva & Liset (Remote Kin Volantine Nobility; Greenseers in training) [Druid 5]
@DragonParadox, Aenie Caleris and Aelor Caleris need to be added here. I think before you said Aenie was a level 8 or level 9 Sorceress or something? No clue what Aelor was.
Did we ever find out what happened to that celestial that Maelor found in the City of Brass that was becoming Fallen? Iirc we bottled the celestial and gave it to Yss but has anything happened after that or is it too soon to know?
You know that one King Ghidorah meme where one of the dragons is like "rawr, I'mma dragon", the other is "wtf are you doing, my dude?" and the third is like "DURHURRRRR"?

That, but Tiamat.
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Part MMMDCCXV: The Business of Kingship Part Three
The Business of Kingship Part Three

Twenty Second Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC

While a part of you is tempted to invite the trolls to Sorcerer's Deep, one more people to add to the uncommon and extraordinary folk who call your capital home, you suspect it is the same part that inclined your remote ancestors to sleep on gold and dragonslaying weapons. The change would be too great, shocking most likely, and is unfair to count upon these new arrivals to act with as much coldblooded deliberation as the serpentfolk. Better to leave them closer to home, in a realm whose perils they know while still being protected by the full night of the Legion and Inquisition as any citizen of the Empire.

Speaking of that most far flung holding the newest report you have paints the picture of a place that is less armed camp among the ruins of the past that you had left it and more growing city, vibrant as it is uncanny, from the works of the flesh-smiths to the Ledge Runners growing closer and closer with your citizens each day. Even the Pale Ones who had been too skittish and distrustful of the world under the sun have grown more open to the trade of goods and ideas, from strange mushrooms that grow only in the lightless places seeped in the magic of the Flesh Forge over the ages to ways of finding one's way in the lightless depths.

Perhaps unsurprisingly it was the first generation of kobolds who helped bridged the gap of trust and understanding, opening a whole new world to your explorers. It is a world only open to those the Empire trusts not to delve too greedily and too deep and rouse those best left sleeping.

News from the other side of the Empire proves to be more of a mixed bag. On the one hand Saath can no longer be counted merely a colony and is working at binding its hinterland together with the messenger system while on the other hand a minor drought in Omber costs you over five thousand marks in importing horses at higher prices than you had expected.

Construct Guard Posts in Gorgossos (7/1)
Investigate Supernatural Activity in Eastern Basilisk Isles
Establish Inquisition Base in Gorgossos (10/1) -> Complete
Establish Messenger Service in Gorgossos (8/1) -> Complete
Investigate Supernatural Activity in The Three Snakes
Establish Inquisition Base in Western Disputed Lands (26/166)
Improve Infrastructure in Gorgossos (46/45) -> Complete
Construct Sanitation Systems in Andalos (6/2) -> Complete
Establish Messenger Service in Omber (6/26) -> Crit Failure (55) -> Drought, Lost 5,120 IM
Establish Messenger Service in Saath (5/30)

+1 Wealth added to Gogossos from increased Trade

Lost 5,120 IM

The cost pales into insignificance however beside an unexpected botanical report. Seeing Wisdom Denys Trainer's carefully crafted signature besides Vee's hurried scrawl is already enough to raise an eyebrow, never mind actually read the contents... well, someone at the Lyseni Spice Company is definitely getting a promotion, possibly a commendation from the crown. Alchemical substances that make one's magic more potent are generally rare, costly, circumstantial in function or damaging to the imbiber. While you certainly would not call 'mild to moderate euphoria with the possibility of hallucinations' nothing, it is an ill effect magic can cure.

x2 Expand Salty Shores Incorporated (22/13) -> Complete
Expand Earths Bounty Jewelry Manufactory (8/10)
Expand Everflame Ironworks (6/7) -> Complete
Expand Lyseni Spice Company (11/4)-> Complete - > Crit Success (96) Discovered Panaeolo seeds
Expand Golden Fields Agriculture Consortium (6/10)
Encourage Immigration from Orange Shore --> Stepstones
Expand Verdant Vistas (10/7) -> Complete
Expand Great Northwestern Trading Company (4/3) -> Complete
Expand Southlands Fruit Company (3/2) -> Complete

A final experiment at the end of the report notes that the resulting concoction does not work on Vee herself nor on anyone who has already achieved significant mastery of their magic, it does not produce skill or affinity for the arcane, rather it lowers unconscious barriers in the novice spell weaver at a price. Thankfully it is one most battle mages and perhaps even journeymen on dangerous paths are well equipped to pay.

Description: Panaeolo's leathery-tasting leaves attune the user to the Weave, and boost the power of arcane spells.
Type: Ingested DC 8.
Initial Effect: None.
Secondary Effect: The DC of all arcane spells the user casts increases by +2 for the next 1d4 hours.
Price: 250 gp.
Side Effects: 1d6 points of temporary Charisma damage.
Overdose: If a second dose of panaeolo is taken within an hour of the first, the increase to the user's arcane spell DCs becomes +3 but the user suffers 2d8 points of temporary Charisma damage. Additional doses within an hour do not increase the DCs any more but still cause the Charisma damage.
Addiction: Low.
Special: Will not work for casters of CL 10 and above

What next?

[] Write in

OOC: You were doubly lucky that crit fell on the Spicers, none of the others had anything as good on their table.
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The Business of Kingship Part Three

Twenty Second Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC

While a part of you is tempted to invite the trolls to Sorcerer's Deep, one more people to add to the uncommon and extraordinary folk who call your capital home, you suspect it is the same part that inclined your remote ancestors to sleep on gold and dragon-slaying weapons. The change would be too great for the trolls, shocking most likely, and it is unfair to count upon these new arrivals to act with as much cold-blooded deliberation as the serpentfolk. Better to leave them closer to home in Gogossos, a realm whose perils they know while still being as protected by the full might of the Legion and Inquisition as any citizen of the empire.

Speaking of that most far flung holding, the newest report you have from there paints the picture of a place that is less armed camp among the ruins of the past that you had left it and more a growing city, vibrant as it is uncanny, from the works of the flesh-smiths to the Ledge Runners growing closer and closer with your citizens each day. Even the Pale Ones, who had been too skittish and distrustful of the world under the sun, have grown more open to trade of goods and ideas, from strange mushrooms that grow only in the lightless places steeped in the magic of the forge over the ages, to methods of finding one's way in the lightless depths.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, it was not first generation of Kobolds who helped bridged the gap of trust and understanding, opening a whole new world to your explorers... a world only open to those the empire trusts not to delve too greedily and too deep, potentially rousing those best left sleeping.

News from the other side of the empire proves to be more of a mixed next net, on the one hand Saath can no longer be counted merely a colony and is working at binding its hinterland together with a messenger system, on the other hand a minor drought in Omber costs you over five thousand marks due to importing horses at higher prices than you had expected.

Construct Guard Posts in Gorgossos (7/1)
Investigate Supernatural Activity in Eastern Basilisk Isles
Establish Inquisition Base in Gorgossos (10/1) -> Complete
Establish Messenger Service in Gorgossos (8/1) -> Complete
Investigate Supernatural Activity in The Three Snakes
Establish Inquisition Base in Western Disputed Lands (26/166)
Improve Infrastructure in Gorgossos (46/45) -> Complete
Construct Sanitation Systems in Andalos (6/2) -> Complete
Establish Messenger Service in Omber (6/26) -> Crit Failure (55) -> Drought Lost 5120 IM
Establish Messenger Service in Saath (5/30)

+1 Wealth added to Gogosses from increased Trade

Lost 5120 IM

The cost pales into insignificance, however, beside an unexpected botanical report. Seeing Wisdom Denys Trainer's carefully crafted signature beside Vee's hurried scrawl is already enough to raise an eyebrow, good morning actually read the contents... well someone at the Lyseni Spice Company is definitely getting a promotion, possibly a commendation from the crown. Alchemical substances that make one's magic more potent are generally, rare, costly, circumstantial in function, or damaging to the imbiber. While you certainly would not call 'mild to moderate euphoria with the possibility of hallucinations' nothing, it is an ill effect magic can cure.

x2 Expand Salty Shores Incorporated (22/13) -> Complete
Expand Earths Bounty Jewelry Manufactory (8/10)
Expand Everflame Ironworks (6/7) -> Complete
Expand Lyseni Spice Company (11/4)-> Complete - > (96) Discovered Panaeolo seeds
Expand Golden Fields Agriculture Consortium (6/10)
Encourage Immigration from Orange Shore --> Stepstones
Expand Verdant Vistas (10/7) -> Complete
Expand Great Northwestern Trading Company (4/3) -> Complete
Expand Southlands Fruit Company (3/2) -> Complete

A final experiment at the end of the report notes that the resulting concoction does not work on Vee herself nor on anyone who has already achieved significant mastery of their magic, nor does it produce skill or affinity for the arcane. Instead it lowers unconscious barriers in the novice spell weaver, at a price. Thankfully, it is one most battle mages and perhaps even journeymen on dangerous paths are well equipped to pay.

Description: Panaeolo's leathery-tasting leaves attune the user to magic, and boost the power of arcane spells.
Type: Ingested DC 8.
Initial Effect: None.
Secondary Effect: The DC of all arcane spells the user casts increases by +2 for the next 1d4 hours.
Price: 50 IM.
Side Effects: 1d6 points of temporary Charisma damage.
Overdose: If a second dose of panaeolo is taken within an hour of the first, the increase to the user's arcane spell DCs becomes +3 but the user suffers 2d8 points of temporary Charisma damage. Additional doses within an hour do not increase the DCs any more but still cause the Charisma damage.
Addiction: Low.
Special: Will not work for casters of CL 10 and above

What next?

[] Write in

OOC: You were doubly lucky that crit fell on the spicers, none of the others had anything as good on their table. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, @DragonParadox.

I highlighted two parts for additional review. The first is a paragraph that seems to be missing a conclusion, and the second is a couple words that don't make sense. I think your text-to-speech software or autocorrect might have messed with it.
We're done with state reports, then?

Alright, one last "RA", a few MAs afterwards, then Ymeri and the crowning.

[X] Results for:
-[X] Reading through the bound Daemon-tome infected with the Void
(focus: secrets of the Daemon/Void, and any and all back-up plans and incursions set up by the Daemon for our taskforce to handle)
----[X] Maester Qyburn

-[X] Reading through the Dusk Dancer and the Nairos of the Shrouded Light
(focus: secrets/lore/magics of Fey, the Crucible's history/structure/laws-by-which-it-operates, any remaining back-up plans we haven't yet dealt with)
----[X] Lya (either body)

fyi, here's the stuff we yet to do, Ymeri and Citadel aside:
[] Check up on the Drow priestess that Dany restored from her curse. Is she able to semi-reliably operate under orders in your service yet?

[] Pre-Reconquest Preparations:
-[] Security and War Readiness:
--[] In response to the news of the Lannisters using Other servants as disposable killers and the unrest in the western provinces likely caused by the death of the usurper, all imperial forces and institutions are given the order to go on Low Readiness alert level.
--[] Furthermore, in anticipation of the coronation at the end of the month, Army, Airforce, and Inquisition assets in the Stepstones will be placed on High Readiness until further notice.
--[] Since part of Low Readiness is that the Legions must become ready to deploy within 24 hours, this will mask the preparations of the attack on Westeros under the guise of simple caution.
--[] Barring any unforeseen events, you will escalate this general alert state to Imperium wide High Readiness for the Army, Airforce, Inquisition, and Forges in response to the death of the Small Council, and give out Imminent Offensive orders to the participating units on the day of the coronation
-[] Prepare some letters to be sent out at the 27th of the month, which will be early enough for the recipients to make preparations for attending the coronation, but far too little for them to muster any defense worth the name.
--[] The letters will be delivered in the following ways:
---[] Staunchly loyalist houses and those who are more exposed to enemy attack, took on great personal risk to support you or are of a more prickly nature will receive the invitations delivered personally by Dowager Queen Rhealla in her function as the head of the diplomatic corps.
----[] This list includes Doran Martell (Loyalist), Monford Velaryon (Loyalist), Stannis Baratheon (Important Turncoat), Lothar Brune (Loyalist), Raymun Darry (Loyalist), Jon Royce (Loyalist), Walder Frey (Prickly), Roose Bolton (just to make sure he does nothing stupid if Ned Stark is doing something stupid), Baelor Hightower (Important Turncoat), Roderick Harlaw (Important), with more people being added if Rhealla deems it prudent to do so.
---[] Loyalist houses will receive the invitation delivered in person by a member of the diplomatic corps, if security considerations permit, or by a Three-Eyed Raven.
---[] Enemy houses will receive the invitations by regular raven, sent by the local loyalist houses.
---[] Important enemy houses (Tywin Lannister, Hoster Tully, Lysa Arryn) will receive their letters attached to a kinetic impactor fired by a Manticores steam cannons into their keeps.

[] Experiment on the remaining Carnivorous Crystals, see:
-[] How quickly they grow if fed living beings as per their ability;
--[] Whether the beings they are fed upon should have a higher brain capacity for better results (check by making some soulless brainmeat in the Fleshforge);
-[] If the Crystals require specific environmental conditions for continued growth and procreation (see method above), whether they require
-[] Whether the Crystals affect their habitat in a detrimental manner, the best containment measures.
-[] Can they be used to generate large amounts of rare/unique resources, given they are allowed to procreate in hundreds?

[] Report: One quick look at Darleth the Delver's fortress - we've not gotten a status update in months, how's it been going?
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