Of Pacts and Purpose
First Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC
"Firstly I would reinforce the statement that the current status of the Old Gods' effort to stymie the Enemy, and any other motives they possess, are well enough in hand that there is no cause for Arya to heed any call to service for some time yet. But as to any promise of forbearance... I don't think it would serve any purpose." No doubt not the assurance she might prefer, but the only one you can honestly give. "Even without magic, with her brother dead by the Enemy's hand and Jon away and likely training to confront it, hopefully years from now, would you really be able to keep her back?"
You glance at Eddard, wolf's blood they called it for Lyanna, and for Asha no doubt that she must have had salt water in her veins, passed down from the Ironborn of old. The truth is far more prosaic. If you hand someone a tool to rise above themselves, they will most likely use it. If you hand them a key to a locked door, they will likely open it. These days, the Scholarum admissions do not skew nearly as far favoring women, but you recall the first admissions, when one had to make a harrowing journey to an isle only recently divested of piracy to learn magic. It was not that women were inherently braver than men, but that they had fewer paths before them, fewer chances to chart their own course.
"Come the day that she is ready, I will offer her any guidance, warding, or accoutrements needed to take up her charge, should she wish for it. I will support her in battle as an honored ally, the same as anyone who takes up arms in my service, in fact. But you are asking a child who has had magic from a young age, magic being both will and intent, to give up her magic."
"She is a child, she does not understand what battle is or the plans of gods. How could she?" Lady Stark asks, words balancing on the knife edge of worry and anger.
"Yet a choice she would still have, that is how pacts work," you reply firmly, though not unsympathetically. "If it were any other way, the binds which brought us all together would fray too loosely, and the Old Gods hold to their word even closer still."
are Powers out there which forge unequal pacts," Dany interjects. "You would not wish their eye upon you nor any whom you hold dear."
Something in her words or voice must have struck a chord with Lady Stark, for she drops her gaze. Your sister has not made any friends here, but then again you doubt she is trying too hard.
Second Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC
It is well into the wee hours of the morning by the time you make it to Sorcerer's Deep, with Jon unsteady on his feet as much from the horrors of the day as the late hour, you suspect. You would have been content to just get him a room in the keep and a chance to sleep, but he insists on officially joining first, so you have Varys engage in what is probably some sort of bureaucratic misdemeanor to pick up the paperwork for him to sign before he turns in for the night.
"I'll make sure his dreams aren't too bad tonight," Dany pledges softly as the door closes. "He is going to have to face them eventually, of course, but I can at least set him down easily."
What next?
[] More rumors
-[] Write in which
[] Turn action
-[] Write in
[] Jon interlude
[] Write in
OOC: And we are done here. A bit of a bridge update, I know some people wanted a Jon interlude but others might prefer getting back into the swing of things. Not yet edited.