Well, it isn't like we have much choice, really.

Sure, Ymeri is a Fey, so maybe putting all eggs into one basket by having a R'hllor's champion cary the killing blow like a fairy tail hero would work out...

But I don't think we wanna risk it.
Far too risky, and not in the way of "the attack fails", but rather "Ymeri might just buy herself time, and we have none".

We want to end this as soon as possible to bring Burny's full attention to killing CoS for us.

No, I think that even if we lose the ship outright, we should focus on the most direct way of ending Ymeri first and foremost.

Blow to morale it may be, I think we still can turn it mostly to our favor with some PR.
"A mortal-built ship held some time under an attack of a God!"
Let alone it survives or manages to go unscrapped.

Thing is, no one watching will know it was R'hllor's will that held the ship together when Ymeri attacked, will they?
And if ship falls, they'll still think it held on so long all on it's own.

That captain better be ready to get 2-4 Mythic Ranks at once, tho :V

...And of the ship gets damaged badly enough, he'd better get fused into one with it, all Warhammer 40k-like.
It's just proper aesthetics at that point.
I don't think we have Dreadnoughs yet.
Adamantine Golem as a base, and a fleshforged (because we aren't as stingy on healing half-dead people as WH40k is. Alas) pilot inside.
Strap some Heavy Bolters Launchers onto it, and you've got yourself a propah Dreadnought :V

I'm sure we'll get the technique for making golems from sacking CoB.
The materials for making them, too :V
Adamantine Golem as a base, and a fleshforged (because we aren't as stingy on healing half-dead people as WH40k is. Alas) pilot inside.
Strap some Heavy Bolters Launchers onto it, and you've got yourself a propah Dreadnought :V

I'm sure we'll get the technique for making golems from sacking CoB.
The materials for making them, too :V
I don't think we could ever get into the concept of dreadnough unless we get our own Heresy. As it is, it's cheaper to heal the person back to full health, or to build mechas that can be used by anyone, or just create better power armor.

Anything that require us to emtomb a soldier into a tank walker is too terrible to contemplate.
I don't think we could ever get into the concept of dreadnough unless we get our own Heresy. As it is, it's cheaper to heal the person back to full health, or. to build mechas that can be used by anyone, or just create better power armor.

Anything that require us to emtomb a soldier into a tank walker is too terrible to contemplate.
Maelor's Heresy sounds about right.
Also, I must say that I'm slightly surprised by the resonance to my omake. I thought there would be more distrust or fear of losing the Dauntless to this stunt.
Also, I must say that I'm slightly surprised by the resonance to my omake. I thought there would be more distrust or fear of losing the Dauntless to this stunt.
I do worry, losing it would be a huge loss in time, resources, and manpower, but the opportunity cannot be overlooked.

And if the worst happens and it is destroyed, we'll just have to build more.
Also, I must say that I'm slightly surprised by the resonance to my omake. I thought there would be more distrust or fear of losing the Dauntless to this stunt.
We can build another. We can also eventually restore trust.

You can't chance upon the opportunity to claim even partial credit for killing a god just any day.
He's a prick, but he's our prick at this point.
See Relath. Or Amy. Or Zherys. Or most of our mercs, really.

I thought there would be more distrust
Well, killing Ymeri is in their direct interest, yeah?

The one vocal about not liking us and our weapons is at least honest about it, sure - we can't take it on faith that the rest of them won't try to sabotage it at worst and misdirect us at best.

But essentially, there isn't much to distrust in.
R'hlor won't fuck with us by pulling the defenses off the Dauntless, we are kinda the lynchpin to lots more stuff going well than any of his minions present.
...Or all of them combined of we take the potential actions and not only those already done.

And losing Dauntless is just another infrastructure task.
Considerably less weighty than having Burny tied with Ymeri for a mknth longer and unable to help us root out CoS.
Simple enough math, methinks.
I think people just like the idea of shelling a god with heavy ordinance.

It also shows a differnt side to godly politics since most of the time the heroes need to destroy the mcguffin from the evil god instead of corrupting it to their own needs.

I think D&D is one of the few settings where corrupting artifacts for your own god's need is encouraged instead of just flatly destroying it.
He's a prick, but he's our prick at this point.
See Relath. Or Amy. Or Zherys. Or most of our mercs, really.

Well, killing Ymeri is in their direct interest, yeah?

The one vocal about not liking us and our weapons is at least honest about it, sure - we can't take it on faith that the rest of them won't try to sabotage it at worst and misdirect us at best.

But essentially, there isn't much to distrust in.
R'hlor won't fuck with us by pulling the defenses off the Dauntless, we are kinda the lynchpin to lots more stuff going well than any of his minions present.
...Or all of them combined of we take the potential actions and not only those already done.

And losing Dauntless is just another infrastructure task.
Considerably less weighty than having Burny tied with Ymeri for a mknth longer and unable to help us root out CoS.
Simple enough math, methinks.
I agree with @egoo on that, @Azel. Mutual self interest at the very least makes me comfortable throwing something we can ultimately replace into the pot, when it is done implicitly to prevent R'hllor from having to give up something basically irreplaceable.

If we know one thing about Gods, if you do them a solid, even if they actively dislike you, they do not want that debt left hanging in the air for very long. He will pay us back quickly by trying his hardest to secure us that kill-assist credit and boosting our optics with our empire is enough to call us square.
I apologize in advance for my bad memory but did we do anything with the Risen Nine captures?
but Malarys is swifter and he speaks not a spell of banishment but binding, brandishing a spellsteed dagger set with rubies bright as drops of blood. As the spirit is drawn inexorably into the blade she gives one last dreadful wail
We have the Old Mother (False Idol Llorona) in a Sacramental Seal. If she hasnt been sacrificed yet, we should interrogate her and find the artifact she stole from the Others that turned Spotted Tom into a Fext
A shard of amber flies from your hand. For a moment the dead warrior's gaze catches yours and you see more than rage, you see ambition at a legacy lost and hopes for a kingdom that never will be. He almost shakes off the spell, but Lya whispers a command to turn his fate darker and so it is.
Spotted Tom does not even have that much satisfaction. He was the one you were scrying for after all. He too is sealed in amber like Maelys, awaiting his fate.
Maelys and Spotted Tom got Amber'ed. I remembered there being talked about vivisecting/experimenting (does it count as vivisecting if he is dead already ? :V)Spotted Tom for more necromancy knowledge.
Gained Defiler of Eternities
Sorry to bother you @Goldfish the armor and Defiler of Eternities aren't in the armory. We should probably cast Touch of History on the latter.

Ironically something I do remember, we still have yet to know the qualities of the unique Staves of Powers that the Tiamat evokers wielded.
-------4th month's preliminary RAs--------

-[] Proximity Alarms: You have been in the possession of plans for enchantments that trigger an effect when something comes close to it for a while now. See about developing a cheap and reusable item that can be used to detect intruders. Maybe even Serpentstone can be triggered this way, which would allow you to even take pictures or recordings of your targets.
(Progress: 0/25; Cost: 30,000 IM)
----[] Riz'Neth (4d6 Progress), Pentos Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress).

-[] Improved Alchemy: The Imperium hungers for alchemical goods and much effort was poured into producing as much of them as possible, but it still does not even remotely satisfy the demand. Especially the military can devour concoctions such as Alchemists Fire or Explosive Packs at an astonishing rate. See about to either improve the output of your alchemical factories or to discover alternatives to these substances that are easier to mass-produce.
(Progress: 0/50; Cost: 200,000 IM)
----[] Denys Trainer (4d6 Progress), Naria Lore-Seeker (4d6 Progress), Braavos Scholarum branch (2d6 Progress),

[] Ritual-crafting: 1 point of Progress per spell-level, max spell level - 4th.
-[] Mind Warding: Rituals
--[] By this point you have the process for creating ritual formulae for spells completely worked out. It merely needs to have a competent mage assigned to the task. (in order of priority)
---[1] Widely-Shared Ritual - Dream Shield (Progress: 4)
---[2] Widely-Shared Ritual - Suppress Charms and Compulsions (Progress: 2)
---[3] State Ritual - Sense Madness (Progress: 2)
---[4] State Ritual - Clarity of Mind (Progress: 3)
---[5] State Ritual - Rite of Centered Mind (Progress: 1)
---[Can we, even? 6] State Ritual - Runeward Tattoo (???)
(Total Progress: 12 +??, Cost: ??)
----[] Rina (4d6 Progress), Mantarys Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress), Svitran (2d6 Progress),

[] Spell-Crafting
-[] Research a Greater version of Baleful Teleport [no distance limit, 8th level]
(Progress: 11/16, Cost: ??)
----[] Lya (1st body) (4d6 Progress),

[] Sand Wiper's Reach: Have Tyene retrain her Occular Spell into a version of a Reach Spell that has only +1 level adjustment
(Progress: 0/8)
----[] Tyene (4d6 Progress),

[] Secure the Flesh Forge, and fleshsmiths, against memetic attacks
-[] Heavy defenses (Progress 29/45; Cost 600,000 IM)
----[] Vee (4d6 Progress), Lady Saenena Caleris (4d6 Progress),

[] Project Distilling Dreams: The Rituals Naria discovered produce divine power but not in any usable form, distill it to something that can be stored and used
(Progress 0/60 Cost 120,000 IM)
----[] Lya's 2nd body (4d6 Progress); Dany (4d6 Progress);

[] Dreamshaping Cost Reduction: Shaping the dream is technically possible, it is also ruinously expansive with current methods. That can change with more studies.
(Progress 40 Cost 10,000)
----[] Aenie Caleris (4d6 + 2d6 Progress), Volantis Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress);

[] The Undeath's End: The secret of the creation of the ancient and extremely potent anti-Undead poison you received from Faceless Men is lost to eons... Yet one of the greatest poison-makers the world knows is in your employ, and few other races have as much intimate knowledge of poisons as the Snake-kin, and the Drow, both of whom you have access to. Recreate the ancient mixture.
(Progress: 23/50, Cost: ??)
----[] Wyla (4d6 Progress), Naath Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress)

[] Forge of Creation -- 2.0: With the Sarnor's pacification, there comes a much higher need for Warforged bodies than could ever have been expected. Now, that the arcane machinery of Forge of Creation was built once, it could be built again - but not without effort by those most skilled at the arcane artifice.
(Progress: 0/15 -- half of the original RA)
----[] Anu the Warforged (4d6 Progress),

[] Selectively Permeable Force Effects: Allow wards, enchantments and spells to selectively ignore materials passing outward and inward through a Force effect, allowing for more complex structures and materials with further research. Not limited to examples given.
-[] Tier 1: Gateway research. Straight upgrade for pre-existing, simple barriers, at-cost. (Brilliant Barrier can attune to the weapon systems on airships.)
--[] The first step to creating more delicate workings that interact with the Ethereal Plane, progressing along this path will first allow simple, contiguous objects to pass through Force effects once properly attuned. At this level of progress, mass and complexity is limited, and materialized creatures and objects with strong auras of enchantment will be unable to move outside of the effect.
(Progress: 0/25, Cost: 70.000 IM)
----[] Beryl (4d6 Progress), Tyrosh Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress), Stepstones Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress).

[] The Mind's Games: The psychological effects of repeated and sustained enchantment on the mental state and brain of the average person.
(Progress 24/32)
----[] Mercy of the Soul (4d6 Progress); + Gith bonus.

[] A Baleful Mirage: You have recently been forwarded a set of spell-scripts and samples by which the Efreeti have been made use of to manipulate the 'Grey Veil'.
-[] While this may be a technological dead end, studying it will prevent it's usage from being as effective in the hands of your enemy and may even be of some use to your allies
(Progress: 38/60, Cost: ??).
----[] Valeria the Wondersmith (4d6 Progress); Tolos Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress);

[] Undead Template Research
-[] Metal-Clad Template (Mythral and Adamantine): Unlike the Dreadfort, the Imperium has vast stocks of arcane metals. Some of those might yield exceptionally strong coatings for undead bones. (Requires Metal-Clad Template (Mundane Metals),
(Progress 0/20, Cost 100,000 IM)
----[] Elaheh Marita (4d6 Progress), Urak the Forgemaster (4d6 Progress)

[] Reading through the bound Daemon-tome infected with the Void:
----[] Maester Qyburn (?) (Light reading an a free action? :V)

Unused research-capable people:
[] Archmaester Marwyn, Ashin (Occult Historian), -- (Can't trust them yet, at least not fully enough to halp with hyper-sensitive projects. They are of more use killing shit, anyway).
[] Headmistress Teana -- (preferably teaching tho'), Benerro -- (preferably preaching tho')
[] Maester Qyburn, Ceria 'Storm' -- (preferably killing shit, tho').
Last edited:
@Azel, @Crake, above good enough?

[] We are now researching some rituals.
[] We aren't researching how to detect Others better anymore, it can wait.
[] We are trying to improve our security alarms and alchemy, will likely take a few months unless we roll well.
[] Some re-assignment: Anu is solo on making Forges again ( :V); and we leave Wyla and her Scholarum to try and restore something outta Faceless' poison. I expect them to fail b/c they aren't alchemists, but who knows, maybe Undeath experience and expertise will carry the day.

I desperately try to not have people like Dany assigned to engineering projects (of which we have the most right now).
Keeping stuff somewhat consistently thematic is a bit of a chore with how many over-specialized (at least IC) Researchers we have.
to get her dream related bonus progress.
She never had one assigned to her by DP, unlike Ann, actually.
And we never went beyond Ann alone in overspecializing who can do what best, either.

That's for the better as far as I'm concerned, too - too few RAs of every type to keep everyone involved meaningfully if we go there.

I suppose we can move Dany regardless, though.
I just assumed security measures to be more time-sensitive than God-crafting.