-[X] Visiting the Violet: Track down the Violet Court, and ensure either their submission, them keeping out of Plane Material or their eradication.
----[X] Viserys, Richard, Zherys, Vee, Maelor, Amrelath, Mereth, Aife, x2 Myrkdreki, x2 Mighty Mind Dragons, x2 Vigilant Hunters, x12 Erinyes
-----[X] Essentially a lot of concentrated combat power, but no one essential to the functioning of the realm or its continued stability, or alternatively no one who wouldn't cause problems without Viserys' hand at the tiller who also couldn't afford to delegate their duties to a Companion at-need if away too long. This keeps the group light, fast and mobile. Worst case scenario, Viserys pops opens a Gate out of there (or to the other Group).
----[X] Renly (Cavalier 11), Lamora (Shadow Creature Vela Sorceress 6/ Arcane Savant 2), Veny (Erinat Gremlin Rogue 5), Cyril (Frost Giant Fighter 5)
-----[X] Group's interest is finding the information on the Real!Renly, they assume the new leader of the Veil holds it. In the worst case, they can be left behind, they are all capable of finding their way in the Feywild.